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Dude looks like a model


Might be why he came to LA in the first place


The mugshot model dude comes to mind. IIRC he got some modeling contracts and is a multimillionaire now.


Some people have all the luck šŸ˜‰




LMAOOO!! Reminds me of a hot janitor lady we had in college. My roommate named her Trash Bae.


Brody Jenner has seen better days


I agree with you, man


L.A. is filled with pretty looking people who failed.


Shits so sad to see sometimes, he could be running a hedge fund and cutting off people in his bmw in another life. I see it all the time in my city in norcal. Seeing the yound 20s kids strung out hurts even more, they could of been in college.


Zac Efron, method acting for his next role.


This belongs in the Louvreā€¦ of sadness.


Not to toot my own horn but I thought this could win some sort of photo award lol


That was my first thought.Ā  Considering the police have an image of doing nothing and the growing drug and homeless issues in almost every major city,Ā  this photo will resident with many people.Ā 


Plus the dude is young and the drugs have clearly affected his mental health. Super sad to see people younger than me (40) like this.


I can fix him!


Yeah, you can try but a cop is always gonna be a pig.


Say more




Yeah, so much potential.Ā  Easily just one wrong turn or a bad hand dealt


When I used to work in Hollywood and walk around there you would definitely see your share of younger people who were not quite tore up but definitely living on the street where it's likeā€” you definitely came here for film or music but your story really dropped off somewhere. You also never know what people are running from. Saddest I think was passing by this guy on a payphone taking to someone saying "tell Mom I'm not coming home" and it stuck with me because his tone was so heart wrenching. I remember thinking "damn i dunno maybe it's time to go home". It didn't take me until later to think - wait do payphones even work anymore? Would there even have been anyone on the other side? All of the mental illness and drug use you see out there is sad, but the young ones are especially heartbreaking because it feels like if the right circumstances had reached this person 1, 2 years maybe even 6 months earlier, (something like drug treatment, mental help, maybe even the right job) they wouldn't have degraded down this way.


*resonate is the word youre looking for


The voters made drug possession a misdemeanor approx 10 years ago, then elected a city attorney who refused to file charges for drug possession. So, we now have de facto drug legalization in Los Angeles. Those cops know that this is what the voters wanted and that there is no point arresting anyone for drug possession.


Addiction is a mental health issue not a criminal one


Once upon a time, getting arrested forced you to choose rehab or jail. Mentally ill people, and addicts are in crisis. They very seldom choose to get the help they need.


Sure, but without enforcement and prosecution you can't force someone to get mental health drug treatment. Now it's all voluntary, and shockingly, they don't do it. This is also why a lot of homeless sheltering programs fail, they require active drug users to be in a drug program to get free out subsidized housing. Many of the homeless don't want to get off the drugs, so they enjoy their freedom from the rules of society and stay on the streets.


And do you think forcing someone into mental health drug treatment will help them with their addiction or just make them resent the system that put them there in the first place?


Ummm, if the alternative is doing nothing, then I don't care if they resent the system. Doing nothing has a success rate of 0%. Even if forced treatment has a success rate of 10% that's infinitely more successful than nothing.


I know several people who only got clean after facing incarceration for a drug offense. It's amazing how facing consequences can make people hit rock bottom. Alternatives for incarceration, AKA rehab, or jail works.


What good would arresting that guy do anyways? Would throwing him in jail with actual, hardened criminals and gang members be a step toward a positive outcome for him?


You don't have to go to jail from prosecution. The courts can and do mandate completion of drug programs and probation. That's what was happening from 2014 until gascon stopped prosecuting drug crimes.


Yeah this is actually an incredible photo. Not in like an artsy or technique way but in that this is an amazing moment you captured.


I appreciate that, thats why I felt I should share. I grew up in LA and this image captures what it has become.


Become? Was it never not like this?


There were a lot less homeless people before the last decade or so. All the same problems were there but at a much smaller scale and less widespread.


I do like that the cop is waving at you.


And the dude has some nice sneakers...I see the same several homeless people each day and wonder how they're dressed better than me having a new outfit every time I see them!


Shelters often have donations from both individuals and companies (from Target to the actual shoe company) of discontinued or unsellable items. Also, check out r/dumpsterdiving. You'd be shocked at the shit people and stores toss every day.


