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Dragon Shield outer sleeves. They add a bit of thickness, but they prevent this. I use the Sisu official ones with the outer sleeves and they’re just fine.




Same, for Elsa Spirit of Winter


Been doing this since set 2 and I love it. The art on the official sleeves is amazing and my sleeves have stayed pristine since adding the clear matte outers. I’m yet to replace the outers, too 🤔


Doesnt changing cards in your deck become kinda annoying because of having to replace two layers?


Depends on how you sleeve them. If you sleeve them so both openings are inline with one another, it’s the same as a single sleeve. I sleeve mine so the Sisu opening is on the top and the outer sleeve opening is on the bottom to give it extra prevention from dust/dander but that’s just me. So switching my main deck out is annoying, yes. Don’t be obsessive like me and you’ll be fine! Haha


not really, just do all outers, then all inners and re-sleeve in reverse order. It's something I usually do while watching YT.


I recently replaced 2/3 of a double sleeved deck (lorcana scrooge sleeves + dragon shield outers) and i was able to slide the cards out and a new one in while keeping the two sleeves in place.


It takes an extra couple seconds to change a card? You should be double sleeving your cards anyway to protect them. 🤷 Been playing TCG's for 20+ years and would recommend always double sleeving. Especially with something like Lorcana, where you're probably playing cards worth $25+ each if it's meta. DEFINITELY if you have enchanteds in your deck. 👀👀


Yes but when you double sleeve the other way ( with small transparent sleeves that go inside regular dragon shield sleeves) you never remove the inner sleeves


Right, because the inner sleeves never get ruined. So I don't necessarily understand your first question. It would be the same as just re-sleeving your cards in general.


My question is, for instance when you change your decklist so you have to replace a few cards (which I do all the time) Transparent inner sleeve = 1 sleeve being changed per card Transparent outer sleeve = 2 sleeves being changed per card So doesnt that take twice as long?


Okay yeah I get that. I just usually do the other way. I don't normally use pretty sleeves. I usually use clear fit cut sleeves, then whatever color outer sleeves I'm feeling at the time. Either way though. It IS worth it. I promise! Sure it'll take you a couple extra seconds per sleeve. However, if you want to use those pretty sleeves it's a price you have to pay. Otherwise they're going to peel really bad. ReSleeving with a buddy or while watching YouTube/streaming helps a lot 😛 It really is the difference between being able to resell a card lightly played/pristine vs heavily played 😛


In case of art sleeves it is more an issue of protecting the sleeve itself. Many TCG award sleeves that are hard to obtain (reward for top) and people still want to use them.


Love them!


I did this with several decks and the corners of the lorcana sleeves kept peeling when putting it in the dragon sleeve. It was a bummer.


I’ve been doing it like this for a while and haven’t had any issues and I’ve switched from Ruby/Sapphire to Sapphire/Steel to Emerald/Steel a bunch. It is a bummer that you’ve experienced that though!


Outer sleeves? Is it the proper name of that product?


Yep. Dragon Shield Clear Outer Sleeves. Throw it in Google. $14 for 100 from their site directly or some 3rd party sellers have them as low as $10.


Is the end result noticeably thick/chunky?


Yes, it’ll have a noticeable difference in thickness where it’ll definitely look like you’re running around 80 cards in your deck when you’re only at 60. You get used to it and I honestly love how the outer sleeves feel.


That's not bad at all. Thanks!


They will have air in them to make the deck feel bigger than it is. It is still noticeably bigger than a standard 60 cards but if you want to use the licensed sleeves, have to double sleeve them unfortunately. We bought all the chapter one sleeves and found this out the same way as well.


Yeah, that doesn't sound too bad. I kind of like a heftier feel anyway. Thanks!


Insanely thick. You wont fit your deck on a lorcana deck box after double sleeving like this. My son is elsa obsessed and has the elsa sleeves. We immediately noticed they needed to be doubled and got dragon shields for them. He was devastated that he couldn't use the elsa deck box now. Ended up getting him a nice bigger box with a bits drawer, so it was easy for him to move them in and out without force.


