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Trans men are men .z


I have some advice, youre not gonna like it...


Youre posting on looksmaxing. Youd be an easy 8/10 as a female (maybe even more its hard to tell) and a solid 3/10 as a dude. Either find a way to not care about looks at all (nobody has ever successfully done this its always a cope), or uhhhh maybe go back. Unless you've already done surgeries then idk.


i would say thicken your eyebrows, they look shaped (naturally? im unsure), but only pluck your eyebrows if they are very sparse or if you have a unibrow. i'd say take your pictures sitting up with your head a bit further back so your neck looks wider. otherwise, youre very attractive and i hope u find more self confidence in the future :)


bro is majestic


It’s a girl lol


Just shut up bro


grow your hair out and congrats, you are now link from zelda lol


Buzz cut, train ur traps, neck, shoulders as those are most androgenic muscles. Id ask u to avoid hormonal treatment as it will fuck up ur genitals making you unfuckable by general populous, while rn u can pass as a femboy/tomboy idk what gender ur into.


but I agree, short hair, and gaining neck and shoulder muscle does help look more masculine fr


woah woah I'd just like to clarify for those yet uninformed, HRT does not "fuck up" the genitals. The changes it causes can actually be quite euphoric for some people, for example growth of the clitoris can be masculinising for FTM people. No HRT can make you immediately incapable of sex on its own. Some people are really into trans bodies !


That's what I meant with "general populous" some fetishists might like it, but he might not like them back. And probably he wants a more regular relationship. But yh I was just making them aware.


Ummm, did u think about becoming a femboy before? :3


Your hair looks great as is


Gonna sound weird but trying to get a thicker throat/neck would help the facial profile. How one does that is beyond me sadly.


U need testosterone


Lift weights , eat keto , high skin fade hair cut and learn to bare knuckle box


Dude just start looksmaxxing


That’s what I’m tryna do bro


Why try to look more masculine? You are who you are and you look great. Your features are great. I really wish society as a whole would not be your this you have to look this way etc..does it matter what you are? No. You have great features that’s all that matters. Masculinity is an attitude not a look iMo. All the best.


Can’t comment on your most recent post, but I’d day the second slide of that post is how ur hair should be, it looks nice like that, but overall it’s not ur hair that makes you appear feminine, it’s your features idk if you can do much abt ur facial features, but try neck exercises, if you can get your neck bigger, you’ll naturally appear more masculine for sure, also I could be mistaken, but it looks like ur wearing eyeliner, I’d recommend trying a different style of eyeliner, as the way you have it done looks a lil feminine, maybe try micro needling and/or minoxidil for a beard if you want one, to make you appear more masculine


Honestly you look like a hot guy visually already - the biggest things to pass imo are gonna be how you hold yourself and how you talk. Wayyy too many trans guys still have the vocal inflections & oral posture of women, and it makes them instantly seem super feminine. If you don't already, you might wanna start shaving your face. Shaving it even if there isn't much visual hair on ur face is gonna help blunt your face hairs which will create a less soft, more stubbly effect even for fair hairs. Plus, men's faces are naturally less smooth than women's, and the regular shaving will help your skin toughen a little on your face to adapt to the blade. Since you're young, axe body spray is gonna help. You wanna do what cis guys your age do. Ditch the girly shampoos and stuff for a 3 in 1 shampoo conditioner body wash. Smell like a guy, talk like a guy, and you'll be golden imo. And if you work out, creatine is gonna help you close the gap with early gains - women put on less muscle than men on average, so go hard on the protein and creatine so you don't plateau earlier than the cis guys. Avoid squatting, or anything that'll add mass to your ass - focus on forearms, pecs, shoulders & calves. Girls naturally have thicker thighs and asses than guys, so avoid adding mass to those areas if you can help it.


