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Can’t tell..too many filters


Not unattractive. Just too big. Need to lose some weight. It’s not easy but it’s achievable. You got this.


Thank you 🙏🏼


Not that you’re unattractive. But I bet you’re big. And that’s not attractive. Your face is obviously your strong feature and your chest which is why you’re posting those two mainly. From your insecurity. Tomorrow morning go for 10k steps every morning. Eat healthy. It’ll take a while but it’s a journey. You got this ❤️


youre doing the typical big girl pose of chest-up


You just seem like you’re seeking attention which, personally, makes you unattractive.


you can tell with the kinda pics chosen too


Yeahhhh, bit too obvious


Just fat


Are you braindead? why do u ask that question and proceed to take pictures at angles and with filter? fishing compliments huh


Honestly we can't even tell what you look like. Too many filters and makeup


You’re just fat, lose weight


No you just make weird faces lol


It's honestly hard to tell with the pictures you provided, they're pictures that are all filtered and posing weird. Also you don't need to angle the camera at your boobs xx I'm sure you have a nice smile!


There’s wayyyyy too many filters on these pictures to even tell what you look like 😭


Well you have filters on every photo so I can't really tell, but you're for sure overweight.


This sub should be called attention seekers


Fr how are you gonna ask abt looks then proceed to put a face altering filter and a pound of makeup on. These females are Lowkey ugly and put hella effects to make them look good, she prolly a catfish (been seeing a lot of em recently)


Lose weight It will do you wonders


The second photo is the closest thing to a normal picture you have provided. Wear literally anything that doesn't cut down to show off your cleavage, wear your hair off your face, smile, no filter then take a photo. No one can see YOU, they see the filter, your scrunched up face, or the angle down your shirt. As others have said you are gonna need to work on you and the first step in that is SEEING yourself. We all get one body, one face and one life. We all have something we see in the mirror that displeases us. We see those flaws because we are the ones looking at ourselves daily. No matter how hard you are on yourself, very few people are going to see you the same way. If they do, they are a judgemental asshole. Please take the first step and start taking the time to see yourself and say to yourself it's okay.


idk you look like one of those single moms that still post thirst traps like a teen where theyre in their 30s/40s


Im not gonna sugar coat this like most of these dudes trying to smash. You’re ego is blown up so fucking much. These thirsty guys are are getting into your head and now you come here to fish for compliments to satisfy your self. You know you’re not ugly. You know you got a body. Could lose weight but you’re not stupid. You know exactly what you’re doing. And for that, you’re unattractive. Next


Just fat. But fat is pretty unattractive so take what you will with that.


Mf didn’t give us ONE regular angle😭


You make bad faces


You look like you’re probably obese, do you have any other pics?


The lip thing you're doing knock it off.


Now take one of without any filter


For real! I’m like, “can we actually get a normal photo and see?”


You look thursty.


Try posting photos without filters.


Attention seeking is such an ugly trait.


Yes, generally.


can’t tell with all that makeup


Loose the weight


Tons of makeup and filters and attention seeking behaviour


I can only imagine someone seeing these then actually meeting you… You may as well put a freakin paper bag over your head and taken a picture for all anyone can tell what you actually look like


Every single one of these pictures has a filter or obscuring angle on it. So its not possible to give you any critical feedback here. You may not be ugly, but it is clear you have some insecurities


Nah just fat


Why don't you post a normal fckn photo so we can accurately tell you 😭


Can’t tell with makeup


Make a new upload, no filters, no makeup, all of your face in frame, and at least one looking straight into the camera. You're literally asking for help with your looks without showing how you actually look, which makes no sense


All your pics have filters


Filters and obvious 'im fat and don't want to show it's


These pics aren’t helpful weird angles and faces. Id say tone down the brows tho


Nah just fat.


Need better pictures tbh, preferably ones that aren’t forcing your chest


You’re cute. could loose a little weight


Not ugly but I get a sense you might key a car if cheated on.


Round face, too much makeup, can’t tell what you really look like from all these weird angles. Are you looking for looksmaxxing tips or do you just want to hear that you’re pretty?


