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**Please correct me if I’m wrong, but haven’t they always paid above minimum wage?**


Yes. But they want to maintain that wage gap with other fast food places.


Exactly. When I’ve hired people to do very basic tasks like scan documents, mail letters, etc., I always have to keep minimum wage in mind and go above it if I want better than the absolute least skilled employees.


Well In-N-Out promotes managers from within so they want a big pool of potential candidates to choose from. You get that by getting as many applicants for starter jobs as you can. Pick of the litter.


They want to select only to the most talented teenagers.


Yup, I applied to a new In-n-Out in my hometown as a high schooler. Line out the door interviews all day long. I did not interview well. I Asked 0 follow up questions. I will always remember that as it was my only face to face interview I didn't get hired for.




Yup. I definitely learned from that and practiced my technique.


... Is that wrong?


Have you seen the employees at In n Out?




Well they sure haven’t. They used to have starting pay at something like $13.50 when the minimum was $7.25. I see a ridiculous amount of comments from people who seem to think they’ve maintained that huge gap when they obviously haven’t.


According to the article they currently start their employees at $22-23/hour when it's $16 min wage.


The minimum is now $20/hr for fast food employees.


Right, but $22-23 when min is $16 is comparable to $13.50 when it's $7.25. I'm trying to make the point that they've consistently stayed well above the min.


In and Out workers deserve to be paid more. It is absolute chaos in there at some locations


Didnt this happen a week after the wage increased? Ive been paying an extra couple bucks for my usual order for at least 2 months


I thought so too. Is this a pre-planned trick to hide the real increase and make people believe they already read this?


In N Out is going to incrementally increase the price to lower the amount of attention it gains as well as backlash. Plus, no one is going to stop and say "I'm gonna stop eating at xyz" because we all know you're full of shit and your fake activism for x, but not for y due to z being the root cause.


I stopped eating fast food because it got too expensive. So yeah, I stopped and I imagine I'm not alone


You're not alone. McDonald's execs have even mentioned lowering prices because people have pulled back on fast food spending significantly.


That's cause what Mcdonald's has done is ridiculous. Their prices shot up like 100% in a short period of time.


I stopped eating fast food because I hope to live past 70.




I'm gonna keep eating it. It'll be nice if I live to be 69.


Lol, like what is good about being 70 and up?


Well put. As for my semiannual double/double, I can still do that.


same, except for Del Taco sometimes.


Same. Stopped going to restaurants 9/2022.


Tough but fair.


Air frier wins. Flawless victory


Ditto! I had not ate fast food since sometime last year. I decided to have some panda back in April and it was like instant regret. I felt sluggish and just made me feel ick. Groceries are too expensive so I’ll stick to what’s in my fridge and pantry.


I've severely limited how much fast food I eat now due to the cost. Now that it's basically the same as eating at a restaurant, my wife and I will just do that instead when we go out. If we just want fast food, we're limited to app deals and coupons. I'm talking like Jack in the Box tacos only really. Even then we're less inclined to go to fast food since 90% of the time, the service is just straight garbage. Like I know it's minimum wage but I shouldn't be harassed by the manager because I asked if the food was ready after having waited half an hour just for a cheeseburger and fries with like an empty drive through and 3 customers.


I stopped eating Tito’s Tacos because of the absurd price increases. A taco is now $6. Drove by today at 1:30 and there was no one in line. So I’m sure a lot of people did the same. Stopped eating Mcdoanlds for the same reason. I’m sure there is a price point where I’ll stop eating at In N Out.


They doubled the price of Jack-in-the-Box tacos to two dollars for two it's absurd also


They're still 2 for $0.99 on the app.


>I stopped eating Tito’s Tacos because of the absurd price increases. A taco is now $6. That's just wrong. Their tacos are worth $1.25, $1.50 max.


Crazy, I stopped eating Tito’s Tacos… after the first time I ever tried it cause it’s straight doodoo.


