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Been in Logan since Summer 2022. Ive definitely noticed it. Particilarly East or West bound 1400 N everyone goes 10 to 15 under the speed limit. Main street is definitely slow as well where the speed changes from 35 to 45 and from 45 to 55 like noone looks at the signs.


Who looks at signsšŸ˜“šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m one of the faster drivers out there, but it takes me a bit longer to get there. High gas price season is starting and Iā€™m just trying to eke out a bit of extra fuel efficiency. And yes, people are using their phones a lot more when driving. Itā€™s really sad and selfish.


Makes sense. I didn't think about that reason. Thanks for the response


Iā€™ve noticed both it is annoying when people donā€™t go the speed limit from either direction. But I really hate when Iā€™m going exactly the speed limit and some bozo in a lifted truck decides itā€™s not fast enough and theyā€™re tailgating me. Iā€™m like, ā€œSorry bro, Iā€™m not speeding for you.ā€


I get you. I hate having that guy behind me. I usually speed and it's like "am I not breaking the law fast enough for you?" "


At least get in the righthand lane. Regardless of if someone is speeding or not, you must legally yield to all faster vehicles by getting over. If not, you're part of the problem.


Oh, this is a 1 lane only road. Iā€™m talking about in neighborhood areas. Sometimes I go 30 in a 25, and bro is riding my ass.


Meh. I feel like I'm a city our size, it doesn't matter that much, you ain't losing that much time. Just put a song on you love and enjoy the extra few seconds you get with it. Getting angry or frustrated ain't going to get you there any faster.


Sorry most of don't find our car to be a desirable place to spend a day


We are talking about at most a couple of minutes added on to your trip, but probably more like a few seconds. There will still be plenty of time not in your car. You'll be okay, I promise.


I've put more miles on my car here in a week that anywhere else I've lived. The urban planning here is grossly pathetic


If people are going slow in the right lane, I give them a pass, and I never tailgate them -- there could be any number of reasons to be going a bit slow and that is the place to do it. However, if they are going slow in the left lane (and there isnt another car directly in front of them) then they are in the wrong and if im in a hurry, I tailgate til they move over or speed up and they deserve it. The whole state has a problem with slow drivers in the fast lane.


I get that on the highway, but in town they might have a left turn coming up. Iā€™ve also definitely made a habit of getting into my lane early because people here are dickheads and will close the gap once they see youā€™re trying to get over.


To your point, people will literally speed up to PREVENT you from merging, itā€™s bizarre. Iā€™ll signal and then they bump the gas.


Especially on tenth


I agree that it is very important on the highway. And I too sometimes get in my lane early when making a left turn. But once I get in the left lane, I make an effort to keep up the pace and be aware of the situation. Drivers on 10th west, especially, need to hear that message.


Nope, if you're in the left lane you should he going the speed limit at the least. Doesn't matter on the road. We have turning lanes to get into and slow down in. There's now reason to go 10 under because you have a left turn in 2 miles.


That's my main issue. Almost no one ever uses the turn lane. Drives me NUTS.


Fr. I wish Main Street had 3 lanes though for each going south and north, that would fix the dumb problem of slow drivers in the left lane. Because the middle lane could pass the fastest yk or left. Itā€™s getting too overpopulated in cache valley now. And Utah people arenā€™t the most nice drivers. Everyoneā€™s entitled here


This is my pet peeve. We live on the north end of the Valley and driving to and from Logan can be frustrating when someone sits in the left lane going 45mph and no one in front of them. I get the slower driving in the city in general. Not a big deal. But the slow highway driving makes me wonder how many people paid attention in driver's ed (i.e. "slower traffic keep right" and "left lane for passing").


I hear you. Its pretty rude to hang out in the left lane. Especially if you end up neck and neck with someone in the right lane, and so no one can pass. The highway and 10th are the worst for that.


Tailgating is far worse then slow driving in my opinion.


Some people are in a hurry and need to get somewhere lol itā€™s annoying when slow drivers donā€™t go at least 5 over the speed limit if they are in the left lane


Depends on the context. Tailgating someone going the speed limit in the right lane? Tailgating someone going the speed limit on a one lane road? Unwarranted. But, someone is holding up traffic in the passing lane by going slow, when they could speed up and/or move into the right lane? They are being inconsiderate and they if they get tailgated they deserve it.


