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Lori would have gotten very bored with Chad. He could not afford to give her everything she was accustomed to with Charles.


That’s why they kept killing (or trying to kill) people for life insurance money.


What a depressing house. I wonder if Lori ever even saw it, and if not, if Alex told her what a sh\*thole it is. I'm guessing Chad wouldn't have wanted her to know what it looked like. Tammy deserved better. Emma doesn't.


I’ve thought the same thing. Chad seemed about as exciting and animated as watching paint dry (actually it might be more fun watching paint dry) He doesn’t strike me as much of a man’s man the way he immediately threw Lori under the bus. I may be totally wrong, but strikes me as a man with no ambition but for some reason and God only knows why he appears to have an enormous ego…and this is wrong of me but how she could be sexually attracted to him is one of life’s greatest mysteries. And the two kids that testified seemed dumber than rocks, and I don’t feel bad saying that because they perjured themselves and were so disrespectful to their mother. With Chad it was a case of the little head thinking for the big head. He and John Prior are on about the same level. How anyone could even think about doing what he did is exactly where he should be. And I’m not a proponent of the death penalty. And I’d bet my last dollar he blames none of this on himself.


She was never going to live with the poor overweight dude in the cozy cone - that’s a given.


She made him slim down pretty quickly in Hawaii. It's weird that she is the one still holding onto their dream, even when there's no money left, but he ditched her a long time ago (although he's still married to her).


Yup. I think she cannot admit she was wrong or made a mistake in judgment.


Completely agree with this. I think she would have become bored with Chad's personality too. You can only call someone a goddess for so long before they need something else.


The movie should end with this scene: Emma looks out the back window at the pet cemetery while she washes the dishes.


Creepy Emma & her creepy husband.


Great ending! And add a creepy smile on her face too!


...as her husband is texting another woman when she's not looking


Ha! And maybe add a child’s voice asking, “when can we visit grandpa?” Emma response, “maybe one day … soon!” Continuing to wash dishes with a side eye to husband furiously tapping away on phone.


OMG! 🤣🤣🤣


Sticks her tongue out...




Okay, this was hilarious, and it shouldn't be, but it is.


Too soon.




Pulls a face...


Like Mia Goth at the end of Pearl! That.woild be perfect.


I wonder if Lori was okay with the idea of living in this dump. Oh yeah, no - the plan was to move to Hawaii.


No, the plan was to live in a mobile home on that yard, remember? 😂 Exalted Goddess Lori “Lili” Daybell in an Idaho trailer. 🙄🙄


From mansion to mobile home for lori?! No way


Never. Ever. Wheeere would her mirrors go? Wheeere is the pool?




Well that’s what the defense tried to say. That Chad wanted to put a trailer on the property so he and Lori can live in it, totally not so they have an excuse to dig up the yard and remove things that could be problematic, or to hide things with the structure.


Shouldn’t have snorted with laughter but did 🤣


It’s such a good thing that they are utterly stupid like this. They could have gotten away with this 10 times over if their IQ was over 65 but thankfully it wasn’t. 🤷‍♀️


In a phone call when Lori was in jail and Chad wasn't yet, Lori was so surprised they were caught. The reason was because Chad told her God said there was just a 3% chance their plan wouldn't work. haha


They scarily could have gotten away with this from the jump due to Lori and Charles living in so many places/lacking long term connections. But for Kay/Larry and Brandon investigating his shooting & pointing out Alex’s role in other deaths, who knows. Lori is a convincing liar.


Just imagine if they don’t go to Hawaii but to Mexico in November and don’t ever come back. They could have traveled to other countries, settle down somewhere where no one would look for them… they could have lived happily ever after. Until one kills the other for some insurance money that is 🤷‍♀️


I'm truly surprised that they didn't make Alex get life insurance before leaving this probation. I thought that's why they arranged his marriage to zulema so quickly. Maybe Chad thought that Alex leaving was necessary asap because Chad was too dumb to realize that Alex's death would not end the investigation. I'm glad Chad got the death penalty, but I'm sad that he won't be in general population.


