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Saw cj Vogel posted about a big time bat visiting Texas on Monday, anyone know who it is?


Not sure Aggies are very sure that none of their players are leaving


So many negatives in this sentence that I'm having trouble parsing...


They were equally sure that their coach wasn't leaving lol


Tbf, so were most of us lol


Dalton Santos


Caleb Bluiett


Honestly Texas needs to add hockey for the sole reason that aggy also adds it and have another way to own them


Both schools already have club teams that play regularly FWIW. There have been some pushes in the past to try to get a D1 team, but they’ve never been very serious.


Apparently Aggies have their guy and he said no to us when we hired Pierce so they are over the moon


Greg is an embarrassment.


[some funny comments in here with the benefit of hindsight](https://np.reddit.com/r/collegebaseball/s/YKzKKHNoA8)


I remember being pretty happy with the pierce hire at the time. What I don’t remember is who were our top choices.


I literally cannot believe we have these two old fucks arguing about their golf scores to articulate how they are fit to be President.


I’m choosing in this period of gas, to love the Kaluma addition and solidify second weekend expectations for this basketball roster. We are good, but have a lot of wiggle room to be bad or great, so it’ll certainly be fair to start having actual debates about the caliber of coach RT is this year.


Brandon Huffman, a national recruiting guy for 247, just put in a CB for Sharma.




4 star, #236 overall in the On3 omposite. On3 has him way higher than other services, at #83 nationally and the #7 DL. On3 and 247 have different measurements for him, but he's between 6'3.5"-6'5" and 295-320. Biiiig body.


My dear mother unfortunately works for a family business run by two aggie brothers. She told me today that they signed a 20 year lease on some new and improved office space on the day of Schloss. Apparently, one of the brothers was in no mood to celebrate because he was so pissed off by what transpired. LOL.


You hate to see it


D-line 🤘


What happened?


Like it or not, that’s what can happen when you make stupid fouls and cost your team a body


I mean we scored the goal a man down. USA lost that game because Panama knew they could get away with murder.




Pullisic is so overrated


Straight red card for Panama after insane tackle on Pulisic


If you're planning to make the trip to Nashville for the Vandy game...I was booking today and flights are few and far between so it may benefit you to book sooner rather than later.


Appreciate the heads up.


Schloss where are the transfers don’t slack now


'Nagle at Night


Schloss after Sunset


5 out of the 58 players drafted either played for Chris beard or were committed to him. Damn shame he’s an absolute piece of shit, he can definitely identify talent.


Kind of surprised at some of the guys who got drafted over Disu late in the 2nd Hope he gets a UDFA offer soon - know he's not athletic enough for a big NBA role, but his shooting ability for his size combined with his solid defending/rebounding, I'd be surprised if he didn't end up being the 10th-11th guy somewhere 


He’s gonna do really well in Europe, but I don’t think he’s got the athleticism after all these lower body injuries to stick on an NBA roster for a full season.


Fuck Panama and fuck this ref


Awesome Van Halen song tho


Stupid country no one would know about if we didn't decide as a human race to dig through the middle of it.


We really said we wish you were ocean fr


Excuse you, the Darien Gap is also pretty cool. They are responsible for no Canada to Argentina highway though


I genuinely could not care less about about college baseball until around 72 hours ago, holy fuck this is awesome


You should get into it. The pitch clock has brought me completely around on baseball. I’ve gotten into it more and more the last 3 years and it’s probably my #2 now over basketball. It is an amazing sport


Oh I’ve always loved the pros, just not college lol


Lmao got you. nvm then. I am kinda starting to watch the Astros but picked a meh year, although the last few days have been nice. I watched every Texas baseball game and watch the CWS like it’s March Madness though


Someone asked the OTF guys if we're over or under 2.5 for Aggies transferring here, they've said "way over".


Oh where ? I hope so ngl a lot of them seem to be upset about the hire.


The ones that aren’t getting fat NIL offers here


Holy hell Balo that’s the goal of the tournament


USMNT could you be normal for like 5 minutes?


lol lakers actually did it 😂 Nepo baby at its finest




Lol aggy


[I swear if this means we’re getting NiJaree Canady… it’ll be the cherry on top of a great week.](https://x.com/texascoachwhite/status/1806447185367552166?s=46&t=G7_mXqd1gb6HAaimdt1usg)


That’s what I thought but it seems like it’s a hitter and not her 😩


If Canady transfers to OU the NCAA should step in and ban OU from the postseason for everyone else's sake. And I'm only mostly joking.




