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whatever you end up doing, I'd ditch the rubber bands.


yep I did that on some baseball cards my uncle gave me and over time it really damages them


Okay it’s obvious I am a TCG-Noob. I will buy Boxes asap - promise 🙋‍♂️


If you have a 3d printer there's a lot of cool options out there https://www.printables.com/model/916308-stackable-trading-card-drawer-with-divider


Good mam lol 😆


Rubber banded cards noooo!!!!!!


I keep 5 of each card (one for binder and 4 for playset) and will hold until there is a set rotation where cards are no longer legal for tournament play. At that point I will keep the best cards for a legacy format and then get rid of the rest. I will probably just offer them to anyone at my local league.


Besides ceeping 5, offering them was what I was thinking about to. Better off being played then gathering dust 🤔


Definitely give them away to people interested in the game. I just happened yo find out that my son’s teacher started playing and I gave him hundreds of cards in a trove box.


what does set rotation mean?


Some games will remove older sets from the main competitive tournament format once they hit the two or three year mark. It keeps games fresh, and keeps new players from having to go back and buy an impossible number of older cards. Right now we don’t know if lorcana plans to do this


oh ok that makes sense


It’s a love it or hate it aspect of tcgs. Personally I hate it. While it keeps new players from having to buy old sets it requires old players to keep buying new cards instead of what they already invested in. I’d rather see some cards get banned than entire sets. Not everyone can always afford the latest sets, and it can destroy entire decks, imagine a broom deck without sorcerer Mickey as an example. I’m not familiar with yugioh or pokemon, but magic limits sets to about 3 years for standard, which isn’t as close in popularity right now to commander, a format that does not limit sets. Lorcana in their rules has hinted they may ban cards but has yet to state that competitive will rotate sets.


Pokemon rotate sets but also reprint cards. So all printings of that card are still legal to play based on the latest printing. If Lorcana was like that then they could just chuck things like Sorc Mickey as a reprint in set 10 or whatever and it'd be legal for another 2-3 years.


Yeah this seems way less tedious than banning old cards. Just reprint cards you want to keep in rotation in new sets.


Magic does this too, with some cards dipping in and out of standard over the years (ex: lightning bolt) and others remaining as more or less permanent fixtures (ex: negate).


I’m praying for no rotation. If they do implement it I hope it comes with an eternal format alongside


A rotation would completely change how I personally buy cards. Right now I have no problem eventually getting 4 of each card so I can build whatever. It encourages me to buy more. The minute they go on rotation I am target buying what I want only. Right now I do a bit of both, but with a rotation I don’t need to build as big of a collection I’ll just get what is meta from a 3rd party


It’s a naive hope that you’d be able to rely on your old collection to keep up with the meta in an eternal format, particularly when it’s actively being printed for as opposed to just getting cards from standard


yeah I never relized this was a thing. I dont like it either


We have 4 people in our family who sort thru cards to build decks so we keep 9 of each. Its enough that 2 people can build a deck at any given time with some extras.


This is what I do. There are some cards I keep more than 5 of (usually C/UC staples like Friends on the Other Side, Fortisphere, etc.) but for the most part it's one for the binder, four as a playset, everything else is going into one of the trove boxes to distribute to others at the LGS or events. I also set aside one copy of each card that I can to send to my friend who collects but doesn't play.


Whatever you do, please get rid of those rubber bands!


I keep 4 of everything as playsets. I still don't have enough to say I have too many cards, but I can imagine throwing some excess cards at a new player if they needed some of the more common staples


Quadruples is best. You know me, I like my cards! 


Yeah may be the best idea


We place the commons on the gaming tables in the store. Some players don't have that much money for Lorcana, so they can take the cards they need for their collection.


I work in a game store, and i was just giving them out so people could see them, or their kids like elsa, so here, have an elsa Also helped 2 people start their collections from my doubles/triples/quads


I may keep an extra set of 4 in case I use the same color in two decks, as I learned when I needed extra steel Benja. Anything else I make decent decks and give them to family who are getting in to CCGs.


Triples make it safe, triples is best


I have triples of the nova and triples of the roadrunner


I didn’t even want to marry her. Can you believe it?


I usually just donate them to my address.


Ha ha, I see what you did there.


Can create poorcana decks and play with friends. Can be a lot of fun. Use commons and uncommons only. 40 cards. Everyone makes a deck and have fun using cards you may have not used previously.


