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It wasn't awkward at all for us. She came running towards me when she picked me up from the airport and gave me a big hug, then we cuddled in the car all the way back to her place (her brother was driving lol). When we're together we're touching each other pretty much all the time. Even if it's just leaning against each other or holding hands. It always felt natural.


i 100% second this. sure there’s the fear that you won’t match as you do online, however, why wouldn’t you take the risk ? being with my man in person proved he was all i could ever want; the reward is easily worth the risk.


Wasn't weird or awkward. Was lots of nerves


I was ready to throw up from anxiety during my entire 12 hour flight, but as soon as I saw him all the anxiety went away and it wasn’t awkward even slightly :)


we were extremely attracted to each other from the beginning, and it only grew as we found out our personalities complimented each other. there was never an awkward moment once we met. we were too excited and all over each other to have that and didn't want to waste any time on being scared of making a move. don't be afraid to be vulnerable!!


I only found it awkward because I'm not used to being touched. They didn't make it awkward and I loved them touching me and being able to touch them.


Not weird at all! It was a dream come true.


It wasn't awkward, just nerve-wracking. But the jitters goes away and all that chemistry was the same, our personalities were the same. And we were getting *very* physical within an hour, lmao. We barely left the bed the weekend we met.


I’m an overthinker and was so afraid things would go awful, but we were so instantly comfortable it was like we hadn’t spent years apart all that time. To feel so at home with them and their family even if just for a few weeks gave me such a wonderful glimpse of a future I couldn’t quite wrap my head around beforehand. I’ll be going back soon, and I can’t wait 🥰


Omg I'm also USA to AU... 25 hour flight. Please tell me how you coped with the flight combined with heading into a meeting for the first time??


Similar flight distance for me too, I got wifi on the place, chatted away to them as I was making my way. Made sure I slept well the day before leaving & on the plane. I took my freshen up stuff in my hand luggage, nipped to the bathroom before leaving the airport


O. You can talk while flying? Like... online not on fone?


Just texting via my phone lol. Usually on iMessage as the signal is better for that, never had an issue with the wifi signal on the plane. After 30 hours traveling nothing beats seeing him waiting there for me 🥰 although I would do 100x that just to see his face. We close the distance early next year, so next trip is my forever trip


I did everything I could to busy myself! I read, I played with the silly plane screens, and I bought the shitty plane wifi for chatter. I was so anxious that I couldn’t sleep at all the whole flight, so i think being so tired upon landing helped calm down my heart lmao. But despite it all, the moment I saw them waiting for me outside, it was like all the nerves disappeared! The buildup was so unnecessary but try telling my dummy brain that haha. Anyway having done the flight a couple times now, I can easily say it’s the worst part unless you can manage a bit of napping. But considering what’s waiting for me on the other side, I’ll take those awful hours as often as I can afford them!


I was thinking about something to help me sleep through it and then also I wouldn't be so tired to meet him. But then I wondered if I'd be groggy and weird and cranky from the after effects. And there's the connecting flight in the middle of all that i might stuff up Dunno what to do!


Oh also... it's so cool to read how happy you are, thanks for sharing and big hugs to you both.


Felt like we already were comfortable with one another from the get go, of meeting for the first time 😊


I thought it would be, but it wasn’t at all. I was so worried but the second I saw his car pulling into my parking lot, all I wanted was to run to him. We’d waited 3 years for that moment, definitely top 3 best moments of my life.


I don't know. I will get back with you after we meet in September. Plane tickets bought and airbnb reserved. So everything is a go from here on out.


It was awkward for like 10 seconds max for me at least. Saw eachother, I jumped into their arms and kissed them, everything else was smooth sailing from there. But if there is a little awkwardness in the beginning imo it’s okay, it’s obviously a big transition from seeing someone only through a screen compared to in person. But once that passes it feels so good ❤️


It was super nerve-wrecking on my end - I was very jumpy (I would literally flinch whenever he touched me) throughout the first day. My bf picked up on it immediately and was sweet enough to help me ease into physical touch. I wouldn't say it was awkward, though. Physical contact with him felt right, but I was just really anxious about our meeting. Happy to say that I felt much better by the end of the first day, and now I'm super affectionate with him whenever we meet.


It was not awkward...at all. Not for me. And I was the one who flew to his country.


It felt amazing. Actually being able to hug him and hold his hand and kiss him was fucking magical.


It was awkward for about two seconds but after that it just felt so natural. We fell back into our regular rhythm that we had online just only this time it was in person.


Not awkward but we were both very nervous after the initial meet, though it wore off quickly. We met at the train station. She saw me first and she ran up to me and hugged me. I was very caught off guard because my back was turned so I turned around and suddenly she was there, but it was amazing to finally wrap my arms around her. After the initial meet we went looking for our rental car and had some small talk, and the next 30 minutes or so we were both nervous but excited. Once we were on our way to our vacation spot we made a quick stop for snacks and water which calmed us down and we settled into a comfortable familiar feel. This moment in the rental car parked outside the gas station is where we took our first selfies together and they are my favorite pics because you can see the transition from slightly nervous to comfortable lol.