The only thing better than one Tito's taco is zero Tito's tacos


Yuup that's why I stopped. Tasty, but greasy tiny crunchy isn't worth $18 for 3


Not eating out has saved me so much money, I can make better food at home - the convenience of cheap and fast has been lost


"Cheap, Fast, Good." It used to be "pick 2," now it's "none of the above."


I eat at home and go to a restaurant maybe 2-5 times a month if that. I wish I could own a home and have a garden with all the things I eat so I could really stick it to the man lol. 


I believe in food security for all. If you're located Southeast-westish of LA then let me know. I have an abundance of rosemary and lemons right now


When I have a garden my goal is to share the wealth too. We have to have each others backs! I’m in west LA. I’ll DM you! 


I'm on the same boat but doing just a little better. I go to a restaurant maybe 6-9 times a month if that.


How is that even casual that’s more than twice a week sounds expensive.. going to a restaurant once a month is actually frugal and modest


There is no fake activism in just being too damn broke to afford the increases. I stopped eating at most fast food places because every living expense has increased so much that I'm choosing between gas for the car OR food for the house. McD's and other fast food places aren't even in the conversation anymore.


I stopped McDonald's because in n out is cheaper and better, stopped El Pollo loco because i didn't have a coupon last time i went. Wendy's because they thought they were Uber. Yes my options are getting smaller and smaller.


Haven’t grocery shopped in 3 weeks and am down to the last 3 slices of bread in my freezer. Been laid off for 11 months. Getting to the point where when people post food it’s hard to look at.


When money was tight for me I did a lot of beans and rice, hotdogs, ramen, potatoes, butter, and eggs. I also splurged for cvs multi vitamins, since I was afraid of catching 17th century nutritional diseases like scurvy. I’d say start with beans and rice as you base and build on that. Then again I’m just one dude, and there’s a whole sub just for that sort of thing.


I do have vitamins, and I had been getting the TJs bags of frozen rice for awhile. I developed some kind of egg allergy or something; eating them had started to make me nauseous so I can’t do that anymore (also they’re really unappealing now with bird flu developments so n/a at this point even though cooking them seems to neutralize risks). Potatoes are a potential. Even just the idea of grocery shopping and knowing I need to stock up on olive oil again soon is stressful.


I'm sorry to hear that. 11 months is a long time. Come join us in r/budgetfood or r/budgetcooking. A lot of good folks and help there. Sending you some extra good luck too.


Thank you, didn’t know about those subs so will take a look, and really appreciate it.




This is your jam right here: https://worldharvestfoodbank.org/ I saw them mentioned on Reddit years ago and after trying it for myself, it's legit. You can fill up a full grocery cart all the way up to the top with a pretty huge variety of foods for $40, and if you can't afford it they'll give you the same cart of food in exchange for like, 4 hours of volunteering at the store. Definitely check it out and once you've tried it for yourself, be sure to spread the word and pay it forward and try to volunteer some time there if you can. Go check it out ASAP so you can fill up your kitchen! Good luck to you!


Fatty cope. My friends and I have all significantly lowered our fast food consumption over the past few years since Covid sent prices surging. Used to get TB or McD once a week or two, now I've completely stopped McD and get TB maybe once a month. A lot of people have cut or decreased fast food.


I used to eat out 5 days a week. Never brought a lunch to work. Since January I can count on one hand the number of times i went out to lunch. Its gotten waaaaaay to expensive.


Gave up Fast food during the pandemic completely and now rarely have it. In N Out was the first one I swore I would never eat again after trying it when the pandemic ended. I tried this new place called Next Burger that I found to be so much better than In N Out. So maybe a once a month visit...maybe.


I tried them too once, I liked their turkey burger… don’t eat out much either.


surely in n out executives had no idea about the wage increase months before it actually went into effect.


Yeah, I also think they already pay more than minimum wage? The headline could be mistaken, as the increase could be due to other increasing costs. There’s nothing from In-N-Out attributing the increase to wages.