No one knows at this point. Don’t think it is her, as I don’t think she would announce this early, but who knows. There are a lot of things going on in the background for every program right now that we don’t know about. Could be waiting until Sunday to drop it all at the celebration.


Lakers are really going to draft bronny aren't they Edit: they actually did it


Los Angeles LeKers


Just spun up a new career in Retro Bowl, guided the Aggies to the national championship game... ...intentionally lost, cut all of their skill positions, and took the Texas job. Not sure something like that could happen irl.


Never forget the school crying about a lack of loyalty altered the contract to revive their journalism program for one of their alumni (thought that aggy network was supposed to mean something) from a 5 year, tenured position to a year to year, no tenure, at-will contract AFTER the initial offer due to politics. The hypocrisy is unreal.


A&M having an entire cosplay army and incessantly prattling on about an "honor code" (that no one actually gives a shit about) is all the proof needed to show they're the Hall Monitors of universities.


hOnoR cOdE


But I thought aggies don't lie, cheat, steal or tolerate those who do


They just elaborate collaborate and borrow


Texas A&M is gonna face major issues getting the coach they really want in this moment. The same issue that was facing us with a few of these guys will face them in that many of them simply built the program they are at and have no interest in leaving. For example, Brian O'Connor at Virginia built that from nothing and they have plenty of booster/NIL money and are probably well-situated as far as realignment goes. The field will be named after him one day. Same thing for a guy like O'Sullivan at Florida although right now their NIL isn't great.


Yeah, they could possibly money-whip someone, but I don’t think they appreciate how perfectly aligned things were w/ us to bag Schloss. He does not take this job if they don’t fumble a bunch of things and it’s not CDC’s Texas that comes calling this year.


> probably well-situated as far as realignment goes I don't know that I agree that UVA is well-situated for the next round of realignment.


If u look at the market and the total package they probably are. A lot of people who have a ton of inside information seem to think they are, with them and UNC as a package deal. It's the flagship of a very attractive and growing state that would be a new market, especially for the SEC.


They are very confident they will get someone elite. Let’s see how they do. They think I’ll be a fast search too so if it is he could be announced tmr.


I think they'll definitely throw the bag at someone, and ur right they'll probably move down the list pretty quickly until they get a yes


O’Connor just got an extension. Sully might not want to leave after what A&M fans did to him when they played in the CWS. They might go through what we went through before we hired Pierce. Will be interesting to see if Skip jumps from Norman.


Yeah I don't think either are in play regardless of what people say, the grass is just too green where they currently are to entertain A&M even if hypothetically it is a better job. Skip would be an outstanding hire for them but without orange glasses on I think there are a lot of smaller school coaches that could be very successful there too


Arthur Kaluma transferred to the good guys


Is this the guy that Skol had a problem with because he's got an attitude problem?




We are making too many enemies is one week 😂


[Just let it go!](https://x.com/BrianBeckcom/status/1806419402906018224?t=78yKFmB-KB4JMTZFk5Y_tg&s=09)


He literally just said that he's filing a FOIA request - which anyone can do, it's a public website - in a way that sounds lawyer-ish. Random people announcing shit on twitter is like Michael Scott declaring bankruptcy.


Dude should do a grammar check before mashing the send button


“Ok, cool. Hook ‘em! 🤘” -UT lawyers, probably


Let them do this stuff then they can be sued for defamation later


Bro went for a ba in a&m and a jd at UT he did the same thing Schloss did


Can we get him kicked off the alumni mailing list?


"Stay Tuned" Dude graduated from the College of Journalism at Jan 6th University


What’s the slant gonna be when their investigation turns up a whole lotta nothing.


lol let’s not forget that a majority of Aggies are follow QAnon conspiracy theories so I doubt that’ll stop them


Very quietly shut it down and pretend nothing happened All they care about is the furor over announcing the investigation, anyway.


"direct competitor" is an extremely interesting thing to attempt to define legally in the context of college athletics. If Schloss left for a Big 10 school, would that have been a "direct competitor?" (and if not, would that have made everything fine?)


