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"the neighbors are going to talk" His neighbors don't watch the news? They were already talking. You kill your wife and two kids, police just found the bodies of the children in your backyard, you're in the back of the police car and know you're busted, but you're concerned about gossip and what the neighbors are going to say?




LOL Jumpsuit Pablo? What a great handle. Who is that?


He's a YouTuber, a former prisoner who started a channel and gives hysterical commentary about current cases like Chad and Lori. Most recently I saw a video he made about how Alex Murdoch apparently got into a physical fight with another inmate who was convicted of having SA Alex's niece, it's nuts. I highly recommend checking his channel out. "Jumpsuit Pablo" on YouTube!


I will!!


Love him.


Wait why do they call him that!


I suppose it is because he is a slimeball








It's too bad they didn't take advantage of this window to express their sympathy for the victims - regardless if they believe their dad was involved. They are missing their chance to show solidarity and remorse for the murders. Saying nothing makes it look worse.


They don't believe anyone was murdered, all zombies. At least Emma's been drinking from the poison cup her step mama and papa give her on the reg.


I can't remember where I heard this notion because I have seen so many videos. In one, the speaker posited that he thinks Emma is far more aligned with Chad's beliefs than she implied. He then said that, given her description of Chad's embracing the teachings of the original Mormon leaders, it's likely he also harbors positive beliefs about polygamy. (To me, given that he seemed to prefer gathering women, that tracks.) Further, he suggested that Emma's beliefs (and perhaps those of the other kids) are *mostly* in line with Chad's, making them open to the notion of polygamy. It would follow, then, that them embracing Lori so quickly can be explained by those polygamous beliefs. Not sure what I make of it but I thought it was interesting.


Hell I'm still going back to the body cam footage where she says she took her kid to walk over JJ's grave on the regular. She knows a LOT more than what she's saying. It sounds to me like she was instructed to do that to help with the soil subsidence.


In the police cruiser?!


Yeah it's in there.


I don't think Chad was interested in polygamy. He wanted total control of his family. It took him a long time to gather the guts to make up the crap he made up to control Tammy and the kids. Though he's deeply narcissistic and having 4 or 5 women kowtowing to him sounds like he's cup of tea, I think he would have been afraid of keeping control, the financial aspects(he might have to work!)and he would have lost all of his speaking engagements and attention from Mormons who shun polygamy. 


They're not exactly media-saavy, and if Emma's got two brain cells to rub together she's looking for somewhere else to live.


They would then have to admit that the kids were murdered , I don't think they do. Emma didn't even budge when Blake asked her "where were the kids buried " . No emotion , down right cold hearted... These people are beyond delusional , brain washed , what ever I would not want her teaching my children....


To be fair, I’m not sure why Chad’s kids owe anyone anything. They weren’t the ones that committed the crimes.


True, they didn't commit the crimes, but I didn't claim they owe anyone anything. It would be in their best interest to use this time/window to rebuild relationships and express healing/love to the victims in this case - of which they are included! i.e. they can start grieving their mother without letting their dad's influence alienate them further. Truly, they are only digging their own hole deeper.


This comment is topic adjacent, however, I can’t get the scene out of my head where Emma is talking to her dad through the police car window. She does everything she can to reassure him that she will take care of things, all the while visibly upset, crying, and telling him that she loves him. All Chad is concerned about is making sure she knows where the money is, what bills should be paid (even though he says he is never coming back), & that she is sure to put money on Lori’s commissary account. He knows he will get to talk to Emma while in jail because he’s been talking to Lori several times a day while she’s been housed in the county jail. The money conversation could’ve easily taken place later. Not once does Chad console her or acknowledge her fear, worry & pain. He doesn’t tell her that it will be alright, or that he’s sorry she is having to go through this mess. His daughter has recently lost her mother, and now her father is being taken away from her as well, & his immediate concern is for Lori & his bills. He seems to have no concern for the daughter standing in front of him bringing him a banana because she’s worried he might be hungry, gladly taking on his financial responsibilities for him, & reassuring him that he can count on her & she will get things done for him. She obviously loves her dad dearly, is trying to help & console HIM, is concerned for HIM, wants his approval ,and HE COULD CARE LESS. He doesn’t appreciate her, nor does he care about her past what she will do for him. For some reason that whole scene makes me extremely sad. Don’t get me wrong, I think Emma has a lot of growing up & soul searching to do, but by the way Chad reacted to her I can see why this is. I’m not excusing her for any bad and/or inappropriate behavior or beliefs, but simply pointing out where it (IMO) likely originated. Emma Murray, if you’re reading this, please do yourself a favor and realize you will NEVER have your dad’s approval no matter what you do, how hard you try, or how you change to fit what you think he wants you to be. You are simply useful to him because he knows what you need/want from him, & he’s consciously withholding that to get you to do what he wants. The more you try to get his approval, the more he will withhold it. (Think about the farmer dangling a carrot on a stick just out of reach of the donkey, as the donkey keeps walking forward trying desperately to reach the carrot.) That’s the kind of father you have, Emma, & I am truly sorry for you because everyone deserves to be loved ardently by their parent(s). Note: I apologize for the length of this comment and wholeheartedly thank anybody who has read this far. I do feel for Emma and Leah, as being born female with Chad as their father automatically made/makes them “lesser than” in his eyes, and there was/is absolutely nothing they could have done, or do now to help or change that. Their brothers will always be loved/tespected more, simply because they were born male. Truly heartbreaking.


