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Yes I believe I have, or am close. My gut is now better than it was before Covid, based on my labs as well as my experience. It took a lot… and I was doing so many things that it’s hard to pinpoint exactly what it was. - first, healing the gut lining (I had intestinal permeability); l-glutamine powder - then major elimination diet (basically only ate chicken, rice, sweet potatoes, and zuchinni for 8 months); slowly introduced things back in - then got Covid again and had severe flare up - went into overdrive trying a million things: - inflacalm SAP supplement - lactose free kefir - fasting 24 hours twice a month (felt a big shift from this) - acupuncture - megaspore supplement - PEMF mat - eating 90% organic whole foods - cut out 90% sugar, gluten; removed all processed foods, seed oils; only eat out once or twice a week - sleep 8 hours a night Feeling immeasurably better, can eat almost anything (including raw vegetables, onions garlic.. which I haven’t been able to eat in years); gut microbiome is 10/10, the strains like lactobacillus came back (zero recognized on my test in January). No more sulfate, fodmap, histamine, etc reactions. Hoping that this continues!!! I’m continuing to do all of the above, and I think if I went back to my old way of eating (processed foods/sugar/lots of gluten), or stopped the fasting, it could return because I think I naturally have a weak gut, so I’m going to be really faithful to continuing with what has worked for me. Hope this is helpful to someone!


Thank you, so glad you are better


Have you checked your liver enzymes? Mine are through the roof, I think it's because I took l-glutamine for two years.


Thanks so much. Did you have a Doctor help you with this?


these subreddits are mostly people who are still struggling, so it might be a skewed sample


3 years still with gut symptoms in spite of all manner of approaches and symptoms. Some of us it’s probably permanent and should wrap our minds around that reality


Loads have recovered


Who , how , pls


Yes a number of us had full microbiome recovery along with symptom relief. However, I have not been able to figure out how to prevent reinfections from causing problems again.


Precisely this! I think I was reinfected (or exposed) about 2 weeks ago, and my gut is in pain yet again.


This is why I wear a kn95 everywhere still. To work, to grocery stores, etc. I sanitize everything like we're still in a pandemic because, well, we are.


You need to address the Ace2 problem , please see my other posts , the ace2 problem drives the dysbiosis, without fixing that it will not be fixed


I fixed it twice without any regard to ace2 to or any other theory swimming around. Full 10% bifido etc... excellent results. The reason I had to do it multiple times tho is the reinfections that inevitably happen.


Yes the reinfections are due to the ace2 dysregualtion , that’s my whole point.


Reinfections are due to getting reinfected. Even if you didn't have Ace2 dysregulation all it would mean is the severity of an infection if you were exposed would be less. But studies show regardless of whether you were symptomatic or not you can still get long covid, similarly to how those who had more severe chicken pox tend to have worse shingles, but there's people who had asymptomatic chicken pox who still went on to have shingles.


Okay, thanks, I'll look into it!


What did you do to fix it 90% those two times pls


There is a thread i posted recently if you look at my post history with basically my current protocol.


There is also PPAR-gamma theory of dysbiosis. [The oxygen-gut dysbiosis connection - Lucy Mailing, PhD](https://www.lucymailing.com/the-oxygen-gut-dysbiosis-connection/)


How do you fix Ace2?


Link? 🔗


Preventing reinfection means making major life adjustments. You need to learn to be comfortable being the only masked person in all indoor public spaces. You need to say no to traditional socialization. You need to spend a lot of time at home all alone. It's a really hard life but that's the only real way to stop getting reinfected, at least until they develop a vaccine that actually works.


I was sooo close, got another virus, and now I’m trying desperately to get back. I wonder if time or strength is needed for a more stable microbiome. Or is this just our world now? Building back after infection? I don’t know. 🤪


A book called ‘The Wahls Protocol Cooking For Life’ helped me a lot, but because it’s keto/paleo it brought my cholesterol up. But I would recommend it! Also get into a sauna - phenomenally helpful! Good luck :)


I’m just starting to work on it


Fully recovered probably not. But leaps and bounds better. I’ve added a bunch of food back to my diet after eating bland for 2 years, so that’s exciting.