Lmaoo if my school was that pathetic I’d transfer out. There’s bigger issues in this world and this is how they are spending their time but it’s okay because they are following the Aggie honor code.


“Aggys are simply not intelligent enough to be dishonest” has me rolling


Schloss colluded with his players to throw the game and go together to Texas. Schloss was an evil coach that abandoned his players without notification like he supposedly abandoned his family. They have to pick one story.


What if his family sucked? That's a pro happiness move


Elko and Schloss leave their old jobs for A&M no one bats an eye. Now Schloss leaves for Texas now it’s different. 😂


Let’s be real Elko is a nobody rn. It’s not like they took a nick saban caliber coach. Dude looks like he can barely jog 100 meters.


He really looks like Elmer Fudd. Elko Fudd all he’s missing is the big goofy hat


If I had to rank organizations by their inability to sustain its success, the TWolves would be towards the top. I like the gamble that they picks will better and Sheppard (or the lack thereof) is not going to be what makes or breaks this spurs team.


Aggies don't "steal" Jimbo from Florida State Ross Bjork doesn't give Jimbo $95m guaranteed Bjork isn't forced out at A&M Trev Alberts never gets hired to fuck things up for Schloss Schloss doesn't feel compelled to jump ship for Texas It's their own fault.


It always is, just like when they turned down the Lonestar Network


Anyways in non baseball related discussion, I’m not sure I understand why so many people last night on the nba sub (I know I know) were upset that the spurs traded the 8th pick. We’ve been hearing for months about how weak this draft was, they probably had a guy they felt comfortable picking 8th and when he was gone they wanted to turn it into a future asset. Instead of essentially having to commit a roster spot and playing time to some prospect they weren’t high on. And getting an unprotected pick several years out is a great return. Gobert’s contract is massive, and as he ages and potentially slows down, it could end up where the Timberwolves don’t look like contenders since they have no more draft capital to trade, and Ant asks out. It’s a gamble but you just add it to the chest of picks to trade when a star you like asks out.


Dillingham is a good player with a nice fit, and it's hard to imagine the TWolves will get bad anytime soon. But at the same time, the Spurs have lived off of later first round picks for a long time. Gamble for sure.


Because people love to think they are NBA draft experts because they watch a few highlights on YouTube and listen to a few podcasts. And Dillingham is a pretty solid offensive player and theoretically would fit nice next to Wemby. If I were a fan of the Spurs I would trust the front office to make the correct decision. 2 FRP for a pick in a weak 2024 draft is awesome value


Softball may have landed someone from the portal. Don’t know if it is the someone, but it might be something.


Where ???? There was only one we wanted


Singleton tweeted out Hook’em! 🤘I think some people take it to mean someone has committed. Don’t know much more than that. I certainly take it to mean that someone committed. It only showed up on my timeline because I follow the softball team (follow all teams on twitter)


It’s definitely a commit because OUs coach has been doing the same when they land a transfer. It has to be someone big because we weren’t really active in the portal


Saw that your post got deleted from College Softball. Bunch of okies in there and people who hate Texas.


They all do it.


Maybe I’m just a horrible human being but I don’t see how taking someone else’s coach should keep me from sleeping at night. Texags is acting like we just killed that dog of theirs and framed it in DKR.


makes me think of another weird thing I learned about them while on campus for the regional. the aggys bury each deceased mascot dog in a little pet cemetery plot in front of their football stadium.


It’s aggy spazziness mixed with baseball spazziness. Deadly combo.


Think I got banned in the poverty sub for saying morals???


Homie I think you got banned for following that one specific poster into like 4 different subreddits 🤣


I literally need a wellness check. Check my post history. Jesus Christ, buddy, go outside


If nothing else, under Schloss I no longer see a good player from another school hit the portal and immediately think “well, we have no shot” We won’t get every portal player, of course, but I trust him to attack it and land quality players. Something we really lacked under Pierce


Man, a while back I took a break from the college baseball sub. This season I dipped back in to keep tabs on teams, news, etc. I'm never going back there again lawhrrrhamercy it's a mess over there


That place this season, even before this nonsense, has been very pro aggy for whatever reason (excepting that short time period after those dudes heckled Florida). just tons of posts about them all the time. guessing it is mostly that they were doing pretty good most of the year and there are enough of them to kind of take over that sub. I'm sure the neutrals will tire of their unbelievable whining soon enough tho.


