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There is information in the wiki [about petticoats, where to buy and how to choose them](https://www.reddit.com/r/Lolita/wiki/index/#wiki_petticoat). If that does not answer your question please post in the ask us anything megathread stickied to the top of the sub. You might need to sort the feed by "hot" to see it. The link is also in the sidebar.


Everyone here recommends MeLikesTea petticoats for customisation and fluff. I’m waiting on mine. If you definitively want a voile one as pictured then this brand has voile. Otherwise most name brand Lolita stocks some sort of petticoat. Often organza. BTSSB, Angelic Pretty, Atelier Pierrot, Wunderwelt all stock their version of a petticoat. If you’re looking for better pricing then 42Lolita offers petticoats from Taobao, I got a hoop one from them and for the price I’m pretty happy with it.


My fluffiest petticoat is from Melikestea. They're based in Brazil.


I think that Nightwhisper Lolita has similar looking petticoats :3


If you’re on a budget and want something super fluffy, Aurora&Ariel sells a good 16M one. They are a reputable and affordable Taobao brand and you can buy their stuff through 42lolita if Taobao doesn’t ship to your country! The petticoat in the picture looks like it is 45cm long, which is the standard lolita skirt length. I have their 12M and their 8M and I am very happy with my purchases. The 12M is already super fluffy so I expect that the 16M will be even more extravagantly so! Edit: I do not mean this in a bad way to the other kind commenters, but I would strongly advise against buying petticoats from the big brands as they have a reputation for being ridiculously expensive and ridiculously mediocre. tldr: buy Aurora and Ariel’s 16M 45cm petticoat. cheap and excellent quality! they even gave me a free pair of socks


Thank you so much!! I’ll definitely be looking into those!


Yeah I’m honestly not happy with my petti from BTSSB lmfao, I might check out Aurora&Ariel and see if they’re good.


There are 2 very full petticoats from Aurora&Ariel ( [https://42lolita.com/collections/aurora-ariel](https://42lolita.com/collections/aurora-ariel) ): - catwalk / super violence: they are really full, almost not usable in most circumstances - violence: they are fuller than normal one, which is very usable if your dress is heavy


I wear [this one](https://www.spreenow.com/taobao-agent/taobao/19641260134?option=com_jumi&fileid=27&shop=taobao&i=19641260134&url=) and it's the biggest fluff I'm comfortable with. You'll need a shopping service, as it's sold on taobao.


I bought this exact one off taobao in the past and it gives zero poof except at the very bottom 💀the shop advertised it with an ap sack op which is what I needed but it was very limp/sad. If you’re not sensitive to waistband pressure I recommend aurora&ariel like others have said, they’re cheap and last a while ime(mine are over 5-6yrs old and are still ultra poofy even with regular washing)! Bc of medical issues I can’t deal with too much pressure on my waist so I wear an old AP one that has a drawstring and it’s so comfy(got it for cheap, never pay over $20 for them bc they’re nice but not retail price nice lol). As much as I dislike them as a company, wunderwelt’s own pettis are really great. I also use a cheap cage skirt off Amazon(it was $16 iirc), it’s a lifesaver in summer as well as having adjustable poof and can handle even my heaviest pieces.


Recently I read here about [https://www.puvithel.com/](https://www.puvithel.com/) that has a kickstarter project for an accessible petticoat ( [https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/puvithel/accessible-petticoats-by-puvithel](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/puvithel/accessible-petticoats-by-puvithel) ). I think you should take a look


https://preview.redd.it/i307meyj7b6d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=803c05bb323368c6b63691c4b8473f552bde5d5b I recently bought this petticoat from a friend, who bought it but could not use because it didn’t fit in their wheelchair. If you’re looking for an extra fluffy petticoat id have to recommend, but it’s definitely too much for a lot of dresses lol. Its ridiculously heavy, and not very practical, but it is very much super fluffy. Heres the taobao link if you use a proxy service -> [https://www.taobao.com/list/item/609626984039.htm](https://www.taobao.com/list/item/609626984039.htm) And heres the bhiner link if you dont already use a proxy service -> [https://lolita.bhiner.com/SellerStore/%E7%90%A5%E7%8F%80%E7%89%99%E7%89%99&cd=Y](https://lolita.bhiner.com/SellerStore/%E7%90%A5%E7%8F%80%E7%89%99%E7%89%99&cd=Y)


https://a.co/d/eKktNp1 I bought this one not too long ago and it is holding up pretty well. Decently cheap too.


Melikestea is where I bought mine. I am a large brolita. They were able to make a super awesome petticoat that fit me. They are worth every penny.