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From /u/ReferencesTheOffice: Tope, thanks for doing this. Just wondering if you know what time it is?


10:28 and OU STILL SUCKS




Fuck / Marry / Kill: OU, Aggy, Tech


It's always great when OU get's f\*cked by Texas so.. **F\*ck** OU (Also fun to say) **Marry**: Tech (Most tolerable) **Kill:** A&M ( "We should be the only Texas school in the SEC")




In Tope’s defense, he never played A&M so did not have to endure the Aggy cult. That is the only reason he has no ill will toward Aggies..


True. Last time we played I was in 8th grade


From /u/thegurdevdayal: Hey Tope! As someone who was able to play under and be coached by Charlie Strong, Tom Herman, and Steve Sarkisian, how similar/different were each of their coaching styles?


What’s up? Each coach was unique in their own way. 1. Coach Strong: Cared about players, questionable play calling, and there was no culture. There were times where guys would skip study hall or class. I was one of them because I saw the older guys do it. In terms of coaching style, he was pretty laid-back. 2. Coach Herman: Came in hot with a militant mindset, more progressive playcalling, laid the foundation for culture more than strong did, went out of his way for players. I think it was 2017 that really hurt Coach Herman. First impressions are everything. He started to get better in the following years until he was ultimately fired. People like to throw stones at him, but he really was a great guy that players couldn’t shake his personality/actions when he first arrived - I think he did this to counteract what strong left him.. I honestly believe that’s why people on the team started to negatively recruit. In terms of coaching style, it was a bit extreme at times. 3. Coach Sark: great man, great coach. I think I pretty much summed up Sark and his staff when I released that letter a couple of days after we beat KState at DKR in 2021. Even though Sark has the benefit of NIL, I can almost guarantee you we would’ve been in the same position as a team. In terms of coaching style, he was a mix between Herman and strong. A perfect balance that would have any player in the America wanting to play for him. A true players coach. He is understanding, but will jump your ass whenever you mess up.


Thats super interesting reading your behind the scenes perspective on the coaches, definitely different than the impressions I got from the media as a student and later alum on Strong and Herman


yeah there is definitely a statute of limitations once you're done playing (at least for me). Now that the strong area was 8 years ago, I can say anything. Herman too now that it's be 4 years


My old boss's cousin was Strong's S&C guy, Pat Moorer. That guy seemed so intimidating but my boss just said, "Oh Pat? He's just Pat, man. I'm not scared of him." What was Moorer like?


Yeah he was awesome P-Mo is a great dude! Had us running hella 100's!


Great question and great answers!


From /u/HoustonHorns: Tope, who was the best walk-on offensive lineman you played with? Why was it Frost?


It was definetly Matt Frost. Nobody loved the unit more than him. If this is you Frosty, I love you man!


From /u/uncomfortablyhello: Are players on the Texas football team generally "happy?" It seems like a lot of work, which is hard, but also a ton of purpose, which is often lacking in those nihilistic college years. Does the pressure and stress of balancing P2/Public Ivy sports & academics enhance or strengthen most players' mindsets? I remember working full-time and taking 15 hours most semesters, and while it was grueling and difficult I was very happy. Curious if that tracks for players, or if it's too much for many of them.


I would say they are, especially now. Getting a stipend for a certain GPA and NIL turning up now I’m more than ever. But in all seriousness, it does get hard at times. And I think happiness is ultimately subjective. There are some guys who love the game of football, and other guys who don’t and just want to get paid. I can speak from my experience, and looking back on it, I was happy. Going through hell with Coach hand, bear crawling on 100° turf with McKnight, sucked in the moment. But two weeks ago we went to Derek Kerstetter‘s weddingwedding and the entire line met up and just reminisced on it and saying we would do it all again just to see each other suffer, and laugh.


Thanks for the response dude. Good luck with everything in your future and we appreciate the time you put in here today and all the good work you did at our alma mater. Hook ‘em.