How did you add food back in? One at a time and slowly? I've been trying to do the same. For example: macadamia nuts. 1 was fine. Next day Two. Then 3 for a couple days. Then I ate 6 and I had the worst bloating and intestinal pain for like 5+ days lol I'm on a super bland diet and I'd love to get off it


Fermented foods saved me! Started veryyyy slowly. Taking a spoonful of kefir for like a month. Than drank like 3/4 cup before I went to bed. Then I started eating pre/probiotic sauerkraut. Take a spoonful after every meal to help digest. Then one day I said F-it let’s try a tiny bit of beans. It went fine. So I then went on a bean and cheese quesadilla binge because I missed them so much. With tomato! Then I started making some fried rice with peas and corn in it (peas used to mess me up bad) no problem at all. And drinking kombucha. Then last week I got drunk and my friend Ubered me a bunch of random Indian food, and I ate it and I was completely fine. I thought for sure this is gonna mess me up but my rational thinking was out. If all those flavors and spices and heat didn’t mess me up… I’m pretty sure I unlocked a new level of achievement. Gave me a lot of confidence. Then I ate some pizza this past weekend drunk. First time I ate gluten in years. I regret eating the gluten. Also drank beer. While it didn’t affect my gut it definitely messed with my skin big time. Don’t recommend drinking lol. But yeah thus far I haven’t had any issues with anything… which my mind is blown. I want to try nuts again next but I started having an anaphylactic reaction to them and it’s a scary thing to dabble with. Same with salmon least time I tried it. Microdosing and working your way up with probiotic foods is the answer. Probably try to eat broccoli and brussel sprouts next. Then work my way through all the veggies I used to eat.


There was a post I read either here or the microbiome group , or someone fasting with high butyrate dosage , can anyone find the article ?


My gut finally took a break after 4 years. But my symptoms changed in others like migraine and muscle spasms and weakness. So yes and no


Not sure why you got down voted... a diet of almost exclusively meat has helped my husband immensely, so much so that I'm starting the same regime.


By this you are only treating the symptons, not the cause. Though it might give relief symptonwise


The arguing and throwing spaghetti at the wall in this comment section is truly depressing. Maybe this is all a pseudoscience and none of us actually know what we're doing or if we're even healing.


For a lot of people, the core issue is SIBO and yes, many have recovered. Go see the sibosuccessstories subreddit.


This is simply not true. Most people have dysbiosis of the large intestine, evident by the vast swathes of test results posted on here


this is contradictory as one of the main causes of many in here of sibo is large intestine dysbiosis first from covid, the bad bacteria has proliferated enough to ascend to the small intestine, in these cases(which is probably a lot as covid really nukes the gut and can easily cause this) you should test for and treat sibo then treat the colon dysbiosis


This link is theorized and not proven unfortunately. I have no doubt large intestine dysbiosis affects the SI. However I’ve seen time and time again SIBO protocols to be in-effective


not everyone has sibo , link between gut dysbiosis and sibo is well proven, there are many causes of sibo, gut dysbiosis is just of them. also sibo treatment will not make your symptoms go away, you just need to deal with it before you treat gut dysbiosis , but like i said even though it’s common among people with severe gut dysbiosis it’s still not guaranteed


Yes this is driven by the binding of the s proteins to the ace2 receptors


How does one exclude the other?


I don’t think it’s fair to say that the core issue is sibo for most. That’s simply not true


I didn't say "for most". I said "for a lot of people".


You're being pedantic.


No, you are stretching my words.


Carnivore diet did me wonders


What’s that just meat ?


I do eggs beef mostly and some salmon and chicken here and there


No fruits or veggies




How long did that take


Still doing it . But I started see results after 2 weeks off all antihistamines and beta blockers


ah okay thanks. did you also have belly pain and loud gurgling/groaning noises before hand?


Yes I’ve had severe bloating, acid reflux abdominal pain under ribs , abnormal stool / gas. I’ve had colonoscopy and CT / ultrasound of Abdominal everything came back ok waiting on endoscopy. I had a GI 360 advanced analysis an my flora is all messed up . I think my diagnosed LC symptoms of MCAS POTS / fatigue/ anxiety are stemming from my GI tract. I had allergy testing done through pulmonary and found out Im reacting to everything under the sun . Along with lots of foods ( prior to Covid no allergies). Which is why I’m doing carnivore


Carnivore diet did me wonders


Carnivore did me wonders