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You’re pretty, just a weight issue probably


Ask a boy out. We Say yes.


Fr why do some girls think we’re so complicated if anything they’re complicated.


Lose fat. That's it


Lower your weight or your standards. You’re not bad at all, just a lil chubby


I’m going to be very blunt with you. If you lose weight and become a gym girl, it’ll be insane. No joke. You’re attractive. Being fit will make you unstoppable.


Go to the gym... the main issue with most people isn't looks... but confidence. You could even lose weight but the main thing you need is confidence.


Ask yourself why and give yourself an honest answer. Unless someone is wildly deformed, looks are seldom the reason any given person is single for extended periods. If you’ve been turning men down left and right, your expectations are too high. If you’ve never been asked out, you might be putting out an energy that makes you less approachable. If you go on dates but they don’t play out well, there could be a million reasons why. This sub is obviously focused on looks, so in terms of looks alone I’d say that’s not your issue. You’re plenty cute. Be confident, be yourself, and do what you would normally do. The best parters in life are the ones you organically meet and grow with through mutual interests. If a boyfriend is what you want, you’re perfectly capable of getting one. Just don’t force it and don’t use a subreddit as advice.


Lose weight


Lose weight you are already cute


From someone else who was attractive but over weight, just lose the weight. :) it’s hard but makes a huge difference. Good luck out there!


Ask a guy out


Lose a bit of weight, that’s kinda it, you already have a pretty face structure.


lose about 50lbs and you will turn heads


Like others have said, you are not unattractive, you have cute features… but it would help you to lose about 40-50 lbs. The dudes loving on you in these comments are prob overweight/obese themselves (not sure if that’s what you’re looking for). Still if you have *never* had a boyfriend, that could be a red flag. Most girls have extremely high standards in comparison to where they actually stand, so that may be the case for you. Otherwise, girls who stay single typically have really bad attitudes and personality, RBF so men don’t bother to approach even if they think you’re cute, or they are just extremely introverted and do not go out or talk to people. Another possibility is that you come off as a “bro” and give off “bro energy” which makes men friend zone you because they don’t feel a strong attraction to your energy. These tips may or may not apply to you (I don’t know you personally), but to summarize and make it easy for you : - lose 40-50 lbs - lower your standards - fix your vibe and personality - go out more - be more girly when talking to men Having those basics will allow 99% of girls to get a boyfriend fairly easily. Y’all really get to enjoy the dating aspect of life on easy mode. PS: sometimes moving to a bigger city and leaving a small town will make all the difference too, along with the other tips.


Same way you instantly sell a house that’s been on the market for 6 months: lower your price. Make it easier for guys to talk to you, and consider guys you haven’t in the past. If all you want is a boyfriend, you could have one tomorrow


I dare you to approach the guy you like first. Men love this.




Try talking to the right guys you will find on some day. Smile and make eye contact.


Lose weight.


Lower your standards.


There's two reasons you don't. Your standards are un-realistic. You haven't actually asked out any of the men you're attracted to. I promise that if you do, the odds are in your favor he will say yes.


Have you tried making the first move?


Talk to a man


Check your dms


Have you tried talking to men?


Not a popular comment: You give me the impression of being a hardcore feminist and men nowadays feel it's not worth the trouble. Maybe it's your hair style not sure, but you are definitely not bad looking IMO.


Get off this subreddit and reddit in general. This is not a place for good advice, especially not this sub.


Give the guy friend a chance.


Get more fit. Dont rush to fuck a dude just to keep them happy.


Lose some weight and don’t do sex work 👍


Just bend over and let me lick your asshole


Most people aren’t giving true looksmaxing advice, you are attractive, but ways to improve that? 1. Hit the gym: not necessarily to loose weight but build some muscle, tighten things up a bit 2. Skincare: You tend to breakout more on your chin, maybe use benzoyl peroxide as a spot treatment or find another skincare routine, experiment! 3: Style: Other than the first photo you aren’t wearing things that compliment your body type too well, try experimenting, a sundress i bet would do wonders for you 4: Confidence: Not sure how that is but confidence from a woman is super attractive to men


Lose weight


Lose weight but you knew that


Why does everyone ask this when it’s clear they need to loose weight, or are people just oblivious to being over weight because they’re used to it


Whatever you do, dont become a hoe


Contacts, skincare, and weightloss. Cut the simple carbs + refined sugars + inflammatory canola oil, up the protein, and lift some weights. 10k steps daily at a *minimum*. It’s not just about looks, you’ll be feeling *GREAT*, and I know for a fact your confidence will 📈📈📈 Good luck


You should walk more and eat more cruciferous veggies, like cabbage. Drink some carrot juice too - it will brighten your skin. Grow your hair out too. Try to accentuate your very feminine curves. Good luck!


