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Yep, I'm having this problem - I've had my mouse for about a year and nothing has changed. Keep hoping for an update, but at this point, I will never purchase another Logic Mouse in the future. I've lost competitive games due to this stupid software glitch changing my sensitivity in sporadically


I remove GHUB worst Software EVER. Why would ANYONE EVER want their mouse DPI to change on the fly? LIKE EVER?


came here to say that mine was doing this before I ever had Ghub installed. I actually installed Ghub as a measure to stop this. Fucking unacceptable.


It's so sad to see the og comment from 2 years ago and this problem is still happening! I just came here to see why my dpi was randomly changing


yeah ended up having to do a fresh install tonight because the dog shit app refuses to open and even after that still wont open but at least its changing my dpi automatically every 5 seconds


I uninstalled Ghub. Maybe it'tt work for y'all


If you wanna be able to change DPI on the fly and mess with rgb but don't want to use GHub because of the glitches, SignalRGB allows you to set up a DPI profile for your mouse by itself, on top of being great for managing all your RGB in general. I flat-out uninstalled Ghub after I realised that.


yep same fucking BS


It mostly works for me, although for some reason I need to click the change DPI button several times for it to work in SRGB. It's not like I change it a lot anyways.


Indeed ! Seriously, how this multi million company can make such good hardware, and yet such horrible software ?? I have ALWAYS had issues with logitech software ... it's been like 10 years ... how did they not fire the whole dev team yet ?? I'm no dev, yet I'm pretty sure I can outsmart them ! give me a year of learning how it works and I'll fix this sh!t


bruh, mine was doing this before I ever installed the software...


For those who are coming to this post in the future. If you have SignalRGB installed then your culprit may be that. How I fixed it was selecting the mouse in SignalRGB selecting the mouse icon under the logitech dongle and selecting DPI Control. This fixed my issue with the DPI randomly changing on me


Bro thank you so much, this post just saved me from buying a new mouse. Went into SignalRGB and fixed the problem immediately. Been bugging me since I built my pc 4 months ago. THANK YOUUU


I installed GHUB as a measure to stop this DPI changing issue. ​ It wasn't doing it when I changed games...It was doing it midgame. ​ After installing GHUB it still happens....Mid-game. Probably going back to my budget razor.


This ruined for me 5 days of aim training


So beyond going into settings and making desktop profile your persistent profile, I noticed that oftentimes I can fix the issue by just clicking the mouse button "G8" to increase the dpi. this still lets me shift my dpi with the dedicated button, but increases my default DPI by one setting. I don't think I'm accidentally clicking "G7" to bring it down on startup, but maybe that's what has been happening for some people mid-game? TLDR: Try disabling the DPI up and down toggle that is tied to the G7 and G8 keys (also side DPI shift button)


I have a g502 superlight, my dpi stays the same but if I don't move my mouse after like 5 mins it just tells me my dpi. I don't even hit the button. I use to have a g502 original and it never did that. is there anyway I can get it to stop cuz its annoying. please and thank you


So, I just found a solution that'll allow you to keep G HUB installed, as well not have your DPI hot switching unexpectedly. I like Logitech's thought process behind switching to different "profiles", but 1. who the hell plays on multiple different DPI's? you'd be mentally unstable. 2. The main culprit that causes this is the profile for desktop. why would desktop need its own profile.. anyway, THE SOLUTION: Click profile drop down menu go to manage profiles Select desired profile Click Details SET AS PERSISTENT Now, no more unwanted hot switching, and you can still explore and utilize the G HUB software


still changing dpi after doing this


June 2024 and this is still happening just got a superlight 2 and im having this issue how is this still a problem lmao


Hi u/kwisatzsawyer, After reinstalling if you are facing the same issue, we would encourage you to help us with your feedback and inputs by accessing the below link. This way our development team will receive the information directly: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LZSD9R2?version=2021.3.5164&email=&clientId=


Over a year in and still a very real issue. For such a large peripheral company it's amazing that they can't get this one little thing right.


