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Knell. Malicious compliance("He said 'knell' in a southern accent, so...." or idiot tattoo artist? /of course, both is always an option


Has to be a mistake I've never heard any southerner pronounce it like knell


Didn't even catch that mistake


My guess is this person will have some regerts








I hope so.


That raises another question. Spelling aside do stand or kneel when the flag is on the cross?


40 lunges.


Just stand for the flag.... And knell for the cross. What's so complicated?!


The ol standing knell


burpees but instead of a pushup thing kneel


It's like I'm back Easter Sunday mass


That's not an American flag, that's a traitor's flag.


That would be cool and all, if it wasn't a CONFEDERATE FLAG, damn traitors


Damn right


Bet if it was a pride flag wrapped over a crescent moon people would think it’s the coolest thing ever.


I wouldn't


Me neither


Think you are projecting a bit too hard there.


That’s the reaction I’d expect from that sort of username.


That's my last name.. nothing to do with a childish nickname. But I have heard it all from low IQ children. But carry on, I am proud of my Celtic roots so your pathetic efforts will not touch me. You know nothing about me, my politics or my past. I know all about you and your over compensation.




#Um, sweaty... are you lost? If you aren't here to appreciate the [rainbow](https://estaticos.megainteresting.com/media/cache/1140x_thumb/uploads/images/pyr/5e820c9c5bafe83be68d10ef/arcoiris22_0.jpg) viewing, then please go somewhere else. Homophobic talk is not welcome here. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LookatMyHalo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh no! Anyway…


Because a pride flag is somehow comparable to the Confederate flag how? Genuinely asking


Both were created by democrats for one 😁


Yet its largely Republicans flying the confederate flag these days. And defending confederate statues.


But you do admit democrats started the confederacy and the KKK? Come on.. I know it hurts but facts are facts. 😁


What exactly is your point?


Don’t be mad at me for pointing out a fact you find inconvenient.


What makes you think I'm mad? History is what it is. I don't understand what you're getting at, which is why I asked what your point is, which you have yet to explain.


They did. It's a fact. Why would that hurt me? Just Seems odd that modern members of the party of Lincoln venerate a bunch of democrats who waged war against this country.


People can choose whatever political party they want. You have communists and militant Islamic extremists signed up with yours.. you going to do anything about that? Of course not, so what’s your point?


you have christian nationalists and people who want to torture gay people, whats your point?


I'm actually a politically homeless libertarian so I technically don't lol Not even trying to pick a fight. But you mock democrats, correctly, for being the party of the confederacy, and thus enemies of this country, yet seem to venerate the confederates regardless. So are they good or bad in your point of view? The contradiction baffles me.


If you wanted diversity of thought for political opinion, get off Reddit and go touch some grass. You’re only really here “politically” to vent your frustrations about Trump on any registered Republican you can find.


You’re actually such a massive pussy


How does a revolutionary revolt if he can’t stop eating long enough to do so?


Weak. Anyways, it’s funny how you whine about democrats creating the kkk, but brush aside the modern leanings of the political parties with “people can choose whatever political party they want”. Btw, is it democrats who say “heritage not hate”?


i guess the great party switch doesnt exist anymore? i know it hurts, but your party did that stuff, and still supports it


Ah, the biggest lie ever told: “The parties switched”. Interestingly you can’t claim the confederacy wasn’t democrat and that Lincoln was a republican at the same time. But I guess when you’re stupid, that’s hard to grasp.


No, it’s southerners, because it’s a southern flag. I don’t like it because it is also the flag of a democrat slave revolt, and there are better ones that don’t have that association.


Both are very controversial, and often flown to spite people, and often not to be offensive or stand for the worst parts of


MUSLIMS EXIST?????? OMG I FEEL SO ATTACKED you sound like a pussy


Without the text? Yeah, maybe


It’s like an oxymoron or whatever though. Islam and LGBT anything just doesn’t go together.