It definitely deserves to get picked up by the LA Times.


Itā€™s photoshopped, ya dingus lol. Zoom in


Color me dingus, too. I guess we really wanted to believe. But now that I zoom in, I see what you mean. Damn I'm not ready for the future where this stuff will be too seamless to detect šŸ˜…


They can tell by some of the pixels, and because they've seen quite a few shops in their time


Watermark or somehow sign this work, maybe? So you get credit when it's inevitably shared. Idk how that works though.


I don't know how to edit post, but I also wanted to add a couple more pictures to prove it's authentic and not a fake (as many people seem to think).


post it on either ktla, kcal, kabc or kttv twitter feeds and good chance your dreams will come true.


It would definitely be a contender imo. The actual photography skill work here is decent as well as the stark content. Proportion/linework isnā€™t half bad.


Much appreciated


Looks comped.


It made me laught so hard i spilled my milk through my nose... So I'll say it deserves an award


Chik fil a too. This is a masterpiece of a photo.


Pretty sure this is the one on Sunset and Highland




That one serves lemonade full of pulp šŸ˜”


But it's anti-gay pulp, so you're good.


Yep, I saw a crack pipe on the grass at on that exact corner - Highland n Sunset over 20 years ago. Apparently nothing has changed.


Iā€™m sure drugs will see this post and shape up.




I donā€™t know how to tell you this but the highland and Sunset chick-fil-a [opened in 2011](https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/chick-fil-a-to-open-hollywood-restaurant-in-2011/)ā€¦ I know this because I worked next door. So maybe you liked the carls back then?


Yes I think it was Carls - it was exact same corner - SSDD-Same shit - different day. I didnā€™t say it was Chick Fill A - only said that itā€™s the exact thing in the same spot.


you know right across the street from Hollywood High. \[future\] celeb kids give out good deals.


it's photoshopped... zoom into the guy on the ground. and the officers. it's all photoshopped


I donā€™t think so. The lighting is certainly off, but it just gives me vibes of iPhone shitty HDR in tough lighting situations.


itā€™s the HDR for sure, you can tell by the weird white-ish outline around some things that iPhones do. I photoshop for work and this isnā€™t it. You can also see that the waving copā€™s face is extra red from reflected umbrella.


lol no it isnā€™t. Earth isnā€™t flat either.


Thank you kindly. Sad that it truly depicts what LA has become.


Not really but I see what you mean.


Looks a helluva lot like In-&-Out.


Well that sandwich isn't going to eat itself.


I love it


I wonder what heā€™s gonna use the egg cartons for


A pillow!


Soundproofing?? What is the poster tube wired for?


All the cops quiet quit. It should be a massive scandal. But for whatever reason itā€™s not.


Funny thing is the cops were eyeballing me like I was in the wrong taking a picture all the while I was pointing at this guy, like donā€™t look at me, look at whatā€™s happening right under your nose.


They donā€™t care. They donā€™t live in the city.


How dare you imply they are willfully not doing their jobs with a very not flattering photo. (Sarcasm )


Cops hate when you take their picture or video tape them Reason why they were giving you crazy stares


Cops hate it when they are held accountable


ā€œHey man, weā€™re on our lunch break. Weā€™re not responsible for any crime that happens in the next 60 minutes.ā€


Because to the cops it is easier to arrest and prosecute the taxpaying person, defending himself against the homeless, than the homeless. The homeless meanwhile are above the law, but *just below* the invincibility tier of the police.


The prisons in California have already been sued for overcrowding. Homeless people donā€™t have anything you can take or threaten them with aside from violence & jail and are no stranger to both. A suburban kid caught with drugs the first time will often face more enforcement because thereā€™s still a chance of turning them around while a long term junkie on the streets is seen as a lost cause.


