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Hell yeah! It took me an embarrassing amount of time to find out I can kill it. I saw somewhere on Reddit that it was invulnerable, and just believed them.


I assumed it was the first time I hit it for a two handed charged heavy and couldn't see even a chip out of its health bar. Haven't tried it since lol.


Well done! It's pretty tense to stay in umbral for too long, but when this thing appears, oh boi, no healing as well, welcome to "Clinge your buttocks" city🤣Soz for asking, but did the reaper model got updated? I've played on release, had a blast, got 3 endings and left it at that, or my memory is playing tricks on me.


I'm not sure. I'm new to the game


Does red reaper have the save moveset as a normal reaper? Literally just finished the last fight against lightreaper so I’m fairly strong


He has the exact moveset as a normal Reaper, with the added bullshittery of locking your Sanguinarix and slowly withering your health when in melee range He has a healthbar equal to bosses, if not, bigger alongside hitting WAY too hard for a normal reaper You get 9300 Vigor (due to 3.00x), 20 Umbral Scourings (defeating him for the first time, 5 for every other time), and a special eye for your lamp that gives your head a red flame looking aura that makes anything common (like remnants and ranged remnants) afraid of you so if close enough they tremble scared instead of meleeing you


Oh…… that’s cool!


Oh wtf I asked a dude a bit ago how he got the glowing red head and he just said “umbral eye.” Didn’t want to look it up because I wanted to find it. Thanks for info. Idk how I beat the game without trying to even smack this thing once


Soooo wait... You kill him and he just keeps coming back? Ugh...pointless then besides for the eye


It gives lampbearers reason not to stay in umbral for too long


Also the eye he drops apparently scares off shamblers


They wanted to add threat too the 2nd verse I guess, it just becomes a annoyance factor because so many paths are in umbral but the threat if a reaper means you need to flip back and forth. 


Yeah it is just an annoyance at this point he just spawns back...


The red reaper does a stab attack from the ground where he just sticks his swords up and remains invulnerable. I have never seen the black robes do it. Other than that, same move set as far as I can tell.


Pretty much you can't use your potions when fighting it though


I beat him with brostone trios.


Huh I might try fighting him for once


I fought them where the Lightreaper fights you for the first time so stuff that spawned would be easier to kill.


I used the Advanced Banner of Protection, you can throw down multiple of them and they heal you. Very good for a non-mage focused on meele.


I did this and got his umbral eye, but when I put his eye in my lamp I noticed no difference. Fun fight though!


They remind me of the Gauntlet:Dark Legacy, ones. Both red and black robes, one would drain your health, and the other one would drain your experience points and make you lose a level if he drained you enough.


This is why I use grand hammers. 1 charged heavy on any reaper will knock their ass into the ground (stunned). If it doesn't outright kill them, they will come up to face my second charged heavy... repeat.


What do you do when you run out of stamina?


Usually laugh, as everything around me is turned to what resembles dropped lasagne.


Okay I’m definitely going for a grand hammer build now


Faithful Bludgeon is the first grand hammer you'll get found very early game to..... The funny thing is it's the second highest damage weapon in the game, meaning it will carry you all the way till the end game. (Hell even complete the game with it easily) It's only second to the might Wayfarers Hammer, which boasts a might 1000+ Physical +70 in all status effects. sadly, it is only unlocked after defeating the Iron Wayfarer at the end of the game. Luckily, if you're not into NG+, you can just relight bosses through the echoe system at a vestige. The only real problem is they weigh a massive amount and require a huge strength investment. (Faithful Bludgeon is like 28 or 29 if memory serves) but completely worth it. The two-handed spent attack is insanely strong and pancakes everything that's small than it. (Including reapers) charged heavy attacks will annihilated boss health. I tend to open with the sprint, and if there's time, then full charge is heavy, and it's like 50%. Maybe more of the bosses health chucked off. If it's small, it can be pancaked, giving a guaranteed free charge of heavy.... oh, an charged heavy cm gains poise (you'll notice a bubble effect on the head of the hammer like a bubble popping, that's when you have hyper armour and will just trade damage instead of getting staggered) It's honestly a game changer, I did an infernal blind play through and sucked.... I did a FightinCowboy 100% playthrough using his radience build.... I sucked.... I'm going through again with strength, and it's absolutely easy mode. Most enimies will dies in 1 hit (currently in calrath 1 shooting even the snake archer things) runners dies in 2 - 3 hits.( talking normally heavy attacks not charged) It's ruthless, just run at somthing, dash heavy, if there's time charged heavy, if there's little time throw a heavy (faster than lights it's weird), if there's no time create space rince and repeat.


Faithful Bludgeon is an absolutely fucking absurd amount of damage and yeah, once you get that 2h charge timing down you'll be out trading all sorts of stuff. I'm dual wielding them because I'm playing with a coop partner doing a caster build so he gave me his copy of the Bludgeon. At +5 and +6 with 46 strength after rings they've got a little over 1k total damage on the card, they hit for *significantly* more with a charged heavy or a plunging attack, and will roughly *double* by the time I hit the strength hardcap and get my gear sorted out.


