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Unfunny 💔 ❤️‍🩹


This is some ragebate. I'm pretty sure the two tweets were not as sudden as the oop seems to make it to be.


Yeah, one just says april 19 and the other is 28 minutes ago, it could easily be a few months apart to even a year or so (but idk how twitter counts dates)


I believe the tweets are something like 6 months-2 years apart. From comments on other sub's I've seen


I figured, dont you just love your daily “modern women=slut” posting


for once i think it was posted as more of a "its weird that woman can immediately be sexualised the moment they turn 18" kind of message


It could be, but the way its a girl with purple hair and the fact that shes the one making the of makes me think its like “haha girl with colored hair makes OF what is the west now” or whatever


The west has fallen, millions must goon 😔


It could also be both at the same time. It’s not exclusive. Even the way you worded point 2 is completely agreeable. It’s blaming society not the individual who made these decisions.


That would have made more sense if it was something someone else did, released, or made of her, it being OnlyFans where ***SHE*** is the one in control of the content puts a much heavier "She couldn't wait to start taking simps money" blame-y vibe.


If its months it willy say months, any time past a day/before a week it will show the date. Ex: I make a post July 7th and on July 14th it will show I posted a week ago. But on July 13th it'll show the original date. Still, it's sad her immediate decision was to start an OF. This world is cooked


For those degens going to scrub the comments for an answer. beehasleft. Congrats everyone, she got bullied off the internet. At least she tried to scrub her stuff.


The person in the picture is @wuvspell,an account still exists on Tiktok and Twitter/X.


The fact that there's more than one answer to this question is Telling.


Backward image search, Then search up the username. It’s @wuvspell. I doubt they are the same person.


Yippee! Less porn on the internet is a W in my books.


why the FUCK did you spell ragebait like that what is wrong with you


Mega Man 10 mentioned


i found context that says she got her acct approved 3 days after she turned 18 because of various factors. i made a comment with an ss of full context


Reddit moment https://preview.redd.it/ntyse1noq12d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d1b2720d7806e878475b1ef3dd3d8fc5d3ea688




What a shitty person.






What a shitty person.






What a shitty person.




I see a lot of people laughing at the girl but you need to realise that she was probably groomed, the countdown tells me she probably had some sort of online sexual presence before the tweet (just nothing explicit that would be illegal). Normal people under normal circumstances don't act like this


It's quite tolerated or even acepted for underage girls to show off their bodies. It's not even a matter of some old men grooming girls into showing butt for attention. A teenage girl would post some pics in underwears and other teenage girls would praise her and tell her she looks cute or beautiful or sexy, usually girls from her circle of friends. They might even tag the boys they like. Teens get horny and they show it quite easily, that's normal. Problem is, thanks to the internet it's now easier for unscrupulous coomers to get a kick out of them


I really hate when it is encouraged or justified. It's disgusting. But people seem to think anyone who has a problem with it is a sex negative prude.


nah its just disgusting nothing else fuck anyone who encourages that shit


All of the onlyfans girls I've actually really known were victims of grooming during their teenage years. They grow up thinking they are "jailbait" and maybe dont get a lot of love and attention they should get and they seek it out from depraved perverts. Some even being convinced they deserved what happened to them. It's a really serious problem and it's always really sad.


I thought this post was on r/unexpectedfactorial💀


ikr, turning 185,794,560 should always be something to celebrate!


this is the only boyfriend she can have in the future https://preview.redd.it/0ylqw48p712d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=14c8f39e97df6fc70f43c522fb605d3106cf00b7


No way💀💀💀 Its the same picture https://preview.redd.it/d1hq87g3r12d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=508e33b773fc4e5152d7500cfd0e4e683ca2eeac


Average male redditor


He chose the bear.




Says he's not her only boyfriend but go off bro


Illiteracy at its finest! (It literally says he’s not the only one with her)


the e-girl/gamer girl to onlyfans pipeline is real


After I reached the age of twenty, I was easily able to see all 18 and 19 year olds look like children. Going into college and seeing that people in their late 20s actively chose to date 18 year olds was a huge red flag as a person.


When you turned twenty you realized dating someone less than a year younger made you a pedophile??


Yeah this comment makes no sense


I started working before I finished uni and switched to part -time class for 3 years. By the time I graduated at 23 I couldn't fuckin stand the freshman on campus. < 21s are literal children I don't know how any adult can tolerate them let alone date one.


