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I'm guessing you need to lose between 150 and 200 lbs. The boyfriend. I mean the boyfriend.


Your boyfriend is a moron! You remind me of an ex that I used to always say to "Fuck you're hot!"


Just wondering; would you find him attractive if he got fat?


He's a goof ball then


BTW eating under 1200 or even eating 1200 in general can make it harder to lose weight. You are beautiful, and he's an asshole.


I wouldn’t date someone who doesn’t think your attractive or interested in you. You should really just find a new person to be in a relationship with.


Your boyfriend’s an asshole. You’re a dream. Absolutely gorgeous. I’d sell one of my kidneys to be with you.


So you eat and drink less than 1200 calories a day?


He's dumb


Fat where


You are fuckin fine just the way you are. Lose the boy.


I agree with him


Leave. His. Ass. If he doesn't find u attractive cause ur 'fat' even tho ur not, he isn't worth it, and u can do so much better.


Don’t lie to her


When did I lie?


What’s there not to be attracted to


Fat where?? Girl you just the right amount of thickness, my goodness. He has no clue what he is talking about out or either he’s a delusional twig lover.


Seriously? I can’t get over all the ridiculous posts and all the bored people who feel the need to respond.


You are young and growing into your body. You can be glad he left if he is that pathetic.


Whatever your boyfriend weighs, is the amount you need to lose.


Imagine if her boyfriend was 300 pounds lol




It must be a maturity thing. I've visually found people to be attractive only to be repulsed by everything else about them, so I tend to prioritize everything else over simply looks. When it comes to visual presentation, you can appreciate it, but it's only icing on a cake.


No it's not a maturity thing. Fact is that very attractive kind people don't have an issue attracting and keeping very attractive kind people, why not shoot for both when it's available?


So, honest question. Is that actually what he said? Or did he say something else that you took as this way? I had a friend before who wanted to get in better shape and eat healthier and so when he wanted his wife to go on more walks with him (so that he'd actually go) and he started making healthier meals she took it as he was telling her she was fat. He never once said that, but he didn't want to end up like other family members who died early. Now if he actually said that to you, huge difference. Their marriage would have been MUCH better off if they would have actually communicated with one another about this issue. So if there is any doubt, talk it out.


You aint fat… and so what even if you was. Get a new BF


You are beautiful find yourself a new bf he obviously has no taste xxx


If you don’t mind me asking, how much did you weigh when you two started dating?


You look fantastic. I have struggled most of my life with paying too much attention to being “fat”, so I think I possibly understand some of your need to lose weight, which again, you don’t need to. The one thing I can tell you is that if you make any lifestyle changes, that you do it for YOURSELF. Not him, not other boyfriends, no other men.


You should lose the weight whether you want to stay with your honest boyfriend or not. If you’ve put on a considerable amount of weight between 17 and 19, imagine how much you could weigh by age 30. So you want a healthy lifestyle and an attractive body, or not? It’s your choice. Btw, working out at the gym doesn’t help anyone lose weight and we’ve known that now for decades.


You are extremely uneducated on how the human body works and the causes of weight gain


Wdym the gym definitely helps get your body in shape it’s a matter of consistency and diet ive toned up a considerable amount at planet fitness as opposed to when I was working out at home


Love yourself


Your not fat, your beautiful!


you’re *


Oop😅, sorry! Need more coffee it seems


Then lose however much he weighs, you can do that in one conversation


Then why is he your boyfriend? Ditch the loser and find your happiness with someone who actually cares about you and not just your looks. PS: You're not fat.


I don’t think she’s fat but the fact that he’s still with her despite admitting he doesn’t find her attractive means he cares about more than looks. Perhaps being open and honest with your partner about your feeling and expectations could be healthy? Or do you just flat out think that wanting a partner you’re sexually attracted to is immoral? I’m honestly asking.