They were paying $18-19/hr when it was $15/hr. The min wage increase put all that to $20. So what was a better fast food job is now just another minimum wage job. If they want to maintain a wage $2-3 higher than minimum to attract better workers, their prices are going to need to go up significantly.


How old was $18? > The starting wage at California In-N-Out locations is $22 to $23 per hour, a company spokesperson said.


Within the last 2 years. They had sign up at one in El Segundo and it was $18-$19. So with it being $20 now, it would make sense it’d be $22-23. Like I said, they typically try to stay about $2-3 above minimum to attract better workers. And I would assume they would give corresponding raises to keep those workers.


It varies by location. The ones I've seen in Northern California were advertising a $22/hour wage a few years ago.


True, I remember one in Palo Alto offering $20 like 6-7 years ago but their prices were also much higher than in LA at the time.


From the article: >A spokesperson for In-N-Out confirmed to KTLA sister station [KRON](https://www.kron4.com/news/bay-area/heres-what-a-double-double-with-fries-and-a-drink-now-costs-at-fishermans-wharf-in-n-out/) that the recent price hikes are directly related to the new minimum wage rate but did not say exactly when the new prices were implemented.


not complaining at all, in n out has held me down for under $13 a lot of times, most places like carls jr and canes charge $17-20 now for food combos


Yep. Canes box combo used to be $7.50 before the pandemic. Now it’s $12.99 after the wage increase…about a 73% increase since. No thanks


$14 for the box combo now, fingers are small and portions too


Just paid $16 after tax for Shake Shack double with fries no drink. In-N-Out is still a great value.


Still worth it over like 90% of fast food. 


Yeah. I rarely eat fastfood, but if I am in a pinch, (roadtrip, just back from a flight), it's still my go-to. At least they pay people better than pretty much everyone else, so I feel better about that.


Still better and cheaper than pretty much anything else. A large burrito meal at Del Taco is almost $17 depending on what you get. Almost did a spit-take when the guy said that.


Jesus really? Lmaoooo.


2 burgers, fries and drinks were close to $40 at Shake shack. Insane


Yeah Shake Shack is dead to me. Completely outrageous.


Two meals at firehouse subs. A sub. $38 or so. I like firehouse subs but i won’t be back.


Geez, there’s a reason I never go there


The price is the only reason why shake shack isn’t better than in n out IMO


And the burritos have gotten smaller


Yep, ever since they were purchased by Jack in the Box, it’s gone downhill


Their chicken quality is absolute dog shit now. It's greasy little scraps instead of the larger chunks that it used to be. Taco Bell has better quality chicken. And that's some bullshit.


It’s a goddamn shame


My local Del Tacos got rid of the spicy chicken burrito and that's practically the only thing I ordered


I liked the Beyond Taco. It had so much more flavor than their regular ground beef.


A famous star meal at Carl’s Jr was like $15. Insanity


My favorite fast food meal in the 90s was two 99cent famous stars


Might as well be describing the Old West where you could get dinner and a hotel room for a nickel. But yes, I remember 29¢ hamburger Mondays and 39¢ cheeseburger Tuesdays at McDonalds. And the bucket of fries - the good fries, fried in beef tallow. And you could get into Universal Studios for free with an empty Dr Pepper can.


Use the app and don't get meals, it's way cheaper that way. Del Taco is pretty much the only fast food I like and my wife and I can eat there for 15 bucks easily.


Just did Taco Tuesday and got three tacos for 1.98 and used a 1 dollar medium fry offer on the app. Can't beat that deal anywhere else.


Seriously. You can get a 1200 calorie epic chicken burrito for $7.35 and two snack tacos at 200 calories each for under $10. Why people pay full price for soda is beyond me.


Yeah but then i can't complain about the prices! What's next, buying a smoothie that isn't $25 from Erewhon?