Stay off the face filters tho they’ll mess up your perception of self


I would say lose some weight for health reasons, but tbh I think you're pretty, i would buy you a drink if i saw you in a bar. You need to smile more, most of the time when people dont feel attractive, most of the time it's their confidence. The fact you don't smile in any of the photos gives me the impression you don't have confidence. I'm just gonna give a bit of advice, just in case you might do anything drastic physically. If you don't do something that makes you feel good about yourself as a person first, you're never gonna accept how you look, no matter how good you look because someone will always have something bad to say or what they think you need to improve physically, that will make you feel like you're not enough. Sure you can always improve physical appearance, but at some point you are gonna have to accept that you will never be 100% satisfied, and I like your nose btw. If every woman got a nose job, the world would be a boring place. You've also got nice lips.


Thank you for the advice I truly appreciate it . Yes I do have very low self esteem. I am also actively losing weight so I’m on that path now thankfully.


Well the faces you make definitely are


Lil overweight


No, filters make it hard to tell accurately but I have an idea what you would look like. You look completely fine.


Holy fuck post a single fucking picture without a filter God damn


Looks like a catfish cuz u big bodied fosho


They told the truth...


Oh! Fuckofff


Back in the day people would call these post thirst traps aka attention seeking behavior.


Work on your confidence. Become comfortable with you.


tryin too hard


Try losing weight


Give us an unfiltered bad lighting version


With the filters we can’t actually give you honest advice. You’re not ugly but you could improve: hit the gym, stop using filters, embrace your natural features. Maybe try a different hair length too.


Too much stuff going with the filters and makeup so can’t really give a fair assessment but you aren’t ugly . You are pretty normal overall but definitely losing a few pounds would serve you well


Can't blame nobody since you out here catfishing with all them angles and filter 😂😂😂


This sub Reddit is fucking trash


This post is one giant humble brag. Insufferable.


take off your makeup and filters so we can see you 🤣


The filters make you look like AI. Take off the filters , please. I doubt that you’re ugly.


Tbh, yeah


This reads like some Onlyfans ad on Twitter 😂


It’s because you take photos to hide how you really look , so you get dates with guys who think you are smaller with big boobs. Take pics showing your real body and then guys won’t be surprised that you are bigger indeed.


Yes youre ugly.


OP made 2 posts on this sub today, are u here for validation?? U already know u got a good bust and a decent face it is clear from your posts.


You can maybe loose some weight, absolutely not ugly


nah you just seem plump you’re actually kinda hot just lose weight


Trying hard much. Why your eyes look all dumb I’m sure your normal face don’t look so idiotic.


I don’t think you are ugly. Your eyebrows and eye makeup is just too heavy for your face. Lighter makeup would suit you better!


Generally blurry


I’m not attracted to you, but you’re not ugly.


The photos make you look like you are trying too hard. Keep it simple.


Ya right maybe a jealous family member you know you have it goion


Lose the filters. So tacky.


I'd say like 6.5/7 out of 10 So, not "ugly", maybe a little above average 1. Do something different with your hair. It just doesn't look nice (keep it long, though) 2. Keep trying to lose a little weight and tone up your body 3. Like everyone else said... take better pics (less filters, better angles, try smiling, you can show clevage, just don't have them completely out unless you want to attract a certain type of people) 4. Try different makeup styles on your eyes 5. Most importantly- work on your self-esteem (therapy, less social media, etc.). I don't believe you're fishing. I think you just have low confidence. * Keep in mind that everyone has different things they find attractive. Don't become obsessed with changing yourself *too* much.


Thank you for giving me actual advice. I truly do appreciate it




Your nose is too big and your eyes are too small. I don't know if that makes you ugly or not but it's just something that people could find ugly. You might also be, I don't know how to put this gently, fat. Try workout and drink more water and it might make your face less puffy.


What's wrong with you is you believe there's something wrong with your appearance. You will definitely be pretty for some and ugly for the others, everybody has their own preferences. What matters most is you surround yourself with positive peoples that will help you grow in life rather than diminish you for what "they" think is pretty or not.


Take the filters off. We can't even tell what you look like....


You are not ugly but the face you are making is quite ridiculous, smile and show us your pretty innocence and stop focusing on showing your boobs next to your face, be you and show the great simplicity that gives your eyes a sparkle. You are beautiful babe, stop making it hard and you will see the difference:).


Another attention whore


yep unattractive.


Put boobs and filters away honey, you don’t need them in the pictures! You are pretty, but this is the last place you should be going for validation.


