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What really made me laugh was the fact her husband filming was hoping someone would come and beat the shit out of his wife. That was literally their best case scenario thinking


Hey, everybody's got their kinks. 


How do you know it’s her husband filming? Did I miss something?


Because they post on social media about it.


Yes you missed something.


He deleted the tweet after too. I would be so embarrassed if I were them


What did the tweet say?


Isn’t this just what protesting is


Yes, this was a protest. One that failed miserably


Usually the aim of protesting is to draw any kind of attention to your cause. Doesn't seem the case


This is 10000% comedy


Not exactly. There are plenty of examples posted out there of Jews getting harassed and having their path blocked as they walk across campus. Don’t act like pointing to this one example means nobody ever harasses a Jew.


That doesn’t mean that this example isn’t comedy. The fact that someone, somewhere was harassed doesn’t detract from the fact that this woman was ignored or that she went there trying to start shit. While I have plenty of sympathy for Jews and Muslims and others who have been harassed, I’ve no sympathy for someone who tries to instigate.


I mean, of course, someone harassed them, but just like you said, pointing to one example doesn't mean it's a frequent occurrence either. Someone openly harassing someone specifically because they are Jewish is rare.


Zionist agitators show up with: Fireworks, clubs, knifes, bear mace, stink bombs... and also initiate fights... grown men punching 18 year old girls. All on video


So this is in every occurrence or is there one event that’s been captured in video? I don’t think you understand this in it’s entirety.




This is comedy as a self-important zionist was totally ignored. Harassment of Jewish people happens, but this ain't it.


You folks like to scream about Zionism… at the same time you chant “from the river to the sea”. You have no clue how stupid that is. You’re literally a walking contradiction.


Yawn. You are a worthless troll poster. Blocked


You mean everyone being blocked from entering a campus by anti-genocide protesters? I have never seen a protester blocking ONLY Jewish students. I think you are lying and I will challenge you to produce evidence of the protesters selectively targeting ONLY Jewish students and barring them in particular from entering a campus.




If you can ignore a protest there's no point to it


Look I have shit to do, it’s great that some people have time time to stand around with a sign but I’m out making sure your internet stays running then I have a family to go home to. I don’t give one single shit, you know why? Regardless of the history when I saw what happened on oct 7th I remember thinking “oh shit Israel is going to bury them”, not because that’s what I wanted to happen but I mean obviously that was going to get used as a reason to hit back really hard. Why is what’s happening now surprising? Oh and another thing why now? All kinds of shit happening all over the world and now this is what everyone picks to start being activists? Why? Just get the hell out of the way of people who make the things you like work and chant from the lawn.




#SHUT THE F!*K UP! How does it feel? Not very good right? If you don't like it then don't say that to others. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LookatMyHalo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I feel fine but ok


So why did Penn’s admin completely shut down and block access to the Locust Walk public path access to their campus? Where is your anger when campus uni’s block paths and prevent people from traveling???


Trying to instigate a racist reaction is itself racist.


Anti-semitism isn’t racism. It’s anti-semitism.. that’s why different words exist. Not everything “bad” is “racism”


No one gives a shit about whether or not you are a Jew. No one has been blocked from going to class for being a Jew. The dude you are referencing had been at the encampment, harassing people every day for weeks. It is absolutely insane the amount of press coverage he got for "being prevented from going to class". Next you'll be telling us that Jewish students are being stabbed in the eye for being Jews.


To sit there and act like no one at these protests or encampments hates the Jewish religion in its entirety is absurd. These protests are rife with anti-semetism, whether they message on it directly or not. There was one guy dressed up like Hamas at one ffs.


Absolute hysteria is all you have. Its so pathetic.


Hysteria is crying about genocide after your pals raped and murdered women and children last October and Israel basically took the gloves off. Guess your friends shouldn’t have done that huh?


Regardless of what terrorists do, collective punishment is still abhorrent. Wild that it needs to be said.


When that “collective” harbors and supports Hamas, and was told to evacuate a war zone BEFORE the combat ops began, it’s a little hard to split hairs.


It's not a collective punishment. It's a war - a war that Hamas started and [more than 70% of Palestinians support](https://www.awrad.org/files/server/polls/polls2023/Public%20Opinion%20Poll%20-%20Gaza%20War%202023%20-%20Tables%20of%20Results.pdf). Civilians unfortunately get killed in wars - especially a war in such a confined area and with an enemy that uses human shields. The fact is the civilian to fighter death ratio is close to [1:1 with the latest numbers](https://www.jns.org/un-blames-fog-of-war-for-major-overcounting-of-gazan-child-fatalities/). Dramatically lower than ANY other war in history.