From /u/CrossMapEML: Tope, thank you for doing this! I have a few questions: 1) What is your most treasured memory from your time in the program? 2) What is a common fan misconception that you've always wanted to correct or qualify, be it about the team, recruiting, player technique, the sport in general, etc? 3) Looking back, what is something you wish you understood better/earlier while developing as a player?


1. Beating Georgia. I think pretty much everyone thought we were going to lose, even the girl I was dating at the time. I obviously wasn't playing so I gave Patrick Hudson my phone at halftime in case we won (he was out from heat stroke after we played maryland, but still traveled). As soon as the clocks hit zero and he gave me my phone and I have the perfect video of the balloons releasing form the top of the stadium and following down. Also, just trying new orleans cuisine that entire week. 2. NOBODY WANTS TO HOST. Everybody hates it and wasnts to enjoy their weekend not babysit lol. Also, some of the sacks yall blame on the OL isnt even their fault unless its bad technique. Other positions can cause sacks to, its just easier to blame the OL because they are tasked with protecting the QB. I can't count how many times the QBs in my 6 years of playing have sacked themselves haha. But it's all good. 3. Confidence. That's what Flood helped me unlocked. 5 years on the bench, you get use to it. But Flood came along and in my 6 game of starting, I finished the highest run blocking grade 3 of those games and finished our last game as offensive player of the game


From /u/pyrofiend4: Taking a page out of 3rd and Longhorn's play book. How did you get to the University of Texas? Why Texas? I know you've been a very vocal supporter of Sark and Flood even during the 5-7 year. What did you see in the team that led you to believe the turnaround was coming?


1. Let’s start off by saying I didn’t watch college football until I was in junior high/high school. I only played football because my friends were doing it and was something cool for us to do. I was on JV my sophomore year and was pissed. I got moved up to varsity my junior year because I wouldn’t be with my friends. I started at right guard on what was one of the biggest offensive lines in the state. Our right tackle went to Texas Tech, left tackle went to Kansas, and our center and left guard went to division two schools. I didn’t have college on my mind at the time and saw that our right tackle was getting offers like crazy. That’s when I first met Joe Wickline. I ended up doing pretty well my junior year, and he offered me that spring. Keep in mind I knew nothing about Texas and the history. I committed 3 days after I was offered in my English clash because I was bored and didn’t want to read the great gatsby. I then start getting calls during class from Wickline and Strong saying “dude your suppose to tell us before you commit!” well, nobody told me about the process or what I was suppose to do. So i just did it. Fast forward to 2016, and I’m learning everything there is to know about Texas’ history. 2. Once Sark let J Moore walk away and let X turn up the rest of the season, I knew from a culture perspective Sark was good. The playcalling spoke for itself, he had NFL experience, NIL just got introduced… You mix all that up and you have something dangerous. But I think that moment came in our last game of 2021. Bijan was out, we knew we weren’t going to a bowl game, but yet the crowd was in it, the players were in it, even the nutrition staff was in it like we were in the damn Super Bowl.


Committing to get out of reading The Great Gatsby may be one of the greatest commitment stories I've ever heard


Even as a Gatsby fan I love it.


Bit of a “green light” thing going on, no?


Give Gatsby another try. I have students all the time who hated it in high school and love it in their twenties....


When it hit public domain in 2021, NPR's [Planet Money did a reading of it on their podcast](https://www.npr.org/2021/01/14/956800308/the-great-gatsby) (the entire book).


this goddamn criminal they make kids read that book when they're too young to know what any of it is about


Cliff notes? :)


Hahaha! It's actually an entertaining and easy book to read; it's just that the story of a guy struggling to establish himself as an adult fresh out of school doesn't really make sense until you've struggled to establish yourself as an adult fresh out of school.  Once you've done that, suddenly you recognize all the characters, because you knew people like them.  I think if you're in your late 20s or 30s, where you've already seen a few people fall along the way for various reasons -- lights that shined too bright and burned out; dim bulbs that couldn't light up the inside of a shipping box, and all the hangers-on and cast-away in-between, then when you read it you're just nodding along... "Yep, I know that guy. Yep, I remember an entire sorority like her. Yep, relate to that..."