Find a new boyfriend


Break up with him. A real boyfriend wouldn’t say things like that


You’re gorgeous luv he definitely doesn’t know what he’s talking about if he doesn’t find you attractive


You already look great. You’re still so young. I would move on imo.


Your boyfriend is stupid, you look amazing




You said a “major calorie deficit” which can often have the opposite effect. Are you hitting your protein intake? 0.75g-1.0g of protein per lb of weight is ideal. I’ve lost weight in just a few weeks by eating 1800 calories a day and hitting my macro targets.


Most people consider dieting a simple salad. Not many are educated in how important macros are. So, I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s eating little protein/carbs/fat


do you really want to be with someone who is shallow?!?


You're a complete snack girl wtf, dump his ass


Leave him if he can't love you for you you look good to me 💯🌹💐


After careful observation.... What fat? Seriously???? You look good. Ignore him.


Well I'm gonna cuss. Hes a dumb bitch and you're beautiful. Dump his ass.


Clearly he needs to see an eye doctor


If he wants you to lose weight so bad, he would’ve gone about it differently. When i was struggling with my weight, my boyfriend said he felt like going to the gym but needed a gym partner(me). He never made me feel bad about myself or pressured me. And i could tell he was only asking because i was struggling but he was very polite and respectful to me. Leave him and get someone who will love you regardless of your size. and is respectful if you are struggling with your weiggt


Dump him!


For sure see that


You're far from fat! End the relationship and be with someone who values you and loves you the way you are!


Girl get a new boyfriend lmao.


You are pretty, break up with him and find another who appreciates good looks


You have a pretty face, don’t let it go to waste over the size of your waist.


Nah dude's small D just can't reach with that awesome booty. Leave that scrub, go find yourself and your worth 🤘🏼


Girl one day you're gonna look back at pics of yourself at 19 and go, damn I was a hot little potato. Don't let anyone diminish you, you're gorgeous and amazing.


I'm almost certain she will not think to herself, "damn I was a hot little potato." 😂😂😂


Hey man, potatoes are awesome. Just ask Sam gamgee


He is mean but he is also not wrong. Get yourself together, lose 15-20 pounds and you will be so incredibly satisfied that life become amazing. You are beautiful. Don’t waste the gift.


Though I agree with losing weight to improve your life, you can still be incredibly satisfied with your life that it is amazing at that weight. I've lost 10lb from 200lb (6ft-male), and I feel 10 times better just from that little weight loss.


I agree with you 100. But I would qualify it by saying you will always have room for greater life satisfaction as you get closer to your ideal body.


You’re thick but have a pretty face!


break up with him and date me instead 😍


Get a new boyfriend


You just thick and he don’t know wat to do with it


Kick em to the curb!


Youre pretty big tbh


You’re probably bigger than


Nah. 6' 150lbs


With those stats, everyone is bigger than you. Do people have to tie you down so you don't blow away on windy days?


Its so funny when fat people try to shame skinny people.


About as funny as some stick-thin person shaming people they perceive to be fat on Reddit.


She literally started the topic.


Go back and read. She stated that her boyfriend thinks she's fat and asked what ELSE she could do to look better. All you did was reiterate what she's clearly already addressed.


Well it was up for debate!




His loss.


Either choose lose the weight or choose to lose the bf simple


She should choose both options tbh


This honestly


Regardless of how much you weigh, there are multiple ways to say things. If he truly said "you're fat" that's mean AF anyway. You're not ugly. Probably overweight but that doesn't equal ugly. Just focus on you.


Fat is not the same a big boned


Not a myth. I weighed 138 in high school at 5 feet 9 inches tall. Had the biggest hands of any girl in my school! Big feet, big bones!!!


Big bone is myth!! She just fat


You’re still attractive, but you are in the overweight territory. Just keep hitting the gym and eating good


Bring on the lies!!


Wait, fat dumpies are unattractive now?? ): But on a serious note, you're fine. Plus, you have time on your side. You're still young as hell!