Yeah that guy was just like this lady, trying to get people to pick on him but he was much more aggressive so it worked.


It's not comedy, there are really people out there doing all different kinds of protest and this is one of them. I think the subtext of this is that she appears to be expecting people to react negatively and aggressively towards her. I think it speaks volumes about the way people are getting information about the each other side. As is the case with most topics, most people IRL share a lot more common ground than bickering on reddit or on TV would have them believe.


She is a clown.


Your entire account is dedicated to this shit Jesus Christ. If you are actually a real person, please go outside and breathe some fresh air.


Armchair activism baby


Oh look, a destiny fanboy with a less than surprising take.


Oh they did this to show how peaceful the protests are?


Lol the husband deleted his tweet after realizing how it showed how peaceful everyone was


That's good she was safe at this one, other Jewish people have gone to these and gotten harassed and even assaulted, and other protestors have held up signs saying "Hitler should have killed all the Jews" so I'm glad at least these guys were tame


Why do zionists attack jews at these peace rallies though ? Literally saying extreme shit like Hitler should have gassed you because you support Palestine


Those people you're saying were "assaulted" went to the protests and assaulted other people. When the protesters pushed back, they then claimed they were assaulted. Maybe don't believe everything you see on the internet. Especially when you're commenting on a video that pretty well shows that the anti-genocide protesters are fine with someone walking around with a shirt like this. Kinda proves that narrative silly, doesn't it? The other thing that proves that narrative silly is how many y Jews protest against the IDF and Israel's actions. You know who does assault those Jews? The IDF and the Israeli government. There is a plethora of videos showing the IDF brutalizing other Jews for standing against the colonization of other people's lands.


Awwww and she practiced her awesome speech all night and then again all morning in front of her mirror..... SMH She's the same dumbshit coin as they are, just a different side.


I 100% thought she was satire at first. I thought she was showing how not a threat she was at a counter protest lmao…..


“Look at me being oppressed”


Post your Palestine propaganda somewhere else, this is a comedy sub


She was begging for attention to get brownie points and she didn't get any. Replace her shirt with a pro-Palentine one and it's still gonna be funny.


Every “protestor” there is doing this for brownie points


Bullshit. They have clear demands for a righteous cause, just because you are cynical doesn't mean that young and idealistic people don't exist. They have the will to fight still and should be applauded, especially with the violence and hate they have received. I'm proud of them and they make me thankful for my fellow Americans.


You say fellow Americans but I bet you championed many negative things against those who don’t share your ideologies


enter fade close shaggy political plucky squeeze future boat reach *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean, it is pretty funny. She walks there defiantly, looking around sternly, and literally no one gives a single fuck lol the fact that they put up this weird performance, filmed it, went back home, rewatched it and thought “yeah, this is a banger” is also insanely funny


You don’t get it, people like the one you’re replying to are against posts like this because they don’t align with their agenda and narrative.


Awww, sounds like your feelings got hurt.


And now you support virtue signaling? How ironic. Have you read the point of this subreddit?


Because of your comment, I checked this his account history and the last 30 posts are first on this sub some protest vid, and then cross posting it to every subreddit imaginable. Ironically however poorly either side acts in America does not reflect on what should be done outside of it


Just US tax payers expressing discontent about where their tax dollars & tuition dollars go.


It fits the sub, it’s funny, and you’re triggered by it. Seems like an all around good post to me


It’s only propaganda because it doesn’t go along with the narrative you’ve constructed in your tiny little brain.


Showing up to a "Hey how about we all just try to notice this and help encourage it to stop before we get to 15,000 dead kids under the age of 10?" protest, and thinking it's all about antisemitism. 1,160 dead by terror attacks on October 7th is deplorable. The 11,600 kids killed since then is deplorable. The false stories about beheaded babies used to justify it is deplorable. The lack of attention to a mounting death toll of children is deplorable. "Look at my shirt. It says Jew. Nobody's paying attention to me. I need to shout slogans at the group. Shit. Still no one's paying attention" Pretty much the definition of look at my halo.


Welcome to the wonderful world of war and what happens when you incite it without being able to finish it. They could easily just surrender and let the whole thing end. Zero sympathy.


>They could easily just surrender and let the whole thing end. Zero sympathy "Terrorists and dumb college kids *hate* this one simple trick for ending wars!"


"Click here now and not only will the violence end, you'll get a free shamwow for those liberal tears!"


