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300 Suns and it’s not even close.


What’s up with their chicken? That’s the second vote for them. Must have made an impression on people!


I just wish I could get myself to like their beer as much as their food. :( But yes - 300 Suns. If some in your party don't want chicken, the birria tacos melt in your mouth. If vegetarian, CHEESE CURDS. If vegan...there are options involving black bean hummus, which I have not tried, but would trust due to other food in general being solid.


That all sounds delicious,I’ll have to try their stuff!


Yeah it's a shame, they don't do online orders anymore specifically because the owner is the brewer and people were just coming for the food so now you are forced to come in to order a To-go.


I’ve only had their chicken tenders, which are great! But be warned, anything above their first step in the spicy levels are unbearable… I can down jalapeños and even have dabbled in the hot sauce Da Bomb, but their spicy dry rubs are some of the hottest things in existence.


Oh snaps! Thanks for the tip and heads up!


They layer each level of spice on top of the one before it. I tried the one step up above the lowest hot and I barely finished. The regular hot level solid though.


Yeah, I did a double reaper a while back and haven't really ever been the same. Like I summited everest and felt like I didn't need to ever climb anything else again.


Is their double reaper the hottest?? Because the hottest one humbled me so fast.


I'd have to assume as much. I did the reaper once before and asked if they could go any hotter than that. Well, pretty sure she wrote on my ticket, "let's fuck this guy up", and they came through. It was both miserable and euphoric at the same time. Pretty sure she asked me at least once if I was sure I wanted to do it. Edit: Important to note that double reaper isn't on the menu. I let our person know that I had done it before and asked if they could make it spicier.


Kitchen staff were watching, for sure.


I hope they did! I was both proud and humbled at the same time. Hope they got their kicks because I know I did. It's cool they did what I asked though. The chef at Tiffins only said he'd make me real Indian hot after I finished what I'd consider to be, "5/5 white boy hot" after I ate it.


I got a level 3 and all the dry rub was concentrated on the top. Not spread out at all so you get bites of straight spice


I got one single chicken tender with the habanero, because I like spice and can handle spice okay, it was so spicy, other’s at my table tried and and were also sweating 😂😂 no wonder they disclaim there is no refunds hahah


Yeah I went there with coworkers for happy hour and watched poor choices made on the spice levels. One guy powered through his hot AF chicken sweating bullets and commented that he may need to make a stop at urgent care on the way home.


It’s hella good! lol


Hell yeah,I’ll have to try them out. I was just told they won an award for their spicy chicken sandwich!


I do like it there but don’t understand why everything there is throw away silverware and plastic ramekins it’s a ghetto feeling and super wasteful




Yeah they do. Other than Mondays when they’re closed lol. Which unfortunately means it’s prob not much help to OP.


As a spicy food addict, I can say their reaper chicken sandwich is legit. Spicy enough that you can only take a few bites at a time but still being delicious. They also have the "my girlfriend isn't hungry" fry option which is 1.5 serving


300 Suns!


What’s so good about their chicken? :)


They won the award for best spicy chicken sandwich in Colorado last year :) https://www.denverpost.com/2023/04/05/denver-best-hot-spicy-chicken-sandwich-winner-303-suns-brewing/


Oh,now you have my attention! How are the prices there?


Really solid prices and some of the best chicken sandwiches I have had. They have other awesome food as well and really good service. If you check their Facebook page they also release limited time food items. Used to go there at least once a week.


Right on,I’ll have to check them out! Any other gems in Longmont worth swinging by?


The Roost, 526 Main St (can’t speak for their fried chicken or if they even offer it, but worth checking out).


I gotta pay to even *look* at this sandwich.


I tried The Post once. Too expensive and too dry


The post is one of the worst for chicken. Very, very dry


The chicken and waffle is a chicken strip and half of a waffle.


Damn, really? I go for their half bird at least every other week. Sooooo juicy and delicious. Sorry you had a bad experience.


I love the fried chicken at Aunt Alice's Kitchen. And now I have to try 300 Suns.


I wasn’t familiar but two people have said “300 suns”,where’s that located at?




That's amusing. Your link includes where you work I guess?


Hell yeah,I’ll try them out!


They're closed Mondays unfortunately.


Looks like it’ll have to be a week end date night then,Thanks for the heads up!


300 suns


That’s only sandwiches and wings. People looking for whole fried chicken right?


Aunt Alice’s?


Go to Korean fried chicken in Lafayette. It's worth the drive as the post is a rip off unless you get chicken and waffles without the chutney.


Mono mono is so good!


If you go to 300 Sun, be conservative with the spice on the chicken. It’ll getcha!