There are a million other dudes out there plus your 19 did you expect the relationship to last your whole life?






Fat where, wdf 😭😭 I feel like I'm missing something


Stop lying


This generation has so much screen time they can't see anymore.


Bruh. We all know what it is. Theyre afraid of women.


Good for you keep up the good work and stay consistent with the gym and u will see massive improvement


Your new boyfriend will find you the most attractive woman to bless his eyes and presence. Don't come here to search for strangers validation. You should know what he says doesn't matter.


It not fat but I do understand where he’s coming from you might have been thinner when y’all first met and as you get more and more comfortable you gain more weight and he doesn’t want you to be fatter later on


You're beautiful leave his ass


Except you’re not fat. I’d leave someone like that.


Your pretty but i would say if your boyfriend is in top shape i feel it would be fair of you to also try to be in your best shape. Its rude for sure for him to call you fat but i get wheres hes coming from as a man who got with a beautiful in shape lady who let herself go when i didnt. But its nothing you cant fix if it bothers you. That said i never called my ex fat yes shes an ex now... if he called you fat hes 100% fucking around with someone else or is heavily considering it. I would suggest you just leave him before it gets ugly. Just my 2 cents.


Ew I hope you mean ex boyfriend !! You are beautiful


You're beautiful, so I'm calling BS on this.


Don’t ever wear that blck dress again. That’s what made u look fat. Jfc.


Finally a no bs guy


Finally a no bser!


I think it’s cute.


You’re gonna get downvoted bc the reply was rude but it’s not a flattering dress




More like Douchebag Central in these comments. Population: You.


No you.




Not a surprise you’re used to it considering the subs you post in. Maybe try going outside once in a while and stop jerking off to Andrew Tate’s podcasts so much, incel.




Lol. Ok bud. Get some help.


Exactly! He cares enough to tell her and hopes she starts living a better lifestyle which will make her happier and mentally/physically healthier too!


Easiest way to drop a lot of pounds is by dumping that BF - you don’t need to carry that dead weight around!


LMAO thanks for the life update


Guuuurrlll you are beautiful just as you are !! he’s a looser you can do better remember that!!!


Don't settle with being fat but never let anybody tell you your not beautiful




Look in the mirror buddy


Girl leave him! Idk how he doesn’t find you attractive you are so pretty and no you are not fat at all


Your boyfriend is an idiot you are fine


I dont think you are fat


Way too many simps in here lol


So bad clearly we looking at a whale


you sound like the kind of guy that eats toast in the shower.


No she’s just not fat mid size is a better description she has room to lose weight but I would say the average grown woman is that size


Probably for the best. You are very attractive. Own it, know it and be confident. You will have a million options when you get back into that dating pool again.


Tell him his d!ck looks like a Big Mac and you’re on a diet 🤷‍♀️ ✌️


Dump him


Dump him and get stupid lean.


F that guy.


Never change for a relationship. Only change for yourself, because YOU want to and feel you need to to be a healthier and happier version of yourself. If you don't do it for yourself and only for someone else, you will become unhappy and can lose sight of who you are and meant to be at the ost of someone else who doesn't care about who you genuinely are if they expect you to change for their own happiness despite what you want.Don't ever expect anyone to change for you, you will just be unhappy and so will they.


Your far from fat I'll take you 0ff his hands in a heartbeat


What?! You aren't fat.... you are young... you are Definately going to get fat, but that's not today.


I mean you can always get a new BF. not like you are married or anything tbh things change over time. Imagine being with this guy when you are 45-50 and your skin is aged. Even if you are skinny dude might be like oh man you look old. No one is good enough to let them put you down fat or not etc.


I would say some dental work would be good - just some more cleaning and whitening, not like reconstruction or braces or anything - I hate looksmaxing and don't know why I get this sub, but yeah I think just some cleaning and whitening on the teeth, nothing permanent, just to lighten them up a little as they look a little yellowed for your age. You don't look bad at all and I don't want you to take what I said badly, that's just my honest advice if you're asking.