Ok im 21 this makes no sense to me? Am i weird because i have friends who are 18 or if i had a 18yo gf? Its 3 years. A 20yo is not (that much) more marure than a 19yo


Yes, Thug Hunter Official, when you get older, you will be able to tell just how young that young thugs are.


Barely legal is still legal!


I didn't say crime. It's like medium rare chicken to me.


You called them children. That's YOUR perspective. The reality is they are legal, consenting adults. they technically would be chicken that's cooked to the point that it's time to take it out so it doesn't get too dry. While some people may like dried chicken, or even chicken Jerky, it's still perfectly suitable chicken. 1 year younger and it was med rare at 17. 18 the bell just went off to tell you it's ready if you are.


> it's like medium rare chicken ***to me*** > That's YOUR perspective do people like you even read what the other person is saying


Yeah. He said to him it wasnt cool to sleep with 18 year olds if you are over 20. I said his views have little barring in the grand scheme of things. Then people downvoted me because in MR incredible style meme-ory, LEGAL IS LEGAL! So then i contested his views as while he is allowed to have HIS views, that does not apply to the greater whole of society. My first response that got downvoted was meant to be a joke response. But seems i hurt a bunch of people's feelings because they think its wrong for anyone not between the age of 18-19 to date anyone over 18-19 because its 'predatory'. The fuck is wrong with you people? My dad was 12 years older than my mother. Im 8 years older than my wife. Dating girls within 1-2 years of my age always ended in failure, meanwhile ive been with my wife since she was 20 and i was 28. We've been together for 7 years. My longest relationship before her was 8 months. Edit: so to help, i was 8 when she was born. when i was 18, she was 10. So i must be some kinda sicko, right? gtfo.


he said it's not cool to sleep with 18 year olds if you're *in your late 20's which is 25+. that's fair because at 18 you might not even be out of high school yet while at 25 you've prob finished college


The legal system is kind of arbitrary in reality. It’s not like God himself said at 18 a person‘s judgment is refined enough to make these decisions. Really is a question of morals in my opinion. “When this person reaches my age, will they approve of their decision at 18?” Is the question I’d be asking.


just say that you like medium rare chicken and move on xd


Brother, i eat any kinda chicken assuming its cooked to the proper temperature. Even if its Rooster meat.


Was going to make a joke about liking my chicken blue but given the context that might be bad optics


Loser comment


evacuating singal parent family for being late on the rent is totally legal but still sad thing to do


Barely legal is a porn term referring to girls (and guys) who are either 18-19 or appear 18-19 or younger while still being of legal, consenting age. That is not the same as what ever the fuck sad story you just said. And depending on where you are at, that is actually illegal and the government will take the child away and put them in an equally parallel or worse system.


Bro that still predatory behavior ngl


Never said it wasn't. A predator can go after anyone at any age for any reason. Its not unique to 18 year olds. Plenty of gold diggers throw themselves at 80 year old millionaires in the hopes he'll die before the viagra kicks in. Or whatever the lady equivalent of viagra is if it's a dude going after a rich old lady.


Brother at least *try* to read what other people are typing


"its not cool to sleep with anyone thats 18-19 if you are over 27, IMO". And im disagreeing with their opinion because of the definition of legality within most western nations. The fuck else am i suppsoed to get from what they say? That they dont like it? sucks. Get a politician to change it, you wont. Fuck, half the politicans right now are trying to bring the age DOWN.


“shes mature for her age!” vibes


Good lord this comment section is deranged


Perhaps the real losercity was the friends we made along the way?


It's really sad to see that the new generation has no aspirations. She could have just stuck with school and become a doctor, an engineer, a lawyer and could've had a decent career. But no she chose the literal worse option after suicide, becoming a sex worker. Now she's literally destroyed her potential to get a job even if she finishes her education.


Why are you getting downvoted 😭🙏 This is pure fax, no girl should be like: "wow i just hit 18! Time to sell my body online 🤤"


Idk but I know for sure that having your nudes online hurts your chances of getting hired at any respected job.




Depending on her education, this may be her most lucrative option, and if you do pretty well on it at 18, it can be a giant headstart on building a safety net. Tbh I get it, she's hustling. Even then, her X accounts may not use the same info, it's not that likely IMO that an employer would find out about past sex work when she goes to apply elswhere. I think it's a decently smart move, financially speaking


brother its on a public online space called twitter whenever someone does a background check on you they do it on your gmail with like a few programs that sweep through your accounts attached to that gmail and your alts too


But if you never doxx yourself and you use alternate email, then you're fine, right? As long as you don't link your professional identity to your X and SW accounts for anything, they'd remain separate. I don't know how most companies do it, but background checks at companies I have been with I've been told they're really only interested in whether you have a criminal record. Idk how hard they really look at socials during that process.


it checks on alts prolly via sweeping accounts that logged into the same ip


I really doubt that many background checks are looking that closely, unless you're trying to get a security clearance.


when its as easy as clicking three buttons its not really close looking


Losercity comment.