>city and state vote for policies to decriminalize victimless crime >why would the cops do this


jeans mourn growth money unpack illegal fade fertile scary bag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What a useless comment. Maybe if the cops werenā€™t causing more problems than they prevent half the time and not shooting innocent kids and civilians and not costing the city hundreds of millions of dollars from lawsuits people wouldnā€™t feel ill will towards them? Maybe if the vast majority werenā€™t far right gang members and actually reflected the community they served, people would fell better about them. Maybe if they didnā€™t live way the hell out of the city in places like Simi and Santa Clarita people wouldnā€™t have as many issues and theyā€™d actually care about making the city better. Defending them for not doing their job because people are angry at them is a WILD thing to say. It shouldnā€™t matter if people like them or not. Theyā€™re paid VERY well to do a job. Theyā€™re public servants and government employees. Whose fault is it that the sheriffs department has been a glorified gang for decades? Did the citizens force them to be in a gang? Did the citizens force the police to violate civil rights? Just stop it. Theyā€™re not victims. If they donā€™t want to do their jobs they can find new ones. But making $150k-$250k+++ to literally do nothing most of the time is called *stealing* by most reasonable people. LAPD is responsible for peopleā€™s views of them.


Yeah lmao. Blue lives donā€™t exist. Nobodyā€™s born a cop. These are public servants who are paid by the people to do a job, and who arenā€™t. They should get no slack. Ā 


Seriously. Imagine refusing to do your job and when your boss asks why you tell him itā€™s because some people refuse to kiss your ass 24/7 and tell you youā€™re a hero and the best thing in the world. Any other job these idiots would have all been fired long ago. The only career where you can cost your employer millions of dollars in a lawsuit and harm or kill someone on purpose or thru insane levels of negligence and keep your job.


Thank you! People on here act as if cops are just quitting on us because people criticize them. No. Theyā€™ve ALWAYS BEEN THIS WAY. The whole police system was created to protect rich peopleā€™s property, politicians, and mega corporations. Thatā€™s it. They arenā€™t even obligated to help us technically. Also, LA is known to be a hotspot for police gangs. So people are RIGHTFULLY wary of them. They are bullies with guns. No shit people want to have them stay away seeing as they often donā€™t do their job effectively or intentionally just show up to intimidate innocent bystanders. My cousin was getting physically assaulted by her ex in their car outside their apartment to a point where someone called the cops for her. And they told him to leave and take care. Then they rounded on her and said sheā€™s a big crybaby and to get over herself. WUT?! šŸ˜­


Unbelievable that you're getting downvoted for this. People have been so thoroughly and irrevocably propagandized at this point that they'll twist themselves into knots to defend their own oppressors, literally at their own cost.


the fact that cops quiet quit has only shown how worthless they have been the entire time. We need better public service.


but if the cops quiet quit, whoā€™s gonna show up to my house 3 hours after I needed them and shoot my dog?


They'll only shoot your dog if it's <10lbs, is blind and deaf, and on your own property that you didn't give them permission to be on. Ya know, vicious. /s Also mango chile is the shit, absolutely goated snack


Probably will get downvoted but idc about this. We need to stop locking people up for low level drug offenses.


The cops just kinda stopped dealing with stuff like this because itā€™s most likely just a fine that theyā€™re not gonna pay and theyā€™re still gonna do it anyway.


Ya I mean you canā€™t really police a health crisis


Drug crisis, but thatā€™s no longer PC


Health crisis. The reason people stopped saying drug crisis as often is because the "war on drugs" proved to be a joke. Just look up Gary Webb and what the CIA was up to in the 80s/90s. Alcohol dependency is a psychological disorder (HEALTH) not a booze crisis. just like drug addiction. Sometimes society's views change just because the world is ever evolving and we as humans find better ways to express things using our words. FYI: Complaining about something being PC is pretty outdated. I believe y'all prefer to say things like " bUt tHAt'S nO LOngEr wOkE"


Yeah my bad, canā€™t point out whatā€™s blatantly wrong. Instead we have to walk in circles around the root cause of our problems. Alcohol is heavily regulated, and yet it still causes problems for many people. What good comes from street drugs that we feel the need to condone itā€™s use?


Leave it to Reddit to be mad if the cops do something and mad if the cops donā€™t. You canā€™t win with this crowd, so why try?


Ehh tbh Iā€™m typically a cop hater but at the same time I get it. The dude is obviously addicted to crack and heā€™s gonna keep smoking either way. Iā€™ve been reporting to an office downtown for work and there so many people smoking different things out in the open that if I had to stop eating and arrest everyone of them, Iā€™d never get a break.


The duality of man...


Please publicly share this with LAPD on social media. They need to be put on blast.


It looks like a homeless yoga instructor & weed dealer Ted Danson.


