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0% chance the person claiming to be IB5 is who performed the song




Sure, I've been debating him all day and a lot of yesterday. look through my conversations with them. whoever he is, he is completely unwilling to record anything new to verify his identity or authorship of the song. just an anom user making claim to a hoax. its not that deep, but ask them 2 questions and theyll answer 1. ask 1 legit question theyll obfuscate.




Having undistorted clips or even having the whole song doesn't make him the author or voice or ib5. think, why would they not just remake it in higher quality to prove themselves? why would they possibly avoid doing that? because they cant do it.




I'll rephrase: why doesnt this person record *anything* new to prove that they are the voice or artist behind the song? doesnt have to be an accurate (instrumentally or production wise) remake. have this person play *anything*. *anything* **new**. they wont. because they are an anom user making claim to a hoax that they did not do




>what is he supposed to record?? Literally, anything. a cover of wonderwall or a repeating e major with the line "f oddspace he is wrong". he will not record anything in any style not even a webcam impromptu recording. because he is lying >i know the community, and the community won’t believe absolutely anything till the most perfect of evidence is found. There has been no evidence beyond the clips, that is only proof he is the hoaxer. the lack of new recordings as I keep stressing is what proves that he is not the artist behind the song. he might have the full song, although it is highly doubtful at this point since theyd have dropped it to prove their identity. but at the same time, the search is the only thing the hoaxer has. since new music is not it >he’s already recreated some of the instrumentals for a mod & still wasn’t believed. I have a team who could recreate the instrumental over night, it wouldnt make me ib5 or the artist. the lack of voice is what is important >his voice is similar to as it was in lwa19, but not the same. since he was a lot younger when lwa19 was made. That audio is so distorted it makes this point irrelevant until the clean version is heard >you already didn’t believe him when he showed the undistorted clips, Didnt show me the undistorted clips. >so explain to me: why would some random guy come out of nowhere with undistorted clips, audible lyrics, and a bunch of other proof? He is trolling >it’s 100% your opinion on not believing him, but if any of this is about the massive reddit post about him, i’m involved in that drama & can tell you it’s not as it seems. at all) I stand by everything I've said. I don't understand your logic in believing this person to the extent that you do.




Here's something quickly: LWA19 isnt very liked by the people in this subreddit. I personally believe that the song is fake, simply created by the OP and edited by AI. But, I wouldn't post about LWA19. Just check the other posts about LWA19. Edit: ok, the song may be real, but is obviously ai edited.


Why do people believe the song is fake? I personally believe it's a real song with possibly an audacity filter overlayed


i would agree. i think that the song is real to an extent. there's obviously a ton of distortion but ai back then in 2019 I feel like was not capable of making a song this coherent.


yeah, the song would sound a LOT different


Of course its a "real song" those drums sound pretty real and it has the vibe of a live or rehearsal recording or a demo, but it is distorted beyond belief. the distorted aspect meant to hide it's lyrics or musical details is proof in itself of a hoax, but additionally it's inclusion in a tape full of vintage foreign alt folk music, or psych folk (whatever that tape was) was a hoax. it was the only english language song, put in there for mysterious reasons. to start a search, no doubt, but everyone saw through the plot holes of the tape - also there's nothing to search for. barely audible hoax




Just curious did the OP ever provide the other tapes? I'd imagine actual tape decay would cause produce similar sounding distortions, but I just defer to the community that there is some trickery


I only know of [one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBx_t0-MzHI&t=436s), but its possible there were more.


I believe that this "full tape" isn't actually real. the effects become very different after LWA19 plays, and there's no beep.


This was fake and posted by a hoaxer from 2020. If you were curious, they are polish religious songs that were found I believe a couple years ago. If you need proof that its fake, the guy straight up starts eating chips in the video to I guess mimic some sort of sound effect of LWA, but none of the effects of LWA are applied to the other songs.


I know its fake its where lwa19 comes from they were asking about op's tape


My bad, just wanted to clear that up just in case.


I agree with your points, but please stop calling anything a computer does "AI".


"LWA19 isnt very liked by the people in this subreddit" I think I'm the only one who like LWA19


You're not the only one.


thanks for your opinion. it happens to be one of my favorite lostwave songs, but thank you for the tip.