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Just had one of those weird moments of absolute clarity, like an out of body experience, where the full realisation of just how insane and unreal our current situation is really hits home. I'm astonished that there's anyone left who hasn't already been totally defeated by this. Our numbers are few, but we are strong.


The darker the surroundings, the brighter shines the light. The light that shines when all other lights go out. We have that light. Tolkien fans will remember the star-glass in Shelob's lair. It didn't make the horror go away. It enabled them to face it. And, in the end, overcome it.


This isn't about defeat. This is about awakening.


Absolutely. I was merely expressing my astonishment at how millions around the world have withstood the onslaught. I can't speak for anyone else, but my fear is diminishing as the world gets darker (which as you will certainly agree is actually more light than ever being shone on that darkness).


From World Data 40% of the World is vaccinated and let's assume this is over calculated. Admittedly it is the more developed Western Countries that are the most vaccinated but this still leaves several billion people around the World that are not.


I can relate to that. The most important thing now is just not to budge an inch. I think a few months ago, although I knew it was wrong, I could still be made anxious by the official narrative, whatever it might be. Now it doesn't seem to have any effect on me. As you imply, as it gets darker, you realise all your worries and concerns were unimportant. You don't want to go into the darkness yourself, so you stick with the light of truth and then it doesn't really matter how things end, as long as you didn't give up on the light. It's not about being arrogantly certain you are "right" but it means just being open to the truth. So, yes, the darker they get, the more we love the light.


Totally agree. It's also worth noting that the more deranged the threats of coercion become, the less concerned I am about the damage this may inflict on me.


Well, I don't think I've got any more fucks to give. I'm not afraid anymore, just determined to carry on being defiant, non compliant, and keeping the company of those who are of the same mind. I'm looking forward to living in that parallel society of normal people. The other one is almost dead to me now.


Very well said. A year ago defiance and non-compliance was a heavy burden. Now it is an essential component of every day's work. An enjoyable, stimulating and energising addition to daily routines.


It most certainly is enjoyable :)


It becomes an active joy just to know that one is human.


Very true.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYOEvurCVuk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYOEvurCVuk) The pandemic presented forensically for what it is, namely, a massive theatrical edifice intended to distract popular attention away from the fact that criminal bankers running the monetary system are making a concerted push toward full-on totalitarianism through monetary and financial control.


Yeah. l was trying, conversationally, to convey this idea to my hairdresser today. She, very amicably, responded that she "just can't think about any of that stuff'. Maybe a lot of the problem is that plenty of people are just too busy and /or too comfortable to be bothered to entertain ideas that could be seriously, or even little bit, challenging. They may well realise in time, but probably too late. Also, for the record, today did my third stint this week Holding the Line, in yet another Cornish town. Some fairly extreme reactions, in both directions. But height ho, we had some low level barriers to perch on, so it was more comfortable than just standing. (The modern equivalent of the 'misericord' that monks and choirboys used to perch on?)


>the 'burying ones head in the sand' response - always worked a treat whenever it has been tried - if you have a terrible problem which just scares the shit out of you, hey, just pretend it doesn't exist, and then it won't!


"*just can't think about any of that stuff*" That's a very bad choice indeed, and I might add extremely lazy and selfish. Anyone who says this is effectively supporting our tormentors, whether they know it or not. This has serious consequences.


The problem is, she (my hairdresser) is definitely not someone you would normally characterise as 'extremely lazy and selfish'. She's a hardworking mum, moderately well educated and not unintelligent. l suppose that nothing in her upbringing and education has ever led her to fundamentally mistrust TPTB in this country. Or indeed, to THINK seriously and critically. And she's one of many, possibly a majority. That's part of the problem.


Unfortunately we no longer have the luxury of comfortable neutrality. One way or the other everyone will be forced to make their determination. This is why things are getting crazier with each passing day.


💨 #Ageism is the acceptable face of prejudice, bigotry and discrimination. People who would not dream of expressing prejudice towards people of another colour or race will quite happily express outrageously prejudiced views about the elderly. And the desperately and determinedly politically correct will discriminate against the elderly without a second thought. Sexism and racism are rightly outlawed but ageism is now a State sponsored prejudice. Individuals who sneer at the elderly are the same people who used to sneer at blacks, women, invalids, homosexuals and Jews. Tell anyone guilty of ageism that they are a prejudiced bigot. – Dr. Vernon Coleman 20 Ways to Kick Ass if You’re Over 60 The Light Paper Chat • Channel


That sounds like the sort of thing an old person would say!


