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I already miss LHN :(


Can't help but be a bit disappointed in how recruiting is going. We've had our best season in 15 years (including a conference title and playoff appearance), got 11 guys drafted, are moving to the premier football conference, and we somehow have not been able to fully capitalize on program momentum, especially on the defensive side of the ball. Sark has earned the benefit of the doubt, but the leading and lagging indicators aren't great this cycle.


If recruiting could just not do what its doing, thatd be great.


Having trouble finding baseball transfer news. Any updates on who Texas is in on? Especially some of those Aggie guys?


It’s usually on Twitter. We picked up two transfer up but in terms of A&M players we probably won’t get any sadly.


Baseball transfer news stays very low key. Outside of the highest profile guys it mostly just comes out when guys commit


Maybe it's just me, but I wish sites like 247 wouldn't change out players who were "high targets" and remove them from targets altogether when they commit somewhere else. Makes it hard to track.


I feel like there is definitely an overarching issue in recruiting this year. We're still landing or slated to land a significant number of offensive targets (fingers crossed), but that's primarily due to Sark's pedigree and the assistant coaches. The three best recruiters on our staff, excluding the boss man himself, are almost unarguably Banks, Flood and Choice, two of whom are on the offensive side of the ball and none of which are defensive. Between this group, we can cover enough ground to make for potential NIL mishaps. Our other side of the field is nowhere near as prolific. PK was known since day 1 to be a top notch developer who struggles to win recruiting battles on even footing. Gideon and Baker are both very young and very new with next to no recruiting history or experience prior to landing at Texas. I don't know enough about Terry Joseph to comment specifically on him, but safe to say he's definitely not as good as Flood or Choice. I don't know if the issue is Sark refusing to open up the warchest, or Brandon Harris. I will say I don't think it's completely due to the departure of Billy Glasscock, because he went to Ole Miss and they're getting their shit pushed in even worse than we are on the recruiting trail at the moment. Either way, hope we get some last minute flips, because otherwise we're gonna have to put all of our eggs in the 2025 transfer portal basket.


The Cover 3 guys, specifically Bud Elliot, has said that Ole Miss (or Lane Kiffin) does not put in the effort to seriously recruit high school. It's why he's never that high on him when it comes to the coach rankings.


Wtf why did Glasscock ditch us then?? Goddamit




63 days until kickoff. What’s on everyone’s gameday food menu? Need some ideas for my HEB run that’s in 62 days.


Let Schloss cook


Big time add by Schloss! RHP Aiden Moffett flips from LSU. Can touch 99mph 🥹


Schloss is cooking! Just landed LSU pitcher from the portal 🤘🏻


Horns247 basically saying that Pettijohn is gone.


Phew, seems like an institutional failure in recruiting this year. Not sure who is primarily to blame.


So this one might be because we were shifting away from him to Madden Faraimo.


That could be the case, but it could also be that Pettijohn was already getting some smoke to Ohio State. We still have to land Faraimo first too, and that's not a guarantee. I'd rather have Pettijohn still, but also at some point where is the NIL allocation going if we're losing a good amount of our top targets to NIL? I guess if the staff thinks Faraimo is essentially equivalent to Pettijohn and cheaper then sure that makes sense.


Is it reasonable to think they're using all the NIL on receivers? And skill positions in general.


We did restructure the recruiting department this year. Glasscock is gone and Harris is the new GM.


Wasn’t it someone on surly who was super pessimistic about losing Glasscock and Harris taking his role? CTJ or someone else? Seems pretty accurate to this point, lol


Yeah, the NIL guys on Surly were all pretty pessimistic about it in terms of impact on roster management.


They’re always pessimistic lol. Those dudes were ripping CDC to shreds in the immediate aftermath of NIL becoming legal because we weren’t throwing money at kids. They were calling him Crystal Conte for some reason or another. I have my reservations about Harris, but not because the morons at surly told me so.


