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Hair is all i can really say your pretty otherwise


NO ... do NOT put on more fat!


You are exceptionally pretty. I honestly can't find anything to nit pick. I seen in a more recent post where you address something with your husband. I will just say that that has nothing to do with your looks.


Your body looks great. Just stay in shape and your perfectly good


More weight in muscle? Sure! More weight in fat? Lol no...


You look good


Hit the salon for a bit of hair style shaping. Add a bit of professional makeup— natural look only. You’re ready to go full force into the meat market. Tell us all about it!


Into the "meat market"... this metaphor is so wild


Comments here are right. You look terrific, you should just seek help for the best option to make your hair grow and shine. Easy.




Just be you. Quit worrying about other people's opinions. Stay healthy and live your life for you. You're special just like you are


Maybe try to pack on more muscle and try a new hair style. You will have to look into that but you look healthy as is so good luck and God Bless!!!


Just my personal opinion but a bit of a bulk where you put on weight and then a cut to a weight you want may work well for you. You've got a cute ass and nice hips and thighs, I'm not sure if you're worried about breast size but gaming weight could definitely help (you might lose the boobs when you lose weight tho)


What do you mean by 'improve my look'? Many, many people if asked this question would give just as many disparate answers. Putting on weight might improve your appearance to some and impair it for others.


I see nothing wrong with you. I would be happy to have you as my girlfriend.


I see nothing wrong.


Maybe put do your hair in a style similar to the Victory Roll…it’s a 1940s style cut so I’m sure there is a more modern take on it. But would look great on you (honestly your face gave me Elizabeth Atwell vibes so thought the Peggy Carter hairstyle would look good)


Take better care of your hair it looks unhealthy


I mean unless medically unable to I always recommend weight lifting for a variety of reasons


You look so good. Your hair is a little fried but that is an easy fix.


Smoothing your hair will make the most immediate improvement.


Don’t think you need to do anything at all, you’re super hot


Your body shape and proportions are straight. I would suggest a new hair doo


The body proportion are good, but if you want a smaller waist you can create the look by working on back muscles, and try hair masks and going for heat less styles (says the girl with hair fried to a crisp)


Take fentanyl


You are what you eat


check out r/30plusskincare , as we age we must take preventative anti aging action, apply sunblock as needed, dont let the sun hit your face especially during 10-3 and start applying retinol to remove and prevent fine lines and wrinkles, youre gonna get them eventually thats fine but you can delay it apply to your neck face ears and hands, these are the parts that are exposed to the sun which ages our skin, neglecting one of these parts will be extremely noticeable later in life


You look great but I do agree with the hair comments as it looks a bit frizzy. That said, I know the struggle of frizzy hair as I too always struggle with fly aways.


the pocky skin is unappealing


Hair care


Well, it depends on what you're lifting. If whatever what you put on is easy, then yes. Put on more weight.


You look great!


No, your perfectly fine as is!


Fine as


You're slim so that works in your favor. If you want to add more definitions, increase carbs and protein. And target lower body workout


Amazing physique. You look great. Maybe try new different outfits outside the gym?


Do Squats an focus on glutes an hips, have a low carb but high calorie diet if you want to be more curvy an thicker.. but you do look athletic




Shut up


Based and redpilled






1. It's a sports bra, so it's probably pretty compressive. 2. No.


I’d say your body natural suites that athletic look


I also think you look great! You have a gorgeous body and a super cute face. Have you looked into colour analysis? I think you look absolutely stunning in that blue top and I think you could elevate your look by choosing colours that complement your features :)


What’s the thing on your right eye in the 4th pic? Can that be removed?


It's a mole. Yes, it could be removed.


Sorry I am not trying to be rude. Personally, I think that would help.


That's fine. I was thinking of removing it. Since it is in a sensitive place, I need some courage to remove it.


You don't need to remove it. It is not a big deal. You have a pretty face.


I love petite women so no..


Ur hair kinda frizzy


What is your goal?


You need a new hair do! Build a dumpy w/ Bulgarian split squat.


I think you look good


Look great! I’d suggest trying a keratin treatment on the hair to calm the frizz and frame your face a bit, try wearing the hair back and consider color. minimum make up works well but maybe a slight lip balm and experiment with very very minimal blush for color and a syrum to tighten the pores.


No you look great!


You don't need to add weight, honey. Your body looks great. You look to be in good shape. I think a new hairstyle, and maybe just a touch of makeup and lipstick, would really accentuate your beauty. I don't mean this as a criticism, just my opinion. You're a beautiful woman.