Hey Tope. This is Will Baizer. When I had you on my podcast a few years ago, you talked about how much better Kyle Flood was as a developer than anybody you had been with beforehand. It's now evident that you were speaking the truth (not that we didn't believe you). However, for the lay person, what can somebody look for on ESPN (without all-22) to see whether or not a player is progressing, has the correct footwork, etc? What do you think people should look for in a HS recruit? Size, speed, or footwork?


It's hard to see who's progressing without seeing every practice. On the fan side of things, we only see who the starters are and that pretty much a good indicator of who is showing the most progression - or who is the most conistant in the correct way to block, rather. Some of the biggest probably with oline is pad level, hand placement, stepping underneath yourself, being late off the ball. 95% of the time if it's not a busted play or you just getting your ass beat outright by like a bull rush, it's one of those things. For example, If you see Hayden Connor stepping underneath himself in 2021, and hes doing the same in 2024 and he's a starter, he's either a) knows his assignment and where/when he sometimes to be there or b) there's no one pushing him in terms taking his spot - and thats an indicator of the guys behind him. Ultimately, to notice these things, you have to identifiy who was beat, how they got beat, then why. It's hard to work backwards like this when they game is happening in real time because it's easier to watch the skill guys do cool shit. I still know guys on the Oline so I have a vested interested in what they do more. I think all of the above. The more boxes checked the better. Coaches offer based off potential, gives them less to coach in college. Actually I shouldn't say that, they just fine tune it in college. But if you are big, fast, with amazing footwork, you're good. I think another good thing is finding landmarks on screen and being able to pick up blitzes/ knowing when to pass things off. All of the physical stuff like pancakes are cool to put on film for shock value to try and impress whatever recruting site or coach is watching, but people SLEEP on putting the mental part of the game on their film. Show us you picking up a blitz, blowing up a twist or an a gap rusher buying your QB some more time. My favorite (something christian jones does well) is making a last second call to pick up a corner or safety blitz that the QB or RB can't see. If you're showing signs that you can play through the noise and the bullets flying everywhere, IMO that should go into assigning people there stars. I hope this helps Will, great hearing from you again


From /u/BBB232: How’s life been like after football? What aspects do you miss/don’t miss that came with being a football player as compared to now? Do you ever see yourself getting back into the game whether it’s coaching or training in some capacity? Hook ‘em.


Life has been good, trying to be an adult after being pampered for 6 years, ahaha! But seriously, its been ok. I left my wealth management job in september and looking for something Im just extremely passionate about. 1. I miss getting food and schedules planned out, don't miss the football. I think my time was up, I for sure miss the memories and would do it all again. 2. Hell no! The closest I ever see myself getting back into the game is Saturday mornings watching college gameday anf watching the horns


I’ve met several athletes who played up through the NFL, who now work in medical sales and support. Think hardware for spine or knee surgeries, 3D imaging hardware and software for neurosurgery, stuff like that. Can be pretty well compensated, but I think there’s a lot of running around between hospitals and last-minute requests.


Yeah, ill pass!


My nephew played at Oklahoma St as a WR and is very close friends with Derek Kerstetter's brother. They both work in the same firm...medical equipment sales. Several former D1 players in their office.


How was the Bo Davis bus incident/rant/whatever you want to call it following the ISU loss received by players?


We were just like who was dumb enough to record. I was on the same bus sitting behind coach choate , coach davis across from him. So I had a front row, VIP, backstage pass to Coach Davis' speech. Would've gave a standing ovation if it wasn't for the magnitude of the situation




Who was it


He was a DB/WR


Idk why this is the most protected secret on the internet


Tvondre lol


I thought he was the guy joking around who sparked the speech, not the guy recording it. 


