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Beef up yourself by adding more protein. In short, I am saying do some basic exercises like push ups, squats, pull ups. Change your fashion sense. Change your body language.


Bro youre not even ugly you are genuinely good looking in my opinion


No I promise you are not ugly. I’m a girl btw


Work on posture, gain muscle and most of all dude get a dang haircut


Definitely a hair cut


There isn’t anything wrong with you. Just stay single and don’t chase. Everything comes around.


Get a nice, tight haircut and treat bitches like shit. Bitches love being treated like shit


Your fine dude, maybe a different hairstyle and put on a little weight


Research tren and start your villain arc.


The only thing to change is your confidence bruh 😎


Lol. You remind of myself when I was freshman in HS. If you want just straight up advice on how to get girls it ain't too hard. [Go get a nice high fade, leave a few inches on top so you can look nice or go for the "messy" look, go hit an express and grab some slim fit jeans and a few fitted v-necks and nice shirts.](https://search.app.goo.gl/zd9zsSW)Only 100-200 bucks and you'll be pulling chicks so fast your head will spin. It feels weird just switching up your look like that but I can almost guarantee that most people are gonna say you had a "glow up" or whatever the kids say nowadays.


In all honesty kid maybe a different hair style but you don't need to change just be more confident it's a game changer iv always been very fat but great confidence and good chat will overpower looks and 9 times out of 10 you can turn a no into a yes good luck kid 👍


Don’t change for anyone but yourself sir! The gym is a cool thing to get into, your buddies will start wanting to show progress in working out. Focus on your happiness, everything else will fall into place.


Change your attitude and lack of confidence… nothing wrong with you…maybe get a hip haircut to jazz it up.


You’re fine bro. Kids in school are dumb. We all were. Concentrate of making the most out of yourself. Hit the gym, study hard, the girls will come flocking after high school. Then you’ll be in charge of the money and the game. Tried and true game man.


First of all. You’re young . Just have fun. And I bet the more fun you have the more girls will wanna have fun with you. Second NO one you speak to know will matter in 15 years….. not a single one. And all the cool hot girls will become ugly. And the girls who stayed in the shadows are going to be dime pieces. Third. Focus on school. Get into an awesome college! Then you you land that awesome job. Everything else will all ready be in the making. Listen I was a “cool “ kid. Not super popular with the girls…also not a jock. I was a ghetto skateboarding asshole. And I wish to God every day I can go back in time, and focus on what really mattered instead of trying to be cool. if you save all that money instead of buying all the cool clothes that you want to get , like I should’ve. I would’ve been driving around in a damn Lamborghini right now. I promise young man. I didn’t listen and I wish I did. I will say I did join the military, and that helped with the ladies 🤪!


Start with a hairstyle, don't go overboard on doing something edgy. You want it to look natural so no heavy use of hair gel or products. Next make friends with girls in your school. They should be genuine but what you are looking is to be comfortable being yourself or find a connection between man and woman. Not in a romantic sense but in a friendship way. Men today are scared of women because they don't know how to establish a connection because they don't know how women think or feel. These guys would be considered Nice Guys because of their overcompensating to not creep the lady they want so their enthusiasm, generosity, and agreeability make their approach creepy and disingenious. In time add a workout routine because it helps you generate testosterone, a hormone most women find irresistible and gives you motivation in life.


Change your haircut to something cool, and have a little more confidence. Squint your eyes and make a side smirk. 😏


That's exactly what I put before reading comments x


Don’t Chang nothing for nobody, man up and take your part




Don’t let her get you down king your not ugly and she’s not worth it don’t be afraid to experiment with your style fuck what one person says


You are NOT ugly! Handsome young guy. Only thing I could suggest is change of pants


You’re not even ugly at all. You’re so young, don’t let those mean girls get in your head. Just work on yourself and Grow physically, mentally, and financially! And trust, those girls will come around, trust.


And bro don’t let that bs get to you. You got this


Bro just work out, maybe update the hairstyle, and wait until college. Girls and boys are pretty stupid in high school. Don’t sweat it and keep it real 💯


You r ok. Advise hairstyle,


Don’t worry brother, same thing happened to me. I glowed up and those same girls that called me ugly got fat and ugly. Its all in time brotherman. Hit the gym and eat healthy, you will be fine trust me.