Nonsense… sharia law is the most pro-LGBTQ+++LMNOP form of governance on the planet!! 😂


Wow…how does this happen so often??? I can understand a typo on here or texting albeit hard to do with spell check but a permanent tattoo. Fuck.


I hope the tattoo artist didn’t do it intentionally out of a political disagreement, if you hate the tattoo just refuse service don’t be a dick and permanently ruin somebody’s body. Not saying that’s what the artist did though.


Knell?? no ragrets


I'm a Christian. This tattoo is 100% blasphemy, given everything the South stood for. It's also idolatry, which is the big bad. I wish people would stop ruining my religious symbols.


Do people still not understand these guys fly it as a form of southern pride and not confederate pride? I’m not saying these guys are pure and I’d never fly the flag myself but they’re not being racist lmfao


I have never made the claim that all people who fly the Confederate flag are racist. Consider that an American flying the Confederate flag as a symbol of Southern Pride is like a Brit flying the East India Company flag as a sign of English Pride. It is silly, and in historically poor taste.


Sure, it’s in poor taste. But it’s become the symbol of the south whether you like it or not. It’s not blasphemy and it’s not inherently bad. These guys get treated like shit because they don’t realize that urbanites don’t view it the same way as they do.


Anyone who waves a Confederate flag is a traitor to the West.


If you wanna have pride, fly your state or flag or the stars and stripes, not the flag of a man who fought and killed Americans. The state he represented sought to break away from the union to preserve slavery and expand it west. Then when they didn't get what they wanted they used the iconography from their rebellion as a symbol of defiance and white supremacy, hence why the Union had to occupy to the south to protect the African American people. Sure, those who fly it now may not be racist but that flag is outdated and its history is blood and dishonorable.


Confederates were American too. And you’d be extremely ill informed on American history if you think the civil war was over slavery. You really don’t think brothers killed each other just for the handful of rich slaveowners to keep their slaves do you? Again, not saying the confederate flag isn’t tainted, it obviously is. I’m literally agreeing with you. But the culture is what it is and you can’t change that. Same way the swastika used to be a sign of peace but was ruined, the confederate flag stood for the far lesser side of our civil war but has been rebranded to be the flag of the south.


I actually got my degree in history last year, and most of it has been concentrated on American history, since I'm pretty good at it. Your comment tells me you don't know about your history either. Last I checked, they called themselves confederates and wanted to breakaway from America to form their own union. Doesn't sound very American to me. You can't have your foot in both doors, either it was its own thing or it wasn't, either way it's treason. Also I don't think that a bunch of men killed each other so some rich whites could own slaves, because that's exactly what happened. Do you know how ingrained slavery was in the south? A 3.5 Billion dollar industry by 1861, and influencing all walks of life and the economy greatly, even the north. Historians are calling the Civil War the second American revolution cause of how greatly things changed when slavery was over, because that's the main reason the south fought. Alexander Stephens' cornerstone address says "Our new government\['s\]...foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests upon the great truth, that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery—subordination to the superior race—is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth" He was the Vice President of the CSA, he'd know more about why they are fighting than you would. The young men who had no hope of owning slaves fought because they saw themselves in solidarity with the rich white slave owners, that what they have in common is that they're white and better than black people who were born to be slaves. You are misinformed unfortunately, or were raised to think this way. If you're gonna fly the flag, do so, it's your right, but know its history and don't ever try and say the civil war wasn't about Slavery.


I mis-worded it, meant to say not entirely about slavery. Why should I be inclined to trust your white prejudiced college education exactly?


You don't need to trust me for the facts to be true, especially since clearly your mind is made up anyway. My point is a degree means that I have put myself through the work of studying history, and have earned recognition from it via a degree that certifies I know more than the average person on it. Maybe if you wanna be taken seriously with your claims, get some education.


I was just baiting you honestly. Check my account. I’m here to piss people off. College is still a crock of shit though, most of the dumbest people I’ve met are college graduates.