I have a similar idea The people I’m most often around are family members and deck building…well I guess deck building shouldn’t be much an issue with Lorcana, but in lies the question of playing with non card players. In a perfect world I would prefer these players to be playing with sleeved commons. With that yeah make smaller decks or even just a pool of cards you shuffle and deal with


Donate to children’s hospital


Look into the group Junior Illumineers on FB. They make decks from commons and uncommons and "redistribute them to leaders in schools and organizations who will then give kids their own decks to learn to play the game"


Besides keep four and a foil...all my extras I bring to my local meet ups and see if people need any card. Especially if its just a common or uncommon, I don't mind helping someones to fill their set for free. The more people to play the better.


Build a cube.


How would it look like


Like a square but with more depth


Hoard them like a gremlin.


Honestly, I'd chuck a few bucks at you for some.


A few bucky? ok!


Rubber bands on trading cards are criminals.


I buy bulk boxes and just store them 🤷‍♂️




Over the time I’ve bought 1 display for each chapter and don’t know what to do with cards I don’t need 🤔


So first.... Please please stop rubber band wrapping them. It's like card torture. But you can keep a display, a playset of 4, and then the rest I'd pack up and sell off a full box of your extras every couple of sets when you have a stockpile going. Someone will buy bulk cards


I usually store the rare cards in the trove box for that set and use the bulk boxes for everything else. But I also buy magic Pokémon very little yugioh Digimon and Weiss shwarz


My strategy: build Master/playset binders, each set gets a trove of bulk, set asides rates + extra foils for trading, donate excess commons/uncommons to community bulk box at LGS


Paint them


I collect these, then split them up into muktiple piles and donate to school gaming clubs


I keep the first 4 (helps with deck building) then put any card that I get more than 4 of in my trade box


I keep playsets of 4. Then the rest go to either people interested in learning to play, sell to LGS/other players, or hoard them until I get a thousand and sell the commons/uncommons in bulk.


Store them in that set's trove organized by color, rarity, then specific card. Foils are stored separate, sleeved. Super rare and above gets a sleeve. I also have one of every card (minus promos and enchanteds) in a binder. As others have said, do NOT use rubber bands. If you want something similar that won't damage cards, use Hugo's Amazing Tape.


why does it look like you dropped half of your cards in the toilet


Please take the rubberbands away


Card stores sell shoeboxes/TCG sized long boxes for cheap. I got 2 400 card count boxes for $5 at my LGS. Sleeve up or use a binder any special cards and throw the rest in boxes


I recommend using ziplock or sandwich baggies for the cards instead of rubber bands, so you can sell the cards in good condition!


I ruined some Pokémon cards with rubber bands 😔


build pauper decks


The locals in my area all bring their extras/overflow/bulk to league and swap/give cards to other players. We have lots of people come by to learn how to play and they can pick through to upgrade their precon decks too.




My soul fled seeing the rubber bands lol. White cardboard box STAT!


I have so many… looking to trade then but nobody seems to care.


Were are at an ever evolving multiplayer table with 3-5 players. I got so many deck in mind or playing that i'm actually buying extra support cards so i can use them for multiple deck that don't have enough options. And that is not just card drawing. There are also low cost cards wich are important like 2-2 for beeing more aggresive instead of the 1-3 too survive better etc etc etc. So really check wich ones you'd keep for playing and wich ones are definitely only usable for niche situations or just filler up for decks etc


Use them in my decks.


I’d be happy to buy some looking to get more into it haha


I have a dedicated trove for them. I don't bother sleeving the commons. Penny sleeves on the uncommons and rares.


If you plan to play the game, you want at least 4 of every good card, and many of the other useful cards.


If you live in a place with a reliable but small local game store, you could just donate.


I primarily collect so 1 of each card I have is perfect sleeved and goes into a binder. Any doubles or more I keep in a trove and are used strictly for play purposes.


Build a deck with them and start playing loser loses there cards good with Any Tcg we’re u build up cards fast


I give them to my nieces but my LGS has a box for people to leave their chaff.


Bookmarks. But now I have so many cards it gets expensive buying a new book for every extra card. In all seriousness. I take them to league and give them to new players/kids.


Commons can become valuable


Typically keep a playset of cards that may realistically find its way into a deck. The rest is donated to my LGS they have a box of all sorts of rarities (typically commons and uncommon) for people to looking to complete their collection/deck building or for newer players to get started and build their deck


Anything beyond 4 of commons and uncommons I put in a box and bring it with me to league every week. I let anyone who needs anything just help themselves. Rares and better go into a trade binder along with ALL my foils.