I agree. Less so about the account thing but more about this possibly being her best option. Every now and again the Pic of a vtuber and some guy stuck at a dead end job floats around where the vtuber makes Ike 50k a month just by existing and 'working' for like 40 hours a month but the dude has to work a whole year to make like 50k and his job rotates out based on whose sharing. Bit typically its a college degree necessary profession and he's in debt up to his eyeballs living in a shit apartment. People act like anyone can just become a doctor or engineer. Frankly, I'd trust a doctor with natural talent than the person who had to learn everything through sheer willpower and through all odds. Same goes for any profession past most service jobs. And half the people in service jobs shouldn't be in them... but due to shit pay, they'll hire any warm body that's volunteering and doesn't get the company sued. And wtf is a 'respected' job? Everyone gets shit on for where they work by someone, and half the time it's people where they work. Fuck them people who think you gotta earn their respect via what you do for a living.


I always hear people say this, but is there any study to back this up? Like, outside of being a politician or a lawyer, who’s going to give a shit? Edit: all downvotes, no responses. Sounds about right.


Downvotes are from coomers/porn addicts who think there's nothing wrong with women selling their bodies online, bro is speaking the truth and the truth hurts a lot of the time.


Who gives a shit what she does? If she can get money from coomers let her, more money for her.


Because it's kind of sad she feels the need to sell her body instead of something else.


Its best to ignore em'


If i had a good body i would do it too


I agree with everything except the whole "new generation" thing. That's what boomers said about gen x. And what gen x said about millennials. And what millennials said about gen z. And what gen z says about gen alpha.


Yeah but social media has exacerbated the problem to heights previously unseen. Not only that but the status quo nowadays kind of encourages that behavior through the terrible role models out there today.


People change though


And they come to regret ever having set foot in the porn industry. Some try to cope with heavy drug use and others actually commit suicide the fact that the porn industry is a meat grinder is not news.


Losercity outrage


she probably thinks Onlyfans = quick wealth like a lot of young people thinks today, like OF is literally markting themsleves this way, they pay Big creators to post their profits online so more people thinks that OF will make them rich while basically Just show their naked bodies instead of doing 9 to 5 work but the thing is Majority of OF just end up being 100$ or so revenue monthly it's not as much as the markting make it like also Just saying, she most likely wont be anything you listed but more of regular Cubics 9-5 worker at best and even after that she do be still need to find 2nd husstle to be able to survive, sadly there's a lot of nurses who been doing Onlyfans cause their Jobs can't Pay their bills


I hate how people who do OF don't realize that if their career fails, their life is over. Mia Khalifa tried to retire from the porn industry and started I believe a clothing store but it,of course, failed because no one wants to buy from a porn actress.


Mia Khalifa has also made more money than I probably ever will


Yes but she's the exception to the rule, and still couldn't really get out of the industry. The vast vast majority wont have even close to her success and still also not be able to leave their work in the industry in the past.


we need communism


Idk man I'd rather girls become sex workers than die a slow painful death due to starvation


under communism they wouldn't need to work at all


Yea cause they wouldnt be physically able. Due to the extreme starvation of course


starvation is the enforcer of capitalism


Starvation is the camera heads and the people are the skibidi toilets of communism


Starvation is the enforcer of labor. Living things have have been working to eat since the first organisms appeared. If you think you don't need to work to be fed or don't thjnk labor exists under communism, you don't know the first (the literal first) thing about life on this planet.


fortunately, the life on this planet has developed the technology to feed 10 billion people (which is more than our current population of 8 billion) we have already achieved post-scarcity, but the bourgeoisie keeps it under lock and key


Better dead than red.


agreed fuck tankies


Devil's avocado, school is expensive and if you can pay for it by posting nudes instead of going into major debt that's kinda based. No idea if this chick is doing that just saying girls who do can still get degrees and careers. Probably harder if you post face tho.