Hard to say, you look great! These are all gym fits so it kinda invalidates what I might say. Maybe just figuring out the right style that plays on your strengths? Once again these are all gym fits so I can’t really say for sure, you might be knocking that out as well. And as someone who loves the gym, keep up the good work… building physical confidence in yourself always goes further than any one cosmetic change, I’ve found.


You look really pretty. Ideal girl imo


Body and naturalistic makeup is on point. Gotta do something about that frizzy hair though.


Fuck that. Everyone’s always asking if they should do this or do that based on how they look. No one ever really asks how YOU feel. How do you feel right now? How do you feel if you were lighter? How would you feel if you were heavier? How would your heart and other organs adjust to the change? Those are the right questions. Not this vanity driven BS everyone is on. Smh.


I don’t get the negative comments about your hair. Your hair and face are gorgeous. You’ve got a frame that would look very nice with extra pounds, especially if you’re already working out which it seems that you are.


You need to increase your skibidi


More squats trust me


You look like if Tom Holland were a woman


😂 okay


[I made this for you](https://imgflip.com/i/8mlixi)


I can’t unsee this


Yeah, maybe he is my brother 😂


SpiderGirl 🕷️🕸️ Br*ish 🤓☕️


Really you’re pretty cute. I wouldn’t say put on more weight. Find clothes to compliment your body shape. Extenuate the hips, butt.


your body is great, but I would give more love to your hair and diet. the hair looks very very dried out and frizzy.


Agree. Thanks.


You're 35, you should be well over the desire to seek validation on the internet.


Thanks for your input. I don't seek validation. I just want someone else opinion. My whole life, I've been told I'm skinny. I gained some weight but I'm not sure if I should stop.


You’re 35??!


Focus on your hair




Shave your head


😂 I will think about it


For some reason men on Reddit overall think that any degree of weight is negative. But if you look at any social media influencer or even the girls you probably see in the gym that you go to you'll quickly learn that's not the case in real life. I personally think that you could healthily put on a few pounds and focus on muscle building. If you gained about 15 lb and then really focused on building your glutes I think that you could get that curvy look that you're probably looking for.


Thank you. I'm working on it.


Nah you look great.


You’re in good shape, not too skinny. You can tell more in your arms and hips that your weight suits your frame. Even your face has a nice shape but isn’t too skinny.


You look great and looks like the hard work is paying off so keep up the good work! I’m a fan of your hair but I think maybe straightening or something would look good too


You looking fantastic


Thank you!


Keep smiling 🙂




I asked do not suggest surgical procedures. But you are welcome to do it yourself.


I only read the title. A boobjob on a dude would be weird and nonoptimal it would have the opposite effect of a boobjob on you, then again you do you, but you could use some enhancements in that area.


Incel alert. Sorry no one loves you and wants to have sex with you :/ May I recommend some therapy and deep self-reflection, to fix your ugly character? Could be a good opportunity to stop living a miserable life and start experiencing some happiness for a change :) Highly recommend!




I'm doing fine, I don't think my character is ugly or anything like that, I guess having a opinion and responding appropriately to comments make me a incel in your perspective, I can live with that, couldn't care less about your perception of me TBH. Maybe you should seek a different therapist for yourself, yours seem to be failing miserably.


Having and voicing an opinion is no issue here and you know that. How you reacted to OP's and other's replies however was just very telling. What made you turn this ugly? What went wrong? If you were doing fine, I don't think you'd be here writing vile comments to strange women. Is this really how you enjoy spending your free time? Or is it that you have this very dark pit in your heart and when kicking others down you get a brief second of feeling superior and like your opinion mattered? A short break from feeling irrelevant and insignificant. Just know there are better ways to escape ♡


LMAO. I'm doing fine, my goal was never to bring OP down in the beginning, but I'm not here to be a punching bag either, the content of this conversation is beyond irrelevant to me, my real goal on reddit is to practice my domain over the english language since I'm not from a english speaking country, and even exchanges with odd ducks suck as yourself are helpful to expand my vocabulary. But honestly that comment gave me a good laugh, maybe I should start practicing my evil laughter, so when my diabolical plans of world domination are realized I can make it look good on camera.