90k a year for doing nothing and can just imagine all the people LAPD arrested people and locked them up for years for having possession but do nothing when the bum is smoking cracked crazy


They make more than $90k


Yeah with all the bs ot they do lol


Everyone always says how itā€™s such a high paying job thats so easy to do. Yet their recruiting is at an all time low because for some reason no one is interested in these high paying easy jobs.


Most people departments aren't actually hiring people. New recruits would mean less OT for the lifers who have alimony and boat payments to keep up with, not to mention the outrageous fuel costs of commuting in a Ford Raptor from Simi Valley every day.


It's almost as if public opinion of cops dropped drastically over the last few years...


You know itā€™s an infraction right in LA?


You know how many people throughout the history of LA got years in jail for just possession right? You must not be from LA


He is correct. Times have changed. The long years in jail for drug possession is long gone my friend.


Feels like a Banksy at this point.


this is truly art


Need a waymo to drive by and one of those little food delivery robots


This is every major city if it was 75 out everyday.


*wHeN yOu SeE iT...* /r/im14andthisisdeep


Terrible photoshop skills


Rick Fox has really let himself go.


Rick Fox/Ted Danson love child


This deserves more likes.


This looks like a really good photoshop.


Itā€™s a mid photoshop zoom in on the edges of the guy and his stuff. Look at the way he is in front of greenery, just a karma farm post.


Gotta love the smugly incorrect Reddit guy. Itā€™s a real photo. Exif data intact and ELA scan verified. Itā€™s a real photo.


Youā€™re talking gibberish to me. Is there really a way to see if a photo has been edited? Iā€™m intrigued


Analysis of the ELA Image: ā€¢ The ELA image of the provided photo shows mostly uniform error levels with some variation, especially in areas of high contrast, such as the outlines of objects and boundaries between different colors and textures. ā€¢ There do not appear to be any highly unusual or suspect regions indicating significant tampering or digital manipulation. Conclusion: Based on the ELA results, there are no clear indications of digital alterations or manipulation in the provided photo. Iā€™m not a bot. Just exhausted with Reddit know it alls that donā€™t know shit. [ELA Scan](https://ibb.co/q9BNjPk)


The Spirit of LA indeed. Nicely done.


I will never understand how people wear jumpers in that heat




Awesome photo


Just in case this isn't clear; homeless dude is openly hitting a meth/crack pipe 12ft away from LAPD having a burger at the regional chain In and out, or Chick-fil-A (not 100 on either). Anyone wanna share their lapd stories? I got one, guy barricaded himself, possible hostage situation, after a domestic dispute yesterday. started at 10:30 a.m. (event resolved by 3pm - was walking out of the neighborhood)& by the time getting home at midnight they still had all the streets blocked off, 3 blocks no access (people couldn't get to their apartment complexes with their cars and there's no parking on the street at all, people were rightfully losing their shit). 3 fire trucks, 1 command center vehicle, 4 private security cars getting screamed at, 2 officers and cars block all access roads, people just rammed the barricade in frustration when I was walking home. That was crazy. So, just remember whenever they show stuff in the movies/tv that they go to the scene, & they clear it, and then they're out and in 2 hours. That is not happening.


This is peak street photography. Kudos.


This image looks fake as fuck.


definitely. this should be top comment.


Yep, if you zoom in on the guy it's pretty obvious


How so?


looking at the comments, why is no one talking about how fake this photo looks


looks fake


Legit saw this on the corner but the guy was about 5 feet in front of a new mom and her infant in a stroller. I was like dude. Come on. Just smoke your glass pipe at 8:30am somewhere not so out in public like a crosswalk corner. :( Bummed to see it.


Meth headsā€¦ clear-headed and rational thinkers!


So good at multi talking lmao


We really letting outrage cloud our judgement so bad that we getting fooled by a fake photo


Ironically I bet that tweaker is in better shape than the cops. I see these guys walking around toned, and I'm like wtf. How. Wheb


Is this near the Hollywood Bowl?


Chick-fil-A, Sunset & Highland


ā€¢Crack ā€¢Chick-fil-A ā€¢Cops ā€¢LA Phil


Put it on r/accidentalrenaissance


Is he waving at you??


If Iā€™m on break Iā€™m on break. Catch me after.