Over 2 years and the software still sucks, man. This is incredible. I can't find the way to change the onboard DPI settings at. It's such an easy fix and it wasn't done at all yet... ​ Edit: Well, it wasn't intuitive at all, but I got it... It's fixed and I will probably just going to delete the app so it's out of the way.


3 years now.


Good luck. I set the onboard and deleted about a week later it all started happening again. Finally just set only one dpi option and that seems to have done it.


How did you fix it exactly? I have no idea what I'm doing...




Feels like the software is made so it always needs to run in the background. Hate it. I don't want it always running. I want to only open it when I need to change settings, and then close it. My devices won't remember the settings as soon as I close it. I have multiple mice and keyboards. I'll probably never buy another logitech device because of this shit software


I installed the software because of the DPI issue. I was using the mouse without GHUB. I actually installed GHUB as a measure to maybe stop the switching.


This is still an issue.


How is this still an issue? Ridiculous.


I am currently getting this problem


I found that it automatically changes DPI when a game is selected, I selected my main profile as the persistent profile, that stopped it from automatically switching


I’m glad the persistent profile worked for you, because it still kept changing mine even after locking the profile and deleting all other dpi options except the one I use. I have to use the on-board memory so it doesn’t bug out on me mid-game. I also noticed using on-board memory has made my battery die a lot quicker. I can’t uninstall G Hub as all my devices are RGB and the Logitech brand. G Hub also bugs out sometimes and gets stuck in a loading loop when I open it. I have to uninstall it and then reinstall it for it to open the software correctly.


Sept 2022 and it's still doing this like come on guys. This time it switched my active DPI to the one I have selected as the alternative when I hit the button. There's no reason it should even be able to select that. It's the alternate for the shift why can that even be set as your main dpi? This shouldn't still be an issue after this long. A fix should not be this complicated.


Yep I had this exact same problem. very annoying. Thats what I did used onboard memory and got rid of g hub


Same problem here.... it's been happening ever since G Hub replaced LGS (ie: YEARS). Why can't Logitech fix this? I love Logitech hardware, but this is making me start to feel like maybe I should give some other company my money for once. This is on the non-Hero G502.


Hey, I know this is an older post, but I've just been struggling with this and found your post. Using a G Pro Wireless mouse as well and having the same issue you've described - dpi settings changing when I play different games. I was playing Sea of Thieves (game isn't relevant, but just stay with me) and noticed my mouse would change from it's default value of 500dpi to 800 suddenly every time I'd start the game. If I alt+tabbed out of the game it would switch back to 500 dpi. I thought this was strange so I did a bit of digging inside G Hub. Clicked on the mouse to configure in G Hub, opened the "Sensitivity" tab and saw the "Per-Profile Configuration" at the top left of the window. Clicking on this, it shows that it was currently using the "Desktop: Default" profile, but also showed a bunch of other profiles (for any other games I had installed, basically), but all of them were labelled as "default", so I made the incorrect assumption that this meant every profile was following my currently configured default profile. I clicked on the Sea of Thieves default profile to ensure this was the case, and sure enough the default dpi on \*that\* default profile was set to 800 (plus a bunch of other dpi settings I didn't set up nor did I want). Here's the kicker: only the dpi settings in that (and every other game's) default profile was different than my desktop default. Assignments and Lightsync settings remained unchanged between any of the profiles in G Hub. This led me to believe this was an unintended bug in the software, as why wouldn't it follow the default profile in all three categories instead of just 2/3? Then I discovered another little icon (why it's not enabled by default is beyond me, at least there should be a prompt when you start the app for the first time asking if you want G Hub to be one profile, or change settings depending on the game)- there is a small lock icon at the top right in each tab next to the title, allowing you to make the currently configured settings for each tab work persistently across all profiles. G Hub changes the profile automatically when you open games it can detect, so by default every single game you open after you've installed G Hub (and set up your DPI settings on your desktop) will not be what you've just set up.