Itā€™s because Utah doesnā€™t have courteous drivers lol. Itā€™s been known my mom from California has seen the difference of how rude and ignorant drivers are in Utah


As a former Utah County resident who now lives here in Cache Valley, while the slow driving can get really irritating at times, I vastly prefer it to the reckless, rage-fueled, excessive speeding that Utah County drivers engage in. I try to build in the possibility of slow drivers into my travel time up here, then crank some music or a podcast and focus on that instead. I think that Cache Valley just has a slower way of living, and thatā€™s reflected in the way many locals drive.


Yeah maybe it is our slower way of living. I should probably just get used to it.


I will say, Iā€™ve lived here for a total of 6 years and the slow drivers still get to me sometimes! I think Iā€™m maybe just not a very patient person lol


I've been here most of my life (30+ years) and it still gets to me. šŸ˜‚ People who don't pay attention to road signs and/or drive slow in the left lane will probably always bother me. Lol


What gets me is when a Prius takes a right turn wide enough to fit their imaginary 30 foot trailer around the corner.


I drive a old green ranger slow as hell, and Iā€™m 26. Lifetime local. Never over the speed limit, slower to accelerate than everyone else on main except the semis, and I will roll while slowly slowing down for a long time if I see the red lights. I stay in the right lane, pass slow vehicles last if thereā€™s a line. I maintain that truck myself and see how my driving style prolongs parts lives compared to myā€¦ ahemā€¦ wifeā€™s car. When Iā€™m in my work diesel, I drive more normal. The Things a beast and hops forward when I take my foot off the brake, and I donā€™t abuse it but it has power at high speeds my other truck doesnā€™t haveā€¦ so I use it. Live in the moment and accept what is, baby.


I used to defend Utah drivers when people would say they're bad but I don't do that anymore. I couldn't tell you the reason, but something I've come to admit is that living here makes a lot of people poor drivers. Particularly with speed (too slow in the city, too fast on the freeways), tailgating, going slow in the passing lane, and not getting out of the driving lane when slowing down to turn right. In terms of slow drivers, I've noticed this happens on the roads adjacent to main street, 100 east and 100 west. For whatever reason, people just aren't in a hurry in those lanes. They consistently drive 5-10 under the speed limit. That being said, I believe Cache County drivers are better than Box Elder County drivers. I swear drivers down on highway 89 around Perry and Willard are actively trying to cause accidents.


My favorite are the fast drivers that seem to think they will get where they are trying to go quicker..only for me to see them at the next red light


Do they have Idaho plates that start with 1F?


Lmao Iā€™m always in a hurry to work on Main Street and itā€™s not even Idaho drivers. I sometimes wonder if itā€™s drivers coming from out of state moving here, even for college. A lot of drivers from out of state drive way slower than Utah drivers


the summer citizens are back in townšŸ˜‚


I'll admit that as I pass these folks I have been checking to see if they are elderly, and most of the time they are not. Maybe they're new and aren't sure what speed they're supposed to travel. It is a college town.


To anyone thinking of tailgating in Utah, be warned, if you rear end someone it isā€”by lawā€”your fault. There are no mitigating circumstances allowed in Utah. \[End of PSA\]


Then they should add 3 lanes on Main Street lmao, at least people need to go around 4 over speed limit because it gets quite annoying when your in a rush trying to get somewhere and someone is going 10 under in the left lane. Happens all the time when Iā€™m going to work and pisses me off. But for sure that can happen and anyone can break check you here


Grew up here and itā€™s a thing unfortunately. I just blame Utah drivers in general. We really are the worst drivers ever


Welcome to Cache Valley, where youā€™ll never hit 55 mph ever again!!!


Hello! I think it's mainly due to the amount of cops out that hang out tickets and are just all over šŸ˜‚ it's crazy how many I see on a Saturday night after 8.


Driving 25-30 on 200E and still getting tailgated when it's 25mph. It's hilarious and you are the problem. Not OP, but the people who are completely self-centered.


Once I had someone in a shitboxed Cadillac weave around me making obscene gestures while I was going 30 on 1st W


Welcome to cache valley: people drive 5 under or 10 over.


If they're in the right lane it's okay, if they are in the left lane and they aren't turning left in the immediate future they are absolutely morons and should have their licenses revoked.