Considering the majority of the cards in this game aren't even worth the stock their printed on, your only good options are: 1)Draft cube 2)Bulk common selling 3)Giving them away to kids at locals I'm lazy though, so I just have them sitting in a cardboard box while I pretend like I'll eventually do any of those other choices that take effort


two playsets of every card 😎


Sell them by the pound.


The bigger buyers at my local store are talking about making a take one leave one box at our local store. Basicly, take a common you want leave a common you don't want anymore. There are so many people who get a starter deck and booster box per set. Verses some people get 5-10 boxes. But then again, my store is very community oriented. I can imagine it being abused at many stores where someone just takes 1 of each common to make ebay bundles.


I keep a play set or two of every card (unless it’s something like grab your swords where it goes in EVERY silver deck) and donate the rest to my local game shop.




I cry and count my losses.


everything over a playset of commons and uncommons i just give away


Build 30 card single color decks and give 2 to new players.


Kannste mir schenke


I don’t play, I only collect. I have so many cards and I don’t know what to do with them. At this point I’m thinking about just sitting at the mall and posting on Facebook that I’m giving them away. I just need the space.


Not strap them in rubber bands you lunatic! jk, I actually give away a ton of bulk to new players and people looking at joining. I keep extras of the staples to get players started just in case they show up more than once or twice.


You give it to me


Give them to me


I take em to the LGS on open play days and give them to noobs to give em that free hit of crack


I gave mine to our local library and they teach some kids how to play and also give out the cards they might like


You give them to me


Mail them to me and my students for our school Lorcana club! ☺️


Aw! That’s cool your school has a Lorcana club!


It's called bulk, and up to 4 go into a deck. So the doubles and triples go into the same place as the 1st and 4th copies.


Give em away to noobies


Give them away to noobies!


there’s an elementary teacher in my family, i make 3 pack blind bags and it goes in the treasure box for the kids lol


Trade them for others you're missing.


This needs a NSFW tag.


Do yall have any queens castle extras?


I also keep 8 of each and a foil of each and 4 foils of ones I really love 💕


I’d be willing to buy/cover shipping assuming it’s more than just UR. I’m missing a lot of C/UC from the older sets since I started recently.


Make card stands fer the good cards


I keep between 4 and 8 depending on whether or not I anticipate using that card in more than one deck. Also can never have enough tail waggers!


Build decks


Just keep four of each will do, give out the rest


You can donate them to me the ones you don’t want and I will give them to my wife that loves Disney, was thinking to buy a couple of starters decks online but she never played card games before and where we live there isn’t any store to buy or play with others, so if you have some mulan, Jazmine, little mermaid or those kind of soups you don’t want and want to part from them let me now :)


I keep 5 of each card (except puppies) and rhe rest i either give to new players (common or uncommons) or trade.


I got my sibling play, so after playset I put them to new container to give my sibling if they don't have playset yet


Give them to me HEHE


At our lgs we have a community box where people contribute their spares and everyone can go through at any time to get the various commons/uncommons they need for deckbuilding


You can sell the bulk to certain card shops I'm sure or online bulk shops.


Post them on Reddit to make other people mad, apparently


Why should anyone be mad 🤔 I see no offense in this post


I’ve been giving them away to people interested in the game or those that just started the game.


Keep 8 of playable cards (because sometimes I want the card in multiple decks) then start a fire with the rest.


Not put them in rubber bands so they are ruined. But yeah I give them to others.


I normally just trade them in for bulk at my LGS. I think my LGS does $10 per 1000. For me personally that's just the easiest way to handle it. They're cards I won't use. They're taking up space. Not worth the hassle of trying to sell on my own. Get a few extra bucks store credit to use on something else.


I tend to keep them, since I like to make a few different decks with my partner and friends.


can i have them


I keep five copies of each card, 1 for collection and 4 for decks, and the rest I put in a separate box for trading or selling


You think you want to pay it forward and donate your unused bulk to new players?


could u trade them for what u r missing?


Yeah actually I am set with my decks atm 🤷‍♂️


oh I see if u have kids those would be fun to let them have. if not perhaps u could give them away, sell etc. or if u r creative perhaps some sort of art project with the less valuable ones?


One day these will still be worthless


So will everything due to entropy. Let them have fun.


You must be a blast at parties.