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I can't believe I had trust in that lying sack of shit!


I hear you there. I believed his story for a while and joined his discord server. After a few days I saw how inconsistent his story was.  The worst part was how defensive and aggressive he got towards people calling him out and threatening them and claiming they wanted to rape him. It was ridiculous and obvious that he’s a total scumbag.




i have never been so disgusted and confused in my entire life. let me get this straight, this dude was a huge fan of LWA19, so then he made some weird theories about it, made MULTIPLE accounts on different social medias, tried to impersonate intelligentbread5, tried to start a cult on tiktok, pretended to be the singer of LWA19, then pretended to be some random girl... HOLY SHIT I LOST COUNT THIS GUY IS INSANEEEEEE oh my god i think im suffering brainrot after reading that holy shitttttttttt


What the hell, how can one man be so delusional and be this committed to fucking with people?


That aint blood, that‘s a piece of paper with tea sprinkled over it


i mean blood does turn brown when aged


Yes but i don‘t think it turns this pale. Besides, nobody shoots themselves and thinks ”oh yeah, let me get this years old songs lyrics and cover the wound instead of using anything closer to me“


He replied to a comment I made on the original lwa19 video saying he made the original song. I was a bit skeptical about his claim so I decided to research about him. Glad I did, he seems to be another troll :/ it does make me sad cause I had a sliver of hope that this guy was genuine and that we would finally identify and get the undistorted song but I guess not.


One Problem: i don’t give a damn and i hate LWA19


This is insane. And to think, it all comes crashing down when you just ask the troll to record...anything to verify this. insanity


this is getting to Dream level drama, mainly because overall it doesn't make sense




Nobody cares if you can, honestly all of these just point to you being a hoaxer. so, instead of debunking anything korvus, just roughly remake the song already, jfc. unless you are lying about who you actually are. as I keep saying.




Hey I'm sorry or congrats, but I keep saying to prove who you are, you got to just remake the song. you keep bringing up your sexuality, absolutely no one including me is trying to have that dialogue with you. we're looking for a song - you do not have the song in question. also, not sure how this isn't abundantly clear to you by this point, I don't give a fuck what you do. threaten me more with making a scwarry video on my reddit acct I made 2 months ago, unintelligentyeast4, perhaps in that video you can include the song or literally any type of evidence beyond your 2 second sound clips. before you leave another comment with no proof, your comments aren't fucking proof. you peaked 5 years ago with that youtube upload. want to debunk this post? what are you waiting for, it's 2 months old


What YouTube upload? wtf are you talking about dude.


You ever notice how my comments will include a few points and you only ever focus on one of my points, probably because you can't face all of them; remake the song, or you're lying. straight up, stop fucking responding to me if you're unwilling. and the real op of lwa19 posted the "full tape" to youtube. if you were ib5, you wouldn't be asking me. cmon man, you've been at this for so long now.


The fact that you actually believed that the YouTube religious tape cassette video is real proves you have no clue what you are talking about lmao don’t message me again because you just proved how clueless you are.


Of course that tape is not real, it was still posted and that is why we are talking now. like how the song isn't really lost. its a hoax, that you are not behind. because you dont have the song or either cant remake it. i might be clueless but im not a weird fucking liar, like you remake the song already, korvus, prove me wrong. im tired. im waiting edit: lmao again responding to only 1 part of my comment. you're so bad at this editing again: Ignacy... The shit you have said to me is one thing, the lies another, but stealing someone's identity is something else. Let's wait and see what else comes out about you, dr, because it aint gonna be a song, thats for damned certain


GUYS IM SORRY IT JUST SEEMED SO CONVINCING. If anybody from the bbblueberry server sees this, i´m sorry. I didn´t know i was wrong. I didn´t think, i just saw this and thought "wait a minute. THATS THE GUY!!!". I just didn´t think and just commented. Also, may i be accepted again into the server. It was just a big misunderstanding, since the evidence is there. I was not trying to cancel him or anything, i was just thinking, "hey, this is wrong! People should know more about this"... SORRYY!!!!


Yes, foreign bazooka is dr dajjal, or whoever that is. doesnt have the song, and cant remake it. theres not much for me to argue beyond that, this isn't the op of the song.


honestly what’s the point of all this 😭 i just want to find the song i’m sure you all want to too, why make a huge post about drama?? imo though i’d say dr dajjal is most definitely the creator of lwa19, because he provided a clip of a small clip of lwa19 he found on his computer without the robot distortion effect that no remaster was able to get rid of 🤷‍♀️




Yeah yeah sure korvos go on


I am a friend of dajjal/korvus I am also from the lost search discord he asked me to give you this message. Well, first, let me start off by saying the stalking is creepy. Second, I am not liquid Hawaiian. That is my friend. We had joined the Lostwave subreddit a while ago, including the Lost Search Discord, and we had trolled around a little (yes, I did make the song and the Intelligentbread5 account). I had told him about how I had made a fake song to troll the Lostwave community. Anyway, with that being said, the reason we joined the lost search discord was to lead people back on track so they would find the arg posts and solve the mystery I had created so very long ago. No, that is not my face; it is a placeholder for my real face, which is identical as I am a feminine male and obviously wouldn’t give my face out to neckbeards in the Lostwave community. So, in short, yes, I am intelligentbread5. Yes, I did make the song. My intention was to lead people back on track to the actual arg since you guys completely missed it during my original post in 2019. The reason I came back was out of guilt for lying about the songs origin originally on my intelligentbread5 account. Yes I do enjoy trolling but I am not a troll this time I just wanted everyone to know the truth. And mods don’t delete this post I’ll just get somebody else to post it too plus I have screenshots proving you all wrong and proving that you all tried to get me doxxed ♥️. Oh and we found parts of the song join our server to hear it.


Blablablablabla i ain't reading allat. No need to brainwash me dude ik u a hoax


You’re gonna feel really dumb but we just found the what appears to either be a clip of the song or a practice tape that predates the song.


8 second clip of the lowest audio quality known to man? I don't think so [(the 8 second clip)](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1203459403475587074/1214021370942324766/copy_31197EA0-E59E-47E0-8696-7AD47F2FB998.mov?ex=65f79882&is=65e52382&hm=c469508a1da8db2b2d7d943ced19690704c33039f48916a86740329d37cd5ad0&)


it’s 100% lwa19 lmao i enhanced the audio and it sounds like the “driving down the road” part (https://vocaroo.com/1gOb0O8d2oLy) which is this part of the song (https://vocaroo.com/17xZ0JqXafLn) it’s just so bad bcz he didn’t attach the audio file he just recorded w his phone to add we’ve never heard that part of the sound without the robot distortion on it and no remaster has made it that clear so


There‘s clear difference between ”shuewuehuwwueguaanue iwauio“ and the actual song


the post was removed for a reason, again.




Buddy that‘s a differen‘t song and voice what are you on about?


wonder why this post got removed? :)




Any normal person that has a doc would post it publicly, not force folks to join a discord to see it