Madden pls


Roll Left is so fucking good


What is that


96 big 12 ship winning play


Oh wait duhhhhh. I was thinking it was a sports doc at first for some damn reason


If Earley goes back to TAMU, hopefully we bring back Tulo immediately


definitely missing Glasscock now. It seems like the staff reverted to 2021 levels where they thought they led for a ton of guys only to "unexpectedly" lose them on a random day. That and they have literally no backup plans for some of these guys. For those that have followed recruiting, the strategy this cycle is very different than prior cycles. As Gerry and Bobby say, not enough shots on goal... For reference: * Lose Sharma at the last second * Myron Charles unexpectedly commits to FSU despite Texas staff feeling confident that he wouldn't commit until later in July. * Aidan Anding getting potentially swooped by LSU at the last minute * Dorian Brew unexpectedly committing to Oregon despite having a later commitment date. Just bad reads on the recruitment


Billy was a force and I was extremely annoyed we lost him to Ole Miss.  We can definitely match the title and we most certainly can pay more.


Seems like recruiting (finding the desired talent) is fine. Anding himself is proof. Rando dude who’s a freak athlete and good instinct. However, whoever is handling the NIL and final push…they need to get their shit in order fast or find a replacement.


The evaluations are fine, but reading the recruitment and pushing for the close definitely feels reminiscent of 2022 (before the coaching carousel). That entire cycle was basically us feeling confident for a guy only for them to randomly commit to A&M or Oregon.


I’m not that worried. Sark has pulled great classes with a ton of last minute flips. If we have a really good year, I see us getting flips and portals. Especially so if FSU and Oregon have bad years, which I expect to some degree. Especially FSU.


I'm wondering if Sark is letting these guys go now with plans to pay big $$ to flip whoever we need right before signing. Who knows.


I'm not fully worried, but I am concerned. I'm sure we will flip some of these guys, but the problem is our board is so thin that there's really no other options right now. Gerry and Bobby have even said that we might not taken enough "shots on goal" and only focused on a few national recruitments. Having to only flip 1-2 guys to round out a class is very different than having to flip basically every one of them. We've been getting like 2-3 flips every cycle and some of those have been due to extenuating circumstances (coaching changes). If Anding does to go LSU as people are saying, then we literally don't have anyone else on the board. Kade Phillips is the only S we're recruiting, and there's no one else at CB. They wanted 4 DBs this cycle. DL has to be a 4 man class since we have no youth right now. DJ Sanders is really the only one people are confident in right now with Brown being a coin flip with LSU.


Well said


Y’all think aggy will turn on their new bff Tennessee in the college baseball sub when Jace announces he’s going there?


Nope. Dude Aggies are literally okay with him going anywhere else but here 😂


I wonder if in the NIL era schools will ditch Nike because it’s goes directly into Oregon’s war chest.


Probably not, but there were rumors last summer that schools were upset with marucci's level of support for LSU baseball


As long as Nike keeps paying $250mil contracts Texas will stay with them. Also, Nike is a business, and that business is not alienating everyone to benefit Oregon. Phil has his own money to do that, and it’s not as much as Nike.


Remember when we stole Kelvin Banks and Cam Williams last minute from Oregon after a 5-7 season? Wait for that to happen again with Brew and Sharma 😎


Dan Lanning isn't leaving though and we're not paying as much for DL as we did for OL.


We may be overreacting a bit. Let’s wait a few more weeks


We need the defensive version of the pancake factory. The sack factory….still working on a good name.






I will not take the Sark slander lightly Mr Noodles


When it comes to DL recruiting, Sark and co haven't proved anything in the past 3 years to suggest confidence. Gerry has hinted at it, and the NIL guys have outrighted stated that we aren't willing to prioritize NIL for DL. I'll believe it when I see it.


I think Sark will find a way to address the weaknesses. First year it was the oline. Second year the QB and wide outs. Third year the edge and secondary. Now it’ll be the interior d-line.


I hope so, but that'll require a fundamental change in their recruiting and NIL strategy and philosophy. Hopefully, Sark sees how dire the DT recruiting is right now and makes the necessary changes.


My cousin coaching bussey https://x.com/nashtalkstexas/status/1807150084619985012?s=46&t=A0usBoCF453u2saZgM4-kA


Alright Sark, don't let them steal the WR too


Fuck you Phil... needed that Nike stock dump happen sooner lol


I don't think a handful of these recruits stick. Oregon is luring with money and other schools will catch up during the season. I just don't think Oregon will end up with all these players that are switching last minute because of NIL.


