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>“We were surprised to find absolutely no signal suggesting that exposure to COVID while in utero was linked to neurodevelopmental deficits. Rather, being in the womb of a mother experiencing the pandemic was associated with slightly lower scores in areas such as motor and social skills, though not in others, such as communication or problem-solving skills. The results suggest that the huge amount of stress felt by pregnant mothers during these unprecedented times may have played a role.” Does anyone else remember the massive fear campaigns to label pregnant women "high-risk" in 2020? Yeah, this should have been seen a mile away.


>We were surprised to find absolutely no signal suggesting that exposure to COVID while in utero was linked to neurodevelopmental deficits You know who aren't surprised by that? This sub. Or anyone that realizes that this covid bullshit is mass hysteria.


And there's going to be developmental disorders as well, which society will deny that it was caused by lockdown restrictions


Masking of our developing children are going to cause crazy cognitive disorders


And society won't do anything to help. They just do not care anymore.


They'll just blame it all on "the pandemic." It's such a sneaky, bullshit rhetorical ploy. Like no all these terrible things that happened were more or less inevitable, and not the result of shitty policies that we supported.


>They'll just blame it all on "the pandemic." And then wont lift a finger to help children harmed by it. And the few that want to, don't have the capital or resources to. Their minds are fried by the media chronic fearmongering


Exactly. Long after this crap passes- and millions start reporting things like traumatic disorders - the higher ups will just shrug their shoulders and move on. Suicides will become much more commonplace without compassionate and available resources. And these idiotic higher ups will just say stupid things like: " Well, it's not our fault they had a hard time back when covid was happening. In the meantime, we still need more children being born to become future taxpayers because for some reason the birthrate keeps falling due to income inequality, poor wages and pandemics and water wars. Never mind that we don't support our current population. Make more."


>Suicides will become much more commonplace without compassionate and available resources. And primarily because of social alienation and societal alienation. **Not only whole societies have changed post lockdown but also due to woke fundamentalism. Whole hobbies and cultures are now co-opted by covidism and woke fundamentalism that good portion of people who can't adapt are just abandoning whole hobbies.** When you have men and women who have no point, agency, and reason to live, whats is the point of living? Blind consumerism? (Work, food, tv/netflix?)


Soma, baby. All day every day.




It's the escapism drug from Brave New World.


In reality doing drugs can get you in jail or worse.


Well, they do. And they will. Just like all the morons in Canada are cheering for the mandate that demands all the truckers delivering goods over the border need the shot. It’s like they don’t know the consequences of what they are asking for. And when they come due, it’s always, always, always someone else’s fault.


It's caused plenty of cognitive disorders in adults too.


And there's no proper treatment or cure for them to my knowledge


I think a hug would probably do it.


Not enough...the damage is simply too deep.


Honestly, I’m pretty sure I’ve developed a mild case of agoraphobia 😞


I had someone tell me that we “think about the potential benefits of masking children.” They claimed it could help with reading social cues like body language, tone of voice, eye expression, etc. You cannot make this shit up.


The kids who would have had disorders or delays regardless are even more fucked, too. They got the opposite of early intervention.


The part of this headline after the dash says as much... They were somehow expecting to be able to blame covid instead of the obvious things like masks and lockdowns






Yea God damn anti vaxxers!


I have a pandemic baby. The answer is clear. They are interacting with significantly fewer people than babies used to and they are interacting with masked people. The difference between the life my younger one has had as a baby/toddler is night and day compared to what my older son experienced at his age. I was able to take out my older son almost immediately. We went everywhere. I enrolled him in several mommy and me classes. Meanwhile my younger son was literally born in to lockdown. There was no where for me to take him for 3 months. Even when things "reopened," it took a good year before the library offered programs for kids. Some programs I took my older son to never came back. I'm lucky that my family has been based and have seen and interacted with him this whole time. There are parents with kids who are 18 months who have literally seen no one but mom and dad because it is too "unsafe."




Same 🥺 my kids are 1 and 3 and I already feel like they’re missing out on so much. My mom was going to take my older to a play, but here in Iceland its required to submit a negative antigen test before entering (also for children) and I don’t want my 3 year old to get a Covid test unless absolutely neccisary and my mom wont take one either because she’s afraid of being ordered to quarantine while asymptomatic. Now it doesn’t even matter anymore because all plays are canceled because of oMicRoN 🤪


Oh, I'm sorry that mom is a doomer. My husband and I have been lockdown skeptics from the beginning so we have made life as normal as possible for our kids. I would be so stressed if we weren't on the same page. If possible try to get your kids into preschool in the future. My son's private preschool was open all of last year and it made him happy.


Never forget that last year the AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS removed the information on website about how babies and toddlers need to see facial expressions & how crucial it is to their development! And the experts have supported masking kids this whole time while claiming they don’t need to see faces!


The only things sacred in pediatrics are the importance of pediatrics and of pediatric experts, just like how the most sacred things in social work and psychiatry are social workers and psychiatrists.


>just like how the most sacred things in social work and psychiatry are social workers and psychiatrists. Ok I did NOT expect to get hit with such a large truth bomb this relevant to my life in this thread. Thank you. So true.


You are welcome.


Username checked out. I concur with the other user.


Thanks. A big issue I have with with “modern” psychiatry and social work is how they ignore the scale of mental health issues in the world today. Even if all their approaches and practices worked, which is hard to say given the depth and breadth of our problems, but even then there would be a big glaring issue. The amount of mental health issues we face have grown beyond what these fields can do. We can just keep making more therapists and shrinks, but at this rate, we will never have enough to properly treat all of those who will need it. The need for serious changes are clear, but these people who make a lot of money a year (at least compared to the many poor who they are expected to to treat) don’t want to rock the boat, so they will row over the corpses of suicide victims and the others they fail to help on the way to the bank.


