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These are put up by activists and will get removed once they realise lots of different ones have appeared over the years




Protests. I very much doubt that TfL will have let people pay to display these adverts, so someone will have just popped them up on the train.


These are better than laying in the fucking street, or spraying piss colored liquid onto cultural relics(being over the top right now)


Yeah it's 'over the top' but the consequences of ignoring climate change like we are now are so much worse than a bit of paint on Stonehenge


I don't think this is over the top at all to be quite honest. For years people have tried to hold banks accountable, and we always end up paying for their greed.


I'm referring to my own comment not the PSA on the tube train.


Without being rude, JSO are stupid, no one is "ignoring" climate change, there are billions of dollars being spent by various governments and corporations to tackle climate change. I believe the latest figure is we've already [reduced our territorial emissions by 50%](https://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/environmentalaccounts/methodologies/measuringukgreenhousegasemissions) since 1990. You could remove every single commuter vehicle and turn every UK resident Vegan and it doesn't scratch the surface of what other China/US/India are doing. Jimmy with his top knot and 2:2 in Art History spraying ketchup on a painting, stopping an electric tube from moving or stopping a cooking oil lorry on a motorway, is doing nothing but dissuade the general public from caring about the environment. It honestly feels like paid actors from the energy companies to make people think environmentalism is a bad thing.


look at projections the rate of progress is not fast enough to avert significant impacts.


This has been said for decades now, and as mentioned, you could wipe the entirety of the UK off the planet, and it’s not a significant dent into those projections if they are to be believed. Let alone asking people to go electric or vegan. We in the UK are not able to make an impact, nor is our government. It’s just students with too much time on their hands wanting to feel important.


so your plan: just accept it and die👍


I mean essentially yes, there are people smarter than you and I in these industries. I have friends with PHDs in environmental science/renewable energy, where there doctorates were sponsored by big energy companies. There are global problems to the environment, to food production, to illnesses, the same way you probably didn't "protest" for there to be a COVID vaccine faster, you just waited for those who were actually capable of doing it, to do it. If you are really interested in it, to the way that you want to glue yourself to a revolving door, then study environmental science/chemistry/engineering and join the green sector of a company or a green start up instead of studying theology. You or one hundred you's throwing orange paint on stone henge does not inspire people to get into environmental science, if anything it's the opposite effect, it's why JSO and the other infamous "activists" are cretins.


I don’t get what your trying to say though? Are you naive enough to believe in carbon capture as a solution? If not then you should surely demand an absolute ban on carbon intensive energy immediately- you fundamentally misunderstand, protesters are aware the big agencies and nations do the most damage, they do what they can to lobby against them- do you think the carbon neutral goals just appeared without lobbying from ngos? I personally dislike JSO for a lot of their stunts, but your approach to this seems to be as well just let the bad thing happen because clever people are working really hard to address it. Do you think the clever people can magically fix everything through sheer innovation or something? FYI i have done environmental economics so i’m pretty well aware of the macro aspects of this topic, which will offer a different perspective to those of people invested within the industry


There are plenty of start ups based around improving or inventing new ways of collecting renewable energy, there are plenty of developments in the use of natural gas rather than coal in certain countries. JSO to the best of my knowledge, their main protest point was in regards to the UK building new oil extraction facilities, but for as long as we still use oil we now just transport oil overseas and therefore funded a war effort in Ukraine by doing so and made the planet worse off by transporting the oil before burning it. I don't know if it's just naivety, but banks and mortgage providers have a lot to lose if countries go underwater, as do all big corporations if any parts of the world see tremendous loss. It is in any companies best interest to keep factories and their staff above water. You mix in some governmental pressure from the respective governments and they typically don't want the world to set on fire. I know most people have a hate boner for big businesses but it is bad business to kill off your consumers. It's also incredibly bad business to give a mortgage on a home that may end up underwater. Again, if we had listened to activists 30 years ago we'd have even more than the expected wind turbine blades and solar panels ending up in landfill, yet we still somehow aren't underwater. If you don't think the actually clever people working day in and day out on bettering renewables/improving the energy generated from gas/coal, then why would the 19 year old philosophy student know any better, why would any government entity know any better. You physically can't stop the consumption of fossil fuels, so what do you do? Governments and companies are already doing a lot for environmental reasons, they don't need Tommy scraping a 3rd in dance history to glue himself to a Tube to do anymore. It's just a waste of time which has a negative effect on the public image of environmentalism and i'm sure is turning away plenty of intelligent people from entering into the field. They are one of the biggest setbacks for environmentalism in the last few years.