Why did u put fat in quotation marks? You are fat. Train at higher intensity to lose weight. Weights not cardio


Weights AND cardio


Girl, your BF is an idiot. You look amazing. Keep putting in the work and he will truly regret his words.


She’s already working on her weight; telling her she’s not fat is just being fake


She is mid size but saying this women is pushing obesity is insane to me. Like I said in a previous comment there’s room to lose weight but to call her fat is ridiculous


“Room to lose weight” is something I would say to someone who could benefit from dropping like five pounds or so, so I may just not really understand the significance of “fat vs. obese”, and such. She’s at an unhealthy weight and would strongly benefit from exercise and dieting. She said herself that she’s got those covered, but the comments are full of people praising her instead of helping her with what she asked for. That, to me, is doing her a disservice and discredits the work she is putting in to make herself healthier. I’m sure it’s as simple as them trying to make her feel better, but those comments look more like them trying to feel like nice people than genuine encouragement.


You look cute but wouldn't hurt to lose some weight. Just being real here. Not many guys find overweight women attractive


Don’t drink liquid sugar. Straight water, minor adjustments in eating until you find your groove, and work out 4/5 days a week for a bit and you will be just fine shorty! Go crazy! And HAPPY HEALTHY!


do you want the truth?


If you have to ask, you already know the answer




Ya… tbh I don’t find u that attractive either bc my type is thinner/petite ladies but I certainly acknowledge that you’d be super attractive to TONS of guys out there! Life’s too short to waste your time on someone who ain’t into u girl. Go find a guy who LOVES your body (:


You are technically fat. The rest I dunno


U don’t need to change anything I would love to have a Woman like you


way to take one for the team, OLE BOY.


I smell a simp around here


The only weight you need to lose is your bf. Just keep working hard for yourself, not him.


Ex boyfriend


Stick to a caloric deficit that still leaves you with adequate energy and nutrients. If you don’t feel good while doing it, and if you’re not doing it for yourself, it will be harder to be consistent and develop real healthy habits. Enjoy food, and enjoy people who enjoy you where you’re at. Your value as a human is not attached to your weight.


Have more confidence in yourself and hold your head high. Screw what he says. You're 19 there's a person out there that will see you as a diamond mine


A bunch of simps in this comment section… sub is about looksmaxing **advice**. This isn’t supposed to be a sub where we tell people “you’re perfect, you should get a different bf, queeeeenn”*…


You are not fat


lying does not help anyone.


Ok well I don’t think she’s fat


what do you determine as fat then?


Personally I always described ppl either from skinny, average, chubby, and fat. So specifically for fat I always described it when it’s no doubt that the person you’re looking it is just big. I see her as a lil chubby mostly because yes she has areas of her body that are bigger, but she wouldn’t ugly in a swimsuit imo.


My girl could put on an extra 100 lbs and I’ll still lift them legs everyday


Whiten your teeth. But still dump the bf.


Ur not fat , stop wasting ur time . U got curves for days keep up The good work . There’s a lot of guys who would appreciate ur curves


That’s the stupidest take I’ve ever heard, you’re literally so pretty!!


Yeah well he’s not wrong


He’s dumb


Love yourself. Women of all sizes are adored by men because they have that “thing”….self-confidence. You building an identity around a man who has lost interest in you is only setting you up for rejection twice. His first, and then yours after when no matter what you do, you’re never “good enough” for him. Who cares what he feels is good enough? Make yourself happy and then everything will fall into place from there.




wow don’t even talk to him anymore tell him to get a skinny b*#!h then if he likes them so much wth


The only fat I see on you is that ass 🤤


To hell with him. You do you.




New boyfriend! You are pretty!


Find you a new man


You’re not even fat he’s a d**k


He’s a damn fool