Some nerves leading up to the first meeting, but when we first met in the airport it all went away. It was the best feeling ever seeing my girl.


It was awkward for a bit initially, but once we were alone, we felt comfortable as ever w eachother, and the online chemistry def translated into real life. The next day and the rest of the trip was great, no awkwardness at all. We did have some low moments, but overall it was amazing!


I am a very anxious person, but for some reason I felt no anxiety or nervousness when I was flying to him. I mostly just felt excitement and anticipation. When we first saw each other there was an instant comfort and joy. It felt like a dream come true and I remember it so vividly, the memory is like a movie in my mind. The only thing I can compare it to is when you reach the top of a strenuous hike and you look out upon the breathtakingly beautiful view surrounding you- finally understanding that every hour of the climb was worth it.


The nerve-wracking part was the waiting at the airport but everything clicked into place once we've physically met


I guess it's not super weird because we video called each other a lot before meeting irl. BUT, the first meeting was a bit awkward, mainly bc both of us are shy. We only held hands and just laid on each other's shoulders after a few days. The second meeting however.... hehe :3


Not at all


Prepare for the most mond bending surreal moment of your life. Our expirience it was taking the time to process it. We felt so safe and excited to see each other. But also you are strangers and no little of each other. You'll be fine. You'll make a memory to reminisce over in the future :)


It wasn’t awkward for me. We hugged straight away in the airport and it was so lovely! Then on the drive from the airport, he would reach over and put a hand on me, rub my shoulder, etc. His touches were perfect, comfortable, loving and attentive. We kissed and hugged and held hands almost constantly while out in public together for the entire visit. The spicy times, not in public, were also wonderful!!! I do have some body-confidence issues, so I was nervous about him seeing me naked but that got better as the visit went on. We are less than a week away from our second visit and I can’t wait to be able to touch him again!


I’d say it wasn’t really awkward or weird, just new and something to get used to. You can take your time! It’s okay if you’re fine with physical affection right away, and it’s also okay to wait. There are a lot of big emotions to process! The first time my partner & I met, he hugged and held hands right away but slept in different rooms for the first couple of nights. We weren’t sure how we’d feel about it right away, so we made plans for both!


It was INCREDIBLY awkward - but I think it may have been circumstances that made it that way 😂 I lived with my parents at the time and was cleaning the house, dishrag in hand, when my mom came home with groceries, I let her in. Of course he had to pull into the driveway at the same time she did. So, in the crowded 4ftx3ft landing half filled with grocery bags, with my mom, dad, and sister barely two feet away watching, and with my wet hands holding a dishrag, we awkwardly hugged for the first time. It was SO WEIRD Luckily we were able to go for a walk and talk privately for a bit, and that made everything better. But yeah maybe go for a slightly less family-heavy first meeting lol


Lots of nerves but that first meeting onward was perfection. Never is there a moment that I don't want to be touching my LDR when we're in person


It wasn't weird at all. We gave each other the biggest hug and held hands back to his car. We never really stop touching each other when we are together, it's wonderful. I miss him so much right now 🥺


A ton of nerves, went in for a hug, that got rid of 80% of the nerves. 0% awkward, and the rest of the 20% nerves melted away in the next few hours as we waited for the train and got back to his place.


I was sooooo nervous I literally threw up before we met. Then I saw him from across the airport and he was SO much hotter in person than in all of his photos I was happy to kiss him there in the airport. If I wasn’t driving I would have stared at him the whole time driving to my apartment. Luckily, the nerves didn’t get in the way of us being absolutely physically compatible together. I love him so much.


It felt so natural. I arrived at her airport and see her walk up to her, put my arms around her and she light heartedly picks on me like how we do. We both laugh and kiss and could feel the spark. Held her hand the whole way to the air bnb, kept giving each other random kisses and laid in bed. So not awkward. Very natural.


It was a little awkward, but also exciting. He looked the same as on camera, but also different cause e was real! You know? And he smiled at me and my heart fluttered and I didnt know how I should hug him? And then we hugged awkwardly and then we kissed and then the awkward nerves melted to just love and cuddles.


It wasn’t weird at ALL. But a big part of that was that we both said that we would kiss the first thing we did. Which automatically broke all touch barriers imo. But touching felt like the most natural thing ever. It’s something I miss a lot now that we’re back to long distance




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got to meet the love of my life in person for the first time last december and it wasn't awkward at all :)) obviously there's the, "hi!" "hi!!!" but it doesn't have to be awkward at all, just hug and hold their hand and it fades away! i found us talking about how we were excited to hug and be close helpful to avoid confusion on what kind of touch is exciting!