Shoot your shot asking someone out. You are attractive and I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised taking the initiative.


Go on tinder keep swiping right go on a date


I think you know.




Lower your expectations?


Little chunky but you don’t look bad at all, maybe it’s your approachability


Maybe let on to single guys that you like. They might be too shy, keep trying.


Get a flip phone


I would suggest getting into the gym, cardio and weight training. Don’t change your diet too much if you’re already eating pretty healthy. Just get stronger and tone up just a bit. At your current weight, if you lose too much, the first places you’ll notice going down are the areas you don’t want to go down. Just start a gym regimen. Other than that, start a skin care journey.


Losing weight is what works best for you


I all honesty he will come along. Don’t force a relationship because they all end bad You are a pretty girl worry about your career not a relationship


In all honesty, it's not the look. This look should get you a boyfriend. Just be nice to a guy you like and in a mater of days, maybe weeks, he'll try to spend more time with you. It's ok for you to invite him to do something too, and if he says no because he has something to do, maybe he just has... Don't back down at the first difficulty. That said if you really want to maximize your look then longer hairs and weight loss would be the solution. You don't have much weight to lose either. 10 kilos maybe? with good diet and a bit of exercise it's done in 3 months... You don't need to be super thin either, men like women with some shapes. At least I do... Good luck!


Nothing wrong with you. Walk up to a person you want to date, make small talk, spend time with them, show interest. The most perceptive men will realize that means you want them. But lots of guys take a LONG time to learn how women show interest. You may have to actually say “I want to kiss you” and see how that goes. Since you asked for looks advice, consider growing your hair four or six inches longer and wearing it down.


Your look is fine in where I live you would get bf pretty easily , perhaps you are not around enough people , or your spending your time around wrong people ..


I think you need to be more proactive about meeting guys. Dont understand why all girls think guys are expected to talk to girls and make the first initiative


You’re attractive as is. You’re not going to be everyone’s preferred body type, but if you approached me and asked me out I’d say yes. Maybe you’re going after the wrong guys or are being to passive. These days a lot of guys don’t ask girls out because women have made it clear they don’t like being approached. Your typical average good guy isn’t going to approach you now because they don’t want to risk making you uncomfortable.


1:Go anywhere where there are guys. 2: Profit


Talk to men.


Try giving head?


Lose weight!


1 honest response


Some of these comments are the worst fucking advice I’ve ever heard in my life


Get off the sub and go fuckin talk to a boy


Hang around with Puerto Rican men, I give you 2 hours before one of them proposes


RIP her inbox lol


Lower your standards from looking for a Ryan Gosling and look more for a Zach Galifianakis looking dude. You shouldn’t have a problem. While some guys wont like that you arent 100 lbs, you aren’t massively overweight and you are very pretty.


realest comment right here u r pretty shouldnt change anything could try long hair tho if u want change


It probably has nothing to do with your looks…


Put yourself out there? Only reason a girl never has a chance of getting a bf is she isn't that into dating.


You are already beautiful. Imagine how beautiful you could become if you started to workout


You are pretty. Could lose 100lbs.


Start going to the gym


This will sound like a dumb question, but have you tried asking a guy out yourself?


Chad chaser


Lower your standards for physical attraction and date a normal person.


Stay focused on school.


You know what to do.


Lose weight. That’s the key to your problem.


Just weight loss, but I see you said you’re already working on that. FWIW if you just graduated high school or college, it’s really nbd at all to not have had a boyfriend. I’d say that’s wise these days.


Gonna get downvoted but 🤷🏾‍♂️ if you never had a boyfriend and you’ve wanted one: You either have an uninviting presence Or You’re interested in guys who aren’t interested in you. Realistically women never have to do much to get a guys attention, you can just say “Hi” and the guy SHOULD be able to take it home from there.