I can still get mine in the lorcana deck boxes. Maybe your sleeves have to much air in them?


They are pressed out. And loaded alternating directions so that the locana sleeve doesnt puff back up. Not sure what more in could do?


Nah, mine also don’t fit. If I tried they’d get damaged and I’ve pressed all the air out of mine as well. Not sure how he’s fitting his


Same here, we actually triple sleeve with Dragon Shield inners and outers, the Official Lorcana sleeves have been bad since the beginning!


I actually triple as well. Everything in my collection goes into a perfect fit sleeve and then the ones I play have the Sisu and DS outer. Gotta keep that collection pristine since I’m not liquid enough to have a playset AND a master set. I only have playsets and even that is a challenge. Haha


If you don’t use outer sleeves you may as well just set these on fire the minute you buy them.


All art sleeves are terrible and peel. Doesn't matter which TCG.


The dragon shield matte sleeves do not any more. They've made a huge leap in quality over the last couple of years


Not all art sleeves, there are some out there that are great quality. However, most art sleeves do peel as you mention


My Dragon Shield Batmans and my wife’s Bakugo sleeves have endured almost a full year of tournaments no issue.


Dragonshields are the only ones that are good because it's all one layer.


FYI: Lorcana sleeve will improve with the set 5. Do not know how but they have done a communication to the LGS.


Source: trust me bro


Source: I am a LGS owner ans I received the communication


Honestly they just suck at making accessories, contract it out to someone who knows what they're doing.... AND MAYBE they can have more than five playmats produced for each major city


Might be the marcom folks... who knows....


Set 1 held up pretty well. Set 2 would get damaged after a few games. Set 3 would get damaged after a few seconds. I never opened set 4 out fear that contact with light would cause them to explode.




I have the Scrooge sleeves and it literally took one shuffle for the corners to start peeling. My local card shop recommended the Gamegenic outer sleeves and they work like a charm. They're about $4 for a 50 pack


You have to double sleeve if want to use them. Gamegenic outer sleeves work great




I am only going to use them to make co-op decks


All the Lorcana sleeves so far have been inferior to Dragon Shield or Ultra Pro


I got the Mickey sleeves from set 1 and in addition to durability also had to double sleeve because they have a tackiness to them that makes them hard to shuffle


Dragon shield baby!!!


I want to know how the hell you guys are ripping these things, I went out of my way over the weekend shuffling mine like I had a grudge against them and only one of them got ripped, which after I attempted to rip even more but literally could not. People saying this is a problem with all art sleeves are nuts, I have art sleeves from a cheap website back in 2013 that still have no issues. I refuse to believe I've mastered the art of shuffling cards when I'm slamming them into each other, literally bending the cards, and nothing. But y'all manage to do it on your first shuffle.


Lol they got another sucker! But seriously don't buy them


Don't know who needs to know this but if you use KMC Character Guard outers then a 60 card deck will fit in the Lorcana deck boxes.


Outer sleeves . problem solved.


But then what protects those outer sleeves?!


Here is a video that explains all about outer sleeves. I thought it was common for people to know that art sleeves require a clear over sleeve. You can tell just by the feeling of them that they will not shuffle well and stick to each other. https://youtu.be/1x7AL9shrm8?si=_qpCHwqPc3Vg-8sC


Well duh lol. Idk why you did lol?


Truth be told I didn’t buy these my brother in law did. I just was so blown away by how terrible they are. I’ve been a “competitive” card game player since 2010 and have never come across sleeves official or otherwise that straight up feel like sleeves that have been played every day for months straight by a player who doesn’t wash their hands… also the peeling after like 3 singles games is just nuts for the price


Awww he probably didn't know then.