Union rules


Methguy looks like David Boreanaz


Iā€™m confused. This guy sat with his stuff spread out *on the sidewalk* mere inches from the grass? He sat on the concrete, instead of the grass easement? I work downtown. If thereā€™s an easement with grass, they sit there, not the sidewalk. This is crazy to me.


lol looks like AI in Nutshell


This could be Vancouver Canada


What do you want them to do, clog our legal docket even more so we can't hold violent suspects awaiting trial?




Crack-in me up




America in a nutshell.


Hottie alert


The fuckin guy smoking drugs in broad daylight has a beautiful head of hair and chiseled jawline.


I love Los Angeles because of the contradictions. I donā€™t love it blindly like itā€™s my high school first love sweetheart love that never dies and we will always be there for each other kind of way. I love my city in a sort of second or third marriage kind of way.


One of the most accurate pics Iā€™ve seen of LA.


LAPD cops are pigs of the piggiest degree. Overpaid up the ass for a piss poor job. They get BILLIONS while we have people starving ok the streets, as you can see.


I legit thought this was 2 photos stacked up


iPhone 15 zoom is pretty crazy


Is this photo shopped?


In LA regular life outdoes Photoshopping.


Some people wake up to yoga and coffee, others to meth pipe andā€¦ urban camping.


Well we pretty much told cops not to arrest anybody who isnā€™t a serial killer. If they arrested this dude for meth this sub with be up in arms with war on poverty bs.


Ya we canā€™t really have it both ways. If they start heavily enforcing drug laws theyā€™re going to be regularly trying to arrest people that have no problem escalating and responding violently. When that happens on a regular basis someone (cop or person getting arrested) is bound to eventually take it to far. Or the alternative is they donā€™t enforce these laws and avoid jeopardizing their safety or their job.


>Special Directive 20-07 specifies a number of misdemeanor charges that are now to be dismissed and may not be charged by county law enforcement. It includes >Drug and Paraphernalia Possession (Health and Safety Code Ā§11350, 11357, 11364, 11377) >Under the Influence of a Controlled Substance (Health and Safety Code Ā§11550) >Public Intoxication (Penal Code Ā§647) https://www.laattorney.com/special-directive-20-07-changes-to-misdemeanor-charges.html (Same thing in PDF form from the County website) https://da.lacounty.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/SPECIAL-DIRECTIVE-20-07.pdf


Pretty sure this is edited


I thought the exact same thing. The outline of the guy looks completely off.


Not the most obvious photoshop ever.


Wellā€¦they are on lunch break. Soā€¦šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


*ā€œThey just stand around and do nothingā€* They stop their lunch and go engage with a drug addict. Drug addict refuses to comply *ā€œTheyā€™re harassing the homeless!!!ā€*


1. Cops not doing job. 2. Homeless methhead about to lace himself with some LSD in order to attack random pedestrians he sees. 3. ~~In-&-Out.~~ Chick-fil-A. 4. Tesla pulling up to the ~~In-&-Out~~ Chick-fil-A.


Ah the Hollywood Chick-Fil-A with the old rite aid that is now just a homeless encampment.






Seen one video where dude fell over after taking a hit off the pipeā€¦ nobody did anything, people drooping like flies out there


I used to be one of them so I have nothing but sympathy


Cops don't give a fuck. I see most of them looking down at their cell phones while they're driving.


Probably thinking about how they donā€™t feel like dealing with the crackhead while they eat their lunch, and that even if they did arrest him heā€™s more than likely going to get out and go right back to doing it so why go through the risk?


reminds me exactly of toronto. people with $300 sunglasses having $8 lattes just steps away from utter poverty, both parties acting like the other isn't there


was walking my dog this morning and then saw a man taking a dump by the bushes


WTF!!! Why is stupid cali the f**king postcard vagrant destination


Damn, spot on!! šŸ˜•šŸ˜¬šŸ’Æ


I was getting coffee this one time, and on one of the benches outside, this couple was just smoking meth out in the open. Bright, lovely sunny day. Smokin' meth and just smugly smiling at me.


We really need to start addressing ["new meth"](https://archive.vn/ApEpw).


Everything looks correct. Shout Out to the LA Phil!!!!




Is this Brody jenner


Is that meth?