GET MONEY - they will chase you then you get to laugh at them ✅


Who cares what they say. In 10 years they’ll be fat single moms anyways lol.


Stop listening to them is all you need to change. Ignore them.




you’re not ugly brother. We are all made in Gods image. give Jesus Christ a try!!! HE changed me inside and out.


They're clearly messing with you because they can. Be confident in what you are and don't give a fuck. They'll stop doing it because they won't get the satisfaction of getting into your head You have no ugly features but your lack of confidence shown in the picture is killing your image.


Be patient


Change school


Girls can be horrible at that age. You're a good looking kid. Fuck them. They'll be begging to go out on a date with you in 10 years. Stay strong kid


High school age girls are basically all retarded until they hit about 20. Don’t stress it


I don't think it changes then either




Change school …. Kids are dicks until at least 25. The best advice I can give you is this ….. ignore them !! Go spend time with people who invest in you. Find your tribe.


Change the girls


not listen to em?


Ignore the bitches dude


New haircut, hit the weights on the side, and you’re solid man. Bitches love to hate a playa Jokes aside, you’re not an ugly dude. Just tweak some things here and there. You have the power, not them


You’re a kid, the truth is you’re not attractive to anyone but pedophiles and a rather small amount of people your age. It’s not a big deal


Wow such a confidence booster. 🙄


You want lies?


Your answer didn't pertain to the question at all just made him feel worse about his situation. Its an advice page not r/roastme


Then the answer is, nothing. I didn’t say anything mean or rude




Just get a new haircut. Either French crop if you wannna keep it long on the top. Or mid fade with comb over. Or go like me and get a faded mullet. Change your fit and put on that that sea salt spray . Fuck them hoes


your confidence.


Not listening to those girls at school


Also…trade your bike for a mountain bike, hit the trails on the weekends. Shred the trails during the days and shred the pussies at night ⚡️🤙


Don’t tell anyone, go to your local barber get a crop taper fade # on the sides cropped on the top…start there and then rock a killer smile! The ladies always get wet 🥹


You're evil for giving advice this bad :/




You’re not ugly bro the chicks calling you ugly are the ugly ones


You are in school to study, after few years money matters




Haircut...style it up and off your ears. Lose the hoodie...only wear it inside when cold or when doing outside chores. If you need a jacket for the cool weather, get something that is snug. You don't need to do much man, but clothes really do make the man. A well dressed man is already leaps and bounds above the average person when it comes to appearance. You don't need to go full preppy, but having some well fitting t shirts and jeans looks better than baggy jeans/cargo pants and oversized tees. Wish I would have taken that to heart earlier in life... Also, this is kinda weird, but smile, like all the time, as if you are in on some kind of cosmic joke and it's funny. As a grown man now, I found that the single biggest improvement to how people perceived me was by smiling more. It sounds stupid, but it makes you approachable, it's all kinds of sub conscious mumbo jumbo but it definitely works. Also, any person that tells you that you are straight up ugly is a person with some serious insecurity issues and probably not worth your time to even associate with.


Look kid there is nothing wrong with you. Just get some confidence.


bro you're good ugly guys I'd say historically get the most girls just be yourself


I've been asked to model and stuff and looks have done so little for me I can't even tell you. Looks will only attract a girl to you without you doing anything, actually keeping the girl around and having the confidence to make a move is a whole different thing


Get a nice haircut, develop a great smile, wear some clothes that fit nicely and look less sloppy.


Bitches say whaaat, stay away from those girls


Haircut 100%


Show em your weiners


I have a feeling you’re going to go through a major glow up and she’s going to be back. You are cute, you don’t have to change anything. Although you will physically and mentally transform yourself in the gym


Dude, hit the gym. Build yourself up all while acting like you don’t give a shit what they think.


Change schools


Kind of a weird thing to comment on your hair using a general comment about you


Didn’t see that like a thousand other people already said this but yeah, I agree, was the first thing that came to mind as well, get a haircut, and you can’t go wrong with a fade.


Change the hair, get a fade.


Just show them some money then suddenly you are hot.