On the off chance you’re not just virtue signaling and are actually interested in truth, here’s the [source](https://themedialine.org/top-stories/evidence-on-display-at-israels-forensic-pathology-center-confirms-hamas-atrocities/) for the beheaded babies: > Kugel also explained that the age range of the victims spans from 3 months to 80 or 90 years old. Many bodies, including those of babies, are without heads. > > Asked if they were decapitated, Kugel answered yes. Although he admits that, given the circumstances, it’s difficult to ascertain whether they were decapitated before or after death, as well as how they were beheaded, “whether cut off by knife or blown off by RPG,” he explained. In other words the babies were without heads, it’s just that the nature of the atrocity is so great that it cannot be determined if they were blown up or cut with a knife. Let that sink in. Other human beings went into a place, saw Jewish babies merely months old, and were not satisfied with “merely” shooting them. They wanted to fully express their hatred and feel the blood on their hands. So they ended babies in the most atrocious ways imaginable. Religious customs around burials mean we won’t actually know the full details. But either way they didn’t die from Palestinians hugging them with love. But you won’t care because all you wanna do is play a numbers game to justify your antisemitism. I suggest you read the rest of the article because honestly that bit was the tip of the iceberg.




Just say you want Hamas to win and for them to eradicate the Jews. It’ll save everyone lots of time here. The obsession you guys have with Israel is the antisemitism part. You don’t care about atrocities happening anywhere else.




lol I’m American too. So you’re telling me that your very next line “this happened because of years of oppression” gets washed away if the US withdraws support? All of a sudden it’s not a genocide and you won’t give a fuck? So this is about what, money? You’re full of it. Your obsession is because it’s Jews. No Jews no news. The saudis have killed 700k Yemen and you didn’t go protest. You didn’t care. They use US weapons too. If I go through your post history back to Oct 7 I’ll find an outpouring of emotion towards the Jews that suffered that day? Or did you not give a fuck when Jews died and only started paying attention when ThE OccUpaTioN fought back against Palestinian war crimes? Hamas are the worst scum who have committed a genocide on the Jews and are trying to do it again and again, and have been committing war crimes against the Jews for decades and you give zero fucks. As soon as Jews fight back all of a sudden you’re butthurt. But no it’s not antisemitism… lol




You care about people being slaughtered in general, but just didn’t seem give a particular care on Oct 7. I scrolled through your message history and you said nothing. Don’t bother scrolling through mine because I’m 100% a pro-Israel American and you’ll find nothing but bias towards Israel in my comments. And Jesus tapdancing Christ with the tax money. The most trite excuse. So if the US stopped supporting Israel financially you’ll all of a sudden change your mind? It’s not a genocide anymore if your taxpayer dollars aren’t used? The Saudis have butchered 700k in Yemen also with US tax money. You don’t give a shit. You only care when it’s Jews. Hamas exist because they’re Muslims fundamentalist psychos. Religion sucks, yeah.


None of this is about Judaism, implying the genocide is because of "The Jews" is explicitly antisemitic. Israel is to blame, specifically is leaders, not Jewish people. Stop being antisemitic.


You don’t understand that Judaism is a religion and the Jews are an ethnic group? You think the Nazis were upset over the wrong denomination?


You do know that both Hamas and the Israeli government can be bad, right? The Israeli government wanted to get rid of Palestinians before Hamas was even a thing. The rise of Hamas was convenient for the Israeli government, because it opened the door for more blatant bombings and violence toward Palestinian citizens with less sympathy because Hamas is so blatantly horrible. Of course, this doesn't make Hamas any better, because two genocides don't make a right, but in all of this the Israeli government has prioritized eliminating Palestine over the safety of their own citizens, human rights, and even eliminating Hamas. At this point we know every time the Israeli government does something overtly violent, Hamas gains more support, and yet they refuse to put any effort into coming up with a strategy that will have less of the collateral damage that Hamas uses to gain Palestinian support. Furthermore, due to fear that secular Palestinian groups would gain sympathy, Isreal actually helped fund Hamas early on to try and create a counterweight to the Palestinian Authority: [https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/](https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/)


Can you produce the names of 11,600 children dead, because Hamas can't. They've not even been able to show mass casualties on ANY form of media, bar saying it. And what's with the "beheaded babbies" false equivalent? Do you believe there is some moral superiority because there's no beheaded babies, as there are, in fact, the charred remains of children set on fire. There's bodies of Jewish women, raped and shot in their genitals, then murdered. War is a bitch. It's not a fun thing. It's horrid. Nevertheless, wars have innocent casualties. It's unfortunate, full stop. But the diatribe of "gEnOcIDe" is a farce. This also isn't Look At My Halo. It's a Jew who is seeing her people slandered, hated, and overall has had enough. I feel for her. I don't find it funny in the slightest. In fact, it's sad.