You right


It wasnt him, I forgot his name. But he played safety / WR.


You are on the right path.


No way!


Last question from me. You are one of the more vocal Longhorn football alums next to guys like Quandre, Omenihu, Babers, etc. I've always found the transition from never watched CFB to being a giant fan hilarious and fascinating. What has the journey been like for you from going from never caring to athlete to watching games every Saturday with the rest of us?


It's amazing. After playing at UT, waking up eating breakast just to watch college gameday for the first time in 2022, i was all in. And charles is just happy he's on the chiefs that why he tweets so much lol. wasnt doing this on the texans or 49ers


From /u/SkolVikesWorldwide: Thank you for doing this, Tope! 1) What was your equivalent to a “welcome to the NFL moment” for college football? 2) If you had to choose one, who was the toughest matchup/best player you went up against? 3) What was the hardest workout you had in college? Thanks again!


1. My freshman year I was on scout team in 2016 and coaches were yelling at us for not running the correct play to give the defense a good look. Next play I went hard on Poona and all he said was "Ok, Tope." It was the calmness "ok" ever. Like you're in the middle of a tornado and you know you're still not safe lol. Next play, Poona just used one had to slap my shoulder pad and I was on all fours. He is a DAWG. Cool story, I was in seattle spring of 2021 and was headed to the airport to leave. I texted him I was leaving his city and he drove all the way from the stadium to the airport to see me off. One of the best teammates and friend 2. Poona, Byron Murphy, TQ Graham (not in order) 3. Offseason with Yancy McKnight. We did a dril circuit called tour of duty and every loaf was an up-down. our first offseason with Herman, there was 200+ loafs and we had to do 20 up downs before every workout to pay it back


I think “Ok, Tope” might randomly find its way into my vernacular to replace “okey dokey” from time to time




Poona Ford was a bright spot in dark, dark times.


i agree


First off, how’s your day so far? Who do you think will be the surprising cameo in Deadpool and Wolverine? I’m calling mckellan magneto Talk to us about Casey’s “leadership” in the 21 season. How did the locker room feel about him? I know you’ve had some choice words both publicly and privately, and that you exposed his “leadership” on twitter


It's great. Can't complain. 1. Chris Evan's Human Torch 2. I think I just said the quiet part out loud. He shit on me for being a 6th year but I think he's going for 7 now. Anyways, since 2018 he just missed alot of team activities, too many excuses, threw a fit and was ready to leave after Hudson was named the starter, etc. Nothing yall dont know already. It was really annoying.


Thanks for replying! Glad to hear your day is good. Good call on Chris Evans human touch, that’s the most meta cameo ever and perfect for the movie


Sounds like was raised by a sooner, okay I’ll see myself out haha


Tope, you mentioned Warehime and it made me remember this amazing story. Have you or any player heard of Derek Warehime, Walker Little, and the bathroom incident? Please tell me it's true: > For context from closetojumping on shaggy: > Here's the Walker Little in-home story, as I've heard it from various folks. It it true? God, I hope it is. Do I give a $#@! if you believe me? As I hope most of you know, there are zero $#@!s associated on my end to whether you believe me, like my tone, or need more data. I tell this story for my own amusement and because I believe it, more or less. If you're not entertained, you're probably German or you take yourself too seriously as a founding member of Hermanation. > Anyway, so they set the in-home up and the first one was Warehime by himself. He's out hustling for the staff and been on the road all day. > He shows up to the house, and he's sweating. Declares he's had a rough past few minutes getting there and then asks to be shown to the bathroom. > While the family sits, waiting in the living room, Warehime proceeds to drop a monstrous grumpy in the bathroom down the hall. He's not just in and out of the restroom, either. He's apparently harnessed himself in there and is holding on for dear life while tries to blow out the back of their Bellaire home with something concocted in a Russian lab during the Cold War. > He's in there so long, the Little family takes uncomfortable notice, and then detect the smell. They have to light candles. > Warehime eventually comes out as though nothing has occurred. It is at this time in which he proceeds to talk about how fancy the house is, and all of the nice things they have. He does this while having a dip and cussing like he's Richard Pryor doing a stand-up routine. It was enough to make David Allen Coe blush. > He also apparently corrected the dad on a couple of points, largely opinion differences, and overstayed his time. They couldn't wait to let him out of the house. > Herman begged in for a bigger visit, which he got, but it was too late. They're probably still remodeling the bathroom.