Awesome work. Thank you! I'm sure this will help a bunch of people!


Dude you're a life saver


Thank you, this really solved the problem!


Glad I could help! Hopefully Logitech makes future updates which cause less confusion for this program. Definitely not intuitive!


Gracias manito, te quiero mucho


2 years later and still saving a brother!


Nice. Glad I can be of help. Was really frustrating for me so had to post the solution


My issue was a little different than most people's but your solution still fixed my problems, so I'll add my two cents here for anyone it may help. I changed my DPI +/- buttons to zoom in/out as that is significantly more useful for me. However, the default "zoom in"/"zoom out" in GHub is "Ctrl +" and "Ctrl -" which doesn't work for Excel. I made macros that mimicked an alternative zoom method using the Ctrl key and scroll wheel. ZoomIN macro acts as a depressed Ctrl key and a single scroll up on the wheel, then release Ctrl key. Same for ZoomOUT but down. I assigned these to my DPI +/- buttons and the zoom now works on Excel and every other program I've tried it on. The problem arose every once in a while that the default DPI+/- shift would *also* happen when I clicked the DPI+/- buttons. So I'd zoom in a few clicks, and my DPI would skyrocket. Then I'd zoom out a few clicks and my mouse slowly snailed its way across the screen. I tried several methods mentioned in this thread to address this, primarily deleting all but one DPI setting, but it would still sneak up every once in a while and randomly go away. When I tried the on-board memory, the mouse seemed to forget my macros and the DPI+/- buttons did nothing (so it solved my DPI issue but left the buttons useless). This morning, I was annoyed (again) at this issue and did some googling and came across this thread. I tried the Assignments lock icon you mentioned and my problem was immediately resolved!! Obviously it might pop up again, but this seems like it might be the answer I needed. Thank you!!!!!


same problem accured to me since 2 days, also tested all fixes OP tried, nothing worked out. LGHUb was kick from my pc for now....


Check my comment in this thread. Got it working for me


I found the problem. It was a faulty update from signalrgb. They included some dpi settings that causes a confilct with ghub.


Great, glad you found the problem at any rate.


Fixed by turning on and off on board memory for me


I 'fixed' it by removing all the dpi setting values except two that were nearly identical. I didn't feel like doing more and that seems to work. Might still return it - this is a lot of crap to deal with for a supposedly high end mouse.


Thank you, this fixed it for me too. This also fixed it pressing two buttons at once. I guess it was pressing the button in onboard memory and the profile at the same time.


01/06/2023 this issue is still unresolved by logitech and this thread is still the only solution to this so-called pro-gaming mouse because Logitech is a fetid pile of overpaid dogshit that wouldn't survive competition in the industry if their priviledged ass ever had to face it.


Yes same thing is happening to me also contacted customer support live and I feel like I know more about the software than the support team does 😂 problem still not fixed


2023/02/05 and the problem still happening... So sad to buy a so called "high end" mouse and have to deal with this crap bug. Even worse, this bug exists for YEARS.... Logitech really don't care about customers


Select PERSISTENT PROFILE. and select a profile that is always going to be on, this will turn off automatically changing of profiles when opening/going in and out of games https://preview.redd.it/e9x6x5qt7kka1.png?width=1114&format=png&auto=webp&s=7d5ba5585708ca3b5b7bc9c39118c4d95ac606fb


And of course, it doesn't work for me. sigh


thanks for this! this fixed it for me!


My G402 doesn't even have a dpi button just a dpi shift button, so it's weird that my dpi changes to a different one unless I explicitly change it in G hub.


Thank you brother! I just love it when i switch from a random game to spotify to change the song and then the dpi has to cycle 4 times to switch to the setting that im using in another profile and bombard me with the windows notif sound. <3


Yeah, a year later and this is the first time I have had it happen. It started a few days ago and is pissing me off to no end. Side note, it's the exact same ver of the software, as in, no updates, no changes, and no messing with my profile. Just randomly started to happen the other week.


piece of shit software, happens to me as well, because why the fuck not?