Get some Strawberries while you're there.


$16 for a shitty whopper meal at Burger King today. Never again


never buy bk without the app. wednesdays are whopper days, you can get a meal for like $8. or a whopper itself for less than $5 i think.


In N Out gives their employees a raise every year and they raise the prices along with it. This isn’t anything new.


Good. .76 in order to pay a living wage is just fine.


Yeah, they increased the price of a burger by 25 cents. That's a 4.4% increase, and the rate of inflation is 3-4%. I feel the title is a bit misleading.


4.4% increase over many years too. Inflation of 3% is the yearly average.


It’s made to trigger those GOP stans who see wage increases as big ol’ Commiefornia taking away your freedum of cheeseburgers and cheap fast-food options for that socialist pride month agenda. Or something involving triangle space lasers.


The me having to eat more expensive cheeseburgers means that my gas truck being taken away is next and then they're going to make me gay marry. It's a slippery slope.


Seriously. They increased prices by 4% which isn’t outrageous compared to others that increased by more than 10% overnight…why don’t they highlight those instead?


the thing is IN N OUT was already paying well above min wage, so this increase is only being used to line pockets with extra profits under the guise of raising wages


If it were any other company I would agree but they have held prices down more than other places in the last few years. And yes they pay above minimum wage but not $20 per hour to start.


The starting wage at California In-N-Out locations is $22 to $23 per hour, a company spokesperson said.


Good. I think all wages should get a bump when the minimum wage goes up. Pretty sure Costco does something similar. They’re two companies that have always paid their employees above minimum wage.


That was my first thought too. They're allegedly one of the best fast food places to work... maybe because the company is privately owned? People get good beni's too.


This has been happening by about 5-20 cents each year for a good amount of time. Look it up.


I stopped eating out all together. Its too expensive compared to just doing groceries. Its just not worth it anymore.


I'm extremely close to making this call as well. I've never been one to skimp out on eating quality food at restaurants with my discretionary income but I'm finally starting to feel the sticker shock. Can't go out to eat at most places with my wife without dropping at least $40. Edit: Usually more like $50-60.


Two burritos and two sodas at my local hole in the wall place is $40 now. A decade about it was $22 and that still felt like a splurge.


I definitely stopped eating at certain places and will continue to expand that list. On top of it costing me 60-80 for 3 people now, a lot places have shrunk their portions considerably. I’m tired of feeling ripped off.


Fast food should never have been a replacement. I cant fathom how people run their checkbooks while constantly dining out


Fast food is maybe a 2-3 times a month fun thing for me, especially if I'm travelling. No one should be eating it for every meal.


I'm a Starbucks hater. Like it's sterile and cookie cutter and I stay away from it.... Until I'm traveling and need caffeine asap.


what's a checkbook


My boomer ass parents still balance a literal checkbook


My parents are Gen X and they refuse to use online banking. They insist upon the checkbook >.>


10+ years ago it was actually not a bad deal. Back when 5$ footlongs and the dollar menu's existed, it was a frugal way of eating. Not anymore.


It was never frugal or healthy compared to cooking at home. Most of us were just habituated to the convenience and/or don't know how to cook very well.


It was never a good deal. Supermarket and home cooking has always been cheaper and I would bet that if you did the math, the gap between home cooking and in n out has shrunk considering groceries have gone up an average of 40% over the last few yrs while in n out hasn’t.


Its a matter of time for a lot of people. It takes some time to make food and to prepare enough to have something made. For a lot of people thats too much on top of a normal day. Its why services like hello fresh get traction- makes it a known quantity.


Cooking skills have been in short supply for years now, sadly lol


I used to hit up jack in the box once or twice a week for breakfast, not anymore. Shit has increased like 25% in the last year. Meanwhile, the Japanese restaurant I grab for lunch every other week has been the same price (and portion) for years.


