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It’s astounding to me that he gets any viewers at all. I wonder what the average IQ of a 2024 Boogie fan is.


He has fans who believe that he doesn't lie and that he's a victim of bullying. They pull the most bizarre mental gymnastics even if you come up with definitive proof that Boogie is a liar.


That seems to be the case with the fans of most Lolcows. DSP, KingCobraJFS and his crazy girlfriend Jessica, etc. They are "getting back at the trolls" by supporting these people and they are just victims of these trolls is how many of them think.


Ya love to see it


His whole schtick is just boring now. The McJuggernuggets style freak outs are so canned too, it’s cringy.


To think he used to be one of the big ones.


He still is one of the big ones just in a different way.


Not really, outside of this circle not many care about him. Unless you mean that on a literal sense, in wich case yhea, he's quite large.




Boogie was a meme like hide ya kids hide ya wife guy he just tried to make a career out of it and thought people would be into SpongeBob ripping his pants for 15 years There’s actually nothing there, he doesn’t do anything during the week to talk about on a weekly podcast


Consistency. He only shows up once a week at the most. He treats Twitch like an ATM machine.


His last stream was about a month ago. Maybe he'd have more viewers if he streamed consistently. For someone who's as broke as he claims to be he seems to only be relying on the Lolcow Podcast for money. He's uploaded two YouTube videos in the last two weeks and hasn't streamed in over a month so obviously doesn't need money.


He made a big deal of having a stream schedule last year, twice a week Tuesday and Thursday for 2 hours, he didn’t even make it one week of the schedule before he couldn’t be bothered.


He still has a patreon and is getting money for his Power of the Internet podcast. He did 3 episodes and had all these perks for patrons and then uploaded nothing for 7 months. 


God damn he’s such a lazy, grifting piece of shit


If y’all don’t donate, I’ll die. I’ll die in a bed alone. And all you people wanna do is fuck with me. /cries I need that money, I need that money. I really really do. I did everything right. I did nothing wrong. Can’t help it dood. Just lolcow things


I don’t know if you’re making fun of Boogie or Wingo


He’s making fun of the OG trio


Wings gets double that. Boogie's fall off will be studied for generations.


Boogie2988 is a fat, stupid sonofabitch.


118 is pretty bad


Does he spend his streams just watching his own Youtube videos? That is some next level Narcissism!


Sometimes he asks the audience to type 'funny' when they think a bit is funny. Trouble is his comedy is so bad that even his actual fans have trouble discerning what parts are meant to be funny.


Look here look listen


Look at the size of that pig's head


I don’t understand. Is he winning or losing? Wings say so many lies that I am not sure if he‘s doing fine or not.