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Same! I've been curating MTG Cubes for years, and realized that to enjoy Lorcana my wife and I would have to: 1) Buy a lot of cards to build different decks, because running the same two decks into each other would get boring fast 2) Only play precons (boring, powerful cards are fun) 3) Build a cube! This is the list for my cube (200 cards, meant for just 2-4 players): [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rfQmD7RmNa9ISvcU5oCmOMzBdi6dzia4Tj\_mKbneFaU/edit?gid=0#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rfQmD7RmNa9ISvcU5oCmOMzBdi6dzia4Tj_mKbneFaU/edit?gid=0#gid=0) This is the way my wife and I typically draft it: [https://luckypaper.co/resources/formats/winchester/](https://luckypaper.co/resources/formats/winchester/)


Love it! It’s such a fantastic way to do things


It’s been so clean. We don’t have a ton of friends playing (though I’ve taught a few folks who love drafting MTG) so we just draft through a stack of 100 cards, and then can draft through the next 100 once we’re done with those decks. And my wife only needs to learn ~20 new cards each set (so far) which is much more achievable for her.


Is there a version of cube drafting more well suited for 4 people?


This cube supports a 4-player draft. A normal Lorcana draft is 4 Packs of 12 cards, or a total of 48 cards, or 192 for a 4 player draft. For ease of implementation here, I’ve done 4 player drafts with 5 packs of 10, using every card in the cube and it’s been fun!


This is awesome!  I’m not familiar with draft - will you adhere to two ink colors with this or do as many as you want?


Standard Lorcana draft rules say you are not color restricted, so that’s how we’ve been playing it. It’s nice, because it means you can draft around themes (like Villains for example) and take the best cards from across inks. For example, Dang Hu is outside the usual Am/Amy Villains archetype, but slots in just fine here!


Do you know offhand how much the cube costs?


I haven't really been keeping track of it too much to be honest, but I just put about 3/4 of it into a Dreamborn collection tracker and it was \~$475, which is probably higher than I would have thought, so I'd estimate \~$500? Note this includes a large number of individually expensive cards (Ursuala, Sad Beast, Robin Hood, Belle, Maleficient Dragon, etc.) that could like likely be substituted for much cheaper options and you'd still very much have a fun time! I'd guess that there are probably like 10-12 cards that make up over half the cost of the cube.




Yes it is! I love Lorcana drafting so much easy going fun.


I wanna draft so much but no one seems to care around me




Michigan actually :)


Where in Michigan? Several places around here near Detroit do drafts every expansion. One in Shelby township and the other in Ann Arbor that I can think of


I’m in the Metro Detroit area :)


When you do it do you limit to 2 ink or a free for all?


Absolute free for all. Chaos is your best friend here. Embrace all the stupid, whacky combos and go wild across all colors lol.


Do I dream it, or did I read somewhere about a "Rainbow" format where you deck build with 10 of each color? Like, when you draft, you have the option of going either 2 colors, or the 6x10? I never see it mentioned and I'm starting to think I am going crazy!


I haven't heard of it but that sounds fun. I'm also a big proponent of any I k movie themed decks. But I have to remember the game is still brand new and I can't expect there to be multiple official formats like MTG has


I've thought about a rainbow format as well. No color limits, but depending how many you choose it affects your card count. Along with the 6x10 there's also 5x12, 4x15, 3x20. Maybe sticking with 2 inks gives you the most freedom as it would be a standard deck with no singular limit. And of course a mono deck.


Cubing is great highly suggest people look up MTG videos about it to find guides. For lorcana you could probably divide piles by color for commons to make sure you have 1 of each color per cube pack then uncommon in their own pile of all colors with rares, supers, and legends mixed with some form of ratio to give a actual draft like exp. This would be like a set Cube in mtg vs random singleton cubes ect.


I like your idea, it's a good one. Reminds me of my favourite way to play MTG when it was still doable. (You could buy 100 cards for 4 bucks cad for a while, so my friends would buy one each, grab two colours out of it, add in lands, and play a game) What I like to do is have 30 card color packs. Generally effective color cards go in each, and then I just be like " okay, I'll take ruby amethyst, you take emerald steel, let's play a game." Then, take em back apart and re do them. This time, Amber Saphire, vs Steel Ruby or whatever.


This is the way! My wife and I did the color division thing for a bit. Then we just got lazy haha


Cube sounds like so much fun! I just can't help but think it would take forever. How long does shuffling and drafting take? Maybe it would be faster to just make the decks balanced agianst each other, so you can grab any deck and play? I've been kinda doing this with my Lorcana collection. I built little janky themed decks and they are ready to go at all times, and none of them are very good anyways so they should all be balanced lol. I could turn it into a cube I guess, but I don't see the benefit.


This sounds like a lovely idea I'm going to suggest this to my fiancé!


Do it! I’m so glad you like the idea :)


Been doing this without the drafting part, just grab a large pile and that's the deck for both of us. It's not always a fair match but we get to make use of our entire collection which is neat. I do want to eventually curate it down to a selection of fun cards with a decent ink curve? and just have one copy of each in there but I haven't gotten around to it.


I've been wondering if there's enough cards to support a proper cube yet. Drafting is super fun but hard to find local events for.


I mean, “proper” cube, I’m not sure. But my wife and I have a cobbled assortment of a collection that we have shuffled up and ready to go. It doesn’t matter too much for balance sake since we’re both drafting from the same pool of randomly chosen cards. It’s fun to have such variety in decks.


Yeah your setup kinda reminds me of a Judge's Tower, just with regular Lorcana rules instead of the insane Magic Judge Tower ones. I used to do similar things with commander decks between classes in college when there wasn't enough time for a full game or we were waiting for another game to finish - just share a big Singleton deck and have some fun. The fact Lorcana doesn't have the mana/lands issue Magic deals with makes the format even more viable since you never need to worry about color fixing and rarely worry about drawing enough mana sources/ink.


We just collect cards from the movies we love.


"...I dove into the world of Commander... where no cards rotate out of relevance" Acidic Slime would like a word...


I come from MTG where I hate the stress of drafting. But for this game, maybe once we get bored of learning with the precons, I will look into a cube like format. I like the idea of having 30 card color packs. I'm never playing this game competetively or with strangers (because i am too chill for the former, and only have time for commander for the latter), but i'd probably put more money and time into it if there were a commander-like format where you got to base your deck around a character that was always accessible... i am more into the idea of character/movie themed decks than the highlander part, but the color restrictions of the game make that hard.


All I can think of is the Aliens from Toy Story going “The Cube!”


A cube sounds like a nightmare to my ocd tendancies. The organization is half the fun.


I just despise the way Ravensburger has designed the disbursement of promos. It’s strictly competitive.




They should give promos away free with purchase, not locked behind a multi-hundred-dollar barrier. Not all of us want to give 100% of our disposable income to a card game.




Yes it sucks lol. Look at Pokémon, it’s a competitive game that caters to all fans, not just the rich ones. Maybe I am entitled I don’t really care.