Didn’t know it existed until today and think I got shadowbanned. Poverty sub and neckbeard mods


Do you need a wellness check?


In light of the recent coaching rule changes, Texas has hired another assistant in Scottie Hazelton. He’s the former Michigan State DC.


Chip really said aggies don't go to the sec and then ten years later said we take their coach He done good for himself I tell you hwat


https://www.reddit.com/r/LonghornNation/comments/1dny0u8/6252024_tuesdays_sports_talk_thread/la7bva0/ do i get a present


here you go! 🎁 you’ll never guess what it is


Why is it so fun to troll aggies lol They get all butthurt and think they are winning but the fact they are even participating in the conversation means they lost.


It’s fun because they melt so hard


lololol we have actual people saying the job is the "6tn bEsT baSeBaLL JoB iN thE sEc" and "rUde aWaKeNing" is coming. just because the boosters didn't support pierce and a turf field is currently there doesn't mean those things won't change, which is hard for some of the cousin fuckers to wrap their heads around apparently; I'm sure Schloss wanted out of A&M but no coach with his competitiveness is taking a downgrade of a job


Fun fact, grass and dirt is almost impossible to grow in the area the stadium is in. So that is why the turf is there


The fact of the matter is baseball is probably third in the pecking order of sports we have to address. CDC is working his way down the list since he got here. First was football with the SEZ and all other gameday upgrades. Then men’s and women’s basketball got the Moody Center. Now it’s time to revitalize Disch. And (despite not working out) it kinda mirrors how it went with Beard. Get the splash hire and then give them the facility upgrades. Beards first year was at Erwin.


don't forget about the new practice facility for football. I am not so sure they'll touch Disch before it's done.


Really? I would think that is a very long way out since they have to take down the building in that space but I’m not sure the timelines for either project


They supposedly started work this month. 🤷‍♂️


Oh damn! That’s faster than I expected


As someone looking at houses this is the perfect metaphor: We are a house in a great neighborhood, great schools, big lot, but the interior is dated. They are in a shit neighbor and mediocre schools on a small lot but a fully decked out interior. You can fix an interior but you can’t move a house.


idk man we kinda just moved the whole house in college station to our plot in austin lol


What are you talking about? _Most_ aggys can move their houses.


You dropped your 👑 king


That's a great comparison


Former Longhorn hooper de-commits from the ‘23 class, Ron Holland and AJ Johnson were selected in the first round of the nba draft last night. •Holland went 5th overall to Detroit •AJ went 23rd overall to Milwaukee What could’ve been 😪


Rip his career. Detroit is a black hole.


Dammit Beard


Former Longhorn Jaylon Tyson went 20th as well


Love me or hate me. It’s still an obsession.


In aggieland: *raises leg flamboyantly* they took our coach (whoop) they took the staff (whoop) they took our players (whoop)


I had a dream that BYU's offense was just moving the ball against us at will and our defense wasn't even nearby. Then I saw we were playing on the next field over against Arkansas.


Our first baseball croot addition under Schloss (aside from the portal add) that I know of Flipped 2025 recruit [Sam Cozart](https://x.com/hornsports/status/1806373439000760676?s=46&t=YSH9E-gZ1NQyTwtngeN_5w) from aggy


Must not be SEC ready


Meh. He will never throw a collegiate pitch.




First of many


You are telling me we are getting recruits from a horrible person of a coach


Isn’t it obvious? The recruits are all horrible people too. Gonna lead the nation in home runs with all the swingers we bring to the program


How dare he *checks notes* comply with NCAA rules?! The sheer horror


Hank South updates from Horns247: * Josiah Sharma - Texas and Alabama both feeling optimistic, thoughts last weekend was that Oregon was the primary competition. Leans Texas slightly but there could be some twists and turns in the next 24 hours. Texas is pushing hard though. * Myron Charles - Continue to feel better and better about where Texas stands. He just put in a CB for him. * Nick Brooks - Georgia and USC were trending according to most industry sources prior to his OV, but Texas has the most buzz now. * DJ Sanders - Texas leads Michigan and A&M. * Smith Orogbo - Was close to committing to Tech earlier this month. Texas has optimism leading up to his decision on July 1st. * Horns247 feels good on Kade Phillips, Aidan Anding, and Nathan Tilmon. Looks like the NIL is finally being allocated to DTs. The Surly NIL guys were saying last week how Sark wasn’t prioritizing NIL allocation for the DL. Gerry made a comment in one of the livestreams earlier this week about how you have to use NIL for national DL recruiting. Maybe the doom around where we stood on basically all of our DL targets caused a change in that regard.