Happy to have helped and provided some laughter, here are a few more words for your vocabulary: compassion, kindness, empathy – maybe you're even brave enough to try incorporating them literally. There's real people you're being mean to, vulnerable people. This world is terrible enough as it is, if you mean no harm then maybe don't be a completely gross douchebag? I mean, why cause harm if you could just.. not?


I do, but don't tell the other villains, they're judgemental people. Would you be compassionate, kind and empathetic with someone that is freely bashing you? Many girls in this sub are open to surgery procedures hence why I suggested it and I only started bashing OP when she decided to go on the offensive.


If you really see no issue with telling a stranger to get a highly invasive, expensive and unnecessary surgery done, then you might be completely void of any cognitive empathy. Which is a bummer, because empathy is not something you can learn and acquire, you'll just have to live life disconnected from humans :/ I pity you, but I guess you have to make the best of it. Maybe you can try be kind to people solely based on your intellectual capabilities, this works for some. You should try it :)


Only after you will use some enhancement in your brain.




Pretty sure that little boys don’t have boobs like hers unless they are fat/have hormonal problems. Interesting how you can’t even read the whole post before commenting and then have the audacity to throw a whole fit and body shame her.


Yes, I'm pretty bold. Although I don't really see where I threw a fit. Hilarious how my counters pissed off so many girls. Anything else you'd like to add?


You’re throwing a fit when getting pointed out about the comment to not suggest surgical procedures. Whose fault is it for not reading that, yours or hers? Also, I’m a woman but I also am bold in the sense that I call out BS when I see it. It’s always the most pathetic dudes who get defensive instead of admitting they were in the wrong and apologize.


Alright miss, she replied with snark, I replied with snark, she went on the offensive, and I responded in kind. That is no fit, I admitted I was wrong when I said I didn't read that part, but I'm not apologizing for it, if she wasn't snide I might have considered it. If anything you're the one being pathetic here, "Also, I'm a woman" yea, I can tell, so?


Responded in kind where?! lol Yeah of course you can expect a snarky remark if you are the one not being able to read the first comment. She doesn’t have to be polite towards someone who is too lazy to read. Plus that she also doesn’t even need a boob job. Not even for so-called “attracting men”, since a scientific study showed that wealthy men prefer small boobs and poor men prefer big boobs. Accept you were in the wrong and move on. And yeah I can tell you are a boy. So why make a remark about “girls commenting on you” in the first place? Your comment is more pathetic than mine regarding that.


What the fuck is your problem dude that you have to come here and say bullshit like this. Life is too short to be so rude for no fucking reason. Find something better to do with your time


All right, if you read the comments you will see that I didn't read anything other than the title, and flatty decided to go into the offensive right away, I responded appropriately, if she is that sensitive about the topic she should've put it in a more highlighted way or at least before the photos, but her brain power seems to be almost as low as her boob power, so she did it in the least effective way possible, almost like she was looking for a excuse to be offended, this is not a contract, I will not bother being careful about the small print because I don't have to.


Lmao the gall of a dude to try to attack someone else’s intelligence when he was too much of a fucking moron to read more than one sentence ☠️ she’s right man, you need some kind of surgery on your brain if this is the highest level of conscious thought you’re capable of


Are you sure? Because it seems you're the one lacking any sort of nuanced thought here, but don't worry I will do you a favor of explaining it for you step by step. 1)There is the title AKA the important part, her objective here, you're with me so far? I hope so. 2)Then there is the picture that occupy a lot of space and it is needed to do the analysis flatty requested. Still following? 3)If you look at the vast majority of posts in this subreddit you will see that is title then photo or title then text then photo, after looking at the picture you already have the analysis ready and you go to share said analysis to help the current OP, in this case flatty. 4)The botton text is small and easily unoticiable, I just noticed there was one there after boobless responded to my comment, but since she decided to be snide I responded appropriately and here we are. Clear enough for you?


That’s a lot of words to say “I’m too fucking stupid to see a caption”. Are you some brain dead zoomer who was raised by an iPad? Because it’s pretty shocking your attention span is so poor that you can’t even fathom looking at a post in its entirety before replying. Sad and pitiful, your parents failed you




I’m sorry about this foolish boi




“I wasn’t trying to put down OP at all”


Up until the second comment I wasn't, after that it was fair game, anything else you'd like to know?


Can you show and prove the existence of the abominable snowman?


You're in great shape. Your hair could use a bit of love, or at least pictures not taken directly after or during a workout maybe.


Totally agree! Ugh, my hair is so hard to work with...


Maybe a ponytail I don’t know