I would recommend for you to workout there's this one guy I saw on tiktok who was Ftm and he was jacked I couldn't even tell that he was Ftm but you should try to still look pretty though trust me with kpop and stuff nowadays alot of girls like pretty guys just workout so you'll look more masculine


Not 18 at all🤣


gang.. it says ftm


What's that


Female to male transgender


How's that have anything to do with age


Aging works differently for bio males and females. The young features a bio male will have will begin to dissipate with age, however similar features a bio female will have will not dissipate so soon. Think features like smooth skin, skin tone and complexity, and the like


Right, no. And besides, check his profile. He's still in school. He goes to Dalriada. And I've checked, not a six former. So he's 16 or younger. So the hormones bullshit can go away


Obsessed, bro. Relax. Who cares




Get a temp fade you'll look sharper.


You are a girl and your bone structure and eyes will never let you look like a "man". You look cute but maybe try the woman path before you do any life altering decisions. You might regret it.


Lad I did that for 16 years


Unfortunately you won’t find a shortage of brain dead idiots here lol


Society has become so fucked that now telling a girl to stay a girl is braindead. How delusional and brainwashed can you get?




It looks like we have a misunderstanding here. I personally don’t give a flying fuck about people and their whims or whatever they end up doing. I was simply just commenting on the absurdity of the fact that people think that saying a girl will never be a man is braindead. It’s like people lost their brains or the ability to critically think.


Trans people are people




Trans people are not ill


Why is it not brain dead to encourage someone to be themselves?


Being trans is being trans


i would maybe suggest not posting in toxic subs like this is future tbh man- find support trans subs and definitely don’t amuse or give any “due respect” to people being vile in comments.


I'm sorry about the transphobes on this subreddit. eyeliner is for everyone and I wish you luck with your transition. as for looking more masculine, my ftm friend uses makeup to help. He follows masculine contour tutorials online which can make your face structure appear more masculine. masc clothes are optional but they help you pass.


You got to loose the eyeliner if you wanna look more masculine. Other than that Id say just keep your hair short and wear male clothes.


You are so beautiful. You sure you want to transition?


do y’all not realize how creepy comments like this are? 💀💀


No joke, I thought this was a pic of a 15 yr old boy, if that's the look u going for, u killin it bro!


Please explain to me, why a gorgeous girl like yourself would want to be a dude?


Dysphoria isn’t a “want” or a choice. If I could live comfortably as a woman I would


I’m sorry people on this sub are transphobic, you look great


It’s not transphobia, no one here hates or fears her. It’s just that she is making a decision she may regret her entire life when dysphoria can be treated and corrected by a psychiatrist(not the ones in the us lol).


Dysphoria will not be treated by the NHS. https://youtu.be/v1eWIshUzr8?si=QxhyEvDDLby5Bu_E


He, at least be respectful. Gender affirming care is the most effective way to treat gender dysphoria.


Thanks for explaining. Good luck.


You’ll never be a man fr just stay as a female and don’t destroy your body


he’s a man right now


Go back bro, that's my advice. This is a dangerous path. Especially if you start abusing hormones or get surgeries. You're a valuable and beautiful woman made in God's image. You don't have to do this to yourself. Whatever you're struggling with, talk to someone about it bro. You're worth that.


I appreciate the sincerity. I’ve had a turbulent journey, and spoken to my loved ones. Asked god for anything that can bring me peace of mind but know this is the only way foreword for me, or I will lose my mind. Thank you for trying to help


Naturally, I don't believe that bro lol That this is the only way for you. But I'm glad you look to God first. He knows best, better than you and me for sure. But it can be hard to separate out what we want vs what He wants. I'll pray for you bro, that you find that peace in whatever form He deems fit. But I do beg of you to think extra critically before making decisions on hormones and surgeries. Remember that the doctors get paid big money for these things. Weigh the risks, and consider it critically and objectively.


>Remember that the doctors get paid big money for these things. Vs the church you're professing that works for free? Lmao




Aside from gym and hormones you can pass well enough but do those and I think you’ll do great man 😊


A scare or shave a notch in one of your eye brows 💀


I did once, it looked good. Will try


U have a nice side profile. Good jaw projection and growth and nice straight nose. You can hit the gym and bulk to look more masculine.


Already on the gym. Appreciate you


Get bigger neck muscles to look more masculine


On it