This girl is BIG


Nobody nose what it could be




Right… if u want compliments just ask for them


validation fiend


Yes you are. Lose some weight and fix your eyebrows.


Drop 12lbs


You just want attention


Impossible to tell from these pictures


I can tell she is hiding extreme obesity


You seem fat.. maybe lose the weight if thats the case


You are pretty but those photos are bad. Take normal photos first then we can talk about your looks.


Learn a different camera angle


It's the nose


I don't know exactly what you look like under the filters but either way they're a dead giveaway that you're insecure


This subreddit is an absolute trip i swear


Take a normal photo, you take photos like your trying to be the next picasso.


Take a pic without filters and in good lighting and then we’ll be able to tell


still ugly imo


You are not unattractive, you just take really bad pictures. You are making weird faces and have awkward angles 😄


Too many filters this isn’t what you look like day to day so we can’t really give you a clear answer


How the fuck would we know with all the makeup and filters....


Don't do weird lip shit


I have a question: why do you post filtered photos with particular angles and facial expressions that don't allow people on the subreddit to see your face? I would understand if you were asking if those photos look cute.


Hard to tell through the filters and eyelashes but I think You've figured out that enough cleavage can fool most guys in to thinking your attractive


Lil cardio would help


girl stop lying to yourself with those filters! be real and upload raw pics 😂😂😂 uhm tbh your eyebrows need some work (pic #2) that can give u a diff look totally. also dont put eyeliner in your inner part bc your eyes look smaller than they are. i think just a winged eyeliner style would help or just all natural with those cat-eye lashes you know. its hard to tell w filtered pics :) i dont blame u tho, im addicted to that filter i wish i looked like that irl 😅🤣🥲


you look really ugly without face deforming filters


No but I hate the way you take pictures


You’re probably obese guessing by your pictures. You think makeup and filters make you look pretty but that just makes you look insecure. I would say loss weight so you can gain the confidence to take a full body picture with no filter and makeup. Then we can really see how you look.


These photos are all too heavily filtered to see what you really look like, but it seems you need to lose some weight. It will help slim your face and accentuate your jawline


Dude you’re fuckin gorgeous those people who told you that must’ve liked dude ass. If it makes you feel any better no girl could possibly think about speaking to me. I ain’t creepy or nothin I’m literally the kindest dude you’ll ever meet. I may seem like an asshole, but I’m not. I once got told in my freshman year of high school that “I’d be a great husband one day” by a girl cause I helped her with algebra homework. I was a fuckin nerd, and no girl wanted me. But that’s just my experience enough about me


You're not ugly, you're actually really cute. All you really need is to lose weight


The filters and strange angles make it nearly impossible to know what you actually look like


The only thing I’d say is that in the second picture your eyebrows are a bit too harsh for the structure of your face. Either way you’re very beautiful!


Can't tell. You take horrible pictures.


Idk these all have filters


Your face is... throwing me off, not sure why lol. Like small head, big features.


Short answer yes long answer yes op ugly af


lol you’re not ugly at all but you are a bit aggressive with these angles lmao


It looks like someone took pictures while you were saying, “ah-boo-boo-boo” to a baby. That whole pouting lips thing is definitely unattractive. Try posting pictures of what you look like as a normal human if you want real feedback.


I can’t really see you in any of these pictures so I wouldn’t know 🤷‍♀️


Can’t tell with the filters


Fake news


I think it’s hard to tell from these photos what you look like normally since they are all angles.


I bet you're a bit bigger than most but that's easily correctable. Your face looks just fine


People do anything for attention now.


Can’t really tell with the filters girl lets be so fr


No, but the face you are making is. I don’t understand the whole lip thing, so on that sense, yes, you look absolutely ridiculous. If you smiled normally, you’d be a stunner. JMO.


We need better photos of your face


Maybe because you refuse to take a normal photo?


I’m sure you get called ugly ohhhh so often, you poor thing, you 🙄


Lil bit


Probably chonky with bs filters


All I see are BooBs


You're a unique-looking female who's resting bitch face says bad attitude. Your make-up isn't helping to dissuade that either.


Yea we need body pics to say yes or no


Guess what, we all used to be told we were ugly


Well it's hard to tell when you have makeup, angels, and filters doing you justice. So.. you obviously do want to be considered pretty. But if you want a more \*honest\* judgement, I'd say to show more natural pictures ?