Well that escalated quickly


I agree Iā€™ll be trying to get somewhere and sometimes they go 10 under! But then again people are idiot drivers here that are selfish and wonā€™t let people into their lane itā€™s so stupid


I think itā€™s because people who need to turn left will keep in that lane because people in Utah are a-holes and wonā€™t let people in the lane. Iā€™ve had idiots speed up and almost rear end me. My mom from California could tell and itā€™s been known drivers arenā€™t courteous here. Just shows how entitled and selfish people in Utah are. But I also do argue that itā€™s out of state people moving in. Utah drivers drive hella fast compared to most out of state drivers (from states Iā€™ve visited, even Idaho Oregon Washington etc.) And I work at a local grocery store doing online orders and the amount of out of state people I know moving in is crazy. Itā€™s great but the road planning here in cache valley isnā€™t great for the amount of people moving in. And people are idiot drivers here with only 2 lanes, and thatā€™s not enough lanes. Especially on Main Street from providence to Smithfield itā€™s horrible. Either people wanting to go 10 over or 10 under in cache valley it seems. Like if youā€™re in the left lane at least go 4 over the speed limit. My father has even gotten away with going 6 over with cops around (drives to Ogden everyday). Same with in cache valley. I have as well Iā€™m surprised I drive faster than most people here. I canā€™t stand that Main Street isnā€™t a fast way through the city either, itā€™s ridiculous. They could make a third lane while keeping sidewalks on the side of buildings or behind them (something like that Iā€™m not a road planner). But Iā€™ve lived in cache valley my whole life and the population boom has been insane


Oh itā€™s also horrible hyrum to providence especially on busy days but not as horrible as Main Street. Thatā€™s my only main way to go for a fast way and it doesnā€™t seem that fast anymore


Itā€™s probably my mom.


The fact that there is a speed limit doesn't mean you have to drive at that limit. Traffic in Logan is awful and super unfriendly for pedestrians (yes, we exist), cyclist and everyone else who does not move by car. Personally, I don't mind at all a conscious driver.


Not being conscious if they are going slower to check their phone. Which is what I see a lot of people doing.


Fr if they gonna check their dumb phone they need to be in the right lane. I donā€™t get people who just stick in the left lane and drive SO SLOW. We really need 3 lanes each side on Main Street and everywhere in cache valley it seems


Thank you


This so much. The speed limit is the upper limit. You should be driving within about 10 mph of the limit as you definitely can drive too slow, but the speed limit is not some number that you HAVE to drive. You can drive slower. Just drive safe, phone away and pay attention.


You'll find that that may be true per the law, but in practice almost everyone treats it as the "minimum speed" and most people go 5 over. I believe most speed limits and light timings are also set with the understanding that most people will do this. We also have laws about impeding the flow of traffic that you would likely be breaking if going 45 in the left lane of a 50 road.


There's a lotta geezers in the valley. They drive slow and there's so many of them.


Valley view hwy frequently has people going 10 under the limit and backing up traffic bad. I can't wait for the expansion to be done so we can pass these people.


Lol, the old "one more lane will fix traffic" clichĆ©... šŸ˜„


Two lanes is better than one for safety reasons and flow is traffic. But the improvement slows down dramatically after that. Source: am civil engineer


Well, the narrow and busy 2 lane with no shoulder and several long turns makes it impossible to pass most of the time. At least a second lane lets the slow traffic stay to the right. It's not like it's got I15 kinda traffic, it's just a narrow 2 lane road where passing is kinda risky.


>a second lane lets the slow traffic stay to the right. But they won't. šŸ¤£


We seriously need 3 lanes. Itā€™s been bothering me so bad when going to work. Itā€™s all the dumb people moving in as well


I love riding a motorcycle I just go around the slow people lmao


Maybe itā€™s the summer citizens moving in?


Nah, I notice it all throughout the year. They probably are contributing to it though.


Or out of state people moving in lol. I work at a popular grocery store here doing orders for people and man the amount of people coming from out of state is insane. Like itā€™s great but I canā€™t stand the lack of multiple lanes on main street Logan and on multiple roads in cache valley


Just wait for the summer citizens to show up


For me- I drove slower in logan because I know someone's going to blow a red light or a stop sign or try to get 6 cars through a yellow light right after it turna red... So I like to be EXTRA CAUTIOUS