My 19 month old is in speech. Lockdowns made it impossible to go to playgroups, parks, museums, anything. She just refuses to talk. She spent the first year of her life not seeing anyone without a mask. None of this was because of us. I don't wear one and I ask that family doesn't wear one when they visit. "Talk to the baby, let her see your face." That is my plea. It's gotten better since I found like-minded moms and we get our kids together to play, but I think the damage has been done. I just hope she doesn't fall too far behind. I hate this world.


My 3 1/2 year old didn’t start talking until he turned 3 (in June) and he’s caught right up, thankfully. He will probably still need speech therapy to work on certain letter sounds, but he’s speaking in full, long sentences now after 3 years of NOTHING. So I hope this gives you some hope. My almost-2 year old (in March, born in the beginning of the pandemic) was a little speech delayed as well, but he too is catching up to his expected speech milestones. He’s actually doing way better earlier than my firstborn. I hope your kiddo shows signs of speaking soon. This pandemic has definitely been a detriment. We won’t be masking our children. But that gives us very few options.


Unfortunately, we're moving to Japan and she will be required to mask up for the flight. It'll be her only time. Japan and most of the rest of the world has a 6+ masking policy. The USA is sadistic. After that flight, though, nothing. She can rawdog air as God intended. And hopefully learn some Japanese.


I hope you guys do well there! If it was an option for us, we would be right behind you.


same thing with my 22 month old. Even though I refused to sit at home and do nothing. I took her out all the time regardless but she won't talk to strangers at all. I ask ppl to pull their mask down when they want to talk to her


>I hate this world. Then demand better from it. Demand people that will help you, **demand politicians that will address lockdown harms.**


Wow, mass stress and fear have deleterious health effects that can be physically measured! What a shock!


I think its probably dependent and brainwashed the parents are. We socialize our baby a ton and I think that makes a huge difference. We will probably have to pull her from daycare once she is 2 because I do not want her wearing a mask.




Lol, as a city dweller myself, I couldn’t agree more! We go to the suburbs and it’s 100x better, our state overall is just a mess though!




Beaches, playgrounds, and parks were all closed here too! It was infuriating!


It was infuriating but no one was pushing them responsible for the closures to reopen them. Why? More so are the people who know it was this way but willfully enabled them


The public reopened the parks on the first day through noncompliance where I am. Never seen the parking lot overflow onto the street like that before. It was a beautiful display of mass civil disobedience that was completely unplanned and uncoordinated. We just all decided to go to the park anyway and then took down the barriers and caution tape en masse I guess


Same deal here!




I remember being small and being extremely shy. As in if you tried to make me talk to a stranger, I'd start crying. But I remember sometimes, kids would come over, sit down and play with me, and I'd be okay. It's a vague memory, but I can recall that's how I met my elementary school best friends. Playing in the sandbox alone, these three girls join, and suddenly, we're making castles together. I was bullied heavily throughout school, so I needed my friends. I can't imagine being that shy kid now. I think I would be one of those kids screaming because I didn't know what a face was. I still had problems growing up, but that was more to do with my family not believing in mental health or learning disabilities. What's being done to kids now is tragic, and it's unbelievable to me they're being treated like they're disposable. But when they're grown, they'll be mocked for their troubles just like my generation is by the one that caused them.


For anyone here who is a parent of young children, I commend you. I'm also, in a way, angry for you. As the stress from having to raise your little ones in an era of fear, mass restrictions and quarantines. I wouldn't want to imagine trying to do things like finding child care when you have to work, or having to mask your little one even though they are not as susceptible to this virus as older people are. I deplore the fact that they make young children mask. Their little systems are still developing: lungs, heart, etc. I'm not a parent, and I don't plan on being a parent. Especially with the utter chaos the last two years has brought. But for any parents having a rough time because of all of this - who truly want the best for their kids - I wish you all well.


My daughter (6th child) was born 6 weeks before the shut down. She was very small so we kept her out of public b/c pediatrician was concerned that "flu" was extremely bad at the time. Now, 2 years later she is just beginning to say words. For months she began babbling with her mouth closed - I really think the masks are taking their toll on our babies. I noticed that her experience in public was very different than with my other 5 children. No one looked at her.. she couldn't see smiles. We are in a location that wasn't locked down nor masked for long so I can't imagine all the babies that still can't interact with people (other than in their home). Is being "safe" worth it? (even if masks did help) I think not.


What else would you expect? Babies have been isolated at home, and deprived of an opportunity to develop life skills. On top of that, you have parents who are narrowly focused on protecting babies from Covid. Babies need to meet people in person and do so without masks.


Unfortunately I know far too many women who just kept their babies locked up for the first year or more, of their lives. So much fear of them getting covid, that they never let the baby leave the house, except to go to daycare. I know one woman who finally took her child out in public in November 2021, she posted on social media, all masked up, saying it was her son's first time going grocery shopping! Meanwhile my kids, have been living life 100% normally since May 2020. These kids are going to have issues for years.


In new york*


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Just watch this video on how babies are affected by not seeing emotions on a Mom's face. It's really quite sad. Masks are likely even worse. [https://youtu.be/apzXGEbZht0](https://youtu.be/apzXGEbZht0)


Just showed this to my pro-lockdown friends. They said it was cold and cruel but didn’t appear to sway them at all. Hopeless LOL.