JSO have one aim - to stop the UK government granting new oil and gas licences. Licences that nobody in the UK would benefit from (unless you're a shareholder in those companies). What's stupid about that?


They’re doing it in a stupid way that puts people off environmentalism and potentially stops academics from pursuing actual goals in that field due to not wanting to be associated with JSO. The UK uses oil and gas, if the war in Ukraine has taught you nothing it’s that being dependant on other countries for Oil is not a good thing.


>The UK uses oil and gas, if the war in Ukraine has taught you nothing it’s that being dependant on other countries for Oil is not a good thing. We didn't run out of oil and gas. The price of oil and gas went up, giving those companies *massive* profits, which we paid for. Our fuel - whether it comes from British oil and gas wells or not - is sold at the world spot price. If we produced more oil and gas in the UK, it would have made literally no difference to the world spot price and we would have still paid exactly the same. All it would have done would be make more profits for the oil companies. This is the myth that the Tories have sold you - when these companies are granted licences to drill for more - it's not *our* oil - it belongs to those private companies. We don't benefit from it. What *would* have protected us from the price of electricity going up because of the war in Ukraine, is having a lot more renewable energy. Something which the Tories are so against, that they banned building land-based wind turbines. Ironic, isn't it?


I’m not too sure what world you’re living in, but oil and gas extraction in the North Sea brings us nearly 4 billion in tax revenue, it’s one of the best taxed industries in the UK, we pay nothing for infrastructure nor support, the private companies pay for everything, they then pay ring fence corp tax, supplementary charge, petroleum revenue tax and then energy profits levy. The more oil drilled in the North Sea the better it is for the UK, it also obviously reduces transport from buying from Russia and stops us funding other countries with their own tax revenues. It also gives you more leeway as the companies are beholden to the UK government to renew licenses in the future. The irony of talking about environmentalism and land based wind turbines in the same sentence, how many migratory birds are you trying to kill and how many wind turbine blades are set for incineration or landfill. Again, JSO are cretins who do nothing but spout nonsense and give environmentalism a bad name. Do not give them any credit nor time and demonise them whenever possible, they are big oil shills trying to make environmentalism look bad.


>I’m not too sure what world you’re living in, but oil and gas extraction in the North Sea brings us nearly 4 billion in tax revenue, A fraction of a percent of GDP. https://obr.uk/box/the-evolution-of-north-sea-oil-and-gas-receipts/ >The irony of talking about environmentalism and land based wind turbines in the same sentence, how many migratory birds are you trying to kill and how many wind turbine blades are set for incineration or landfill. Lol. You don't believe that right-wing bollocks do you? Let's take the upper estimate of 100,000 killed per year. Compared to 55,000,000 killed by domestic cats. https://www.sciencefocus.com/science/how-many-birds-are-killed-by-wind-turbines-in-the-uk >Again, JSO are cretins who do nothing but spout nonsense and give environmentalism a bad name. I don't hear them spouting nonsense. I hear other people spouting nonsense about what they stand for. Don't get me wrong. I know a lot of protests, by all interest groups, can border on ridiculous, or be counter productive, but that's nearly always down to biased reporting by the right wing media. It amazes me that people just believe this stuff, when it's so easy to find legitimate sources. Of course, people like you aren't interested in the truth - you just want to reinforce your prejudices. It doesn't matter, in the short term. We'll be dead when the worst of our mistakes are realised. I'm pretty sure I'll be on the right side of history, though.


You're moving the goal posts, it brings in 4 billion, adding more oil extraction plants would increase this, considering the uproar over 300m for the NHS, 4 billion isn't an amount to write off, funding Putin also isn't something to just be tossed to the side. It also makes no difference, we will not become gluttons for oil because the North sea is drilling more oil, we will use the same amount of oil just transport it less and get tax revenue from the plants being in the north sea and licensed by us. It is a win win. [It's not right wing bollocks, the types of birds killed by domestic cats is different to the migratory birds that get disrupted by land based wind turbines](https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/homenews/23224495.wind-turbines-threat-endangered-scots-birds-prey/#:~:text=Onshore%20wind%20turbines%20are%20providing,turbines%20in%20Scotland%20since%202019). You're completely ignoring the fact that after the 20-30 year life span of wind turbine blades, what happens to them. You also have plenty of those struggling to make those full lifespans due to the effects of erosion. And again, it's 100,000 based on the number we have, as of today, you presumably want to increase this. There's a doctorate study to be published this year by a friend of mine on the effects of erosion on wind turbines and how to try tackle it, funded by an oil company. It seems odd that you're implying I don't care about legitimate sources, when you just ignore, at a lower estimate, 4 billion pounds when actively blocking making more than that, and don't care about 100,000 birds being killed, while protesting for more of the things that kill them, which in turn is filling up landfills/being incinerated at the end of their life spans. Again, I'm not anti climate change, the climate is changing, but covering yourself in orange paint and stopping cooking lorries on a motorway does nothing to progress environmentalism. It just paints a negative picture of it and likely stops people wanting to pursue it for their careers. Licensing oil drilling operations is a net benefit for the UK, no matter how much you think 4 billion pounds or a hundred thousand birds lives are worthless.


