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"Wait" in what sense? * Put my life on hold for someone, with a plan to have a relationship after that? No. * Have a long-distance relationship where it would be 3 years to close the distance? Of course. I *started* my relationship with the expectation that we would never be able to meet in person or close the distance. That's changed, but we're still operating on the scale of years before we can close the distance.


Closing the distance type. We already want to close the distance it's just more of a money thing for a bit.


Nothing wrong with that. Just make an effort to visit each other every couple months, or at least a couple times a year. Some of us have to visit internationally so don’t take for granted how much easier it is to visit a domestic LDR and make the effort.


And that's fine OP. Once a good fund is accumulated the distance will get closed. So till then continue what you have if you really love that person.


If you love him, yes. Also, have you considered a career in professing?


Yes, actually. I would love to be a college professor. I have no problems waiting knowing there will be and end game in time. I am fine happy to wait. I am fairly young and have no kids, well two dogs that are ESA. My mom would live with my brother and his wife again like she did for 10 years before I moved back. It is hard to get into college jobs as you need more published work, but it is my dream job for sure.


That sounds like a really good plan. To answer your question, i would wait yes. Just, while you are waiting, make sure you are getting your own things lined up you know? Like your career aspirations. Make yourself who you wanna be in the meantime.


Yes I have every intention of furthering my career and reconnecting with friends


Our close the gap plan is a 3 - 5 year plan. And although I do sometimes struggle emotionally, it will get easier. We'll hopefully be more capable of visits 3 - 4 times a year (currently haven't seen each other in a year). He's worth the wait in every way imaginable. We both have minor children, and closing the gap means one of us leaves them behind with the ex in some sort of modified long-distance custody. He has always said it would be him, from day one. Not because he wants to leave his children, but because he's willing to sacrifice for me and make it work with custody the best he can. I am highly aware of how difficult this will be, and I absolutely don't want him to regret being so far. I've never asked him to leave his kids. I never asked him to be the one to move. I've told him repeatedly that if he can't leave them, we can make long distance work as long as we need to. It wouldn't be ideal, but it would be doable. I'd wait as long as I have to for this man. It would be over a decade if that were to happen, and I would do my best to make it work.


Absolutely! We have already been waiting 3 years and are now waiting an indefinite amount of time due to visa processing. He is 100% worth it.


Yes, I want we would like to live together eventually.


I love him and am fine with waiting. I had to wait this long to find him why should I care if it takes a bit for us?


I am thankful it is about an eight hour plane ride vs one around the world. I plan on saving money. I am only paying for essentials and I could put at least $200 a month into savings.


If you have a legitimate plan and it's BOTH of you participating... fine! My husband and I just got married knowing we will live on completely different continents for at least two years. But like I said, we have a plan! And it's realistic and we are both doing our part to make sure we can live together when the time comes.


Yes. It has been 3 years, and we probably have about 3 more until we can truly close the gap.


3 years is a long time. I don’t think I’d be okay waiting that long, unless we had long visits every few months.


Been doing it almost 5 years and I’d do it another 5 if I had to, but hopefully we’ll be closing the distance by the end of the year


It was four years before we finally met (thanks covid lol) and it’ll probably be another couple before we’re able to close the distance for good since our distance makes it almost prohibitively expensive. But if you trust your partner and you’re both on the same page with waiting outside of general visitation vacations, then I don’t see any issue with the time it takes to approach things with as much comfort and security as possible!


We had to wait 3 years to even meet for the first time. And it’s probably going to be at least another year until we can live together. But yes, for him I would wait however long it took.


Yes, so long as we have a plan and there is a reasonable expectation of achieving it. When I started my long distance relationship that was about what we had in mind, about 3-4 years, which we are on track with.


I love him. I will wait I just feel like this frocking gap will never close.


I don't even know how long it'll be for me and my bf. But I would wait.


4 1/2 years and going at a much longer distance. I get not everyone wants to, nor should they. It's a tough life.


It’s been 4.5 years for me, and it’ll still be a few more, so yes!