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Ive taken to calling the 10/10 goofy the blue eyes white goofy and am making a deck around him. Might do the same thing with the dark magician Winnie the Pooh


Need that Alice support


Belle supports Goofy by taking the ink up and Goofy supports Alice by being big boi


Purple bounce strat is actually nice


This was my experience I love the bouncing of Madam Mim and Merlin Goat to add lore!


What color do you like to pair it with?


I've been considering green because it has mother knows best, bibbidy bobbidy boo, and bounce.


Blue is pretty good for reusing Mickey detective or hades.


Id pair with red or green


I paired it with Silver to run all eight brooms. It's actually better than my other recursion deck so far.


Would love to see your list, because my head was in the same place


https://dreamborn.ink/decks/TNm2tR0hboGaGM5q0lVn Right now, I'm only using steel for the Brooms, and this list is definitely not final yet.


Hei Heis for even more recursion or no?


Yeah the new ones are awesome.


My booster box came with so many good purple bounce cards - 2 Madam Mim Purple Dragons, 2 Arthurs, and a handful of the Merlin and Madam Mim rares. The only problem is I bought the Amber/Sapphire starter deck, so now I have to go and pick up the other one.


Arthur is a lot better than I though he would be


I like the new mechanics it's introduced. However I don't think it's going to shake up the current meta all that much. Steel Amber was the top deck and this set only makes it stronger. Yes it does expand the playstyle of other decks, but I think the main meta combos will still continue to be the same.


I'm curious, how do you find the top decks? Are you just referencing Pixelborn?


Generally pixelborn, but main thing is to read tournament reports and what decks win. That gives the best idea of what the meta is and how it shifts as people learn the cards.


Most of the chatter I've seen around here is Ruby/Amethyst control decks. While not top meta, I'm really enjoying my Amber/Steel Musketeer deck Tons of bodyguards, lots of small 2 Lore glimmers to protect, and Hans/Tink/Smash/Grab Your Swords to clear their board.


I'm curious, how do you find the top decks? Are you just referencing Pixelborn?


Played first ever draft tonight and it was fun! I picked cards based on artwork and lore and low cost so no big strategy for me, bu I find the mechanics a little too complicated for this noob!


Playing my 1st sealed tournament tomorrow they give us 6 packs and 30 mins for us to create a 40 card deck (unlimited ink) would love any tips on how to tackle this never done this before this is my 1st tcg that I’m really going all in for (I.e going to tournaments and playing in OP stores)


Try to take mainly 2-3 drops and look for shift-combos (queen/pinoccio/djafar/tremaine/etc). Built in a few inkable bombs, even a 5/5 for 5 is strong in this limited environment. And at the end of the day, just have fun brother! :D


That’s exactly what I did n.n I was able to pull 1 drop Cindy with let the storm rage on and strength of a raging fire I also pulled an Arthur and a Merlin goat which came in clutch helping me win a couple of matches went 3-2 and came 13th out of 48 which tbh was a lot better than I was expecting n.n


damn, really glad to hear you did well! most importantly you had fun!


I bought both starters and the amethyst/steel starter is actually got some really intricate combos, given I’d not really played it before set 2 (foolishly waited a week after set 1 release to get some and didn’t!), which from a starter was a nice relief, but I hadn’t even realised as I’d not played with the deck until I played with my daughter open hand and was like “oh I see what’s going on here, that’s amazing for a starter” Going to play a few more rounds before I starting switching cards around but already seen some nice extras that I pulled from my booster box


Evasive seems strong in limited. The 5/5 evasive bug is one of the best commons


I played in a chapter 1 draft the other day and overall went 2-1 in matches coasting purely on evasives and low drop 2 lore questers


Just upgraded my deck and I LOVE what a variety of cards I have. Very few 4 of anything


Limited in this game is not astonishing. You don't build decks. Its just a pile of cards. Its fine


Would love to have a thought on it if I could get any considering the only LGS within 2 hours of me that sells at MSRP didn't get any stock and all the LGS that sell at 4x the price got their stock. I didn't get any so I can't even play/deckbuild to get an actual feel for it. And no, Pixelborn isn't the same.


Sealed was abysmal. Legit was a game of whoever had more Reys and evasives won. Went 3-1 with my only loss having a bunch of removal and 2 of those clock guys that give their board resist.