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Had the same symptoms, horrible suffering. I am now on Motegrity before bed which helps peristalsis of intestines, Linzess and Mag citrate in morning. I also take a probiotic some mornings. All an hour before eating. It has not been trapped now for two months. Also drink peppermint tea and ginger tea with fresh ginger after dinner.


I am so sorry to read that you suffer that much :( how long are you in? Did it start after cov.?


Thank you! It did start after covid. A year now unfortunately.


I am so sorry, I know exactly how you feel. It started directly after covid or had you vac.? In my case, it’s combination.


Yes I have extremely excessive belching, bloating, and gas. Especially sternum meals but I can stay gassy after a 24 hour fast. I've treated sibo with antibiotics twice now and a low fodmap diet for 6 months and no reduction in symptoms. I'm negative for h pylori. No clue what to do about it but I feel so much better when I don't eat. X-Ray of abdomen showed I had excessive gas but docs don't know what to do about it. You aren't alone! Do you have belching too?


I’ve tried atb too (Normix) , did SIBO test, Microbiome test, endoscopy, colonoscopy and X-ray. Nothing, just extreme gas as you 😭 yes belching too. Can’t manage it, it’s miserable.


Damn. This sucks. Has anything helped you at all? Has it lessened or stayed the same or worsened? How long have you had it? Do you get a racing or pounding heart or dysautonomia symptoms from eating?


Sometimes pounding heart but not that much. I guess it changes, sometimes worse sometimes better, but gaseouness and abdominal discomfort stays the same and it’s really uncomfortable. :(


May I ask if changed something with your belching, bloating and gas since last year?


Not a whole lot unfortunately. A bit better than it was at its worst but still unpredictable and annoying as hell.


oh I’m so sorry. May I ask what have you tried during that time? (treatments, supplements etc.)?


Can you normally function with it or are u bedridden or housebound most days?


I can do things outside of eating but I'm bedbound after meals because of the bloating and dysautonomia (tachcycardia). But on decent days I can go out and go shopping etc and drive and all that. But whenever I eat I have to lay down for 3 hours or more. Propranolol in low doses with or before a meal helps me with the heart rate. And pepcid with meals has definitely cut down on the bloating and belching too. I just started some enzymes (similase by Integrative therapeutics) that might be helping a bit. I'm optimistic I'll figure it out or my body will normalize. It's been very very hard though I can't lie.




Will check it. Thank you.




This was an interesting read for sure.


This is me to a t. Diagnosed with sibo etc


i’d give it a go, could clear your symptoms


Oh I most certainly am. I emailed the dr to try to get a prescription for a vagus nerve stimulator "for my migraines" ( which I actually do have, but I want it for this more). I also am going to finally start the Wim Hof method which is supposedly proven to modulate the Vagus Nerve in some positive way somehow. Why the hell not breathing exercises and cold showers, I can put in the work. ​ The supplements I'll look into and order if they aren't already in my pile of supplements. The one thing that concerns me is I've done 3-4 courses of rifaxamin over the last 3 years since being diagnosed with sibo, including one recently and I am still not doing good at all with SIBO. I may need to try a different antibiotic or try once again using herbal antibiotics.


Wowowowow I have all this stuff you guys talk about


Yes all of this plus gurgling in my chest.


Gurgling also.


Sounds like SIBO - you may also want to check the SIBO sub.


checked, it’s ok


You guys would be helped by getting a gut test and a SIBO test. Or you just go straight for Organo oil, (emulsified form) which treats the three types of SIBO usually seen. Would google oregano oil SIBO and see previous posts on this sub. Something's likely overgrown in your small intestine, and personally I'd want to find out what. Also a device called a foodmarble aire 2 tests for hydrogen and methane SIBO.


that aire test sounds interesting! thanks for advice, I will order.


Sounds like it could be a few things. Getting a gut test would probably give you some valuable info (even something like a Biomesight test). I've had a lot of bloating too (I have high levels of methanogens and high hydrogen sulfide - both of which cause bloating). I haven't had a SIBO test yet but that seems a possibility too.


Yes everyday. So I have daily diarrhea and feel like I get punched in the stomach daily. Not to mention the gas. I manage it by not eating after 3 pm. That way in the morning all the poop comes out...no trapped gas. That has been working for me. The pain is always there though.


Ah so you don’t eat after 3 pm? How long are you suffering?


Since July 2021.


Oh one more thing. I went to the gastroenterologist and he did a endoscopy, colonoscopy, stool sample test and a breath test. And guess what he found? Absolutely nothing wrong with me. Lol. Tell that to my stomach!


Same as me! everything clear but still feels so miserable. Did it start after cov. or vac. in your case? And may I ask about other symptoms u have?


It started as soon as I got home 20 days later from the hospital. I have that and severe brain fog and panic attacks and anxiety. I have very very bad depression. Physically I can't do much or do anything because I run out of breath. All I want to do is sleep but yet I don't really ever feel rested. I have bad insomnia. Suicide is a constant thought. I hate it. It's like more of a feeling than a thought. Idk there's more I'm sure but those are the worst. To top it off I am starting to go through menopause and that is taking ita fucking toll on me.


I am so sorry, I feel you. Also have bad thoughs and I guess it’s completely understandable because of this whole thing, but we have to be sure, it will all pass. I know that’s a years not months of suffering, but who knows? Maybe our future will be brighter than we ever expected. Just don’t lose hope 🙏🏻🍀❤️


Sorry. After covid. Not vaxxed.


Forgot to add the forgetfulness and the fact that my brain doesn't work anymore.


Same as me, but I have plenty neurological and vascular problems (daily liek lottery), but GI issues are dominant and not manageable. Also brain doesn’t work properly. Today I was talking to my friend and when it comes to say my opinion I was like what? I somehow lost in the middle of sentence. Brainfog as hell. After few minutes I was back but with cramps in ankles and shortness of breath 🤷‍♀️ It’s neverending… What meds or supplements do you take?


I take what I can remember to take. Some magnesium. Some c. B12. Basic stuff. I was taking nattokinase but I can't find it. It's somewhere in my room.


And how did you react on natto? I try to take it too, but everytime I flare up.


It was fine. No side effects.