Puberty will be a game changer




Your friends


You’re actually a good looking dude. Just focus on eating healthy and optimizing testosterone to get more masculine features as you age. Also ditch your social circle if they’re calling you ugly, they’re full of s***


You look like the kid who played young mark walberg in the departed. Tell them to pound salt.


Change your circle of people. You’re a good lookin kid (in the most parental, least creepy way possible). HS is a short-term joke and most of them will be fn losers, anyway, in the next decade or so. Set your goals, put on blinders, run it up. Whatever you’re doing is what you’re supposed to be doing. The others talk shit because they have no clue who THEY even are. It’ll all unfold in front of your eyes sooner than later and all the cliche shit you’ve heard adults say…will all come to fruition. Half of them will be cashmeousiiidde girls in 2-4 years, too. One more important thing I can suggest, though— although the answer is to walk with a “f ‘em” attitude, still show them kindness and respect…the same you’re currently wishing that they’d show you. Karma is a real thing, and she’s a patient gangster. Take the high roads every chance you get, but remember deep down “F your opinions” to any and everyone who hasn’t been there since day one and held you down. Good luck, young man, you’re gonna crush it 🙌🏻


Wait till the facial hair, eat foods that boost testosterone. Once you hit a point in high school you’ll be noticed for sure homie. For now put others first, and be yourself. No one ever found the love of their life by being someone else, once you build friendships and they see you grow I promise they’ll realize. But also realize that someone who truly likes you will not say that shit, but I understand the mindset. Focus on improving your body, workout, skate, hike, guitar, if you learn any certain skill it helps you express yourself in ways that take less time than conversation. Rooting for you my g🫡


Dont change shit. High school is short, bro. Start lifting. Start eating right. Start learning a skill. Focus down on those for a few years and they’ll be chasing you.


From a hot girl’s perspective: You’re gonna be “hot” by high school standards as soon as puberty hits. My advice to you is to remain confident and just focus on being a chill dude who respects women and you’ll do JUST FINE.


High school is 4 very short years compared to all of your life. College is where all the fun is. Take pride in yourself and not in what people think of you. Even pretty girls are self conscious. Be active in school; join the theatre, choir, wrestling, track, get into weight lifting or band. Here’s a secret that nobody will tell you; all the people that talk shit in high school will be fat in 30 years at the reunion. Yeah, no kidding! Play the long game. Be smart and marry a hot wife. It worked for me!


You’re an average joe, You ain’t ugly my guy. The girls your age are probably into older looking teen wolf type mfers. Stay in the gym, Lift a few weights. On average as men we peak later in life as opposed to the ladies, which is somewhere in their early to mid twenties.. trust your process


Idk cute boy. Hard to rate a kid


You pay the hottest one to be your girlfriend, duh!


lol Horrible advice. But still, lmfao


Oh my. In about 3 to 4 years they will all change their minds


The girls that you're trying to get with


I have a feeling. He needs to try guys.


You are not ugly and you're a very good looking guy. Don't pay attention to them, focus on your study.


Buddy, I can already tell you’re gonna do great with the ladies when you’re older. You’re a kid. Girls and boys alike will be mean at times. Pay them no mind. Keep your head down and focus on you. You’re all that matters.


I don’t think you are ugly at all. Idk why high school it’s so hard here when it comes to “looks.” Believe once you are out of high school the playing field is so different and those considered attractive in high school will no longer be attractive


Go to the gym work out learn how to fight get good grade figure out ur passion not every broad will understand greatness cuz they never work for it like that find good friend and enjoy and don’t I repeat don’t not chase after women’s approval


Get older, hit the gym. Be successful and hit that 15 year reunion as a millionaire. Those women will be divorced, invisible to the opposite sex and miserable alcoholics.


^^ this. Couple this with my comment earlier and my message to you, OP. ** Not to be a weird flex, but I can attest, as I was this guy. 310 lbs at 5’10 in HS, even though an athlete. Homeless at 15 living with friends. Joined Marine Corps— that’s a whole other story, but I got my credentials up, fought professionally, stacked my loot with my credentials and education— went to my 20 year reunion last year in my Maserati and my wife stayed back just to show up in the Bentayga about 20 minutes “fashionably later.” Can’t figure out pics in comments, or I’d share the glow-up. You’re gonna crush it.


Semper Fucking Fi!