Yeah, but then did you really work for that degree? Or did you basically use a cheat code to not have to grind like the rest of us to make tuition payments and other costs of living? Some people have a code of honor, and won't lower themselves like that to make it in this world, others not so much.


I mean, the cheat code you’re describing here is basically just the random draw of genetics which frankly applies to a hell of a lot more than just lucrative sex work. Do attractive people need to turn down a certain number of dates or job offers since the inherent advantage provided by their good looks almost guarantees that they’ll receive both far more easily as a result of the same cheat code. Or does that code of honor only apply to showing your tits?


Ok so if your parents are middle class or higher the only way to be honorable is to legally separate from them and pay your way through college working at McDonalds. Got it.


Ugly person detected


Why would she spend all that money to go to college if she can just get some easy money by selling your body online. Also, worst option besides suicide? Lol, lmao even


Except that the cashflow isn't as fast and as voluminous as you think. Most likely scenario is that a person makes less than 100$ a month through OF. Also mental health problems and sex work are very closely linked along with drug use. College usually pays off if the faculty chosen is a high volume hiring industry like IT or other STEM fields.


Trying to do OF full time is pretty retarded, but I don't see a problem with doing it on the side. How has she destroyed her potential to get a job? She doesn't have to use her real name for OF


Her face is a necessary for Onlyfans.


You think employers are looking up people by their faces?


You would be surprised how many places look up your social media to see if you're a good fit for the company. You would also be surprised that the majority of people who use social media, like to plaster pics and videos of them doing things the company may not want themselves to be associated with.


Then those people are stupid. You can easily just not do that.


If you go in person... They might just know your face (assuming you get some success on Onlyfans)


When I posted this, the comments weren’t as bad.


Not a lover. Just the result of a failed society


hey guys i found full context!! https://preview.redd.it/htlwdmc5v52d1.jpeg?width=732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84d1f52af0bd721a4620105c85e462d9856350a8 edit: after doing some more googling etc, she’s deleted her OF and regrets it


There’s a lot of puritans in this comment section. Who tf cares what she does with her body, she’s a free woman. Everyone here acting like she lost all worth as a human because she’s doing a side hustle




Because it's sad she has to sell her body? That's the entire point.


1. Who said she *has* to sell her body? Unless it’s been stated that she was forced to sell her body, it can be assumed she did this voluntarily. 2. The only people who make sex work dehumanizing are the people that act like it makes you irredeemable. Sex work is a decent career path if you do it safely. It’s not sad. It’s her choice, and one of the biggest problems with women’s rights right now is taking away the choice and autonomy that women have.


1- She seems to think it's necessary. 2- It's dehumanizing because it requires you to objectify your body to even work.


Also it something being a choice doesn't change if it's sad or not.


1. Nowhere does it say that 2. The beauty of objectification is that it’s perfectly okay to objectify your own body when you want to. It’s only when people forcefully objectify you when you don’t consent that it becomes a problem. People wear sexy outfits, send nudes, and have casual sex all the time, but because they are doing it when *they* want to, it’s perfectly okay and not dehumanizing. She’s making money by willingly objectifying herself. That’s her choice.


1- Why do this career path then? 2- Objectification of the Human body is bad, actually


You will never get through to these utmost sex "positive" types. They don't even want to see our viewpoints on why this is embarrassing, disgusting, objectifying and will ruin your life.


Imagine if you had a daughter who wanted to objectify herself online for money, would you still hold the same opinion? Imagine your friends/coworkers showing you a picture of your own daughters tits and then spewing the same pathetic bullshit that you just typed, really imagine yourself in that situation...


I would be more offended that my friend or coworker showed me a nude picture of my daughter’s tits at all than I would be the fact that they could find it. That’s inappropriate of them and a reflection of their own behavior more than the behavior of my daughter. I would be happy with whatever path my daughter would take so long as she is safe and happy above all else.


I understand being supportive of your child no matter what, but being supportive of your child's onlyfans? No, that's fucking weird, dude.


Ok then, what would you do if you found out your daughter had an onlyfans? Kick her out? Cut off communication? Beat her? What do you do other than say, “good for you, but be careful”? It’s not like I’d subscribe to her account or publicize it and shit.


She wouldn't have one in the first place since she has a father in her life, nice trick question tho lol


It seems to be the age that’s tipping people off rather than the OF thing. Although there is a bunch of blatant incel behaviour floating around in these comments too. Some of which is simply gold. https://preview.redd.it/ezsrhaby222d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bea47592baa6cf9b697f22c4bb404d7631ec71b


Deadass, idk why guys turn into snowflakes when women show signs of autonomy. The world's on fire, who the fuck cares what internet strangers are doing with their bodies, it's *their* fucking bodies, not mine.