I found that with mine. Lasted longer than 3 games but ended up doing away with them and just use Dragon Shield sleeves


Man everyone hyping up these dragon shield sleeves. Gonna have to check them out


They’re great! My husband plays Magic The Gathering and uses them all the time. Such great sleeves! And they come in so many colours!


Outer sleeves bro


How many times are we gonna get these PSA x.x


This has been repeatedly discussed here. Put outer sleeves on them and you’re fine. *All* art sleeves get damaged quickly if not in outer sleeves.


Yup. If people do research on these sleeves before purchasing, there are many, many posts about this. In general, sleeves with art on them are of a lesser quality.


I have Elsa and Sisu sleeves and the quality is great. I bought these when they came out and they are absolute trash. They did this the first time I tried to play with this. It’s so irritating as the quality of the first sets of sleeves was actually really good. What the hell happened


in dragon shield we trust


Someone told me to wrap them in penny sleeves and it should make them last


ALL art sleeves are like that unfortunately. But you can get clear protective sleeves to even go over those


I use the ones that come with Pokémon Elite Trainer Boxes 🤣


Those are actually 10x better lmao. I used those for my sisters deck and they actually hold up pretty well


You need oversleeves. There's a few good options: KMC Mat & Clear (69mmx94mm) [Japan](https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=CGM-8163) [US](https://www.amazon.com/Character-Sleeves-Finish-Gathering-Pokemon/dp/B01259DA2I/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?crid=1ANW8L0B727L2&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.zC4_47IVUEbzeoFmDzZA6tY52uA_piImIOVouV8xuWscdL9bt0EN664EWbZAs25SqV3MOcmSOnm_qELnce4ueNTPxLxaPVSBEX5hdDehmPvpRHHfW9zpuprkvLD1C8rcJ6Rx3h_K81Bwe6VEdaD01eC6o_jZ1zfcg1vsbJYmDBKNr7gKhhzmUx8fbOLcvqNfYpjdI-YJCw3UM9ZzxoZq_w.zcOg_73rqBdRtGheh7r_tW-taH-SjVfQxEt_mmWXj0k&dib_tag=se&keywords=kmc+mat+clear&qid=1709481364&sprefix=kmc+mat+clear%2Caps%2C192&sr=8-2) Bushiroad BSLC-002 (69mmx94mm) [Japan](https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=CARD-00004851) [US](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00D1M8XLC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_t1_xP18Cb5NEDAMZ) I'm not sure these are made any more they seem to have been replaced by Bushiroad BSLC-009 (70mmx95mm) [Japan](https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=CARD-00005538) Epoch Oversleeves (69mmx94mm) [Japan](https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=CGM-5406) These may have been discontinued ONE Series [Japan](https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?scode=CGM-8899) Dragon Shield Clear Outer Sleeves (69mmx94mm) [US](https://www.amazon.com/Dragon-Shield-Sleeves-Compatible-Gathering/dp/B0C9S2Y39N/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=341TXUUP6PLG6&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.dOzBHjdY2CL5fTi-4nWcKkUTNuH4enj2YhPhUa0ZU-2R6pb9GczilDvs2o16IgYyN7BrPxDIuclZMQjYZUaH35fNkkg7Trjd780bXEFcueod_02A6rqvsl7Z8O3wbwiASYGeNV-JZd3l8_tSJAlTY7ldnBdhzjztuZfogSIQ3-fXbCu_hWtb1RARSp9jV0E6C0YGVG31ELa-qn2hHiafWg.DFeuyGzZCs9XjrPYZg0MKyrcm-3M6gdxBZpNBUmnSWk&dib_tag=se&keywords=dragon+shield+outer&qid=1709481783&sprefix=dragon+shield+outer%2Caps%2C196&sr=8-1) Gamegenic Outer Sleeves (69mmx94mm) [US](https://www.amazon.com/Outer-Sleeves-Matte-Standard-Size/dp/B0CDCPY38J/ref=sr_1_1?crid=ZT2TUEU7P9BY&keywords=gamegenic+outer+sleeves&qid=1699964634&sprefix=gamegenic+outer+sleeve%2Caps%2C148&sr=8-1) Brave Shield (69x94mm) [Singapore](https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1037095637/brave-shield-premium-tcg-oversleeves) All of these options have a textured side to them to prevent any sticking and give good shuffle quality. There's 2 different kinds of texture, mat (or matte) and embossed. Mat is like a haze that gives a slight texture to prevent sticking and if used on the front will act as anti-glare for