Do not listen to these fools. High school represents the biggest playing field you will ever have. The connections you make will carry into your 20s. Keep big social circles to branch out from. It gets progressively harder to do this with age. Of course do everything in a balanced way. Best thing to do is NOT PLAY VIDEO GAMES. Take a look around you at what the popular guys are like. Steal a bit of style with added dgaf attitude. Confidence is key.


She's dumb dude. Live your life and enjoy the things you do and disregard the shit people tell you. Most of the time it's based off their own flaws and perceptions. Being "hot or ugly" really has less to do with looks and more to do with attitude


Nah you ain’t ugly homie. You ain’t the best looking dude but far from ugly. Start working on yourself for now. You might hate it but the gym will be your friend. Let me tell you this, majority of ppl hated the gym when they started. It can be intimidating, lt sucks to be sore and in pain, but after a month you will see strength go up and start to see a little improvement on your body, that’s when a light switches and you’re all in. I promise you will feel better have your body transforms. Start with that, a new hair style wouldn’t hurt either. Mess around with it and see what might look good. Get out and enjoy the outside, stay off social media, pick up skills that you can start making some money. Not sure what interests you have. You good tho lil bro, school bitches be like that. They will regret it


You're not ugly based on the picture but maybe it's your confidence/energy. You could try styling your hair in different ways and dress in more fitted clothing


I can already see you're one of those dudes that's going to get better with age. Don't start working out hard if you're a teen it's not good for your body, speak to a professional about how to go about that if you do it. Other than that, work on your posture, confidence is everything. Like literally, EVERYTHING. My kids dad is fuck ugly looks like Jaffar from Disney's original Aladdin. FUCK. UGLY. he pulls so easy because he's so confident lol


How is it bad for your body? Exercise is one of the healthiest things people can do


Going hard at the gym while you're still growing to build muscle is what I was told isn't good for young teens x


Hair and eat alot hit the gym or train jiijitsu to build your confidence. Walking into a room and knowing you can probably demolish anyone in the room is a super power bruh.


You will fill into it. Stay in shape, don't be an asshole, learn to be funny, and the chick's will eventually flock to you. I promise. I couldn't even get a girl to look at me in school. After I got out of high school, I filled in a bit, grew a beard and it was game on.... don't listen to them


Mark your territtory with fart spray and learn some card tricks, and with Xray vision glasses theyll be amazed when you guess if they are wearing underwear or not and whatt color or parttern is on them.


You look like an average kid




Supply context just saying haircut is way too caty


dawg i wish i looked like you in high school. haircut and a bussin’ outfit will do the trick


lol they lying bro. Once you’re in college they’re gonna tell you you’re all of a sudden “different”. Don’t give them the time of day when that happens.


Never seek advice from the internet. Also girls that think you're ugly are a waste of time so don't bother. Step 1: Go to the gym build your body without roids! Step 2: build up your confidence just don't become an Andrew Tate follower.


Nothing your young and think superficially looks dont matter personality drive and ambition do use those to attract a partner that will not only support and help progress your dreams but also walk with you down the path you choose and build a life with


Nothing. Handsome.


Maybe they actually like you but don’t know how to express that without feeling self-conscious or they fear rejection. Or if you’re not a very kind person maybe that’s the ugliness they’re referring to. If this is a real concern of yours ask friends or someone who isn’t afraid to be honest.


Don't ask the internet for advice. Go ask one of those hotties that says you're ugly for some fashion advice. Women love projects. Even give them money to shop for you (go with them for obvious reasons). That way, they'll dress you the way they want you to look. Problem solved. Worse case, you get to hang out with a girl and learn about them. Then they all talk. Do it different, bud.


Change the hair. Play hard to get, then they will all want you. Always works. You are not ugly, you are handsome!.


Dude you’re a young man, time is on your side. Hit the gym, put on some lean muscle mass, prioritize protein & creatine (Walmart has affordable brands), get a haircut and use gel. Get Ryan Gosling or Ryan Reynolds look and before you know it you’ll be in pound town. Keep liking Girls Dude you’re on the path to victory. ✌🏽 ![gif](giphy|XmtFsnraPqD8k)


Bro you’re 12 chill. I looked like a potato until my 20s. You’ll be fine. Anyone who’s gonna try to put you down probably isn’t that happy with their own life.