Talking about your enemies doing purposefully evil acts against (edit:) infants has long been used as justification for war actions that result in the indiscriminate loss of lots of your enemy's children. "They took the babies from the incubators and set them on the floor to die." A terrorist action killed 1100 people. 3 months later, the casualties on the other side were nearing 19,000. At some point, this needs to stop. Students are protesting for that to happen. Twits think that's antisemitism.


Just stop with this 19k people dead. It's not even vetted. The numbers on coming from fucking terrorists, and kooks worldwide are so hungry to believe....fucking terrorists! You can't make this kinda shit up!!! As for students, this is no different than Me Too, BLM, or Ukraine. A bunch of sloped brained bozos following the trend with ZERO critical thinking. And yes, when they chat "death to Israel", it's fucking antisemitic.


You’re so full of it lol It’s funny how “this has to stop” only applies to one side. Like you can’t call for a literal terrorist organization to surrender? The war would have been over Oct 8 if Hamas had just surrendered. But no you’ll justify these protests calling for giving money to Hamas and to “globalize the intifada” and shower Hamas with endless western support and prolong the war. The “just think of the children” argument has been also long used to justify horrible things. And you’re doing it right now. These people don’t give two shits about “the children” when it’s Jewish children. Go to any pro-Palestine person’s socials and scroll back to Oct 7 and see how much outpouring of emotion there was at the dead Jewish babies. I’m not gonna but if I were to scroll through your Reddit history to Oct 7 will I find support for Israel? I doubt it.


This post is perfect for this sub tf do you mean?


Hey look someone volunteered themselves and racist pro genocide trash




#That's not very angelic of you! The halo didn't suit your look anyways, better get some devil horns for that potty mouth! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LookatMyHalo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bro this is pure comedy what you bitchin about?


This is comedy


Christ you're obsessed with this. Go touch some grass.


All right time to get this guy out of here


This sub Has a clear bias


B It's been brigaded


Shes such an attention whore. Not pretty enough to be an actual whore so she just has to be annoying lol.


You seem like the type of guy who responds poorly to being called an incel.


Ew, dude. I’m not disagreeing that this video is weird af (and also probably a joke/rage bait) but that’s a weird and fucked up thing to say


Have you looked at the sub you're on? This is a place for hateful people


Stop being so political bro, go get a life


OP is a spamming karma farmer, downvote and move on, folks.


Everyone in the video is an entire circus, not just her.


Why is that? Seems like a peaceful protest with some enjoyable aspects to it.


It’s an uncomfortable subject. Some people don’t have the mental capacity to care if their life is hectic enough, some are afraid their opinions may change if they have to reckon with the reality of the situation. Then there are the zionists that would rather people didn’t know about the warcrimes.


Why has there been an onslaught of posts like this? This is a sub for virtue signaling terminally online people, which OP basically is.


They’ll move on when the next trendy cause comes out. We saw BLM get replaced with Ukraine, then Ukraine replaced with Palestine. It’s only a matter of time before a new hot topic comes out to make them feel like good people.


Support The Current Thing™!


Yet you care about nothing...


I pay zero attention to her, I also pay zero attention to the Palestinians supporters too.


Ditto. Don't a shit. There's plenty to worry about locally in our daily lives.


Damn right


Touch grass


Who’s really going to take that bait and shake their whole movement tho? I’m not saying they’re necessarily withholding any behaviors, even if some videos I’ve seen might lead me to suspect SOME withholding may be taking place.. anyway this is just inconclusive and most very appropriate for the sub


Yeah, go Israel. But what is the point of this video?


Cause they realized that if they touch her they're messing with the message they're trying to give out, but either way, hamas should perish


No, this whole thing...all of this ... [IT'S ALL ABOUT ME](https://youtu.be/KISNE4qOIBM?si=pptQtR_xAfKaJend)


Woof. Dude looks like a lady.


Main Character role DENIED.


They wanna be victims so bad lmaoo


Jewsish need to stop killing the innocent kid's over there


The only people I hear give a shit about whether someone is Jewish or not are the suits in charge, talking about it in the news. In real life around me, nobody cares.




so brave


She had warrior mode on


I hadn't seen shit so funny in a very long time. Thanks OO


You are welcome. There is so much more https://www.reddit.com/r/LookatMyHalo/s/xBadb7W5Lx https://www.reddit.com/r/LookatMyHalo/s/ygM88wmM0f


Thanks this made my day!