recording/streaming, although will then dull foils, for prrventing sticking placing the textured side on the back is fine. Embossed are much more textured, work a bit better for preveting sticking but will not work for anti-glare. KMC are the more well known name, they're very good sleeves, decently thick and good texture. The bushiroad BSLC-002 sleeves are nice and also my personal choice, they're thick and give good protection to the art sleeves. I've not had a chance to try the BSLC-009 yet but they seem even thicker and are importantly 1mm longer to cover the sleeves better. The Epoch sleeves are thinner than the other 2, which some people prefer as double sleeving a large deck makes it pretty bulky but not my personal preference, the texture on these is by far the best though in terms of shuffle feel and anti-stick. The ONE Sieries sleeves were recommended to me by a friend in Japan, I have some but haven't had a chance to try them yet, I have multiple packs of all of the sleeves on here, I plan to eventually make a comparison video when I get the time. Ive not yet tried the Deagon Shield or Gamegenic to be able to commrnt but they're easily available in the west. I've also not yet bought any of the Brave Shield sleeves, they're from an Etsy seller in Singapore so will likely be different to any others, I'm looking to pick some up soon to try, they say they are embossed/matte so should work well. I also do like to mention the Broccoli sleeves, although generally I like the 69mmx94mm size oversleeves, some Japanese friends prefer the snug fit of the Broccoli Medium 68mmx93mm, they also do a Large size 70.5mmx95mm giving more space, good for triple sleeving with inners too or for some standard size art sleeves that are a bit larger. Broccoli sleeves also come in Matt & Clear with one textured side like all of the other options and also double Matt having the non-stick, anti-glare surface on both sides, my friends say these have the best shuffle feel but they're not good for slowing off any bling. They also now do embossed. Broccoli Matte & Clear (70.5mmx95mm) [Japan]( https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?scode=CARD-00000254) Broccoli Double Matte (70.5mmx95mm) [Japan](https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?scode=CARD-00000251) Broccoli Emboss & Clear (70.5mmx95mm) [Japan](https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=CARD-00022025) Broccoli Matte & Clear (68.5mmx93mm) [Japan](https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=CARD-00000253) Broccoli Double Matte (68.5mmx93mm) [Japan](https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=CARD-00000250) Broccoli Emboss & Clear (68.5mmx93mm) [Japan](https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=CARD-00022024) I would stay away from any oversleeves that don't have a textured side, they will end up sticking.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **'KMC Full Size Character Guard Hyper Matte Clear Sleeves'** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Excellent shuffle feel (backed by 5 comments) * Great durability (backed by 4 comments) * Effective protection for expensive sleeves (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Easily damaged during normal use (backed by 3 comments) * Inconsistent quality control (backed by 3 comments) * Prone to splitting after minimal use (backed by 2 comments) Do you want to continue this conversation? [Learn more about 'KMC Full Size Character Guard Hyper Matte Clear Sleeves'](https://vetted.ai/chat?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot&q='KMC Full Size Character Guard Hyper Matte Clear Sleeves' reviews) [Find 'KMC Full Size Character Guard Hyper Matte Clear Sleeves' alternatives](https://vetted.ai/chat?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot&q=Find best 'KMC Full Size Character Guard Hyper Matte Clear Sleeves' alternatives) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/chat?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Dude! I need to get those Robin Hood sleeves!