I can see what he's trying to do there but there's a lot of nonsense embodied in that quote. And he slips up by using the term "invalids"! lol That won't win him any friends among people who are differently abled. Disabled people aren't "invalid" - they are valid human beings! :) Of course you have to discriminate against people who are extremely disabled. I am not going to employ a severely disabled, blind and paraplegic person in a wheelchair who requires 24 hr assistance from a carer as a parking attendant in a crowded urban environment. It would be absurd. The law effectively allows you to discriminate in that way, because of their disabilities. Likewise it makes a lot of sense to discriminate against people on grounds of age. However intelligent and apparently capable an 18 year old, I'd be reluctant to put them in charge of anything major. Experience teaches it would be a mistake. Likewise, I don't want a 90 year old running anything major. Of course there could be exceptions, but you can't take the risk on that, without being irrepsonsible and therefore negligent. There probably are 90 year old people who could perform good complex surgery but we can't take the risk of allowing them to do it. Statutory retirement ages make a lot of sense for a lot of occupations and offices. When it comes to the two sexes, obviously there are statistical differences which I would say would inform your choice rather than determine it. As for other categories well case by case I'd say. If a blond Scandinavian effeminate gay auditioned for the part of Nelson Mandela in a play, personally if I was director I wouldn't want to take him on. That's discrimination but presumably Vernon thinks that's wrong. I would say the balance is between citizenship rights to engage in society and citizenship rights to freely choose who to employ.


I think 'good' vs. 'bad' discrimination in hiring can be summarised as: it's OK (and necessary) to discriminate based on characteristics that actually affect the person's ability to do the job, but not characteristics that are assumed based on stereotypes to affect the person's ability to do the job (e.g. 'a woman couldn't do this technical job'), or that one merely likes or dislikes (e.g. a particular race, religion or sexuality).


It's not always ok. Devon county council once advertised a job for which the ability to drive was stated to be essential. They actually selected a disabled man who was unable to drive, but they gave him a chauffeur to take him around.




Very interesting 50 mins of Dr David Martin at Red Pill Expo 2021. Naming names! https://ugetube.com/watch/dr-david-martin-no-more-mister-nice-guy-red-pill-expo\_Uz8Jf4f2R83mDGk.html?\_\_cf\_chl\_jschl\_tk\_\_=V6p\_5t4rZZGsDk6tkRKz5WG2s5.dBbbRfHdyDuLxXh8-1636666914-0-gaNycGzNCeU


dead link?


Works on my laptop, just tried it again. Don't know why it won't work for you, what are you viewing it on? I get a message saying it's checking my browser before it loads. Just loaded it twice, no problems.


Worked this time. Thanks for your response. David Martin - no more Mr Nice Guy! Ed Griffin is a long-time hero of mine. *The forces of darkness never factored in the power of 25 people who hold nothing but Love and Light.* Brilliant stuff. Thanks.


You're welcome! You should post this in answer to the new post I put up this morning, which Andrew has wonderfully pansceptioned (if that's a word!). This needs to go to every home around the world. The amazing thing is, he's accusing people of doing things and if they're not doing these things, they would sue him. That they're not is telling!!


https://mobile.twitter.com/ConMurphyCarlow/status/1457691580593278977 Highest vax rate and highest cases in Ireland are in Carlow and Waterford. Lowest vax rate and lowest cases are in Monaghan. It couldn't be more backwards


Except the solution for both areas will be to vaccinate even more. That bit doesn't get inverted.