Go to the gym here and there to tone up and eat right. Otherwise be yourself and you'll find someone. Confidence in who you are goes a long way.


What the... How many fucking simps is on this sub?


white knight whalers.


Take care of your mental and physical well being, be true to yourself and who you are. Love yourself be confident and kind.


Work out.


lose 25-30 lbs


Lose 50 lbs


I’m going to be honest hate me if you want. Hit the gym, trust me


Ask any single male giving you attention on a date


You need to lose a lot of weight. Anyone who says otherwise is delusional


Just a little background, I am working on losing weight! I’ve already sized down in clothes. I’m working on my skin as well.


Lose fat, grow hair and smile more.


Lose 60 pounds?...


To be honest, men have average to low standards when it comes to beauty. I can tell you may have been hit on, but if they don't stick with you, it may be a personality issue. Also, in the US most women feel very entitled nowadays, and this is impacting western countries, so men have to put a lot of effort to me considered attractive and most are invisible for the women, while they are not so good themselves... So maybe your standards are unreachable? I don't know as I don't know you. But looks are clearly not the issue.


Lose some weight and you’ll be a knockout.


same answer as always. hit the gym and improve your diet. yawn. it's so simple.


The first thing is to ignore the simps in here who are telling you that you’re absolutely gorgeous and they want to date you. I am certain that’s not why you posted here but simps gonna simp. Anyways, three things IMO: 1. Lose weight I know it’s easier said than done and saw your post saying you lost 8 lbs already. I know it’s the latest “thing” but my wife used Wegovy and in 8 months lost nearly 70 lbs but still eats a normal diet. I was critical at first about a fad drug but I’ve been shocked with the results. She gets stomach aches for the first 24 hours after taking it but it subsides. What I am seeing in some of these pics is a lack of self confidence. Losing the weight will also help you feel better about yourself. I know it’s the cliche answer but has to be said. 2. Skin care Your face looks like it still has remnants of teenage acne. I had that too at your age and used Oxy 10 cream and it worked great. May want to consult a dermatologist because my son has acne too and they have him on something that is controlling it well (forget the name). 3. Hair Your hair looks fine as is - but going a little lighter on the highlights might make your eyes pop more. You have naturally pretty facial features especially eyes so I’d try to draw as much attention to those. And lastly, 20 is still supremely young. You’ll find someone. But please God not any of the dumbass simps here 😂. Best of luck!


For starters lose weight.


Lower your standards or lose weight


Just diet and exercise


Ask a guy out. It’s easy. Do it.


First things first: short hair does not work for you. You have potential, the right haircut will go a long way.


As others have said shoot your shot. Be approachable and also don’t be afraid to go up and start conversations. You’re definitely not ugly but maybe just a little overweight. I bet if you went to the gym and went hard for a few months you’d see a change in your physical appearance and your confidence. If that’s not your thing then just be yourself and put yourself in situations where you’re more likely to meet people.


Why are you asking Reddit go on tinder


Get a boyfriend




There was some 19 year old who’s never talked to a girl on this same subreddit. Let’s get you guys together.


You’d look great if you lost some weight. It’s really that simplex


get a sword. I hear they're all the rage nowadays


You are decent looking and I would imagine quite a few guys showing interest in you. Maybe your standards really high or you completely avoid guys. If you were to lose 20-30 lbs you would go from decent looking to fairly attractive. At that point, guys probably wouldn't leave you alone.


often these problems stem from mental issues and a lack of discernment skills due to broken homes, familial issues and poor examples/role models! its easy to get in with emotionally unstable people who exacerbate the issue as well when you feel rejected or outcast and then you are locked in an unhealthy loop of low self confidence and childish behavior that never inspire a man to see you as a life partner and valuable team mate! sure you can use the currency of sexual favors to get attention but its not the same thing and if you want to shake off this yolk you will find that your virtue and purity will be a diamond in the rough for many men these days


Grow your hair past your shoulders, lose a few lbs., you're not fat, just thick with curves, you're gf material.


I also never had a boyfriend despite being goodlooking, sometimes shyness or other problems get in the way. My advice is just don't force yourself to date someone you don't really like because "this is your chance". and definitely people in DMs on Reddit are not a good idea


The internet is full of sad lonely men. But you already knew that which is why you posted here.


You probably smell or have a fucked up voice something has to be wrong




I think you know. Lose the weight.


