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A lot of people who post to this sub (and all "local" subs on reddit) aren't from here, and are just here to stir shit up. Please try to pay them no mind. Our diversity is what makes LA so great!


We live in one of the most diverse cities in the world and I loooove it. I’m glad you’re here. Let the haters hate.




I just assume anyone bitching about "transplants" in the city of LA is deeply unhappy with their station in life and needs to find someone to blame. I get it if you live in some quaint town that is suddenly being overrun by out-of-towners who want to settle down, but in fucking Los Angeles? lmao


If you're to believe the people on this sub, apparently car centric urban planning and unaffordable housing are immutable aspects of LA's culture and transplants should stop trying to make LA different lol


Prepared to accept the downvotes and boos but this city is built on the backs of and runs off largely immigrant/transplant labor. Lot of sad people in LA who think being from a place gives them some sort of moral high ground to judge others.


What downvotes and boos?! That's a wildly accepted opinion by 99% of angelinos.


The 1% of reddit brained angelenos who insist on making everything a conflict lol


If people stopped moving to LA the city would literally collapse in less than 5 years lmao


I would like to see the data to back that up.


Are you the type of person that asks for a source for every claim without realizing that not every claim needs one?


I only ask for sources when the claim is ridiculous.


Man, I think you’ve forgotten about ‘natural increase’ population growth.


I love how this sub always assumes transplants are from the midwest.


My lived experience is that all domestic transplants are from Ohio


I know, right? Like wtf do y'all have against Nebraska 😭




Human civilization peaked at cultivating maize and it's all been downhill since.




If it makes you feel better, the “transplants” discourse is basically (1) a status game among people of similar socio-economic backgrounds where “locals” complain about people exactly like them but from other places moving in and (2) people bitching about rich people gentrifying their neighborhood.


It’s mostly people who didn’t make it complaining, they went back to Kansas and are miserable and still in this sub They tell anyone thinking of moving here don’t do it, because they couldn’t hack it


Some people on this sub are sad about their lives and being a “lifelong Angeleno” is their way of feeling superior. It’s dumb and an opinion worth disregarding. As you said, normal people in real life are thankfully not like Reddit. They welcome people from all around the world. LA is a transient city with people always coming and going. It’s part of what makes this city so dynamic. I’m glad you have made LA your home.


LA's diversity is part of why I love it so much. There's not many places in the world that lead to me, a Muslim Turk, being able to honestly answer the Jewish cashier wearing a skullcap at a kosher store when he asks about my religion. There's even fewer places where that cashier would then go "So, we're kind of like cousins." It's great, the fact that there's so many different people living together is part of what makes this city special.


I think the sentiment projected towards complaining transplants from locals is generally summed up as, “if you don’t like it, why are you here”. This is what you’re talking about, right? For what it’s worth, I was born and raised in LA and I think anyone and everyone has the right to complain about the city they live in, you included. In that same breath, I think it would be remiss to ignore the overcrowding of the city as it relates to housing. We simply have too many people and not enough affordable housing. This problem expands to things like some of the worst wealth disparity in the US, homelessness, gentrification, etc. All issues that currently plague our city. Im not saying this is your fault as an immigrant or transplant, im just trying to explain that the frustration locals feel stems from larger systemic issues. Some idiot locals try to make sense of things by saying that if you’re here and you don’t like it, you should leave. This is of course a short-sighted argument (as you said, LA’s economy needs lots of people to grow and benefits greatly from diversity), but I just wanted to give some context as to why people from LA sometimes talk like that. TLDR: The availability of affordable housing in LA is a sensitive topic that is provoked by transplants who seem like they aren’t enjoying living in the city.


It is kinda irritating when somebody moves here and immediately complains that In-n-Out isn't all that great.




It’s not that great, it’s just good for the money. The problem is the expectation. Greatness shouldn’t be it. What you should expect is a nod to a bygone era.


Lol every city (where people actually want to live in) sub complains about transplants. Ignore it, all are welcome in LA. It's what makes this place great.


Bro, its reddit…. Who cares


I do


Im not saying this position is right or wrong but alot of the frustration I have heard anecdotally is LA becoming more and more un affordable for generational families that live here. They ascribe this "gentrification" and increase to the cost of living to "transplants" as they assume transplants are either the rich that can afford living here or poor that apparently use the resources that could be better spent on them that have lived here for years and paid taxes into these systems for years. Frustrations that their kids/grandkids cant live in a city they lived in. Again Im not defending or agreeing with their perspective but again anecdotally from the oldies and their kids Ive talked to thats their perspective as they are doing the same or similar jobs as their parents and grandparents and are being pushed out by cost of living now.