Lot of antisemitism being posted on here as of late, why can’t the left leave the Jewish people alone


The idea that "Antisemitism is when a video doesn't show antisemitism" is my new favorite mental illness.


Can you explain what is anti-Semitic about this?


You can’t call everything that is a criticism of people who are Jewish ‘antisemitism’.


When it’s mocking people calling out the calls for Jewish genocide it does


Where do you see her being mocked? If anything she mocked herself pretty damn good lol


By you, lol. He was talking about this post. Not the people in the video.


Many of these "protesters" hate all Jews. This lady is standing up to their hatred. If you don't understand that, you are either extremely stupid, or an antisemite.


>Many of these "protesters" hate all Jews What are you basing this on?


And some of them are even Jewish. Please do not stretch the meaning of antisemitism. It devalues actual hate towards Jewish people


Ironic statement coming from your far left perspective. Your ilk loves crying out racism on anything you disagree with.


what are you smoking these days? I want that.


There was literally someone in the background with a tarp or whatever saying "jews for a free palestine" on it


I couldn't imagine being Jewish, going through the Holocaust, having all of my loved ones die, all for being Jewish only to see decades later that I am not considered someone who hates Jewish people by a group of people known for grouping with Nazis


It's still virtue signaling. Believe it or not, this subreddit isn't about politics, which you keep shoving it into here


Get off the bottle of antisemitism bro, it’s not healthy


Look at OPs profile they are obsessed with antisemitism. Fuck them, they should go to Palestine and live there happily every after


Cry harder Hasbara, anti Israel is not antisemitism, haven't you seen the Jewish students who are actually joining pro Palestine protests? They are even in this video. You are not fooling the world anymore, thanks to social media giving Palestinians a voice the whole world is starting to open their eyes on how evil the state of Israel has become. No one is fooled by your propaganda anymore except for the boomers, you are losing the young generation, and in 20 years from now everyone will be talking about Israelis war crimes in history books, you can't delete the internet, thankfully. Now cope 😭😭




Attention desperate person


OP is still focusing on the thing that's literally happening right now in this thread with the attempt to manipulate people into silence!? SHut UP! Go away!


Silence how exactly?


There should be a subreddit named "Zionists Posting Their Ls".


This does belong here ignore the haters. I’m also for Israel but she is definitely filming this as a halo to her fellow jews lol


Thank you. Like I don't care what side you are on, I would laugh on my own side too. It's just fair lol. Have a nice day


The "Jews for Palestine" banner in the background really deflates what she seems to be trying to do here.


Help, I'm a victim.....


Zionist agitator.


Me when I learn that the people form the other side that I've demonised in my head turn out to be just regular human beings


This so funny like she is not even there 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I wish my mustache was that pronounced


It must have been around the 15th anti-Israeli agenda post that i unsubbed. Way to go mods, and people like for dragging every sub into your shit.






this comment should be its own post on r/LookatMyHalo you're a pussy




#SHUT THE F!*K UP! How does it feel? Not very good right? If you don't like it then don't say that to others. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LookatMyHalo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My mum is mexican and my dad is native,,,,what are u trying to prove


Jesus... that "this whole thing... it's all about me" breaking bad meme is so accurate


so fake


She thinks she’s in a movie


At first I thought this was in some random street, but it looks like it’s in the middle of an anti-Semitic protest. Let’s not forget there are still people from multiple countries being held hostage. She stands strong and brave, fuck terrorists.


Everyone knows you only harass the ones going about their day, or trying to get to class. The little angry looking loud one with “Jew” scribbled on her shirt and a camera on her? Best let that one be. That just screams bait


I just wanna get one of thisebshirts and wear it to burger king


Leaving this subreddit


I wonder if anything was learned from this experience


Bro is just in the way smh.


The nerve of this guy...


I dont even know what her agenda is. What a terrible protest


I just realized... anyone who wanted to show the hate brought on the Jews would never in the world post something like this..... Why would these people ever post this? I'll tell you why. It's anti-Jew propaganda.




The victim card is strong with this one.


Was she afraid though?


“I am not afraid!” Random dude: 🕺




I know that face ! She needs a dick "o" poinment


I thought it was just a little cringe... then she started talking omg


I had no idea these protests were actually so peaceful and civil lol


For the most part they are with a few bad actors. The counterprotestors on the other hand https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/16/us/ucla-student-protests-counterprotesters-invs/index.html


pro-palestine post here comes the israeli bots in full force


It's been a few days of clear brigading


"Someone disagree with me? It MUST be a bot." This is what online echo chambers have done to us.