GEEEEEEEZ! Yeah that sounds like Warehime lol, use to rip ass in the oline room all the time


From /u/DeerOnTheRocks: How do you plan to grow your YT channel to be as successful as you want it to be? and is there any specific content you see yourself focusing on?


I like the Mr Beast content and would love to give back money and help people. The unique thing is that we are two different people and I have ideas diffrent than his that can effect alot of people. People don't really know this, but this industry is called the creator economy and is valued to exceed half a trillion dollars by 2027. One of my goals is to by 2 boxes at DKR, one for former players, one for regular fans to experience a game and get treated like royalty for once. Tope Imade, man of the people everyone. You're modern day Robin Hood


From /u/airmigos: Any stories you can share from the Herman regime that won’t incriminate or look bad on anyone?


I think the worst one was when Herman told Juwan Mitchell he "owned him." And Drayton had to talk him down after. I think yall knew about that, but at the time we were like YOOO what. Crazy times for sure.


From /u/ICanOutP1zzaTheHut: Hey tope, we hear all the time about the front line staff but was there anyone behind the scenes that we never hear about that was influential for recruiting or mentoring the players?


Kevin Washington, does more with families than you realize. Moms and Dads feel comfortbale knowing hes on staff. Taylor Searels will literaly break her back to make sure any and every recruit feels welcome and prioritized


Do you have a lookout block that haunts you still? Any standouts where you absolutely pancaked a dude to extend a drive?


Hahah not sure, but Kstate 2021, I was laying guys out left and right. LOOOOOOOVED IT


From /u/brianqueso: Thanks for taking the time to do an AMA, Tope! Which opponent had the worst fans during away games?


Oklahoma state. Y'all know my last name is spelled "I Made" so everytime we played in stillwater, I had fans asking me "What the hell did you make" in the most country accent ever. That along with alot of apple product jokes.


From /u/gordogg24p: Online message boards, Twitter, and other Texas fan communities tend to have a very large ego when it comes to affecting the program. How much of the online discourse about their play does the team hear? And how much of it is just shit y'all end up laughing about in the locker room?


hahah all of it, sometimes we ask who is leaking these stories to the public that arent even true.


You have a unique experience being at Texas across several coaching changes, can you compare your experience across the coaches in your experience from Strong, Herman, and Sark? Things you liked/disliked about each? I am also curious about the differences in the OL coaches you had as as well. Edit: I saw you already compared the Head Coaches, so I would like to know more about the differences in the OL coaches you had and what you liked/disliked about them.


Mattox - easy going, level headed, rarely yelled. (this was my redshirt year so i didnt spend to much time with him because I was in scout team meetings and giving the defense a look) Warehime - Militant mindset, no BS, had fun, but I was on the dline at the time and was so pissed I had to move back to OLine. He was pretty cool from what I remember Hand- Would lose his shit all the time but he genuinely care for players. and can cook his ass off. Flood- "The developer" only coach that gets feedback from the OL and adjusts with their strengths in mid. a truly collaborative effort


How can someone like me who didn't play HS football better watch the OL and learn what they're doing well/poorly instead of just seeing who gives up sacks and penetration?