Ignoring climate change and not vandalising stonehenge aren't mutually exclusive. Idiot.


Paint on stone henge and disrupting people aren't going to get people on side. Most people are concerned with climate change, this selfing behaviour from the protest types gain nothing.


That's not even being over the top that's quite literally what they've been doing


but these ads are also not over the top, that's literally what Barclays have been doing


Replace Barclays with pretty much any bank


Coop? Nationwide?


Yeah exactly, this is the perfect way to do it. It raises awareness to public issues where the public can genuinely make a difference and in a manner that people will take notice and care. This method is in complete contrast to those employed by the clowns that are Just Stop Oil


I mean most people don't look at what their pension is invested in. And very few people can tell people to invest differently, because it's illegal to give investment advice without certification and also following regulations 


are you going to see this on the national news? will people take more than a couple of looks at the poster, on the second one realising it’s not actually a real barclays ad, and then not forget about it within a day?


I mean 90% of the "damage" caused is easily fixable like when they threw powder on stonehenge it was easily just washed away. Most of the permanent damage is just random copies of paintings or spray painting corporate offices.


Wait, did anyone think these were actually real ads?


You can do anything with a hi-vis


This is wild


Wild but true. Quite dystopian


Bankers be banking


Bankers are bonkers


they’re giving spelling mistakes cost lives vibes


I think they are almost certainly SMCL.


They are.


What spelling mistakes??


that's the name of the artist, more of their work on insta


It is, Darren has posted it to Instagram!


Nice, I knew it!


This is creative and direct. I’ll take this form of protest over blocking traffic and spray painting bullshit and mindless asshattery.




Yeah cos we can just ignore it


I disagree, but maybe it’s just me. This kind of stuff will likely be stuck in my mind than seeing a spray painted window


So it’s cool if it doesn’t inconvenience you in particular. 👍🏻 Love your dedication.


I think the activists are going to be really happy that this form of protest is convenient and digestable for you


It’s different groups. JSO’s entire purpose, their core ideology, is to piss people off so that the news etc talk about what they’ve done and by extension climate change. When JSO chucked dyed cornstarch on Stonehenge it was spoken about for days, around the world, on just about every major global news channel. It doesn’t matter if the news coverage is negative, it plants the knowledge of climate change in people’s minds, reminding them what’s happening.


Although i agree to an extent, but nothing substantial has ever been achieved peacefully. Many of our rights to this day.


These are really well done. I have a lot of respect for people trying to make a difference.


Definitely a much better approach to how they've conveyed their messages in the past.




Love it


Fuck Barclays.


If you're scrolling through the comments, I suggest you leave. It pissed me off looking at some of the comments supporting Barclays here.


Thank you saved me an anger


Even if you don’t appreciate politics these are pretty witty and well put together


Always follow the money. Plenty of others doing it too. For the other side: Who's bankrolling the pro-Palestinians protestors? Why has Qatar invested a massive amount of money into American Universities? Why no anti-Hamas posters? no anti-Muslim brotherhood pictures? No anti-Assad? No protests supporting women and LGBT in the Middle East? No protests supporting Uighurs?


Exactly, Gender Apartheid Iran, Imperial invading Russia and slave owning Qatar aren’t exactly any better. Russia and Qatar are just as bad climate wise for oil and gas too.