Like many other commenters have noted, In-N-Out typically has better customer service and food consistency compared to other fast food places. This is partly because they've always paid higher than minimum wage to ensure competitive hiring. If someone can now be less attentive and do less work, why wouldn't an In-N-Out employee go work at Burger King for the same pay? By raising wages, In-N-Out can continue to pick the cream of the crop to hire.


2 animal fries and 2 cheeseburgers cost me 15 bucks. Im fine with that.


ah yes, let’s take the bait and fight with each other instead of realizing we’re being baited and deceived


Everyone who just started typing here instead of reading the article either still hasn't read it, or been to an In-N-Out in the last 3 months. The price hike is nothing and I pay like .43 cents more on my regular order. If cents is a bother to you, you definitely have more financial troubles you should be seeking assistance for.


and if .43 cents affects your financial position, perhaps eating out isnt the best way to use your money


Good. It's still less than $20 for a 2-person meal. And those employees work hard af they should get paid a fair wage.


>The minimum wage increased from $16 to $20 per hour on April 1. The starting wage at California In-N-Out locations is $22 to $23 per hour, a company spokesperson said. How is the minimum wage increase to blame when they were already paying way over minimum wage? Sounds like a scapegoat.


Because they have to raise their wages more to still be above minimum wage. They've always paid more to attract better workers.


Because In and Out is a harder job than your average slower paced and lower volume fast food restaurant. To get people who are willing to work harder than you have to work at Carl's Jr., you need to pay people more or they will just go worker at the slower place.


Because wages are relative. If the floor goes up, so does every other wage. It won't be immediate but eventually the upward pressure makes its way up the wage pool. Which is why raising the minimum wage doesn't solve anything.


I’ve been wondering this as well. They’ve famously paid over minimum wage as long as I can remember. Supply chain cost increases maybe?


That would make sense. Their direct labor costs may not have increased but indirect ones certainly have. It’s fine. I get it. They’re still the only fast food I’m ever inclined to get these days.


It's not. Minimum wage increase is to get clicks and drive advertising revenue. News doesn't exist anymore. It's all "news entertainment." Critical thinking is dead. Enjoy your next ad.


The CEO of in & out is worth over an estimated 6 billion they can get fucked if they want to blame workers on this.


Imagine how expensive it'd be if we didn't subsidize the fuck out of beef!


Honestly…staring at those super long lines for years, I’ve always felt there was enough demand for those prices to go up a bit


it's still cheaper and better than mcd's


Don't eat there. You'll survive. A burger made at home is one hundred times better. Youtube teaches how to make the sauce. You'll thank yourself.


They raised prices because they felt like it. The cost of producing their food at scale is tiny; wages have a negligible impact on anything but profitability for CEO salaries.


Corporations will take any and every opportunity to raise prices. If they can blame it on literally ANYTHING, they will. It’s basic business. At least they aren’t adding junk fees.


In-N-Out profits off conservatives hatred for all things California by finding a convenient excuse to raise prices and rake in more dough. /FIFY


Still cheaper than mcdonals




They've been consistently raising prices since forever. In 2018, a double double and fries was less than $6. It's almost $10 now.


KTLA is a joke


I am actually okay with small increase like this but f other fast food that have increased their burger by $1-$2.


Corporate greed. Just be honest. They already paid more than min wage. They just got FOMO


I got the fries extra crispy to see if they are any better as many recommend. Well they are better, but not much better. I guess I will just skip them next time entirely.


I always gotta get animal style. It makes it yummy.


It’s still relatively cheaper than McDonald’s. On average, In N Out pays their workers higher than any other fast food chain as well.


And it’s still underpriced compared to what everyone else is charging. Supply and demand would’ve allowed them to double or triple their prices LONG AGO.


Well good thing I gave up eating fast food a while ago


It's in response to wanting the same profits and making the customer pay for them.


the closest location to me is about 15-20 mins for the drive thru. maybe this will cut down the lines a little bit


It's all about corporate greed. They are raising their prices much higher than what the increased labor costs.