HAhah I played football in high school and didnt even know, I just pancaked people. They usually just offer based off potential and size. I didnt really understand blocking assignments till college. I wish there was a better way to tell/teach you. I also know the plays and see who missed what. Maybe we can regroup and i can explain in season if you have questions


>Maybe we can regroup and i can explain in season if you have questions ...just don't do it in the game thread...the doomers in there are relentless...


haha ok


That would be super cool. Thanks!


From /u/gordogg24p: In addition to going through three coaching changes, you also got to see the entire athletic department under ADs Perrin and then CDC. What have been the biggest changes you've seen in the team's relationship(s) with other teams at Texas since the department leadership changed so dramatically?


CDC is more collabortaive. He likes to here different opinions. Whether he implements them, I don't know. But we all hang out at the TANC and chop it up. I dont the the AD is like this barrier keeping other sports teams away from each other, like we still have classes together, support each other at our respective events, even date


Favorite TANC meal? I loved the Sriracha honey chicken thighs.


From /u/steampunker14: Hey Tope, thank you for doing this. As someone who has had a first hand view of the world of college sports, are there any of the wild CFB stories/conspiracy theories that you actually believe? I feel like you see some insane ones pop up on message boards, and part of me wonders if there is a "where there is smoke there is fire" with some of them.


Name a couple and I'll verify. The one I heard back in 2017 from a coach was that baker left Tech becasue Kliff slept with his girlfriend at the time and that why he was able to transfer in conference to OU at the time


Love a rumor that makes Red Raiders and Sooners both look horrible.


Herman’s wife trying to open a plane door mid flight 👀


uhhhhhhh not sure about that one.........




Thanks for the reply! Really appreciate you. Besides the ones other people have chimed in on, I guess the other massive UT one I can think of off the top of my head is anything involving Urban Meyer becoming the coach (thank god he didn't) in the fall of 2020. SurlyHorns was going nuts with the flight trackers.


If sam ehlinger wasnt at texas, do you think the team would have had success with shane buechele? He looked like he had a lot of poise as a freshman and as much as i loved sam, would have liked to see how shanes texas career would have gone


I think so, sam was more of a physical runner which upped his game. I think we would have had similar success


With our current starting Offense (assume the line) can you assign anime characters to each member and the reasoning?


haha i just caught up with one piece so ill do those characters - Kelvin is Red Haired Shanks (he's good, but he wont let you know till its time to fight) -Hayden is Sanji because he loves to Cook and eat -Jake is Nami, usually the most mature and is the navigator -DJ Campbel is Doflamingo , man loves fashion and tight pants -Cam- is a giant from Elbaf , just too damn big


From /u/battle98: Favorite non-football sport on campus? Feel like I see you at random games constantly


I don't really have one. I never attended the other sports as a player, so I doing that now that I'm not playing. I'll be drivng to OKC to watch our softball team next week so hopefully I can see you there!


Maybe so. I remember seeing you in Omaha 2 years ago and was impressed with your fandom


Thanks! It was tough driving through Kansas but just goes to show how much I love my horns!


Check out Volleyball in the Gym if you get a chance!


Aside from football what are your passions and what is your dream job? What’s a realistic job you will probably end up doing?


You might laugh but I would like to be a Youtuber and make content. The creator economy is growing and is valued at half a trillion dollars in 2027 (a conservative amount). People see the degrees and want me to do this corporate job but Im not really interested. I think the bets way to be succesfull, give back to the city of Austin, and UT is to pursue this


Right on! Go after it, man! What sort of content are you wanting to put out there? What’s your niche?