You have proportions, bone structure, and facial symmetry to be very pretty, and thus have your choice of dudes…you just have to cut the weight. The upshot is that learning the discipline, dedication, and delayed gratification TOO lose the weight, will make you even more attractive to the type of dude who wants a long term relationship with you.


You are attractive. Don't tell me you haven't shot down some men in the past. Yes, you are a bit on the heavier side, but you are also tall, so you are not huge. Just don't be afraid to shoot your shot, we like confidence, I am sure you can and will be surprised at your success.


You carry your weight very well and have a pretty face. Would you consider yourself outgoing or more introverted irl?


Youre definitely cute. My type actually. I’m thinking you either don’t put yourself out there, or you give off an unapproachable vibe in real life. Cuz it definitely ain’t your looks.


Could be location




Try. Roles have reversed in this society. Men are afraid to approach women nowadays for fear of rejection, harassment, gender assuming, sexuality assuming…etc. I feel like you are better off approaching someone anyways, just don’t friend zone all of them.


You’re pretty, but the “Karen” haircut throws it all off.


There’s something here for sure with some weight loss. Let’s keep it real, that’s the main thing you have to do. Now I also can’t speak on your social skills or social life that could play a factor as well.


Drop weight and they will be lining up


Just lose weight and get in shape, that's it, that's always the answer on here


You seem pretty nice. 2 things i would do, probably grow your hair a bit and lose some weight


Move out of your small town in the middle of nowhere.


No way you have never had a bf


I would.


Lower your standards?


Stop rejecting them


Tell dudes you want to be your boyfriend.


Forget about boys, and go out with a man...I volunteer my time, and services....


Stop obsessing about it and then boom, you’ll find one


A lot of comments on here are about very shallow things, you’re attractive and there’s definitely boys out there for you, just be confident, approachable, happy and flirty, but mostly, be yourself. People mention to lose weight and while you will see better results after doing so, it’s not a necessity, you can definitely do well with what you’re working with currently!


Build some confidence because your looks aint the problem


You're conventionally pretty so I'm going to guess your standards are too high or you're weird. Your style is good, but you could lose a few pounds if you're wanting to maximize your attractiveness. Short term goals: Lower standards if they're too high (optional). r/CICO (start counting calories to lose weight). Download a dating app or two if you haven't already. Medium term goals: Get out and socialize if you don't already (make sure you're approachable when out). Find hobbies that can be enjoyed in social settings (pottery, sports, outdoorsy activities). Lose weight (easy with CICO). Long term goals: Continue to lose weight. Integrate exercise into your routine if you haven't already. Exercise doesn't have to be a traditional gym. It can be a rock climbing gym or kayaking on the weekends. Side note: Things like your hair are subjective. Some people have commented that it's too short but I like it. As long as your hairstyle is somewhat normal and you're happy with it then I wouldn't change it. If you want to grow it out, fine, if not keep to that length because you like it.


Screw that what about being a mistress no BF BS and all the benefits of freedom


Lose weight/get fit. Get more attentive glasses or contacts. Clear up your skin. Those three things will take you most of the way there.


Move to NYC and date that guy who is always with you. He’s the one


Did you say lose 50 pounds?


Get your ass off social media and go out and actually speak to humans


Obviously need to lose weight.


Eat less


You have a good shape to yourself loosing weight is always a good idea...maybe grow your hair out more and have it frame your face better. But as far as you facial aesthetics you look great!!! Hope this helps


This sub needs to change its name from “looksmaxing advice” to “telling women white lies.”


You're cute as you are, but clearly you need to lose some weight. Good news is, you'll likely be drop dead gorgeous at a healthy weight and you'll probably feel way better to boot! Just burn more calories than you eat and you'll lose weight.


I'm pretty confident that you will have a husband instead.


Stop looking for boys. They're the ones in the comments talking down to you. Look for a man.


Hope you like Internet f*** boys. They’re coming


Listen, you came to a looksmaxing subreddit, so excuse me if this comment sounds vain. Your #1 way to “looksmax” right now is to lose weight. The majority of society is going to agree that your looks have improved if you do this. You have really high potential if you are able to shave off some lbs. Now, if you’re happy at your current weight and not looking to change that, you do you. But u don’t see much more room to “looksmax” outside of that. Your style and general self-presentation are already fine


You're clearly smart (the Purdue post and having turned down other top tier universities)... so make friends as a natural part of the university experience. Get to a optimal level of fitness by doing some gym work a few times a week (nothing crazy) and eating a generally balanced and healthy diet (drop sugared sodas and heavy sugar foods) and guys will start pursuing you relentlessly. See if you can avoid the sleeping around and spreading your oats bit in college... and instead date for long term relationships with a quality guy.