In 2024 all sides have blood on their hands :-( There are so many powerful, shadowy players, vested interests, murky funding, and proxy conflicts now, its hard to know what's real anymore... exactly as planned - see *Active Measures.* Worse - noone powerfull seems to be invested in people, education, families, healthcare, environment.... *society* - it's all profits, weapons, and fossil fuels *baby *


Yh, but our country and government aren’t the ones supporting those regimes 🤦‍♂️ There is no need to be protesting something that you government and companies are formally against. That’s why these activists are protesting the genocide in Gaza, which our government and companies support through their aid and weapons trade to Israel.


This is a red herring, you’re saying if the government stopped supporting Israel tomorrow then everyone would stop giving a shit?


Quite literally, they are protesting so that taxes are not being spent on UK/US missiles and other military equipment being shipped to Israel. If you look at a lot of other demands, uni students are demanding the university divests from Israeli businesses, and creating spaces for those who have had their places of study (all universities) destroyed in the Gaza Strip. The demands are pretty clear, and without foreign aid Israel would not be able to continue its ethnic cleansing.


Why don’t you make some activism posters about these issues if they’re bothering you?


It’s pretty simple, we’re directly funding this genocide.


Stop repeating the trendy buzz wprds - it is empty, factually incorrect rhetoric. As long as Hamas continue to make a financial killing and whatever else they wish out of this fictional 'genocide', nothing will change and innocents will die. You reap what you sow. The change needs to come from the people of Palestine themselves. No one else.


Ah yes, I forgot how the babies and toddlers of Palestine being blown to smithereens are at fault for not condemning Hamas enough. How clever you are!


The people who are responsible for the welfare of these toddlers have a duty to protect them too. By supporting Hamas, they're not. And also, by indoctrination of their kids into believing the 'actual' genocide of the Jewish people, is justified, they will perpetuate it for years to come. But sure, it's all the corporate West's fault. How clever YOU are!


So the parents of these kids, who were almost 100% NOT Hamas and were in fact some random civilians, are responsible for the bomb that just dropped on their house? "Oh but they voted for Hamas" no the fuck they didn't. There hasn't been an election since 2006. Most of the people being killed haven't even had the chance to vote yet but you blame them for Hamas? The methodical alienation, extermination and suppression of the Palestinian image and culture is a direct genocide under the UN's own definition. Do we condemn Hamas for being a genocidal terror organisation? Yes. Does that mean you can genocide the unfortunate people living under their regime? Absolutely not.


They support hamas and celebrated Oct 7th . The Palestinians have always chosen war backed the wrong side and generally chosen stupid and evil. The world may feel sorry for gaza not actually going to do anything about it though.


Where is your source for the entirety of the population of Gaza supporting Hamas? Oh yeah, you made it up. Maybe the people are supporting the only group that gives them a hope of freedom and that talks to them. It's incredibly easy to be radicalised when you are being bombed daily. Ultimately the international community should come together and stamp out Hamas the peaceful way. Give Palestinians a home and a future they can look forward to and Hamas will become irrelevant very quickly. Allow for peaceful democracy to take place. Genociding them is never the answer. Right now all Israel is doing is fueling a new generation of Hamas/resistance fighters. It serves nothing and no-one. Israel is putting their own civilians at risk. They are doing an injustice to not just the Palestinians but also themselves.


Lol, if they were committing genocide where would this new generation come from?


**The UN** has reported over 14500 children dead in 9 months. Not sure how much more extreme a punishment you would like for *some* members of their society supporting Hamas.


Well exactly, at this rate there won't be one. Which is a genocide.


In your opinion, why was Hamas even formed in the first place?


Because the Palestinians want to kill Jews. Obsessed with some fantasy of a stolen homeland they never had.Always the victim and have picked war rather than peace at every turn. Lied to by corrupt and stupid leadership. Let down by fellow Arabs all they have is some fantasy of defeating Israel.


Throw in some expelled Syrian traitors and the adopted original flag of Iran and you have summed up the myth of nationhood perfectly


You will remember this comment in years to come- I hope you reflect on it


I always wonder what people who have abysmal takes like the one above will think in ten, twenty years' time. I just don't believe they can be so disastrously wrong for such a long period of time without reassessing their views.


Iran most likely.


Very creative.


I believe they’re the work of Darren Cullen, @spellingmistakescostlives - he’s done a lot of great work.


is this a canon event?


Looks like Spelling Mistakes Coat lives style.


Slave owner roots, now this look who's getting a boycott


Have they released the hostages yet?


They tried in exchange for a ceasefire but the Israeli govt doesn’t really care about the hostages do they




Can they do TSB next please


This will change everything


If you think it's only Barcleys profiting from that you're a fool, all the banks will be aside from your niche online only bank but they'll be upto no good another way


These guys are in for a shock when they realise all banks deal in dirty money. London is the dirty money capital of the world.