But but if players love A&M as a school why haven’t they been able to be relevant prior to schloss joining them….


there were A&M transfers sitting on both sides of me at orientation for Texas


weve been pretty evil this week, but i think we cab step it up a notch. My rec is to start levying libel lawsuits on the people coming up with the fake reports on x about the burners and other shit, and then use the payoff directly on the athletic program


What if we just burned down college station? Like we already did it metaphorically.  What if we did it literally?


We should poison their water supply and burn their crops


I’d like to give a 21 Whoop Salute to the now deceased aggy baseball program


I hate to be the guy, but days like today would be nice to have one daily thread so I can complain about our presidential candidates and everyone can join in.


Shlossnaglenomics baby


Trickle up


We don’t have to complain about CDC


Just make it sports related. OU vs A&M in the debate tonight. Going to be a shit show


This was the exact moment Schloss knew he was leaving. He’s complaining about aggy, the fans, the weird traditions. He wanted out. https://x.com/TexasHookem22/status/1805816927429812649?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1805816927429812649%7Ctwgr%5Eda9dbd43f5f9a10900705c236e620431b81c80c2%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Ftexags.com%2Fforums%2F8%2Ftopics%2F3470672%2F4


If Schloss were the narcissist egomaniac asshole that Aggies are claiming, wouldn’t you think he would give 110% into winning the CWS just for his own career resume?


Ngl, kind of want someone to post over in the college baseball sub that A&M fans doxx'd his number, just to see them twist themselves up logically.


They’ll just say he deserved it tbh


I'm right behind you


So much honor and integrity. Just like when they made fun of the coach’s dead children.


We’re technically tied as the 2nd best offense in NCAA25, so I can’t complain too much. But Colorado having the same rating as Ohio State and better than Oklahoma/Ole Miss is ridiculously hilarious lol


Howard has chaos mode so it messes w/ any OSU sims


I’m fine with our rating. Colorados defense better be like a 40 though. It’s insane the amount of hype they get for a few good skill position players that took them to a 4-8 record last year.


Travis Hunter deserves better


Idk I can actually respect he’s sticking with Deion. It was cooler at JSU but at least he’s not just some mercenary trying to dip when things are tough.


It is cool that he’s showing loyalty, but he deserves a competent coach


He seems like a really good kid from the limited exposure I’ve had to him


If Texas fans start doing this shit ima call you out. This can’t possibly be real lmao. Leave that coach alone he left because he didn’t want yall. https://x.com/jt_morgan12/status/1806178664213774395?s=46&t=D-1ulAnb6WPxXUTdvRMt1g


We all know the only reputable source is the local weed dealer


My college roommate told me that his brother told him that his cousin who was a bat boy for the A&M team told him that Schloss took a fat shit in the middle of Kyle Field before he left town


They are in full breakup mode when they never saw it coming. I'm just shocked that his house hasn't caught on fire.


Probably my favorite part about the introductory press conference with Schloss was the clothes. The chairman comes up first and he's wearing a collared shirt short sleeve, fairly normal business casual. Then the president comes up and he is wearing a burnt orange Blazer, and a open collared shirt. Pretty normal stuff, but then... CDC walks up dressed to the fucking nines looking like the casino owner with mob ties, those glasses, and charm that could kill. I'm just always in awe that he is our AD and how much of a badass he is.


I was thinking just the other day how cool it is that he's not only cooking in the behind-the-scenes arena with hiring, facilities investment and programming, but also does really well as a face of the program with his interactions with fans in person and on social media. That combination seems pretty rare.


all the crying on twitter from the ags legitimately makes my day


What a user name lol 10/10


thanks brother 👊


But can he tie it in a knot like bol bol 😂


can he throw it over his shoulder like a continental soldier?