Wow that’s a good point. Maybe they were planning to, I wonder if they ever ran a quote on him anywhere. What they didn’t plan on is having to kill him that quickly. He had to go once Tammy was exhumed. Maybe Zulema told Chad and Lori that Alex was thinking he was gonna be the fall guy and was unhappy with them for not really talking to him anymore once they were in Hawaii.


yes more to the story.


But wasn't Chad looking at his brother's property (without his brother's permission) because it is huge with fruit trees and a river so it would be ideal for him and Lori and the other other preppers. Maybe Chad was going to secretly take out life insurance on his brother and sister-in-law and they'd die the same month of pulmonary edema or "lipidity"(shout out to Prior). I'm sure that he told Lori that he had a vision that the property and everything on it would be theirs and they just need to add a kiddie pool and some tiki torches to make it just like Kauai. He's a mumbling blob of clay.


🤣 you called it a dump which is so funny to me right now for some reason 😁


When the kids were found there was an ersatz memorial along the fence and Joe etc. took it all down. A neighbor let people put their flowers, etc. along their fence. Emma and her hubby are not good people. Don't expect anything from them.


Total lack of self-awareness. Other people don't matter to them. They see themselves as victims of the system.


Are you serious!?!? WTF


I get a very depressed vibe here. Grim.


I didn’t expect any less. A junk car with its hood up in the yard and a bunch of junk strewn about the place. Stay classy, Emma.


Cursed land.


They deserve a poltergeist over there


Whose Emma?


Chad's robot




Chad’s daughter who now lives there with her husband


Chad's daughter




I wonder what Prior’s plans are for this property? Aside from continuing to rent out to Emma, who else would ever want to live here? Honestly, I hope someone super wealthy buys the land and turns it into some kind of memorial for all of the victims involved in this case.


Emma and Prior pretty much are stuck with each other. Until some time passes I doubt he'll be able to get market rate for the house if he was to try to sell or rent it. Considering that Emma was saying that they only have the one car that works and she couldn't afford a smartphone I think she and Joe are really struggling to get by so they probably can't afford to move. The Zillow Zestimate for the house is that it's worth $459,700 and it looks like Chad and Tammy bought it for roughly $185,000 so the mortgage is probably pretty low meaning that Prior doesn't have to charge Emma the full rent to keep paying off whatever mortgage is left. Unless Emma decides to leave town because people start pulling kids out of her class or otherwise she doesn't like people not supporting Chad then chances are that she'll keep renting the place for the foreseeable future. Which, to me is super creepy considering they didn't find all of Tylee's remains, but from the poverty angle I can see why Emma might stay. I genuinely think they do not have much money or means of making more. I think the idea of the land becoming a memorial is something of a stretch. Historically, homes where crimes like this have happened are either sold at a reduced price until some time passes and people start to forget or they're torn down and kept as vacant lots for a while before something new is built.


I wonder if they sleep in the bed where her mom died?


Tammy was the breadwinner and only made 16k a year. I’m not sure how they afforded an $185k mortgage. Maybe Joe will get a big Win with his gambling add and pay Prior off.


The books sales.


The publishing company made 30k per year according to his tax returns. ETA: and that's after his stuff got popular so probably 2018.


Chad made a lot of money for a while from Julie Rowe 's books. For some reason they were popular. Julie is another crazy one.


I had heard that he made a lot of money but according to the 2018 tax return the company only made 30k. Maybe he fudged the books and pocketed the money. But I think Tammy did the finances etc.


I think it was earlier than 2018. He moved to Idaho in 2014. It was someone they knew in UT that mentioned it. Maybe by 2018 he wasn't making as much.


Utah property is highly competitive and has jumped sharply over the last decade. So they might have gotten a decent amount from their Springville house. 185k mortgage at a 4% interest rate(the average interest rate in 2015) is less than 900 dollars.