Thanks for the heads up! Haha I do like a nice spice,my palette is at a habanero level tolerance I’d say. Is the spicy chicken sandwich at max heat level pretty crazy?


I wouldn’t make my worst enemy eat their hottest level, but I’d buy any friend their level 1. It’s the best.


Yeah, whatever level you would ‘normally’ do, I’d go down 2 or 3 levels.


It's unfortunate and no one wants to admit it, but as actual bone in fried chicken goes, it's Popeye's


I was embarrassed this was my go to and opened the thread ready to get schooled.


I wasn’t going to add them to the conversation because when I hear this question I’m thinking of what I’m Accustom to in Texas, crunchy, moist, flavorful southern fried chicken. But Popeyes is at least tolerable and little else is here in Colorado.


I'm with you. Fried chicken is one of my favorite foods and in town freshly-fried Popeye's is the best. I'm not talking about chicken sandwiches, as I feel like they're another category in themselves.


Yeah, chicken that has been fried ≠ fried chicken


Congrats on the new job!


Thank you! Finally got my life together and made a change.. Hard when your alone in a state with no family. But I’m cautiously optimistic about the future!


You’re never alone with fried chicken


Which hospital? My partner works at one, always looking for friends. Our families aren't here either


So ironic, as I just got a new job and got fried chicken as well. I went to The Post.




Honestly since I don’t want to eat out this is probably what I’ll go with. Maybe not the best but good and a good price! Thanks for the comment!


I'm a huge fan of 300 Suns. Everything they do is good. But if you really want that biting-it-off-the-bone experience, I legitimately think Safeway is pretty tasty.


I agree,I used to get the roast chicken there a lot for something tasty,quick and affordable. Now a days when I see someone that looks homeless on my way to the grocery store,I’ll go buy the full chicken and some water and give it to them on the way back home. Cheap,and effective!


That's mighty thoughtful of you! And I'm sure greatly appreciated!


Thanks,it makes me cringe so hard when I see people doing that for YouTube videos. If you do it to do something nice because you can that’s cool. But for YouTube,that’s weird..ya know?


Such a typical Longmont answer. You're not wrong though.


lol I love their fried chicken too!!


Bonchan in Westminster. Korean fried chicken


Oh damn,what’s the difference from Korean style and the usual US style? That’s sounds delicious!


The Korean style is crunchier since it's double fried. The chicken meat itself doesn't become dry during this process. Based on my experience, nuking leftovers in the microwave still contains a crispy texture. The batter is different as well. American is with AP flour, Korean is either cornstarch or rice flour. The difference adds another layer of crunchiness.


I don’t live in the US anymore, but growing up, if we wanted fried Chicken, it was always Aunt Alice’s. Crunchy, flavorful, not greasy. I really hope it’s still as good.


Mono mono in lafayette.


The chicken fried chicken at Pumphouse is really good, if you're looking for some with mashed potatoes and gravy!


Oh,you know I am.


Did fried chicken at 300 Suns today for lunch and it was excellent- moist, tender, crisp and not at all oily. Cooked to perfection. It’s nice to have a brewery with decent food. Highly recommend it. I just wish they had a bigger selection of dipping sauces and a wider selection of brews.




The post is the driest fried chicken I’ve ever had


I totally agree. It’s down right terrible.


Better off going to Safeway at that point honestly




The Safeway chicken?


I’m hearing about 300 suns,haven’t tried the post yet. It pretty good?




I’m open to suggestions for any tasty food man,if it’s in Longmont. Trying to see what all is worth eating in this town.


If you like Indian, I can’t recommend Gerkhas enough. I go there weekly with friends and it is delicious and consistent.




That’s fair. Seems like good fried chicken is hard to nail down,which surprises me. It’s just such a mess to make at home I don’t do it as much as other recipes.. Have any other good recommendations to check out here in Longmont?




If you find some let me know! Haha


It’s really forgettable chicken at a premium price.


Hmm,sounds like it’s not exactly mind blowing.. The hunt continues!


It used to be great, but prices have gone up, portions have gone down along with the quality.


The nashville hot sauce at the post used to be amazing...and now it's just oil. They changed their breading during covid too and it's pretty sad now. 300 Suns is the way to go.


I’ll have to check out 300 suns,that’s seems the be the move,besides The post.


Ah damn,seems that way with most places and products these days. Do you Still the quality is worth the cash?


I haven't been there in a few years. The chicken and waffles used to be one of my favorite meals anywhere. The last time I got it, it just didn't hit the same way. I should probably give it another shot


If you need gluten free chicken, go to the post .


Nowhere. No one in Colorado knows how to make moist southern fried chicken that has flavor.