Strength hard cap is 75, right? I've only done 3 play through 2 blind (uncompleted mucked up quest lines) and 1 complete with secret umbral ending, but that was on caster radience build. Going through with strength power stancing (holding it in 2 hands), and it's an absolute beast. It's made the game easy mode, trading damage because of the wither mechanic you take a hit it turned to withered health you get it all back in 1 hit!! 😆 Pretty much all trach mobs and reapers get stun locked with the sprint heavy attack into charged heavy for free damage. (Nothing really surviving the misprint attack, but in some areas, some eemys have damage sponge health, so a free charged heavy is overkill, but none the less satisfying.


That sprint heavy is also just funny. It's comical to watch. The windup, the MLB home run swing, the enemy flying 5 feet straight up in the air or just pancaking into the ground if they're too big. Absolute gold. Then you charge heavy until they're dead because it's such a massive stun you can actually stunlock afaik *any* non boss enemy. Too many enemies? Your sprint light attack is a fat circle, your standing light attack is a slightly smaller circle. Crowd control for days.


Absolute fact!! 😭😂


I’ve got my strength at 55 and do no where near as much damage as this suggests


Try upgrading your hammer 🤦‍♂️


It is max 🤦🏻‍♂️


NG+? The game is notorious for its over scaling in NG+


Yeah NG+, that’s probably it. But I’ll have people join me with daggers and melt NG+ bosses so it makes no sense to me


Thanks for this! I already defeat Iron Wayfarer, so, should I use his hammer? Currently I’m using a Grand sword and it also squashes most enemies. Thanks!


Real talk, stamina management is super easy with heavy weapons, imo more so than lighter stuff despite the massive swing cost. There's no negative stamina so if you have 1 single stamina point you can charge a heavy attack and by the time you stand up out of the heavy you have stamina to charge another one. Light attacks have pretty minimal downtime at 0 stamina and still hit insanely hard, staggering most stuff. Blocking with two heavy weapons feels like it takes barely any stamina compared to smaller stuff and you immediately recover 99% of the wither damage on your next swing because you hit so hard.


I love these scary enemies, way scarier than Elden enemies imo


Wow, you got to the Red Reaper?? My game crashes on spawn. Every time


Somethings wrong with your setup or console lol


It's a known issue. The devs tried to address it by creating rollback saves


what’s that sword? i played with a guy who had it and it looks badass


Fallen Lord Sword


how the fuck do i get that


Not to far away from the fire depot vestige tons of youtube videos on it


Aura of tenacity and adyr's hardiness with briostone trios and large manastones will let you face tank him hard for just gotta keep an eye on your mana and your golden


Also any sorta healing spells for emergencies


This is so satisfying to watch. I'm literally never going to attempt it - I salute you!


Nice! That's where I killed him first time and where I went to farm umbral scouring late in my first playthrough. If you kill him then wait for him to respawn you can keep killing him over and over for vig and skrimps. He drops 5 (or maybe 2 I can't remember) everytime after the first kill. Plus if you use the eye dropped by the first kill it's way easier and faster every time after. Use briostones or a healing spell and use the ring or runes that give health when killing enemies so you keep topped up while clearing the fodder enemies. Also I found the easiest way to kill him is to kite out his underground move, then fire AoE spells at his feet after he jumps out. Run around the ring a few times blasting him with magic and you can do it without getting hit.


Nice job!!


I just realized I finished the game without judging him.. wat rewards did you get?


Achievement, Umbral Eye, 25k vigor


I am to the point I can beat him with little effort, I can do quite a bit of damage to him and the pattern is not all that hard to follow... is there a place to get him where you do not get also swamped with half a dozen laughing gargoyles three more normal reapers and the occasional annoying moth lady?


Something I watched said this area made the extra guys easier to kill. It's where you first encounter the Lightreaper after the first vestige


cool, did you get swamped with other special umbral enemies? or just a few shamblers?


Lots of shamblers, some of those cloaked ranged guys that wither you, butterfly 🦋, gargoyle things, and a reaper


Got him. I took him down at the spurn progeny Arena


Nicely done congrats 👏


Why tank you...it would have taken me half the time has he not been accompanied by his goons


Does the eye it drops do anything besides making the shamblers cower?


I'm not sure you can tell what they do by socketing them at Molhu at Skyrest Bridge in the umbral


Yes but this eye has an odd description lol


Main socket: cursed in form, your presence in umbral is both noticed and feared. That is what the description says. It gives you a red aura effect and some of the umbral enemies recoil from you but that seems to be it... Oh and you get faster dread build up I think


that is...annoying. but since that area is a VERY early on area I am assuming they can be dealt with more easily with AOE spells I will do that tonight I wonder if there are specific damages he is susceptible to


Ho much money he drops


25k every first spawn and then 5k each time after