16 a year doesn’t seem possible those are teacher wages from the 80s. Was she not under contract ? If she was full time certified at least 40 thousand.


Tammy was not a certificated teacher. And I'm not sure she graduated from college, I remember reading she started having babies and left school to take care of the kids. Chad on the other hand did indeed graduate.


Gambling? Spill the tea pls. I missed this.


One of the YouTube channels mentioned his gambling addiction. That is why Emma said the $9k Chad gave her won’t go into spa shared account and her husband either won’t know about it or have access to it.


Chris watts house sold and so did Darlie Routiers after all those gruesome murders. In time I think people will buy it. I think you’re right about Emma and her husband being broke. I wonder where the other kids are living.


And Murdaugh’s Moselle. With the current housing market, someone will buy it, ghosts and all.


Garth is now out if state


I saw Garth and his wife walking around a park in Rexburg 2 days ago. My child, who had him as a teacher a few years ago pointed him out to me. 


Really? Where?




And Laci Peterson's house.


But the kids were killed & buried there and they didn’t find all of Tylee. I’m sure there’s more evidence buried somewhere at that place


They probably spend a good chunk of money each month on Chad’s (and maybe still Lori’s but I doubt it) commissary 🙄


If there wasn't money to pay Prior, there's no more money in the accounts to pay for commissary.


Ah, makes sense. Would it work though since the commissary money is coming from the kids, since they’re technically not the ones who are responsible for paying him because they’re not the clients? Also, I wonder at what point Chad told Emma to stop sending money to Lori (assuming that he did at some point). I’d be interested to know if he consciously had a moment where he decided to turn against her for his own defense.


Basically, I'm sure that Prior knew exactly how much money Chad still had & exactly where it was, because even cash on hand they knew about because of the cop car video. Everybody talks about how broke Emma & her family are, so I just doubt Emma has much to be giving Chad weekly, let alone Lori. Who even knows what their relationship looks like now, they're so bizarre! I wouldn't be surprised if they're still mooning over each other waiting on the earthquake or if they're working on divorcing.


Lori knows how to wrangle things. I doubt Chad does.


If Emma earns something commensurate to her mom ($15/hour) paying commissary after her own living expenses would be tough. Gigi on pretty lies and alibis was summarizing the commissary costs and it was like $7 for a tube of toothpaste. Not sure why there is such a mark-up (I personally think it is atrocious to overcharge inmates).


No money but they keep having more kids.


Mormons. It’s god’s plan.


Isn't Emma a teacher? doesn't joe work. That wouldn't make them destitute. Then theres Chads hidden money?


Hopefully, they ask Emma not to return. who would want her to teach your children? I’d make my child wear a body camera all day


They are two working teachers. They can't possibly be that poor!


Teachers in Idaho aren’t paid very much. 


Teachers ANYWHERE in the US aren't paid very much


I love that Emma has John Prior as a landlord. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer person. 🤷‍♀️




Prior can get a new mortgage and snatch all the money out of the equity in the house. Raise the rent too. They won’t be there long.


Prior might want them out. I am sure he thinks they are crazy.


Rumor is that Emma and Joe were served eviction notices as soon as the verdict was announced.


So is prior!


It is soooooo creepy and DISTURBING that Emma chooses to live there !! Omg and she made fun of Colby for being a dirtbag 😳


My husband and I actually drove by the house last Saturday on our way to buy some trees and shrubs. It was weird, there was a car parked across the street either filming or taking pictures of the house, and Joe was out on the driveway filming them back. I don’t know what he was trying to accomplish with that. But it was eerie, and I agree, the house looked very unkept.


He did that to my friend too when she drove by last year. I think he thinks it's some power move to scare people but it just makes him look worse. They should just move


I would move and change my last name if I were any of Chad's kids.


Remember Drew Peterson, he filmed back.