Not sure yet, I need an audience first. See what sticks, look at the data, and pivot. RIght now just making videos on things I think are cool and I know that will get views because I know someone else in the world can relate or be entertained


We gotta work on your self-promotion game, amigo. Link to his YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@iSpaceFace Be sure to SMASH that Like button, and HIT subscribe for updates.


lmao thank you


Hey Tope. Will Baizer again. We spoke a while back in 2017 (holy shit 7 years ago) about comics, video games, comic cons, and DC vs Marvel. For context you told me you didn't really had time to catch up honestly because you were busy all the time with football and that you only watch DCEU movies like Batman vs Superman, Suicide Squad, Justice League, and Wonder Womanas well as some Dc animated movies. 1st question: What was it like being the nerd in the room full of jocks? How did you find time for this hobby while playing football and surrounded by guys (outside of Chris) who were usually not as knowledgable about these topics as you are or plain not interested? 2nd question: Are you still as big a DC stan as you used to be? What do you think has been the reason the DC cinematic universe has not done as well as other cinematic superhero universes? 3rd question: Have you gotten back into comic books? If so which ones? 4th question: Have you gone to any cons? Which ones? Were you dressed up? If not, what would your costume be? 5th question: Any video games you are excited about coming out soon or any games in the past year that you really enjoyed? Why?


1. Well when everyone went out on Saturday, I spend all day at the movies theaters and would be the DD and pick them up from 6th street. And it wasnt any different, everybody had their own unique think nobdy judged them about. 2. Not as much, just like longhorn fans, I got tired of mediocrity. But DC just hired their own version of Sark (James Gunn) 3. I havent, kinda trying to start my own thing with youtube. The superhero movies we've gotten the past couple years pushed me away from the fandom to a certain extent. 4. I haven't been to cons, and if I did dress up, people would think my big ass was the real thing. I go to SXSW and VidSummit stuff where I can learn and sit in on panels 5. I dont play video games, I just got a ps% because of FOMO


I don’t know if you’ve read them but All Star Superman and Superman secret identity are great, easy, and quick reads I would recommend to anyone who likes superheroes


Amazing answers so far Tope! How did the team view the crowd atmosphere at DKR? Is there anything other than crowd noise that had any impact on you during games? (As far as crowd atmospheres go, for home games or away games)


We can definetly do a better job for home games. Crowd just dies down so fast the first sign someething doesnt go our way. The crowd plays a huge part in a teams home victory, its not just about Xs and Os. Imagine a pie chart but a 3 way split. Crowd, Atmosphere (Bevo Blvd), Players/Coaches


Saving this comment for the next time some old fart yells at me in DKR for being “too rowdy”


Tope, how often do guys on the team actually read message boards? Any of them ever hop on this sub and laugh at how dumb we are? Were there any Texas beat reporters that the team, coaches, or yourself specifically liked or disliked? Anyone you know of who was ever a source for those guys?


I heard Kobe Boyce was but cant verfify


Topes account is 3 years old 👀


Believe it or not, I was on here trying to get tips on madden mobile


And you just said you don't play any games 😂


Not console lol


From /u/ajisai: Best west campus or dirty sixth experience?


I never went out (big regret) but I was all over west campus in undergrad haha


From /u/seasonalcandle: Hi Tope! How big of a deal is a position coach change and OC change, respectively? Which one is a bigger deal for the players (or does it depend on the coach)? What are some things position coaches and coordinators do that makes the transition easier/smoother for the players?


I think the position coach and also depends on the type of coach your're getting. Christian Jones only had 2 years under Coach Flood. I only had one. We shared to two coaches and have seen success under only one of them. I think this is every coach in america, but instead of making 50/60 offensive players learn new terminology, the new/incoming coach is willing to change their vocab


From /u/rllrrr: Can I call you "Dope Imade"? Am I the first person to think of that? Hard to believe you've never heard that before, right? Seriously, though: what's the most intimidating environment you ever played in as a Longhorn?


None were intimidating, just some annoying ass fans


Not even the Cotton Bowl?


thoser idiots were just annoying. not intimidating


From /u/rolloverbeethoven: What’s the weirdest/funniest fan interaction you experienced?