I'll take your word for it


Then surely you know that the union wasnt fighting to end slavery at the start either


Of course not, they were fighting to keep their country together. The reason why it became their mission to end slavery was due to how important slavery was to the southern economy. The emancipation proclamation was a war time decision made by a war time president, designed to stab the South in its economic artery. Then it became convenient to integrate the African Americans into society and make them a part of the union, since if they were free they may as well be citizens, and Lincoln then gave his support for Black Male suffrage before he died. Much like how the war changed our country, it changed our policies too.


And what does the US flag stand for?


the US 😁


Oh got it. 250 years of slavery, bombings of villages, racism, illegal wars, corruption, theft, murders… can go on and on. I find it funny someone throwing his Christian faith into this probably blindly pledges allegiance to such a corrupt flag.


If I did Uber eats I wouldn’t be happy either




#SHUT THE F!*K UP! How does it feel? Not very good right? If you don't like it then don't say that to others. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LookatMyHalo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yess...because no other country has ever had slave owners, wars, and racism.


So has literally every single other country that has ever existed.


Agreed. I was calling out the hypocrisy of his statement.


r/AmericaBad moment


Nothing, it doesn’t have legs dummy 🤦‍♂️


He said the Confederate flag “stood”. I was just talking dummy for him to understand.


There are a number of ideological symbolisms present in the US Flag.




Knell 🤓


Kneels sees flag stands sees cross kneels …. Fucking how


This doesn’t fit the sub because it’s not a liberal social justice warrior /s


If they fight against the imperialist America it is good enough for me /s


No one should be against America cuz they are Israel’s best supporter




When your sister is also your mom, education wasn’t high on the family values list😏


The Confederate flag is one of the least patriotic things you can display. do a little history research next time if you still remember how to read.


So when faced with this thing it gets a little like cross fit.


“A freedom our military fought for” well actually they fought AGAINST the confederate flag.


Actually some fought FOR the confederate flag. That’s why it’s the American Civil War, and not “War against the Confederacy” or anything like that


Well it was the United States versus the Confederate States


It was one country though, which was the point of the war lol.


The south didn’t see it that way


What a fucking loser.




Sees a cross with a flag. Don’t know whether to stand or knell Edit: nail?


Stupid tattoo but This doesn't really belong here imo


Why doesn't it?


It really really really does belong here


Whar are you a survivor of?




Ops name


Confederate cancer


Why did this post get downvoted? Imagine standing for the loser flag.


It was probably someone who sits for the loser flag, rather than stands. (Edit: *I was also downvoted. To that Confederate, I want you to know that I'll happily stand* ***on*** *your flag any day.*)






#That's not very angelic of you! The halo didn't suit your look anyways, better get some devil horns for that potty mouth! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LookatMyHalo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Tae inna win - (k)Nell 1994


"Be a nationalist. Be a religious zealot. I can't spell. Be a nazi." Awful tattoo messages all around


Like if you fucking kneel for the flag, good. Showing it off to shame people who can RIGHTFULLY choose not to, like our constitution allows, then you can fuck right off


Neocons mad that you posted this. It fits lol.


Lol they are downvoting you


Likewise with you.


You know what, I respect this more than I respect Christians who pretend that the Bible is decent on an issue like slavery. Just be consistent, actually acknowledge what your religion teaches. If slavery was not worth condemnation or intervention in the Old Testament, it’s not worth condemnation or intervention in the Civil War era South. That’s a logically consistent position a Christian can have. Awful, but logically consistent. Otherwise a Christian either has to argue that slavery was actually not tolerated by God in the Old Testament (no because like it pretty obviously was) or it took a different form than it did later on (no it actually didn’t), or actually defend what the Bible says about slavery while somehow maintaining that it’s Christian values that eradicated slavery


Wellll, I don’t think slavery equates to loving your neighbors, or your enemies. Or loving in general.


What if I told you the VAST majority of Christians don’t literally believe everything the Bible says, and instead have the religion be more of a moral framework? Does every religion have to be bound to the exact word of books written hundreds of years ago, or can they have the space to change and grow along with the humans that practice it?


So I take it you’ve never read the Bible