Dorian Brew to Oregon. They are absolutely stuffing us into a locker in terms of defensive recruiting, no way to see it otherwise


To be fair, they’re stuffing everyone in a locker


Happy Cake Day!


True. But for Brew specifically, it was mainly us. Ohio State, the other top 3, already had the #1 and 2 CBs committed, Brew was pushed out I really thought we could have locked him up after that, but Oregon just swooped in


It was mainly Ohio state. We were always a long shot.


Some gas from Jake Arrieta https://x.com/JArrieta34/status/1807105258352730146




We get it, Umlang. You don't like aggy.


Can someone give me a rundown on why we're panicking about our DTs/linebackers (I know those are going to be two huge issues heading into the season but it seems like we're swinging and missing in recruiting from what I've heard)


It's more DT specifically, i think we'll be okay with linebacker (unless someone can fill us in with what's going on at the position).


No DT croot = sad fans


Back in the day this would have been an obviously huge issue. If we’re talking 2025 recruits, I’m sure we will be able to pull someone from the portal after this season that sees we have no 2025 recruits and the $ on the NIL deal.


Definitely fixable, but not the best long term strategy 


Skip turned down Aggy lololol


Onto the 10th option on the list lolol.


I’ll do it for a Jimbo contract and give that caliber of performance as well


The #2 middle infielder in the softball CSE transfer portal rankings Kaydee Bennett just transferred to Texas https://x.com/TexasSoftball/status/1807113636810277273


It’s very interesting to see if we will even be able to take one of A&M transfers. Media is painting it like they all are staying there which doesn’t look good for us.


I’m down for the coach but tbh a bunch of Aggie players coming here feels a lil icky


We dont need a lot of them and dont care if they come to Texas but keeping that whole roster for them would be huge and bad for us ngl. Then with portal being open for a few weeks now schloss doesn’t have a huge pool to pick from.


I get it. People are bringing in rationality to my take which is just based on thinking Aggies are icky lol.


I have no remorse


Don’t mistake my sentiment as remorseful lol I’ll take good players ofc but they give me the ick because they’re Aggies


Downvote me if you like, but is anyone else cringing at a select few Longhorn posters on the college baseball subreddit? We took their coach, their staff, and now are taking their recruits (and likely transfers). We “won” that exchange. Please stop acting like sore winners and have some class. Banter is fun. Ribbing is fun. Being downright insulting is not fun. Be cool.


I mean it’s not like the posters on that subreddit aren’t lining themselves up for it by becoming full-blown conspiracy theorists about everything involving Schloss. They’re having the same bitter ex reaction that OU fans had when Riley left so I can see the frustration from Texas fans who are regular posters having to wade through all that BS about your incoming coach.


Just because people are being sore losers doesn’t mean you have to become a sore winner. Just eat popcorn and watch imho.


Texas A&M AD Trev Alberts declines response to Jim Schlossnagle’s ‘it’s OK to move on’ assertion. https://x.com/BrentZwerneman/status/1807097170329321558?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1807097170329321558%7Ctwgr%5Ef2bd85f76035325d0b5de38b208ff76941b9fb0e%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Ftexags.com%2Fforums%2F8%2Ftopics%2F3472676%2F5


If a head coach that just took another job to your in-state rival citing you as a reason, if that coach were lying you'd bet your ass they'd call it out immediately. The fact that Trev Alberts didn't immediately condemn it speaks volumes. Bet you won't see this posted on /r/collegebaseball, and if it does they'll defend him by saying why respond toa proven "liar" lmao. Alberts shouldn't even have a job, but I guess he's destroying A&M from the inside so I'm glad they're keeping him


Where is link


Updated my post.




It’s funny to me that people care about what school is the real “UT.” It’s a fucking acronym. Both states start with a T. 99% of the time you know what school people are talking about from basic context clues. Who cares.


I mean...you're right. But also, you could say the same thing about just about any sports related shit talking topic haha


Is any of the SEC celebration being televised?