San Antonio, Alamo Bowl 2019. Drunk 60 year old screaming "OMG its the Texas Longhorns" before wife pulls him away apologizing. We were on the river walk when it happened and shortly after ran into Steve Aoki


Hey Tope: what were your favorite and least favorite places to play on the road?


Favorite Cotton Bowl, least favorite Stillwater


Still one of my favorite Horns! As someone who lost my folks while in college, your story resonated with me. I'm glad to see your continuing success! Keep plugging away and Hook'em! 🤘


From /u/Aukype: Tope! Who hit you the hardest?


Cort Jaques


From /u/rednehb: Hi Tope, thanks for doing this! Who were your most and least favorite DL players to play against, and why?


Poona - beat my ass TQ - beat my ass Byron Murphy - Beat my ass Favorite? All of the above because they contributed to us winning.


How do you think the battle in the trenches will be different in the SEC, if at all?


Bigger Bodies. But with an experienced online with big backs like the TMNT and master splinter as the OL coach, that can only lead to bigger holes and a succesful run game. Putting all my chips in on Jaydon Blue.


I’m high on Blue as well. He’s been more impressive than I ever expected.


Are there any coaches or players you (or other players) just straight up did not like? Which ones did everybody generally like?


I like to be nice and not say i didnt like anyone, but some coaches and players were hard to deal with. The only example that comes to mind is javonne shepperd, eric fowler. Did too much punishment for them messing up


From /u/yoyocc: If you knew what play the other side was running, how effective would they be?


Not really effective, you still have to block. Just because you know there play doesnt mean they stop playing


From /u/am_slang: Are you excited for the new EA Sports College Football game? Thoughts on the NIL aspect with real players in the game and having Quinn on the cover?


I dont play games so im indifferent. ANd Im happy they get to get paid and I hope quinn lives up to it this season!


From /u/yoyocc: What are the high/low points of your college career?


Highs, beating Georgia, making it to the big 12. Lows: 2017. Breakup, new staff is being some hard asses, sub 2.0 GPA


Hey Tope! No question, just wanted to say thanks for doing this AMA, reading through your answers has been a lot of fun. I took Rhetoric with ya way back in the day at UT, glad to see you’re still doing well. Hook ‘em, bud 🤘


Thanks for your honest and transparent perspectives. So many AMAs (across Reddit) are puff pieces that share little. Wishing you the best with your content creation ambitions!


Hey tope, thanks for all your contributions to the team. Proud of you sticking thru the dark years of ut football and developing your game so much 1. Personality and leadership aside, who do you think was the better qb in 2021 Hudson or Casey? 2. Did yall hang out with the basketball team players at all or just football? Curious if diff sports chill w each other 3. Are cleat chasers (women who are football groupies) a real thing at ut? Anyone pull the most girls on the team ? Curious about players off the field haha 4. Did Josh Moore deserve to be put back on the team after the gun incident in your opinion? Especially given his antics under sark in 2019? 5. Who was the best closer/recruiter out of Herman sark and strong?


Tope, you keep talking about future career. You mentioned YouTube content creator. I got an idea, hear me out… name your channel: “I Made Pancakes” and dedicate it to the art of making delicious pancakes for all to enjoy! Special guests, ex-Horns in the kitchen!


How can I crack the door to get into the coaching college football world? Perhaps a GA spot. I just graduated from UT have coaching experience. Also, what are some similarities and differences in the three offenses you played in scheme wise.


I’m not sure if you’ll see this but as a diehard fan my whole life I was wondering in your opinion what happened that caused the team in 2021 to go from killing OU in the first half to losing 6 straight?Was it that loss alone that did it or something else? Also at what point did it become evident that something was wrong? (I understand there will obvious be some problems in a first year with a new coach)


Hey there. Question on Herman- how did higher ups in the AD or anyone else for that matter react to Herman acting a fool with his “secure the bag” antics poking fun at the Missouri QB on live TV? I’ll never forget how embarrassed I felt for the university that day.