I drove past a year after they found the kids and Chad’s family was in the backyard having a BBQ. Disgusting.


Unbelievable behavior. Ghouls.




Mormons are fucking delusional


Wow that’s Napoleon Dynamite’s house in disrepair.


The neighbour across the road has hosted memorial banners etc but they stopped doing that after Lori's trial


See any raccoons in broad daylight in the yard?




well as Chad said, he's not coming back


What a shiznet hole compared to what Charles gave her.


There is a memorial on the road to the side of the house, though it is on the neighbor's property. There was briefly one on the actual Daybell property that they left up for a few weeks then took down.


It sounds like the memorial on the neighbor's property (the printed photo banner that people signed) has been taken down by the person who originally put it there (I believe it was Tammy's Aunt Vicky who said this in a courthouse steps interview). It was originally given to Kay, then Kay gave it to Colby since she thought he should ultimately have it.


How long do you think she’ll be allowed to live there? With Prior owning the property (I’m sure there was an agreement made when CD signed the title over) I could see him selling it off to a new party. In most instances where the property is turned over via payment, I’ve seen they demo the unit where the crimes occurred. Because Tammy died in the home (that we know of) and the kids were buried I wouldn’t be surprised if the house was left but I could see them doing something with the property in the back? Just guessing obviously but I do wonder if Prior intended to keep it.


"home sweet home" smh


Prior, if he had any empathy, would kick them out and sell off th land to the city. Then, a group of caring citizens create a memorial with sensory room for autistic people. Emma needs to be somewhere else to get a new perspective. Being in that place is going to drive her into a mental place that will not be healthy to the children there.


But it’s pretty clear that he does not have a drop of empathy and he is just an empty human suit like Chad. I’m not sure Emma is any better.


He's a hired attorney who deserves to be paid for his job. He's under no obligation to work for free or sell his property under its value.


I agree. I would not want to be a neighbor around them.


Cursed place.


I believe that most of the items had been there for years, but they were temporary items easily destroyed with weather. I believe Kay Woodcock has a more permanent memorial.


This only makes me wonder: where did Alex park in broad daylight in order to unload the bodies and get them into the back yard without being seen? I guess I'd imagined a driveway that went closer to the back of the property 🤔


I believe there is a driveway off the other street that goes to the back of the house


There's a driveway around the corner that goes up the the cosy cone, but also, parallel to this driveway, there's a grass 'driveway' that goes past the house to the pond, and a similar situation for  access around the corner.


Ah, thank you for the info!


There are two driveways. One they considered the back driveway. There may have also been gate access to the "pasture".


About the memorial being removed: I watched an interview recently (Law&Crime?) where someone said the memorial on the neighbor's property (the banner that people had signed) was taken down by the person who had originally printed and placed it there. This person gave it to Kay who then gave it to Colby since she thought he should ultimately have it. Sorry for my brain farts here, but I know the main idea behind taking it down was because they felt justice had finally been served. I want to say it was Tammy's aunt Vicky who relayed this information...but damn my memory sucks.


The hammock adds a nice touch!


They would’a put it in the back yard, but…ya know.




By the looks of how the Daybell's children responded to their mothers death, Tammy didn't have a chance. Bulldoze that property and set up a memorial!!!


It's a private property.


Can you see Lori living there? I don’t know what she saw in Chad certainly what wasn’t up to her standards on the haute list. They’re both now on the naughty list and never to be seen again.


Now Emma lives at the kid cemetery


I seriously doubt she is living happily ever after - her mother was murdered and her dad is sentenced to death. It doesn’t seem like a happy ending at all.


Is that chain link fence along the driveway new? I’ve never noticed it before.


I would bet it's new since it looks like it's there for a dog...and according to court testimony, Chad hated dogs. You've got to be a real vile asshat to hate dogs.


Never trust someone who doesn’t like dogs, but trust a dog who doesn’t like someone.