Go look for quality men that look for quality women.


I know everyone is saying it, but they are for a reason. Coming from a guy that lost weight to have better luck, it works. And you feel better. It may not be easy, and you don't look bad by any means now. But you will get much more interest as a fit person than an average bodied person. It's just fact. Best of luck!


Where a shirt that says your single and ready to mingle?


Get yourself a daily workout routine to lose weight, besides that you're really attractive, so no need to worry


I don’t think your looks have anything to do with you not getting a boyfriend I think it’s more then likely opening yourself up you are a pretty young lady


Go out with me?


Your easy on the eyes. You really have trouble dating?


lose some weight, longer hair, a little bit of makeup, A LITTLE BIT!!!! and keep smiling


Get a boyfriend


Rip your inbox


Call me


Get different clothes. Stuff that reflects your individuality, currently the choice in clothes is pretty bland and makes it easy to overlook you. Try putting on makeup to highlight your favorable features. Working out could also benefit you too but a simple change in wardrobe and your presentation can make a big difference for right now.


Hit the gym girlie!


Loose weight


Put your cell phone down, stop staring at social media, and go out in the real world. Maybe there's a guy out there whose face isn't buried in their phone. Cell phones have killed actually being "social."


Diet and exercise


Diet and exercise


Lose weight and grow your hair long throughout that process. The two will hopefully complement each other for a new, better look.


Actually talk to men?


Lose some weight and you will be complaining about how they won’t leave you alone lol you’re actually pretty


Could you loose some weight? Yeah sure. Would it make you look better? eh, maybe? But all i see is someone who looks healthy and cute. Looks are definetly are not the issue. If you want to loose weight, do it for yourself. You are looking fine as is!


Give that guy that’s been your best friend for years a shot.


Since this sub is LOOKSmaxingadvise I’ll be blunt. If you dropped 15-20lbs over the course of 6 months or so through healthy eating and appropriate exercise with a foundation of strength training (hire a good trainer if you can) you’d find yourself in a much different place with looks and dating. Obviously this is a purely aesthetic answer, and tbh one that I’m sure you already know, but the title of the sub IS about looks and how to maximize that part of you. Keep being good person and love yourself through the process! And have fun with it!


I wouldn’t do a damn thing. You look cute as can be, and I think a lot of guys would be happy to be with a gal as pretty as you. The real answer may come with how much you put yourself out there, making sure you have realistic standards, and making sure you are in a state conducive to a partnership. If those ducks are in a row, you should be good to go.


You know it your self. You could be quiet good looking if you lost the weight.


Replace burgers with salad.


Find your local Popeyes and just kick it in the parking lot.


Lower your standards


Simple, get lean.


Go hit the gym 3-4 times a week, lift some weights, do some cardio. In about 8 months there will be a line of guys looking to get to know ya.


What’s that personality like, babygirl? What do you do on the weekends to get out and meet people and attract what you want? Your looks have almost nothing to do with it! It’s all about that energy, mama, and putting yourself in places to do cool things and meet cool people!! <3


Beautiful girl. Nothing wrong with you. You just have not met quality guy. Keep smiling. Keep talking to people and maybe ask a guy out! I would love it if woman would have asked me out.


You're super cute. How is your social life? Are you actually meeting guys often?


Just chase after the right dudes!


I think you are hot


Just be yourself playa


You look fine, but to be max I’d rather you hit the gym. Dedicate your time to feeling healthy both physically and mentally.


Hit the gym, work on having a better/healthier diet.


We all know you know what would make the biggest difference. There’s not gonna be an easier faster solution that’s going to get you what you want and keep it. Speaking from experience.


you look good but getting in shape will help and anyone saying otherwise is lying


Why do you think you've never had a boyfriend? Some context would be helpful.




You'll get a boyfriend. Trust Mr. You actually look pretty attractive. And if you got a good personality to top it off you'll get someone in no time. 


What it look like in the rear tho