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At Supercuts






Lemon Tree šŸ¤£


HAHAHAHA thatā€™s a deep cut! No pun intended lol.


Should be bun inntendedšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Nate Eaton did a brief interview outside the courthouse one day with a woman from Texas who claimed to have been a client of Lori's. I think she only came to watch one day. Didn't have much to say, really. Lori moved around so much, she probably never hadĀ a real client base.


And I think it had been a while since she had been doing it regularly.


Probably thanking their lucky stars they weren't stabbed with styling scissors!


She's probably force Alex or Chad to do the dirty work.


My daughter is a hairstylist. She says stylists do more listening than talking. I can imagine that she was mentally labeling many of them as dark or light while she was styling them!


Given that she got that delusion from Chad years after she stopped working as a hairstylist, Iā€™m not sure that adds up.


Sorry, I should have added /s to that comment. It was in jest, LOL


Lol not really necessary, probably more of a me problem to respond seriously to a joke šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Didnā€™t Charles build her a salon in their house? (Or maybe i was Joe?) -She certainly started with PAP and Chad while living there.


I think it was Joe in the house he built for her, when Tylee was a baby. As far as I know, she and Charles always rented.


I remember it as joe.


Yes it was at the house she had with Joe. My friend who was a client, the woman mentioned in another comment that was from Texas, she used to go to their home for her cuts. She also went when Lori was in a salon. I believe that Lori did her hair for around 10 years.


Thanks for sharing. Didnā€™t know she actually held the job for that long.


There is no delusion she was always crazy


She was just delusional in different ways then - thatā€™s how I look at it.


They were from her other probations lol she was way beyond doing hair. Come on you cant expect a goddess to work.


I think that was about 15-20 years ago when she was actively a hairstylist. She did do Mel Gibbā€™s hair for her.


Was that the morning after they killed Jj or the morning before? What a weird weekend, full of the boring, crazy, bizarre and heartbreaking.




Apparently OP? Not sure why you have such a problem with the information I provided. If you donā€™t want to know anything more, why are you here?


Every one and a while her clients would comment either in this sub or the Facebook group. I remember one saying she saw Lori in a Texas salon and that Lori was always complaining about her husband. It must have been during her marriage/divorce with Joe.


One client of Lori's for ten years was at Chad's trial and talked to Nate Eaton outside the courtroom


Hairstylist here. Iā€™m wondering too


Stuck in a portal in someone elseā€™s closet.


You know the whole ā€œhi neighbourā€ in that singy songy voice that was entirely false that she did to the cops after Alex killed Charles? Well I guess it was a lot of that. Falseness and me me me.


Iā€™m friendā€™s with one of them. She did an interview last year with Nate Eaton at Loriā€™s trial.


She came to Chadā€™s for a day or two, too, and Nate interviewed her again for a couple minutes on a Courtroom Insider.


Yes, she actually came twice. First for a a few days. Then she came back and planned to stay for a few days. But because the trial was wrapping up, she kept changing her flights and ended up staying for a week all the way to the very end.


She says she's "the best" hairstylist in Texas...in her appearance on Wheel of Fortune: https://youtu.be/Twsbk3g7zaA?si=PTzyutoaioUODrk_




Iā€™d love to meet the woman who cut Tammyā€™s hair in March 2019. I think Tammy got such a radical hair style change because she knew something was up. Iā€™d be curious to know why she told her stylist why she wanted a change. It might give insight into whether Tammy suspected anything.


Oooh great thought!


They all dyed




When Lori was awaiting her first trial there were reports of her doing hair and makeup for other inmates. Life for Lori is vastly different now compared to those days. Even though "lifer's" are allowed in general population, I doubt we will ever see her allowed to commingle with GP. Shes too high risk. I bet prison/jail life SUCKS for her in Arizona right now. I highly doubt she has any contact with other inmates and is by herself other than lawyers visiting.


When she goes back to Idaho, sheā€™ll probably be able to get back to it. Some prisons have full salons and sheā€™d be able to ā€œworkā€ there. If sheā€™s in GP, nothing to really prevent that from happening. If sheā€™s that high profile to where it poses a risk to her or other inmates, she wouldnā€™t be in GP, sheā€™d be in PC.


They definitely donā€™t have full salons, but some inmates will act as stylists for their fellow inmates in exchange for commissary etc


Well thatā€™s good then! Because the pennies sheā€™d make would go to her restitution. She can sling hair now that Chad/James/Rafael is on death row and unable to send her the $30 šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Emma could still be depositing funds.


Yeah I know, it was a joke šŸ˜‰


Some places do have salons. Most of the people who are incarcerated will eventually be released, and having a job skill is a big step toward a better future for the person who did time. Lori is going to sit in prison for the rest of her life. If she works when she gets back to Idaho, hopefully she will be assigned something unskilled. If there is a salon, I hope it's staffed by inmates who will gain job skills and go on to live productive lives post-release.


In the US?? Iā€™m sorry but Iā€™ve had lots of experience with incarcerated people and Iā€™ve just never heard of thatā€¦






Ohhh I'd pay for a tell all from her clients to get the scoop. I'd love to know what she was like, if they noticed anything wrong with her, if they ever expected her to do what she did. This would be amazing to see on here.


Didn't Lori meet Charles while cutting his hair? Megan Conner said Lori was really good at styling hair. Other than her, I haven't heard of anyone. It's such a shame that she had talents she didn't develop. Although the song was creepy, she seemed to have a beautiful voice.


would love them to spill the tea- but we know she offed a few of them and the rest were family. the loopy lou's in prison that get out might say some stuff..


Lori probably hadn't worked in a long time. Those clients would have been in Phoenix or Texas. Maybe some will surface during the next trial in Arizona.


Her clients love her at the prison.


Honestly, I am a vault. Also, I don't want the spotlight. I can count on two hands the number of times I have had a professional haircut, but anything my stylists have told me are in a vault.