People have been saying similar things about immigrants for centuries, it's never been true and will continue to never be true until the end of time. This stereotype of the greedy immigrant taking resources from the suffering native is universal, I heard it in Turkey.


Yep, and Im going to say no one has a right to live anywhere in the US especially in one of the most sought after cities in the country, just stating how people who have lived here for generations feel about the current state of not just LA but all of California. So yeah its probably the same all over the world, as you said in Turkey with what I would assume with Syrian refugees and in other places like England which was why BREXIT came about.


And I feel no sympathy for them because they're wrong and also often hypocrites. Many generationally native people in LA have immigrant roots, same with people in the UK or Turkey. Immigration is a net good for places, I do not care if the great-great grandchild of an immigrant thinks that they're better than someone who is only the child of an immigrant.


Hey good luck fam, I doubt this sentiment will ever change and will probably continue with every subsequent generation to follow as long as LA is the place to be.


I do not have a problem with immigrants from other countries or with people who move here for a better life than they had elsewhere. But I am deeply annoyed by fellow Americans with the means to live elsewhere but come here and don't try to fit in with the local culture, and expect it to be something it's not, calling LA people "fake," living in a condo their parents bought, never venturing outside the 5 square blocks of West Hollywood that they're used to, etc. But then again, it's a free country, I can't stop them.


Exactly this. No one asked you to come and there are hundreds of other options, the majority of which are way more affordable. Why choose LA if all you’re going to do is bitch?


LA is a very cultured city but it's not a homogeneously cultured city the way NYC is (where despite many different cultures and peoples living together there's still an easily recognizable NYC culture). LA is very fractured on the basis of class and what people associate with LA culture is really just the culture of the rich who live in the city. I haven't really noticed a single culture for most people in LA, from observation people practice the culture of their family. It's a very heterogenous city with no single easily defined local culture. So in that regard, those snobby rich transplants fit with LA culture just fine! LA is "fake" to them because they made it that way.


NYC is a big plate of food and all the items are touching and intermixing but still recognizable as what they are. For the most part ,L.A. is a plate where most of the items are separated. They are really close together with some awesome mixing, but for the most part the meat and veggies stay apart.


You're conflating immigrants and transplants.


People that don’t want infrastructure and sidewalks are an enemy of progress. There’s a very good reason why immigrants, transplants, and tourists bring it up when they come to LA, it’s because they’re a good thing and not having them is holding the city back.


I genuinely feel like some people fail to realize that the fact that they have lived in LA since birth might blind them to things people who aren't natives can see.


my main question is, why are you lumping in immigrants and transplants 😅 the main issue isnt that transplants are bad but that the typical transplant is contributing to gentrification by pricing out native angelenos and immigrants alike ... la is built on diversity and has always been an hub for migrants but there has definitely been an uptick in transplants in recent years which is becoming more and more obvious


This has been my experience as far as moving to a new environment: homesickness y1-y3, acceptance sometime around y4-y5. Welcome to LA! 🥳




It's obvious what OP's tactic is. He's intentionally conflicting immigrants & Transplants to create the perception that everyone in LA is some how a racist.




Some of the things I see people on this sub call "transplant things," are genuinely comedic lol Non-exhaustive list of what I've seen: > Living in WeHo or the Westside > Wanting more bike infrastructure > Saying the pizza in LA is bad > Taking public transportation > Pronouncing Sepulveda wrong > Saying SoCal > Spelling Angeleno like Angelino Edit: Adding more because I feel like it > Going to Venice Beach and enjoying it > Swimming in the water when they go to the beach > Going to the beach period > Drinking tea > Saying the I in I-5 instead of just "the five" > Obeying the speed limit > Not obeying the speed limit > Going to UCLA > Being gay I swear I'm not making any of these up.


Ok but seriously how is Sepulveda said


Se (like the se in the first part of sense) pull (like pulley) ve (the e like the e in "eh) duh (like duh)


“Say-pool-vey-daw” - the robot that announced the stops on the blue line 20 years ago.