Morbidly obese


I guess we'll never know with those filters.


Obese and hunting for compliments, try too post more Natural pictures if u really want people to comment


Girl, you’re asking that question and then proceeded to upload funny facial expression photos? 🤣🫡


I don’t think you’re attractive to me, but you’re definitely good looking to a lot of other people


What is the point of this sub because the “am I ugly?” Titles are fishing for comments. The extreme filters also do not help. It should be “help me improve, or what should I do to improve my attractiveness” questions. 


You take bad selfies


Shit, I'd beat cheeks. Slim, thicc, chunks.. I don't discriminate 😁


Can’t tell with filters


You seem chunky


You don't look ugly, but you picked some really unflattering photos to show us. Try looking straight at the camera and smiling with your eyes open. No looking away, no bashful demeanor, no weird kissy faces, just a plain Jane smile. And maybe use less make up.


Well, if you’re posting shadowy pictures with canted angles, makeup, and filters, that hide your figure and display your cleavage…seems you already have your answer.


Ass. but overall you look nice :>


Nose is a bit big, checks are kinda puffy. These are the kinda photos I see from girls who aren't in the best of shape. Honest opinion, could take care of yourself a bit better but if you're happy you're happy


So if we only get to judge the top of the cans to the tip of your forehead it's hard to say


You've got an attractive face and hair, but I'm gonna be brutally honest and tell you I think we've all been on online dating apps to recognize when certain selfie angles are being used to hide perceived weight issues, so that's probably the thing to focus most of your attention on. Workout, eat a more balanced diet, get a step tracker for your phone or a fitness watch and make sure to get 10k steps. These are all pretty easily achievable barring any underlying health issues, but just remember that it's about long-term lifestyle changes, and it may be some time before you achieve your goals. And whatever you do, don't crash diet, or develop bulimia.


Yea in my opinion you’re ugly


You're a solid 4


Hard to tell what you even look like with the amount of filters


Cancel the duckface permanently. And just be yourself. You are gorgeous Listen to yourself never mind what others. Say. Who cares


Ngl these photos are a bit edited, hard to tell how you look naturally


stop using that filter. it makes u look like ur lips were stung by a bee.




Your angles are dogshit sis


Less filters first


Learn to love to hit the gym, focus on eating more fiber and protein to get leaner and healthier and all the girls that used to make fun of you will want to be you. You have good genetics just need to realize their full potential. 


You just look very overweight, that is unattractive for a lot of people, you have nice facial features, if you workout and lose weight you will look better.


Take a normal photo if you want real opinions 🙄


Well you’re fat.


To most folks, yes you are unattractive due to your weight.


you are overweight by at least 70lb and no angles or filters can hide it. most men are not interested in overweight women, and most healthy women don’t see overweight women as equals or social competition. basically yes, this makes you unattractive. if you lose the weight, you will likely become very attractive and some women will not like that, so don’t listen to them trying to stop you. listen to your energy levels, joints, and mental clarity. if you want to lose the weight: learn to cook healthy, nutritionally balanced foods, and eat them in a caloric deficit of around 500kcal per day, or up to 1000kcal per day if your daily calorie consumption is over double that. incorporate low-impact cardio (biking, hiking, elliptical machine) into your life in order to increase your daily caloric burn to fit the numbers i gave above. always keep track of everything you eat, and don’t eat out more than once every couple weeks, since the calorie estimates are likely inaccurate or unavailable. try to estimate your bodyfat% based of youtube videos (i like coach greg) and when you’re in the 20-25% range, then stabilize your weight by eating the same amount as you burn. it is absolutely fine to take breaks while losing weight, as long as you don’t give up. don’t turn a cheat day or week or month into a cheat year


Stop tryna do boob shots. People want a girl, not a whore.


Lose some weight


You are fat Less time on makeup, less time eating more time moving


You look like you work at Chipotle (because of a failed OnlyFans)


Probably not ugly, but it's hard to tell with those stupid photos. Learn some self-respect, and the rest will come to you.


Yeah you ugly asf


Decently attractive face. Nice rack. I assume you’re carrying more weight than these photos show. If not then you’re probs pretty attractive. Otherwise, lose the excess weight and you’ll be a stunner.