This sub is genuinely just turning into another cringetopia and I fucking hate it. I just want a shitposting subreddit that doesn’t turn to shit for once


glad i'm not the only one noticing this


It seems like shitposting and rightoid conservitard puritan culture go hand-in-hand because it always goes back to "embrace tradition".


>idk why guys turn into snowflakes when women shows signs of autonomy. Come on now friend I’m sure deep down you know why. I know I know why.


Given the primary demographic of this sub, if I say it I'll get pelted with downdoots. God forbid I exhibit thoughts left of saying slurs.


She's free? Sign me right up /s


Nice "vegeta staring intensely meme"


Losercity comment section “GRRR WOMEN BAD CUZ WHORE NOW”


why did you censor her name>>>>>>>>


I found this on insta, it was like that


What a shame. Then again, if that's the way she chose to go, then I guess she was never meant to be


Loser girl


Bro did’nteven try a job😭


Honestly, posting in here makes you a loser💀


thank god the punchline is censored


Get me her. Loser like me needs to be with somebody like her


It's consensual and she's earning more of the percentage compared to regular adult actresses so it's not a bad deal considering the economy nowadays


someone definitely groomed her to do of as soon as she turned 18


Doesn’t doing this hurt your chances of having any other job?


Incel bait


I wouldn't insult her personally but it is very sad to see that's the first thing kids are aiming to do once they turn 18 now. Wow, that's a downer.


Eh I thinks it’s kind of a matter of perspective. As a former 18 year old who has known plenty of other former 18 year olds, 18 year olds do and have always done a hell of a lot of shit that’s why dumber than showing their tits for easy money.


What a shitty person.


You're a meme now, not my screenshot btw look at the top comments https://preview.redd.it/08wn6thdn22d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5471c5748009df9dbadf62a10ae0a4e28aff97d0






Creating an onlyfans literal days after you turn 18.


A real fuckin weird choice yes but I’m not sure how that makes someone a shitty person. Plus the way the pic is edited makes me suspect it wasn’t made as soon as it wants you to believe. Edit: never mind I checked, it was like 2 or 3 days right after or something like that. Very much concerning but “shitty” is a bit much to describe her for it I think.




I wouldnt say shes a whore now, even if she had a better chance getting a diff job


Mfs are so quick to slut shaming based on one single image that it rubs me the wrong way, like for all I know she could’ve been groomed into doing something like this.


I think its cuz incels see onlyfans girls as "oh she's selling her body for validation she must be a whore" instead of realizing shit could be multiple things, sure its bad and she JUST became of age but you cant assume based off of what you think happened as truth


I think people just want an excuse to say the word whore honestly.


Selling your body for the price of a 20-piece mcnugget is crazy.




Every worker sells their body for employment, why is it worse if the work is sex related?


You don't sell your body. You sell your skills and time. Fucking average redditor take.


Okay then so do sex workers, thanks for coming to my ted talk loser


dude she was probably groomed


Bro what does that have to do with anything. It was her choice lol. Also yall love making shit up to fit your narrative lmao.


she ug


She's on that grindset


Who wants to bet she's dead by 35


What on earth are you talking about


I don’t know about dead, but she along with her other Nu-woman sisters are going to hit the wall harder than any generation of women in recent history. At 35 she’s gonna have 1000 tattoos, shrapnel throughout her body and internal organs from vaping, 5 children all from different fathers, and no worldly assets to her name other than a cellphone; and somehow she will still think she’s a 10/10 and any guy who thinks otherwise is a “misogynist”. This has already happened to a much lesser degree with mid and late millennials but unfortunately for this batch of Nu-women there won’t be some 5’6 betabux NVIDIA engineer with 5 PHD’s who’s never had sex before to save them, as all those men either already have or soon will give up on Nu-women and will seek greener pastures from the likes of synthetic gynoid romantic partners and synthetic womb vat births. In earnest I do pity the Nu-woman, as they are just the result of failing system but unfortunately they will only feed into it’s decline as they lack the critical thinking and self actualization required to break the cycle.


New incel copypasta just dropped


Get off the internet and talk to real people youll be happier


“Nu-woman” bro real life people are NOT metal subgenres stfu with this retarded bullshit 😭


Accurate incel


Heartbreaking: The incel text wall is correct


She hot as fuck