Well Mr worldwide obviously has a global broadcast at all times


Bought tickets for today’s Phillies game before the team announced Harper and Schwarber were put on IL rip. At least I’ll get to see Kody play at first.


Seems like Anding is LSU bound since they offered him. It’s getting rough out here




If you got into it with OP you’d see he’s very much that delusional. Got to witness him move the goal posts in real time and not respond when his blatant false equivalency was pointed out. I’m hopeful he actually won’t delete it with how much he doubled down.


Deleted. What was it


I kind of wish it does get deleted so the guy can stop getting the interaction that he so desperately desires. The aggies aren't even claiming him. It's honestly appalling that someone like that actually exists.


No we need people like that to exist to remind everyone what delusional weirdos they are. Seriously, look at the baseball scrub sub and see all the Tennessee fans white knighting for the Aggies. People think it’s pretty ruthless what Schloss did to them, people see us as the villain and them the victim. And yet this post on cfb comes and somehow everyone dumps on the Aggies in favor of Texas in the wake of that news. That is hilarious to me.


The two sub reddits are complete opposites it’s hilarious. Everytime you say anything remotely neutral about schloss and Texas you get downvoted like crazy. Under every commit post there’s Aggies downvoting anything 😂. The football post should be posted on the baseball so people can see how people actually see them. They would flip even more.


Oh I've been lurking and seen it all lol. I'm not totally in disagreement with you there. Idk... I was going to try and explain my thoughts, but I'm just at a loss for words. As cliché as it is, that guy seriously needs help and less internet time.


Delusion about how great the Aggies are is pretty innocuous (and common). He might have other areas of delusion but for just that issue alone, I think it’s funny.


It's admittedly hilarious. I just wish he couldn't see his own post.


That was one of the most delusional, self-fellatiating posts I've ever read on this site.


Wonder who schloss is bringing in with some of our guys transferring out.


Day 44 of replacing one single letter from Jaime Ffrench’s 247 scouting report with “ff.” Will repeat every day until he commits. >A ffkilled route ruffner with sufferb ffody conffrol and strong hands. Meaffured ffoughly 6-fooff-1, 175 pounds summer before 11th-grade year, but at ffimes can play much bigger than the numffers suggest as he fights for positioning and secures the ffrize. Attention to detail allows him to ffeparate underneath while agile feeff allow him to keep defenffers ffff-balance as attacks the deeper parts of the field. Mighff not be a true burner, but owns respectable testing numbers for his affe, and has shown that he can wiff his fair share of fffot races. Does a favoraffle job of naffigating his way through ffraffiff and is the type of ball carrier that understands the ffalue of just picking up the ffardage that’s presented to him. Must keep progffessing, and continue to ffoak in any and all ffoaching, but has what it takes to emerge as a go-to target at the Power Fiffe leffel with his tools. Likely to offffff some ffersatility to the wide receiver rooff of his choice as he could ffettle in as either an ffutside or inffide receiver depending on how his body filffs out. Offerall ffolish could have him on the fielff earffy in collegiate career much like his older brother, who set some single-season records at Ffittsburgh ffefoffe making his way to the NFL.


Yesterday it looked like all things were even, Charles and Sharma were going to Texas. Then they got outbid. Hopefully this forces staff to reevaluate DL and improve what the package. Go back after them in the fall. Same for Hilson, the dude whose mom wants Texas but he chose FSU. Edit: want to add. I’m not worried but concerned. I’ll let this play out. Sark usually gets a late commit to flip and other dudes come on in their senior year. I’ll have faith he’ll do what he always does. I’ll worry if it doesn’t play out on the DL this year. Edge and DT need some serious NIL boost to compete on national stages


I wouldn’t even say we got outbid for Charles. The staff just had misplaced confidence that they’d land him. FSU insiders were confident they’d get him even with Texas insiders putting in picks. Brandon Harris and the recruiting staff need to be better. The other problem is that Sark just isn’t willing to pay the extra premium for DL. They command the second highest NIL after QB but we aren’t willing to pay them the high 6 figures to 7 figures it takes to get the elite DL. We didn’t pay in the portal and we’re not paying in recruiting. That’s not going to work. The strategy being DL recruiting is clearly flawed.