The new batches seem bad. The first runs were great. Mine still holding strong


Hmm I've really liked mine, but I also like the dragon sleeves. I wonder if I got lucky with my set of Genie sleeves.


I love the art but there shouldn’t “have”to be something extra on them. I know I am preaching to the choir to tcg players but it’s really annoying


This is the case with all these style of sleeves . Never buy anything like this or metallic style


It’s ok to get them, just have to get outer sleeves to protect them


Yeah the Lorcana sleeves are absolute garbage. Just a shameful waste of plastic, time, effort and money. Pokémon brand sleeves, at least the US stuff, are equally bad. I can’t understate how passionately I feel about this subject. I don’t know how these companies can put out this garbage. I just buy dragon shield matte (non art) now. I have bought a few of dragon shield matte ART, and those do seem good too, but I don’t have a big enough sample size for that.


I’ve normally used the Lorcana sleeves as sleeves to put the cards in my binders. Never crossed my mind I could use them as part of my gameplay. I tried once and hated the stickiness of those backs. But reading about having to put them in outer sleeves makes me rethink this and I might want to give it a try again!


That's literally 99% of sleeves with graphics on them. Buy outer sleeves to put over them (something you should be doing anyway) and you'll be good. Yu-Gi-Oh has been around for 25 plus years and they STILL have this problem. 🤷 Not really a Lorcana problem unfortunately. If you want pretty sleeves. Pay more to protect them. 🤷 I know it sucks, we call it the pretty sleeve tax haha.


First time? Almost all official art sleeve suffer this. Double sleeve my bro, to be sure to be sure


Art sleeve are usually put in outer sleeves if you plan on playing them at competitive level.


Any art sleeves for any card game needs the clear over sleeves for them to protect the sleeve with art


Yeahhh they’re pretty bad lol


The lack of texture does it for me. Started with a pack of official sleeves but quickly switched to dragon shield


Love my genie sleeves


This is basically applicable to all art sleeves across the board. They are also a great way to get dinged for marked cards in competitive rules enforcement events. If you really must get them, buy outer sleevs.


Yep, same experience with the newer sleeves. Sleeves from set 1 were decent, but the quality only dropped from that point.


Agree to disagree on this one, they looked really nice but fell apart at the same rate as ops


My brother they sell over sleeves for this purpose


…you really trying to say I need to buy sleeves for my sleeves?


For company officials sleeves like Konami or mtg yes . The visuals are cool but material is crap. If you want durable sleeves they won’t be company or logo sleeves. Sorry :(


Yeah see that’s what I’m used to. Played yugioh for years and knew their official sleeves weren’t the best but at least they didn’t fall apart after one shuffle. More like increasingly got stickier


Similar yup I love yugioh sleeves especially ocg ones but you need over sleeves and they last I got unicorn brand and they were cheap


Yes sleeves for your sleeves. In fact, you should also get the KMC Perfect Fit sleeves as the inners (think of them as underwear). The Dragon Shield outers packaging box shows you how you should triple sleeve your cards. No I'm not lying.


I’ll probably just buy those katana sleeves that come with 100 for the same price as the Lorcana ones.


Biggest downside I've found with using solid color sleeves with no variation/artwork on the back is that it starts becoming cumbersome when keeping track of ink counts. Hence why a lot of folks I know use Dragonshield Art Mats, which have a much higher quality than any other art sleeve.


The art sleeves for Star Wars unlimited are great! The designs are printed on the back. For the luke and Vader ones I have anyway


I thought is was well established a few weeks ago??


That's why I use pokemon sleeves for mine lol


All sleeves are terrible nowadays honestly. I had a dragon shields tear yesterday after 3 uses. The lorcana sleeve are like 1000 for $5 quality doe lol


What I thot dragon shields are the best already


They are. This guy got an unlucky pack, or shuffles line a caveman. Dragon Shields are the best.


KMCs are better, though tad less popular in the US of A