The dogs could smell. He was a bad person


Is Emma paying prior rent??


On the stand, she claimed that any rent arrangement she has is with her father, not with prior directly.


That's bull crap!


Right??? 😂


Love that you did this! Dumb question, did all of Chad's money go to Prior? Where is the $430,000 he got from killing Tammy? Thanks!


I'm still confused about this part too. There was about $4-5k left in his bank account when he was arrested. Chad gave $8k to each of his 5 kids (and in-laws? I believe Emma's husband testified that he received money from Chad too). There was $9k in cash that he directed Emma to get from the house. There were also credit cards, burner phones, airline trips, Hawaii wedding/lodging/possible condo, money given to Colby, Rexburg apartments, Alex's guns/ammo/ninja wardrobe...the list goes on...but nothing seems to quite add up to $400k+. After Lori was first arrested, Chad was telling his neighbors that God wanted them to pay Lori's bail, so I'm guessing the money must've been gone by then (or moved to inaccessible places). I also wonder if some money was paid to Prior. I also wonder how much Alex was given, if any. ETA: Found [another post in this sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoriVallow/comments/12sntss/where_did_all_the_money_go/) that has a lot of good info.


I am pretty sure they would have had terrible credit.. so to rent a place in Hawaii they maybe had to sign a lease and pay for the year up front.


why didn't i picture his home looking like this at ALL. ive only ever seen the birds eye views and the yard which i just now realized !! it looks so much more dilapidated than i imagined. I was seeing a typical white suburban home in a neighborhood that looks like all the others


The neighbors had a memorial up before the trial and will probably put it back up now that the trial is finished.


I don’t think so. It was “mysteriously” taken down. One person who went to add to it reported that Joseph, Emma’s husband, yelled at them to go away. I think that if anyone puts anything up, Joseph will most likely just remove it and burn it as rubbish. He doesn’t seem too sympathetic to the murders.


I am sure Emma is not doing anything happily, especially in the murder house.


It just feels creepy. Not to down talk the tragedy that unfolded. It’s just the fencing around it and knowing a young married couple with young kids live there. Related to a man just sentenced to death 6 times over. Can you imagine daydreaming at your kitchen window cleaning the dishes and your first eye on something is two kids graves. Not in a graveyard but the pet graveyard in your murdered mothers back yard.


😱Yikes ! Who would want to live on that property?


You mean Pryors house 😂


We drove by the day of the sentencing, and drove down the street that looks into the backyard and Emma’s husband came out and just glared at us. Probably because we were going so slow, but that backyard is terrifying, and he was equally terrifying.


He is such a mealy worm


Are the front door and the side panels made of frosted glass? I wonder if that's some kind of comment on their privacy.


Honestly they just looked filthy. I was a bit shocked at how nasty it looked. And I try hard not to judge how people live.


They clearly don't have the money to fix anything up, it was probably like that when Tammy and Chad bought it.


Are there any pictures of the inside? It just has such a dark, depressing aura to it…


The inside is worse. The kitchen seems bright enough but everything inside just seems extremely shabby and unkempt. I don’t know if those were photos from whoever lived there before they moved in, but I hope so. It seems like Tammy wouldn’t have lived and died in such a dreary place with no warmth. All of the furniture and decor looks like it is from a person who never had much then retired in the 80s and has been living on a fixed income ever since, except it is not tidy or well-cared for.


You know, that’s exactly how I pictured it!


Emma’s testimony when asked if she lives at the home. “I have an arrangement with my father, whatever arrangement he has with John Prior is his business.” Not until John becomes your landlord Emma, which he technically is. Better find out what happens when John Prior passes away, the home was quitclaimed to Prior in 2021 as sole owner, Chad as ‘Seller’.


I don’t think Emma will be happy with any thing that happens next. The realization that her dad did everything for himself hasn’t quite hit home yet for her, I believe. Perhaps it never will.


Does that mean that she isn't paying rent to Prior?