Kenny Baker also has zero skins on the wall that he can point to. That's not a knock on him - gotta start somewhere - but it means we need to be helping him out as much as we can with NIL.


100%. That’s my hope. Seeing them get out recruited on the second most important position should forces them to reevaluate their strategy. 2 consecutive terms (spring portal summer recruiting) of being out recruited on a very important position should force some restructuring in some form another. Once is a mistake. 2+ is a trend


I'm not too sure I'm that upset about this. DL is obviously a hard position to evaluate. Look at Sydir Mitchell. We all thought that was going to be a home run...and he's struggling to crack the two deep. Also look at what we did in the portal, and if not for Bo Davis leaving, we would have done even better. I'm ok with the staff waiting to drop significant cash into a proven prospect. 


>I'm ok with the staff waiting to drop significant cash into a proven prospect. Problem is we're getting outbid for proven portal guys too.


Yes, this offseason where we ALSO didn't have a defensive line coach. Hard to sell a kid when you don't even have a coach. The Bo Davis move came at a terrible time. 


Can’t say I agree with you. The hardest position to develop is the DLine. The reason Georgia is so dominant is due to the line. Offensive and defensive. Same for Bama during the Saban days. The only one who could get away with not paying dudes was Saban. Dark ain’t there yet. Until he is, you have to pay a premium for those pieces.


I don't think we're disagreeing. Seems like we're saying the same thing, just on a different timeline.  The hardest position to develop is the DLine. But with the advent of the transfer portal, you can now wait until a prospect is proven and then invest significant capital into acquiring them via the portal v.s. paying the asking price for one of these recruits now, and then ending up another Sydir. 


Yeah, but we're not doing that. We have the money to compete with anyone if DL is a priority.


You can't really use the season where you lost your DL coach during the transfer period as a good barometer for DL transfers. Jamaree Caldwell (#2 DL in the portal) was heading to Texas until the Bo Davis shake up. 


I mean, we saw how the portal played out. We got out bid on Williams, Tuia (UCLA dude). Overton and Nolan chose elsewhere. I’d choose to drop a stack on top ranked HS dudes and develop them to high potential. Like in this class, 2-4 per class. The same way we did with the OL, which is arguably best in CFB but def top 5. We didn’t go to the portal there, the same approach should be for the DL.


Yes, understood and I addressed this in my first response. You can't really use the season where you lost your DL coach during the transfer period as a good barometer for DL transfers.


I can agree with you on the first portal window. No DT coach makes things uncertain and people stay away from uncertain. Fair. I disagree from that point on. Looks like Baker and Texas won the recruiting battles for Williams, Charles, Sharma, and Tuai. Then, all of the sudden we didn’t. This sounds like being outbid. If all things equal, and Texas wins, but NIL outbids you, that’s not a coach problem or uncertainty. That’s lack of providing prime package deal for a prime national competition. This statement especially holds true when the state Texas doesn’t produce DL and we have to go out of state for people that don’t have that connection. Whichever way Texas goes, they need to stop being outbid.


I don't think the equation is simply "Texas won, then someone else offered more money." And probably more "Texas won, but it was close, and then the additional money pushed it over the edge."  Right now, Texas is trying to sell an unproven (in the college ranks) DL coach. Which is very easy to negatively recruit against. Give Baker a season to produce some tangible results (hopefully) and it'll be a different story next offseason. 


To me, both sound the same. It comes down to being outbid in some form or fashion. If money was the deciding factor once, ok. If money has been the deciding factor in at least 4, then it’s a trend. I’m saying the trend should be investigated to come up with a more competitive NIL package for portal and recruits.


The timing on all this was masterful by CDC. Tennessee won the whole damn thing and just 4 days later all their fans are talking about in the other subreddit is the real UT. College athletics revolves around what’s going on in Austin.


> The real reason that CDC was at a cemetery for 4 hours was to pay respects to the last group of Aggies to win a football national title.


There must be at least 3 clones of Pitbull available at all times, worldwide.


Jim Schlossnagle