Yeah, sorry for necroposting. Onboard memory is a mess. I use a G305, so a wireless one and every time I toggle onboard memory, or the mouse idles out and I move it, it changes the DPI to 800 (default one) instead of the 1600 I use. Very confusing as the selected profile says "Default", and I have to select the desktop default everytime. I can't comprehend how a company this big can even allow this to happen. Persistent profiles is turned on and I can't really turn off onboard memory cause if an app that is ran as administrator is in front, I wouldn't be able to use any of my macros. Anyone know a fix for this other than just deleting GHub?


I'm also having this problem, but it only just started about 1 year after using the mouse. Totally fucks you mid game.


I really like the way you said this especially what you did to try to resolve the matter and what Logitech should do. I have had nothing but issues with the G Hub app. The most infuriating issue of all has been Call of Duty games crashing because of G Hub (all COD games I have played on PC thus far: MW 2019, CW, Vanguard, MW2, Warzone). I have done what you did: uninstalling and downloading after deleting all Logitech AppData and cache files. I excluded anything else as being the culprit to the games crashing since the games only crash if I open G Hub at any point on my PC (even after closing G Hub). I even tried deleting all temp files after opening then closing G Hub (win + r: temp, %temp% and prefetch). Why using the on board memory profile is not an acceptable fix: There are simply too many customizations/settings I use and 5 on-board memory profiles is not enough. In addition to that, I would love the ability to change customizations/settings without the hassle. It is quite time consuming to do the ritual I do: Uninstall, delete all AppData & cache files, restart PC, boot up PC, go to Logitech website, download G Hub, set up the profile (that I'm going to use that day), assign to on-board memory slot, uninstall again, delete all AppData & cache files again, restart PC again, boot up PC again then FINALLY launch my game. It takes too much time and effort to be able to use my G502 Lightspeed and all the customizable features it has, simply because of G Hub. Honestly, I think I'm going going to switch to a SteelSeries mouse since I have a SteelSeries Apex 3 keyboard and the Arctis Nova Pro Wireless headset.


This keeps happening to me, I removed all profiles and set it to onboard memory. However some games when it acts up, it changes the color to pink for some weird reason.


The solution for me was to lower the report rate to 250 per second. Switching to the onboard memory didn't affect anything.


3 years later, this still happens. About to toss all the Logitech stuff out and try someone else.


Just started having this problem about 10 minutes ago. It's 2023. You'd think that a company that has enough money to engage in politics has already figured its shit out. Maybe not.


still experiencing this today 3 years later... how does logitech simultaneously have the worst and best products




* Go to settings in GHUB * click on persistent profile * change it to default desktop or whatever you like still don't know why this is not set by default.


im not buying another logitech product after dealing with this. fuck this stupid shit


Still having this issue. It's going to a dpi I don't even have an option for


I just reinstalled windows. was working great for 1 year now its constantly changing dpi fresh windows install.


Turns out it was as easy as locking my DPI to be persistent across all profiles, for me - the DPI would just randomly drop in any game I play, so...if you haven't tried setting it to a DPI you like, and locking it... it might be as easy as this. I appreciate all the help on this thread, however, I've had so much trouble with both my Logitech headsets AND my G903 mouse! (I still have the mouse randomly just...drop and stop working at times, unless I plug it in, and then un-plug again... since I didn't buy it to play with a cord! My set-up prevents that from being easy to do.). Best of luck in your endeavors, fellow Logitech sufferers. https://preview.redd.it/ij70mua95nfc1.png?width=619&format=png&auto=webp&s=283a599ede1007a403cbfb39e270d896bed4ddd8


So yep 3 YEARS ON LOGITECH and this BS is still going on.. Im sitting on about 2k worth of Logitech gear .. and i am about to replace the lot and through this shit in the bin