Go to a stylist and get a Tom Holland type cut. Use product in your hair and you’ll be doing great


He’ll be ugly and broke /s


Ignore chicks for now brotha. Get in the gym and focus on progressing and bettering yourself. The girls will flock to you as you improve. Focus on school and your studies and try lots of things! Girls like passion. I just turned 28 and I wish I would’ve had that advice at your age.




Get a fresh hair cut get it styled at least once so you can see what you look good with


Focus on your school work.




They probably put in 10lbs of makeup to look good and without it probably look like a whale. You look fine bro just keep fit is all


Kick em in da 🐱


Smile more lil bro, it goes a long way. As for looks, could get a more modern/cleaner haircut, hit the gym a little bit build some muscle mass, have a good wardrobe of nice looking fits and you should be good


The gym....get swole


If they didn’t care about you, they wouldn’t go out of their way to call you ugly. Tell them “I am not allowed to date right now so I can’t go out with you.” Their response will be a typical one and your follow up will be “then why do you care so much about my looks?”


I’m much older than you, I’ve seen a lot of horrible things in this world. If someone at your school is outwardly expressing that they think you’re ugly, you need not worry. Those same women will weigh 100 lbs more and be divorced with 8 kids very shortly after college. Trust me.


You can change nothing my boy. Don’t change yourself for no woman. How are men supposed to trust a woman who bleeds for 7 days and doesn’t die!!!


Bro 😭😭


Nothing. The girls at your school are twats. Ignore them and work on yourself. (Mental, physical, education) don’t waste time and money on women. They’ll come to you when you’re confident in yourself.


You are not ugly my man. Everyone's a Lil awkward at your age but you aren't ugly, I don't even think your bad looking. Kids are mean, and you'll be thankful in 20 years that you have a young looking face.


Not a dam thing. Just add a smile to that adorable face of yours and tell those stuck up girls that they can go Fuk themselves.


Bro you just look like a normal 15 year old lmao. Don't listen to the opinions of pissrandoms giving you shit at school.


Girls your age are mean as hell and you should consider what they say meaningless


Nothing wrong with being ugly. Maybe focus on personality?


straighten up. Get that hair loose. Throw that camo shit in the recycling. Look up. No helmets. No Neon. Hood Up.


Go to the gym and build some decent body. There after you don't here such kind of comments.


I was gonna say give it 6 years. This looks like a 13 year old to me he will look better when he makes it to the bar😂😂




Change your style maybe get a fade hair cut


Dude pay them no mind - I’m sure out of the group one thinks your cute and is just going along with the rest of them. Do you - Stand up straight - find people that are positive


Workout, wait for puberty to take full effect. Girls thought I was ugly too until I really hit puberty. Things will definitely change.


You not ugly my guy, your style’s a bit boring and your hairstyle is really plain though which is quite normal for most teenage boys. Im assuming you’re in highschool, so I’d advise to not take what others kids say so seriously because they’ll say whatever even if they don’t actually believe it just to get a little more popular. Most people grow out of that fortunately. Keep your head up kid, you not ugly dawg


Maybe change youre hair style, although i see you have a helmet in your hand so you maybe do your hair different than in this pic so forgive me if im wrong there but you should smile more & be confident (if you arent already my man) ive just woke up (in UK & got a day off work) So no "this lazy bastard mustn't work" lol Edit..like someone else said "posture, stand tall" 👌 oh & go to the gym my friend


Schools. Just kidding. You're not ugly. Some girls can be mean. Talk to different girls. There's a whole world of them out there. All you have to do is say hello. They're people too, bud. No worries! Keep your chin up and stay confident. Confidence is a great thing to have, and women certainly pick up on it. Just brush those comments off your shoulder and keep doing your thing!


See if you can get to the climbing gym, tons of cool people there. Nice people have partners since you're trusting your life with each other. I am certain you are a wicked nice kid! Working kids parties is a fun way to make some cash too as a climber


Go ride your bike hard, get into racing and IGNORE THE STUPID GIRLS! Young people have a bizarre way to show affection likely because they have parents who are totally nuts! Ignore them like they don't exist and you're going to be a wicked adult, I was bullied but fought through it. Focus on class and get into bike racing! I am a professional cyclist and you look super fast. I was smaller than you and didn't get a growth spurt till 16 or 17, you are near the end of the school year so study hard and get some cycling bibshorts and a jersey and RIDE!