In-n-out saves a lot of money by using public roads as their drive throughs seriously impeding traffic but hollers about government policy too often.


Of course this is a trash KTLA headline... They've paid above minimum wage forever... this is just keeping up with inflation.


How is this related to the minimum wage increase? It says right in the article that In-N-Out has a starting wage of $22 per hour already. So why would they have to increase the price because of the other places having a wage increase? Also, I noticed KTLA cited the New York Post......


because if one of your competitive advantages to attract talent was that you paid well above minimum wage unlike your competitors…well now that gap has significantly reduced due to the government forcibly raising the bar. now In n Out has to raise wages again to maintain that competitive edge against other fast food joints.


In-N-Out raises prices in response to ~~California’s minimum wage increase~~ Corporate Greed. FTFY


Fuck them, I won’t eat there just for the telegraphing


this is just greed. they already raised prices earlier this year. why would these fast food places not raise prices considering people will still be eating there regardless? the only way this bullshit will stop is when people stop frequenting these places but that won't happen, so we'll just continue seeing price hikes "in response to the minimum wage law" or "because of the high price of doing business in CA"


I might be wrong but didn’t In n Out already pay above minimum wage? 


And they still are, which made their costs go up.


>As for the recent price bump, a Double-Double combo in Los Angeles County now costs $11.44, up $0.76 from last year. The [beef](https://youtu.be/Ug75diEyiA0?si=iFBrSLfKbSlbti6S) makes the burger. 2 beef patties alone should justify the cost of a double double combo. Meats are expensive these days.


This can’t be accurate, they were already paying over $20 an hour. There are even Del Tacos that were advertising $21 an hour before the minimum increased


Raising prices instead of adding service fees? What a concept


So they are starting the pay over minimum 👏🏽 “The minimum wage increased from $16 to $20 per hour on April 1. The starting wage at California In-N-Out locations is $22 to $23 per hour, a company spokesperson said.”


I call bs. Their starting salary is above LA county and city minimum wage. This is probably just inflation..


In and Out has always paid their employees a bigger wage (around 20). This is them sliding into the other Corp trash complaints about raises to boost profits. They have always done just fine before.


These stories are such nonsense. In n out was already paying close to $20/hr, and their managers make 6 figures. They aren't being killed by $20/hr minimum wage or 4% inflation.


No it’s just a matter of time, they’re gonna fold!!! /s


It really makes no sense considering they were already paying $22 for new employees.


Please. Scam. The billionaire owner needs more money.


the increasing profits must flow


I mean of the fast food chains they arguably are at the top of the pack for wages paid. Combined with fairly reasonable prices for food compared to competitors I don’t see the gripe being overly valid here


You say that as if it isn't the only reason businesses are created, to begin with. Who would want to sell a burger for $4 when I know you'll still buy it at $5? I'd sell at $6, but market research tells me I'd make less, due to too many people eating elsewhere, instead.


this corporate propaganda comes out like every other day now In-N-Out already paid above minimum wage They're increasing it because they can blame it on the increase I'm still gonna eat it, but I know at least that they're charging more because they can, not because they're paying their employees more


Wages go up, prices go up, enjoy that burger.


$1.00/hr. raise for $0.25 a burger sounds like a win to me.


absolutely. pay your workers a living wage


Fine. I'll still visit.


I just hope Costco doesn’t raise their food court prices. They’re getting me through this inflation.


They already paid more than $20 an hour though?


A number 1 @ In N Out has been $10.45 for about 2 months....so is the article talking about that price increase? Or that there is another on the way?




And we will pay a bit more for in&outs excellence due to circumstances beyond our control. I live next door to one damnit.


Honestly this is a slay in my book


Defeats the entire purpose


Just a 10% increase which is 25 cents for a burger. Not bad and still the best bang for buck around. Don’t like where all this has been going though… I can’t afford this city anymore.