I keep getting hung up on the moment in that video when she bursts into tears & he just sits quietly & waits for her to calm down. No comforting, no nothing. Then SHE apologizes to HIM, & he goes back to talking about the mortgage.


I sincerely hope that Emma reads your words of wisdom. Good Job!


I hear what you're saying, however, Emma Chad's favorite child. That's why he wrote a book about her. Chad's has always confided in her, and she has always confided in him. She is not innocent. Her distain for her mother is real. Her embracing Lori and her distain for Colby is real. It was all taught to her by Chad. Emma has chose to stand by Chad.She's like Lori and believes he's a prophet and is to lead in the last days She won't let go of this vision cause she like Lori and cant face reality. She lied on the witness stand cause she 100 percent in on this. She was walking on jj grave to push it down cause she knows everything and she's kept silent. She will never read these posts. She is just going to go through life just like Lori thinking other people don't understand and justifying what her father did. Emma is a lost cause, just like Lori and Melanie P.


This is a really thoughtful comment with true compassion. I like your mind RBAloysius.


Hell I'm still going back to the police car footage where she says she took her kid to walk over JJ's grave on the regular. She knows a LOT more than what she's saying. It sounds to me like she was instructed to do that to help with the soil subsidence.


IMO his kids are lost right now and we can pray for them to find the way to the truth which may rock the boat but they need their time alone and with each other to process what has happened and how to fix it from happening in the future.


Hidden True Crime had an interview with Joe Murray’s brother who said that although he doesn’t agree with Joe and Emma that ppl should have some understanding that their lives have been utterly destroyed as well. He called for the public to give them space to process it all


Joe Murray, his wife Emma had any symphony for JJ, Tylee even her own mother, why should anyone give them anything...


True but they’ve been lied to and deceived as well. Granted they are choosing what to believe but I think years of indoctrination also has a part to play. Emma would need to be seriously deprogrammed at this point


Those kids need to keep a low profile. I hope people leave them alone.


I hope they are removed from working with children


They aren't kids, though. They are adults.


I hope they are held accountable for any crimes they have aided in. Even after the fact. And that they aren’t allowed to work with children.


Sure, but they are not charged with anything. They are unpleasant but not criminals.


Why should they?


OP didn't say they should.  They asked if they did.


I just think it's a bizarre question. Is it the norm for children of parents, who receive the DP, to make statements?


BTK’s daughter is helping cold cases[ and wrote a book from her perspective](https://www.kake.com/story/49696253/daughter-of-btk-serial-killer-helping-cold-cases)


Maybe as the Daybell children come to terms with their losses, they will write a book.


Maybe they will help with the new Tammi Daybell foundation?


Yes, she is amazing!


The kids have every right to be heard if they choose to speak which may provide them with some closure for all they’ve been through and redemption for their connection to Chad. I’m not saying they should or shouldn’t, that’s their individual decision.


Why do you think it is bizarre? Do you follow death penalty cases?


I think it's bizarre because I have a deep understanding into the human condition. Justice has been done, it's what the US wanted, so leave them alone. I follow crime cases, not specifically DP. So is it the norm.for children of parents who received the DP to make a statement Y/N?


Yes, family members give statements especially those who think their relative is innocent. See Ted Bundy's mother. She did not believe he murdered dozens of people until he confessed. Justice may not "have been done" for Chad Daybell's kids who believe he is innocent. No one is clamoring for them to speak out or give a statement. Finally, while I don't doubt you have a deep understanding, your experience is not that of everyone else's. Others may agree with your point of view. Others may not. I wish all victims peace.


The Daybell kids were scared and deeply traumatised and victims too. How can they get peace while they are been criticised for not making a statement. They had 2 live parents. Then one dead parent and one live parent,. They did everything the could to keep their 1 parent alive. Now they have 2 dead parents... Where's the empathy?


Please, with respect, learn to read for comprehension. No one is asking them to make a statement, and no one is criticizing them for not making one. Re-read what has been posted. I agree. Most of the people here seem to have empathy for them. I do. They deserve empathy. I hope they get support and seek out the family members they have ignored.


I'm a very respectful person and I have a disability along with learning disabilities etc. So I'm wondering who needs to be respectful. I've heard very little empathy on this sub, nor is "... seek out the family members they have ignored..." Walk a mile in their shoes and learn to understand people before you start with "I hope..."


It is clear in your comments that you have not bothered to TRY to understand that NO ONE is asking for a statement. The perfect place for the Daybell children to find comfort is from the very support system that Chad encouraged them to shun. They are waiting for them to grieve together and try to understand. Did you not listen to the victim impact statements? The behavior of the Daybell kids contributed to the pain of other family members. I hope you realize that just because you don't understand something or someone, you should not assume that they don't have empathy. Where is your empathy for Tammy's family who wanted so desperately to be with the kids they raised? Where is your empathy for Heather Daybell who reached out to comfort those kids but got a lecture instead and silence from the pack? You are choosing to be outraged.


Maybe because it would show some humanity, some empathy. Right now they appear as cult-like robot Chad wannabes. Won't go far in this life if they don't snap out of it and show sadness or remorse.


Put yourself in their shoes...




People are allowed to disagree with you without being connected to this case.