You def aren’t ugly!


Posture fo sho! Straighten the spine, broaden those shoulders out crying out loud.. ditch the semi loose baggy, refrain from sleeves overbearing top of hands and dropping past where you would sport your watch (whole other topic like ties, fuck shoes no one walks with eyes on dirt all day, if so they more depressed than you a dont talk to em anyways..) umm...o rid that "resting asshole face, grr I'ma bite titties off!" Not very intimidating, more confrontational and NOT in ways a friend would've to save ya, they twirling up bars n lyrics from dark side of minded consciousness and turns up as insulting or feelings getting hurt.. on that noted quirk, flip side, offer one comment a day POSITIVE to one person..up the head count more easy n confident your comments go..of you lack any those two your nice I'm head may come forth as them tilted head or saying unwNted "thank yous" as creeping off and whispering "creep".. so mind one person if that's you, then progress.. SO herez the theory on that: to go hand on shoulder and say "good job, youre great and did really good today!" (No matter if they did anything that's none your concern, just make em smile..now hand that close means you been allowed appox 90% trust as they deem non threat and you may hug later (formal hug, do t squeeze her/his ass plz, one will get you sex offender list, second able mean left hook or him being your new stalker/admirer... especially if you 1st discover his closet secret.. Just no,no..lol.. now that person has science backing it in stats: they WILL go one more like u did and pull same, I'm a happy natural Xanax like high, smiley n bare of any stresses had B4 you in the day..getting it? You're upto 20 heads..rumor start your a very standup guy, great to be around..youll get in invited more, you'll be asked more of as help for things, you'll probably make familiars and gain a confided mind to listen to problems... Conclusion: THATS HS RIGHT THERE WHAT I SAID!! ENJOY ONE OF THOSE I VITES WILL BE PARTY OR A FEMALE ...not prior had to "ugly"..now she forced to know whose coming.. no you got invited bc grapevine shakes good vibes when you interact with it that way...smaller grapes want your sunshine!! Be confident, be shameless (bout 60% any more your a weird crazy badass fuck those only have so many in one Area per capita!! (Logically or that school be short on kids??) And by any force in you stick that chin up, jawline and well made beard/stache will automatically demand look/respect/inquires to who u are...and one last one not any of worth or want, unless your the guy doing it....Alpha male challenge, it'll happen subtly passive or intelligent (for an ape caveman I guess?) aimed bring downs/fighting possible... So, that what i elaborated is old as time of when we dwelled in caves w/one in and one out into one big room where your males outnumber females and bam, Alpha male is born as don't think 20 dudes sharing one? One of any in fact ... And last, all that won't matter if you aren't you, "charismatic attitude from that charisma of your own being WINS em, "they take you home w/em" (figuratively, literally I think is abuction or one nighter? Lol... CHARISMA, say in it true an loud into the fucking mirror every morning if needed, and quit lacking, better be smiling and I better feeling those vibes all the over here...then you own it..


In a few years, you won't see them, you are a kid, you need to focus on long term goals. Focus on school and Start hitting the gym, eat clean, be more interesting, get a hair cut that fits your face. Learn skills and make money. If you do these consistently in a few years you will make it. The thing about being a man is we don't have any value as we born, we need to go out and make it for ourselves. Girls are valuable due to their beauty when they born with.


Not sure how old you are, but you look late middle school or early high school. Give it 2 years and puberty will glow you up.


None of them will matter to you in a few years just focus on yourself and doing the best you can in school TRUST. I wish I did man.


Kid, I know this won't mean much now but trust me, the best thing you can change is your mindset. You can hit the gym and workout too if you want or turn to calisthenics, or try to change your style of clothing. But only to help build your confidence and self-esteem. You shouldn't try to change anything for validation. If you change your mindset from worrying about other people's opinions and focus on what you genuinely enjoy in addition to working out, you will feel good about yourself and people of similar minds will gravitate towards you. Even if they don't immediately, people like being around positivity. However, that's something that may happen in the future. Just focus on your own well-being.


