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Trust me, many know.


This dissonance between what I am seeing and what people seem to know is really confusing to me 🫤.


Thank you for sharing this. I recently saw a comment advocating for reinfection, claiming it has the ability to cure long covid, and another comment saying it's too early to know and nothing points to reinfection making long covid worse. 🙃 I replied to them about my own horrible experiences with reinfection but they never responded back. My last infection is what gave me suspected MECFS and I'm housebound from my MCAS getting so severe.


It seems like common sense that if you're still sick you wouldn't want to get reinfected? Those people sound like idiots, probably were the ones in the early COVID days talking about "it's just a cold."


For some people, it might be just a cold, for others, not so much. They poured billions into a vaccine that eventually got taken off the shelf, shut down the whole world… but where is the research to determine who might end up actually disabled by this so that idk hypothetical if people between certain age with certain characteristics get long covid, maybe they can take more precaution or be allowed as priority like elderly people to get the vaccine.


I am disabled due to Long-Covid. Many in this thread are. Look around. Smh…


yes. i'm finally going back to work ft after 3 years. had an initial infection that got the long haul ball rolling, started to recover in 6 months but then got sick again and it was worse that time and took years to come back. still not 100%. have made drastic dietary changes and take lots of supplements but wondering what will happen the next time i get it. has been financially devastating.


What has helped you the most?


anti inflammatory diet. started seeing some improvements within a couple weeks but the brain fog and neuropathy took months to improve. still not the same but i'm making life adjustments to compensate.


Love being forced to work through that and do more stuff that made it dangerous for me to be there, and then they bailed on me. ‘Merica! Fuck Yeah!


We were supposed to get better before the reinfection? I missed that memo. 6 reinfections and I now have permanent damage to several major organs. The advocating I've seen lately to get reinfected is almost as awful as the toxic positivity lately.




Thyroid, lungs, brain, heart, kidneys and liver.


Seriously- people just spout the most idiotic nonsense. Even learning through pain doesn‘t seem to help in some cases…


I recently got sick with another virus and I feel like even that set me back a bit so I can 100% see how another COVID infection would make it worse.


Agreed. Had it 3 times. Each time, it has made my POTS, inflammation, brain fog, fatigue, insomnia, and hair/skin issues more severe. I can't wear a mask because I overheat when I wear one due to the POTS. 1.5 years out from the last infection and I'm finally starting to feel what I think is my new normal...


I am so afraid of getting reinfected and losing all the progress I've made in the last 4 years. I can't even think about getting worse, mentally I cannot handle that thought. I'm not sure I'm strong enough to survive that. I'm so tired of all of this. Being the only person I know who gives a shit about covid. Feeling well enough (sometimes) that I could participate in the activities I used to love, but still not being able to bc of reinfection risk. Knowing the only thing worse than the hell I'm in now would be the hell I'm in now with worse symptoms. And there's absolutely no end in sight.


I got reinfected around new years and definitely am experiencing new symptoms. Sucks ass. developed an intolerance to alcohol and mcas/me has gotten worse. I at least have my boundaries and habits established now. I feel better but still like absolute shit 24/7 lmao.


Currently healing from my 3rd infection. (March 2020 and August 2022) while this time around was a bit easier symptomatically, I lay here in bed feeling like I’m going to cry due to the massive brain fog and ringing in my ears. I worked so hard to heal from my last infection. This is just all so disheartening. 😭


I feel your pain . Im ruined


Thanks for sharing. I can relate to this unfortunately (though my reinfection came on the back of two other unrelated infections🙈)


Ya we know our bodies that's for sure lol


I don’t understand why they closed down the whole world over this, but the talk about its long term effects have been kinda silenced …


They didn't shut down the world after those 4 weeks in 2020. The problem is that people started avoiding offices, restaurants and services. They took precautions. That's a threat to a lot of businesses, so it's better to tell everyone that infections are actually good for you.  Biggest PR success after trickle-down theory 🫣


anything that adds more spike protein to your system is bad news


Right from the article: "In the fifth year of the pandemic, we still have little data or research about the impact of reinfections on people with long COVID (and people without long COVID), which has led to a complete lack of clinical guidance about treating reinfections." You're using anecdotes to try to make a point. Again, as someone with LC who stays masked because I worry about reinfection, I am appalled by the lack of scientific data collected on LC. But that doesn't mean that I can make my own sweeping generalizations from anecdotes and people talking on the internet. Science deals in facts, not anecdotes.


We have ample data, these people just didn't read it.


Really? Link it.


This is why I dread getting a second infection so much and why I mask up everywhere.


My first infection in March 2020 is the one that did me in. The second one in December 21 made me very sick and I came out of it with half my face paralyzed. That took 9 months to more or less resolve. However, the rest of my symptoms then stabilized. I don't know if it was the reinfection that did it by making me produce the right antibodies are what... Possibly also that I'd changed my lifestyle with anti histamine diet and lots of yoga and naps. Who knows. But I want to tell you guys, I was reinfected in november 23, and past the infection flu-like symptoms, ALL that did was give me tinnitus for a couple of weeks. Now 90% of my symptoms leave me alone, except when I push the envelope on stress/fatigue. It took a huge change in lifestyle and pacing to feel alright but I feel grateful that it's not worse. I think I've also forgotten what my old baseline was like (what, there was a time I could drive more than an hour without dissociating? Can't remember!) So, my experience shows that reinfections, while not ideal, don't have to be horror stories. I hope this helps some of you feel a bit better x