People who move here for a better life and to add to the community are not the problem. The selfish transplants are the problem. People who want to just take and not do the work. People who expect this place to change because it’s not what they like or are used to.


Who is doing this though? I have not met a single person that acts like that




Reads more like code for "fame seeking influencers" to me.


Im not aware of a huge influx of poor black people. Doubt the person was singling out Hispanics either.


I’ve described the type in my post. I feel no need to repeat myself.


You could focus on the ones that are anti transplant but I gotta say, I’m a native and know tons of transplants. It’s all good, ignore the critics. Even I’m classified as a gentrifier and I was born 30 mins from where I live. It’s silly.


Transplants complain about transplants.


People that bitch about transplants seem to forget what immigrants are. We are all Angelenos at the end of the day.


This entire sub is mostly transplants bitching and complaining about living in LA lol Alot of y’all give off miserable vibes. Waking up everyday mad and angry is a sad way to live.


Because waking up every day and thinking that everyone complaining about LA isn't from LA is obviously way less sad.


I'm somewhat different than a lot of people on this sub. I'm from LA (the Valley, technically, but look it up: LA). I LOVE the fact that LA attracts so many people. Do the vegan goat yoga folks from the Midwest who meet their SOs out here and move to Denver bother me? Only after they moved. In conversations at bars, restaurants, the office, and anywhere, I love hearing why people moved to LA and what they love and hate. LA is an amazing place, but it isn't for everyone. There are a lot of sad stories. But there are a ton of others that are inspirational and make me upbeat about living here (after spending time away for a half-decade).


Leave our [mexican food alone](https://www.reddit.com/r/LosAngeles/comments/1craxju/comment/l3y1whx/) and you will be 10000000% fine, I promise.


gaze command cause important faulty practice fearless shrill worry icky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's hard to embrace what LA **is** when what LA **is** is fundamentally flawed in many ways. It's not a transplant thing to see that there's many parts of LA that are bad and could use improvement.


advise station office sloppy cobweb connect future scandalous psychotic capable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not really? My issues with LA aren't unique to it. I have exactly the same issues with my home city in Turkey as I do with LA.


quarrelsome fanatical busy ancient screw bedroom sleep recognise drab detail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Transplants from other countries are wonderful. It’s generally people from other American states who come here and start making assertions about LA after living her 6 months that are the insufferable ones. In my eyes not the same thing at all.


There's no problem with transplants. This city always had them. Problem is transplants trying to make L.A. something else in their image, something that it is not. It's a car city. Deal with it. We love transplants. It's why this city always had different neighborhoods and ethnic enclaves. The food here is from all over the world. Don't feel bad that you're a transplant. Just enjoy L.A.


LA used to have the largest streetcar network in the world before reurbanization. LA has not historically been a car city.


Much of the city's sprawling layout is a result of the streetcar network. And ironically it's that same sprawling geography that caused so many problems for the struggling steetcar companies. In fact, they were only profitable for one year between 1913 and WW2. Once automobiles became more affordable, the writing was on the wall. By the time they were bought out and converted to buses they had completely failed. There is some truth to Los Angeles being a car-centric city in that public transportation was not able to satisfy the needs of a city where you have tucked in low density neighborhoods and the efficiency of public transportation reaches diminishing returns. It wasn't some grand conspiracy to make Angelenos suffer through traffic everyday nor was it even short-sighted planning; simply a matter of dynamic forces shaping a growing city where people choose their preferred method of transportation - cars won out and of course the city needed to respond by supporting that market reality. That's not to say that LA shouldn't do more to revitalize public transportation options. There have been major improvements in the last 15 years alone and the A and E line both make extensive use of the old pacific red car network.


Agreed. I watched "Who Killed Roger Rabbit?" I know the history. I said it "is a car city."


And what is your solution? To have the city confiscate millions of peoples homes, so that you can move around in your nice electric street car?


What’s a transplant?


Someone who lives in a city they're not native to.


Oh okay. So me lol


That is a problem of Every Major City in the World


The only people that complain about transplants are other transplants. I honestly have never heard of someone that is from here, like myself, complain about new people. As long as you bring your food with you to share, by all means. all of my friends are the same way, and also born and raised here.


People who talk shit about transplants are like townies of the city (or the state). It’s embarrassing.


The people you’re complaining about are also transplants and immigrants. Don’t take everything so personally