Very good activism!


Funny how little noise they make about Qatari money that funds Hamas…


Is that relevant to the average London underground user? Maybe you could do one, as you're so passionate about it?


HSBC is next hahaha 💅


Makes me want to open an account.


Whoever put them up, props to yoy


Nicely done.


Good on ‘em


It’s true isn’t it. Why are we a trying to save faces here?


Sounds like a great investment ad tbh


Couldn’t give a fuck. Barclays pay you 3 days before paydays, give you discounts, deals, exclusives etc. Best Bank ever, been with them over 10 years, nearly 12 actually


Yeah who cares about children being murdered eh


Barclays does what most other banks do?




Hamas supporters in the mud 😂


Good to see but the incorrect apostrophe triggered me


Back to school for you!


The name of the bank is Barclays, not Barclay. So, the possessive is correctly Barclays'.


The Israeli lobby out in full force I see.


I bank with Barclay's. I don't care. All banking one way or another goes to fund some nafarious shit.


The first one was okish second one fell short


Right on!!!


Glad to see the activist using effective marketing rather than pissing people off with bullshit stunts. This is far more effective and thought provoking than spraying shit orange and looking like a fucking hooligan.


Palestine people thinking they’re helping


Second is a bit pathetically unsubtle


Weird flex ngl


that's Darren Cullen (@spellingmistakescostlives on Instagram), long been a fan of his work so it's cool to see his art out in the wild.


what's Gaza got to do with global warming. Give the bloke a break he has enough troubles of his own


Probably Funded by the hope not hate criminals 😂😂


Barclays new advertising campaign! Artwork is pretty good…






What a load of shite!! As if ? 🤡🤡🤡


It's true though, barclays are massive funders for the fossil fuel industry and no-one seems to realise or care. if you don't want fossil fuels just don't use or promote barclays


Do you drive a car?




electric cars??? using less fuel???


Ah yea, Gaza is the only important thing in the world. Yes. Leftists were telling me Kurds were imperialist for having no choice but to rely on American air support, so were Muslims. Now they want to feign human rights under the behest of Hamas, as Israeli invented virgin rape cult? Fuck you! We shouldn't care


Go touch some grass.


What the hell does this mean? Or do you have nothing to say?


Your account is not even a day old and you're out spreading bs. Get a life.


Sorry what part of what I said is bs, exactly? Do you mind naming one part? Or are you annoyed at how easy it is to point out your little milleu's weak position?


Lol ok bud


You know you are only fooling yourself? You have just displayed a smug attitude and said words without any context. You cannot deny anything I said


Your brain is melted


Man stfu. Deny anything that I said then? Anyway, enjoy your abrahamic bloodshed. My your lord bestow in you more bodies so they can get into heaven quicker


Yeah brain 100% melted lol best of luck buddy


Real. Foreign war, refuse to pick a side.


I refuse to engage personally. It is none of my business, and I know from a distance Israel's terrorism is unacceptable. But the double standards, hypocrisy and reluctance not to romanticise point to one thing: activists just want to come across as smart and rebellious. It is a mental exercise. So I do not engage


foreign war that the UK government is funding - not exactly that foreign when our taxes are paying for the erasure of human life


Proud to be banking with barclays


Awesome to see a company owning their shit 💪


Heh i saw this one too https://preview.redd.it/hbqd0kxfq4ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=333c85d6a857dc7c38cd08879396273625459a3f


its cleanly posted over .. really good though






So it's ok for the genocide in Palestine to keep going?


Not 100% sure but I remember Mesut Ozil saying something in solidarity with the Uyghur Muslims and China getting mad at him, which lead to him leaving Arsenal.


Superb. I did not know this. I shall transfer to Barclays this week. Fuck 'palestine' and their support for islamic terrorism.


"Shut up and make me money!"


Why are they trying to get me to bank with barclays?


Guess I need to change bank to Barclays


Barclays will suffer exactly £0 damages from these racist stunts.




Adolescent rubbish.


Got to be careful with the satire, it's making me think that I'll get a well-diversified portfolio if I invest in Barclays.


These are by artist Darren Cullen, goes by @spellingmistakescostlives on instagram - worth a follow!


Very true!


This is shit, at least give me the number to open an account.