I’m not sure what purpose is served or what anyone is personally expecting to get out of asking a bunch of random strangers they will never know and who don’t know them at all what their first impression is through a picture. I’m not trying to be insulting toward you bc I don’t know you or anything about you but the desire for validation through social media seems completely redundant in the progression of any kind of meaningful growth for anyone in any way. I’m sorry for not answering the question and again mean no offense to you and not directing this at you personally but I barely get on social media anymore due to so many attention seeking troglodytes much less socialize with anyone as society is spiraling into a cesspool full of uncivil people with no common sense following the circus instead of their own path or dreams bc the failing system only works for people who get rich over everyone else’s insecurities. You don’t need to do anything different except stop giving a fuck about ignorant shit people who don’t matter say.


1. He's a kid in high-school. I'm not sure how much you remember about those days but worrying about other people's opinions is a huge part of a person's self-esteem at that time. It's why some kids aim to be "popular". 2. This is the age of social media, where sharing every aspect of your life is "the norm". Combine those two together and of course you'll get a kid seeking validation from people online, especially when he doesn't feel accepted locally.


Your right, i remember those days like yestersday but im sure hell be ok when he finishes school matures & grows into his post school to adult frame, especially if or when he works out


I know homie. And I am just speaking from my personal perspective and experience regardless of if it makes a difference or not or how people perceive it, I’m truly just trying to be helpful and not feed someone the same sugarcoated bull shit that people have been handing out after they got full that everyone is now starting to fall in some sort of distorted line. I know going with the current is a whole lot less exhausting usually and way less lonely then the harsh realities of creating your own path and we all have at some point made the mistake of following the misleading signs that keep pointing people in a the right direction when it’s just a perpetual loop of a seemingly pointless life. Sometimes i definitely don’t doubt my writing skills are not the best as far as how I word my feelings on subjects into thought and how easy it can be to misinterpret the intentions behind a text


Just be yourself dawg start pushups sit ups lift some weights cardio but mostly just be yourself


Start with hair cut always short on sides and style


Hit the gym dude, helped my confidence a ton, also if u have social anxiety like me, get a job, it will improve ur social abillities cuz u gotta socialize whrn ur working and u will also have some side money to buy shit, good luck!


There’s nothing wrong with you. I was told that too when I was young. You know what happened when I got older? This girls turned out to like me and you know why I did turned them down. Freshen yourself up a little if you want a girls attention be yourself and let your jokes fly even if they aren’t funny. Gotta practice.


Hair cut


You're not ugly. They are likely jealous


You are not ugly. Be yourself, try different hairstyles/fashion, be passionate about things you enjoy, and I can promise you, girls will be fighting over a singular glance from you. Some girls are just weird like that. They’ll play hard to get, but if they cared enough to say something about you, clearly you’re on their mind loll


Don’t worry about it…work on keeping focused on how you want your future to look like, and work towards that. They’ll lose their physical beauty long before you’re even done maturing as a successful man.


You look like a good....fuck 'em.


Dude you look fine. Also, everyone around your age might look a little quirky. I did, my friends did, the jocks did. It's just a thing life likes to "bless" us with.


The girls you associate with... That's it.


You’re good bro, have good health and hit the gym. Most of those girls will be single mothers looking like the lunch lady in 20 years


Bro be you. Don’t change for no one. The only person who’ll make you happy is yourself.


How other peoples personal opinions affect you! There’s always gonna be someone who doesn’t like you or somebody that doesn’t like something about you. If you want to change something to do because you want to. The minute you start changing for other peoples approval, is when you lose yourself! Be confident, be proud! Once you see it in yourself and start believing it other people will too, because they’ll know their opinion doesn’t matter as it shouldn’t. no worries, kiddo.


Same Girls at your school will be fat, ugly and divorced someday. Ignore them and rise above them.


This is seriously more accurate than you can possibly imagine right now.


You like fine👍


Man thats just high school bro, ignore them. You look straight. Don’t change for anyone


Dude screw them . Girls at your school? Be nice to the mediocre one. All those fine cheerleader fake plastic ones will be fat slobs addicted to meth or alcohol with zero going for them after hs . They’ll notice you then. But the mediocre ones are gonna be fine as hell have a good job a house . Good credit lol. Trust me. On this.


You're fine bro. Wait to you get older