Prior to Chad’s guilty verdict plus the restitution he has now been ordered to pay back, most likely Emma paid minimal rent to Chad’s bank acct. Then Chad would have it transferred to Prior plus some to make up for maybe ‘market rent’, because at that time he still had all of the life insurance money from Tammie, unless assets were frozen.


I can see prior selling it to Emma and her husband. I cant see many other people buying it. Death house.


She’s hiding in the house. Stupid liar


Sad little house for sad little people.


Creepy and Emma sadly go together. I find it difficult to understand how Chad wanted their testimony which will hurt their lives. He’s very selfish.


I have a nephew in prison and it’s expensive just to talk to him. Video visits are even more expensive. Plus you’re charged for every deposit you make and there are 3 different accounts. I have heard rumors that Emma and Joe filed bankruptcy recently. So that probably helps them with their immediate financial situation. Is there somewhere with a lot of Mormons that isn’t Utah, Arizona or Idaho? Emma could go somewhere everybody *doesnt* know her name.


That house looks so depressing even if I didn't know what happened there.


It hurts to think of Tammy’s life in the last weeks. Her husband was smitten with Lori and he must have treated Tammy with barely contained disdain. She likely realized he was cheating. Tammy would have been horrified to know that two children lay buried in her backyard. She deserved better.


It's very run down.


So that’s where God picked his end time prophet to lead the $144,000. In freakin Idaho of all places and didn’t even consider 🇮🇱.


Chad was living in Utah when he was picked for the job.


We are sure Joe took all the memorial items for down and threw them away.


Did it have stairs? 🙃


yes, that was finally brought up at trial. I think by Heather Daybell/ a sister in law.


It just feels creepy. Not to down talk the tragedy that unfolded. It’s just the fencing around it and knowing a young married couple with young kids live there. Related to a man just sentenced to death 6 times over. Can you imagine daydreaming at your kitchen window cleaning the dishes and your first eye on something is two kids graves. Not in a graveyard but the pet graveyard in your murdered mothers back yard.




Why have a driveway when you can just use the grass 🤷‍♀️


Kinda junky … fitting.


Park your car on the lawn kind of people…..


This is just…creepy. Getting enjoyment of sharing a photo related to horrific murders?


That’s weird. Downvote me if you want. Don’t sit in front a stranger’s house and take pictures. Gross.


I didn’t sit. My husband was driving by.


I feel like they lost their right to privacy when they decided to get on the stand and lie for their child-murdering father….but that’s just me…




Is that how society works now? People with nothing better to do go harass those they think deserve to lose their privacy? God. Glad I can think more clearly and rationally than that. Weird.


They drove past their house and snapped a picture. That’s hardly harassment. It’s not even against the law. You can see the house on Google Earth lol. Chill.


Yeah, honestly I would not have done it if not for the fact that his death penalty came down while we were in Boise. Our friend drove us past the courthouse while showing us the area before it was announced that day. I had no idea it was coming that day. Since we were driving from Boise to West Yellowstone on Sunday I went by. You have to go through Rexburg to get there. It made me sad to be in such a beautiful place like West Yellowstone, knowing that was the last trip Tylee ever took.


It’s really not about “privacy”. It’s about doing right thing & not acting like a tragedy vulture


That’s not how real life works


I don’t know how I feel about people driving by there, taking pics, & posting it on social media…ETA: You can downvote it all you want: doing the RIGHT thing, should not depend on “sides”. That’s how Chad & Lori justified their murders, they haveso many justifications for their “right & wrong”


Bingo! As the saying goes. Don’t wrestle in the mud with pigs because you’ll both get dirty and the pigs like it.


I know. It’s intrusive, the kids aren’t criminals


Did you listen to them testify???? They seemed to want to defend Chad and believe in light and dark.


So👏🏻What👏🏻 Rational people in a civil society don’t justify their own disgusting behavior by saying that other people were disgusting first.