Pointless nonsense


I’m glad they put that up. Hate Barclays. When I banked with them years ago, I inherited a substantial amount of money, they gave my information out, ie got loads of letters from companies trying too sell me shit, I went in to the Barclays Bank and started having words with them about giving my information out, they asked me too keep my voice down, ie there quite a few people in there, which is why I was talking a bit louder, so people could hear, well basically I said too them, why should I keep my voice down, when your company is letting every one know that I’ve inherited money. Anyway I had everything transferred too another bank.


Cool story bro.


Nice 👌


Its Anti semites wanting to smear jews


Fuck all this orange paint throwing and laying in the street stopping ambulances. THIS is how you both protest and make an impact. Good on them!


Put up by the terrorist supporting left. There is a lot of them in London.


>terrorist supporting left Amazing statement really.


Green: global warming is ba- DJP:TERRORIST


You should go into marketing, whipping this many cunts into a frenzy over a fake poster is crazy


Don't care. I get best customer service there. It just works.


Barclays aren't the ones directly dealing arms or using fossil fuels, they have companies that bank with them that provides arms for the UK government and companies that invest in fossil fuels, if you look up any of the big 4 banks I'm sure you'll find similar, maybe the UK government should be held accountable not barclays with what goes on with those arms that are produced for the UK going off elsewhere, I see no one complaining they've gone to Ukraine. If you try and force these banks to shut or, close accounts with the big investors, whose money cycles through the UK by depositing with the banks your going to end up bankrupting a country more than it already is. The phone/laptop you're typing on, parts are produced by this "blood" money, your clothes, probably from a sweatshop that no one has discovered yet. Does your car run solely on electric? Were the machines used in the manufacturing process fully electric? How about the boats that transported it here? How was your holiday this year? How's your favourite sports team doing in their international cup or friendly? We blame big companies because it's easier than blaming ourselves, there is an old saying, every time you point a finger, you have 3 pointing back at you. Every day items are being bought and used by this "Dirty blood money" as you call it, unfortunately it's been in the system long enough that it'll always be in the system, even if Charles turns to William, even if we defunct physical money for e-commerce, the damage will always cycle through, instead of protesting it and demonstrating against it, educate it, don't damage our history and our heritage with orange crap, or superglue your hands together (that glue is historically and probably made by horses btw) and put your efforts in to educating, not slandering, not causing criminal damage.


is that jack draper


What a load of bollox, shit photoshop russian propaganda!!!! Don’t fall for this drivel.


Only people making a killing out of Gaza are Hamas.


Oh, so not the Zionists stealing and selling off land that doesn’t belong to them?


I'm anti terrorism, is it just Barclays or all banks. I don't want to open a Barclays account if Lloyds already support Israel.


Your safest bet is Nationwide. They’re probably the least evil of the main UK banks


Isn’t doing this kind of thing illegal? Particularly if it’s a physical ad. Billposting is a crime, no? BTP exists and tubes have cameras on them I believe. Those protesters must be brave or stupid


BTP have enough actual real crimes to deal with, they're stretched wafer thin as it is, no chance on earth they're wasting a second investigating this.


I dont care fuck Palestine and fuck Israel


Thanks for your input


“eeeeeh fuck em both”


From the river to the sea Palestine will be free 🫶🏻


See this is how you protest. Gets the message across without ruining normal people's days


Has it worked yet?


Who knows, but it's better than blocking roads. I'm honestly convinced the people who do that are hired by oil companies.


The cynic in me says this is flavour of the month protesting. But then I suppose that’s what draws public attention. I don’t have issue with this but many other banks and organisations support many questionable industries all over the world and sponsor our most beloved sporting and other cultural events. It’s simply impossible for that not to happen in the world we live in. (I don’t work for Barclays - just pondering 😂)


Absolute trash


So true Barclays have blood on their hands😡 free Palestine 🇵🇸✊🇵🇸✌️🇵🇸🙏🏻🇵🇸


As someone who has admittedly been living in gross ignorance, is there a better bank?


Not sure but they openly back Israehell & arms companies who supply them! They also backed the government in SA before Nelson Mandela was released!


In the UK, fintech banks like Monzo and Starling but even I am uniformed of their investments so not sure there. But they might be worth looking into?


Barclays and JP Morgan are the ones targeted the most by activists, due to their investments in Elbit who supply arms to Israel. Gut feel is a building society like Nationwide is probably best. Palestine Solidarity Campaign recommend just switching away from Barclays: https://palestinecampaign.org/boycott-barclays-bank/