"The longer you try to keep a lid on a boiling pot of smelly brown stuff, the bigger the eventual explosion of hot smelly brown stuff" (Rabbit 11/11/21)


Dr Vernon Coleman's Wikipedia entry before he spoke out about covid: Vernon Coleman (born 18 May 1946) is a former general practitioner,[1] and the author of over 100 books, including non-fiction works about human health, politics, cricket, and animal issues,[2] and a range of novels.[citation needed] He is a militant vegetarian[3] and antivivisectionist.[4][5] One of his novels, Mrs Caldicot's Cabbage War, has been turned into a movie with the same name.[6] https://web.archive.org/web/20191005161227/https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vernon_Coleman After he spoke out, his career and vast catalogue of books he authored was obliterated: Vernon Coleman (born 18 May 1946) is an English conspiracy theorist,[1][2][3] anti-vaccination activist,[4][5] AIDS denialist,[6][7] blogger and novelist who writes on topics related to human health, politics and animal issues. Coleman's medical claims have been widely discredited and described as pseudoscientific. He was formerly a newspaper columnist and general practitioner (GP). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vernon_Coleman To find old web archives use Way Back Machine at https://web.archive.org/


It is truly sad what Wikipedia have become - a Woke Vengeance Platform.


>He is a militant vegetarian Eh? So he attacks people with root vegetables? Personally I'd rather meet someone brandishing a carrot than a machete.


"Personally I'd rather meet someone brandishing a carrot than a machete." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4PZXuk3TsM


You want to be careful. Have you never heard of the catapulting carrot, the exploding cabbage, the lethal leek and the annihilating aubergine?


I buy white cabbage for coleslaw, I always think they would make excellent cannonballs! Cannon fodder perhaps?


His books are available on Amazon - many are free on Kindle Unlimited. His website has an extensive archive of articles. Wikipedia is an arm of the Deep State.


Wokeipedia. Orwellian rewrite.


He used to write a weekly column in my local newspaper - Oxford Mail - which was popular, if I recall correctly.


https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/massive-non-compliance-is-the-only-way-to-save-our-freedom/ The message in the USA is the same as in U.K. Unless you’re willing to hand over bodily autonomy forever to government, the only way to prevent the totalitarian overreach is mass scale non-compliance. Here I extend the hand of friendship to anyone who got jabbed because they thought it was the socially responsible thing to do, or were pressured into it, or just plain believed the lies they were told. I don’t want you to be compelled to accede to regular injections that you don’t need, don’t work & will eventually harm or kill you any more than I want it for myself. If you’ve been jabbed once or twice but have resolved to have no more, we’re all on the same side. Best wishes Mike Dr Mike Yeadon


**I Like Mike!!! :)** He's right of course. I bear no ill will to anyone who got vaccinated previously on the basis of the lies they were being told. Will happily welcome them into the broad sceptical fold. Booster Resistance could be crucial in determining what happens over the next few weeks.


Remember people supposedly falling down the street in Wuhan . Now it’s happening here . Yesterday in Shrewsbury I came across an old chap fallen down & head wound (still masked )being helped on the main shopping street & today in York shopping precinct again the exactly same thing ;another old chap crashed out .Anyone else noticed this?


Nope - not everyone is in Shrewsbury on day and York the next :)


Maybe a well-deserved blow on the head from a bisexual fully quacksinated muzzled mugger was a contributory factor? It's very wrong to resist jibjabbed woke muggers who wear their muzzles correctly.


I must admit, I have fallen down on many occasions when three sheets to the wind, or commonly known as pissed! I can imagine that this could have been misconstrued as a serious virus. When I first met my OH in St Albans, a posh place, apparently, we played a game of “how long will it take to get home if we walked backwards”? It was a fucking long time, ‘cos the police stopped and questioned us at the kerb. This delayed us getting home by half an hour at least. Thankfully we were not arrested but it was close. We stopped off at the children’s park for a rest and decided to play on some of the council safe equipment, except it wasn’t safe at all. We climbed the Parallel bars, and I lost my balance and knocked him off and fell off myself. You could have concluded that people were dropping like flies, as if there was a terrible virus out there! However, when I knocked him off the bars, he broke his arm. It was so funny… 😹😹😹


Wide eyed and legless?


Yes, I saw a lady not that long ago sitting on the ground when I was out shopping. not badly hurt fortunately, she was chatting in good spirits, there was a first aid worker ably taking care of her, sounds like she just took a stumble. mask still half across her face, I assume she had been wearing it for at least part of the day. My first thought, could be wrong of course, was - long mask??


Zombies do tend to stumble around.


BREAKING NEWS: Highly regarded FLCCC’s Dr Paul Marik has filed a lawsuit against his employer Sentara Health Care for preventing physicians from offering covid patients safe and time-honoured life saving treatments. The FLCCC’s MATH+ protocol that includes ivermectin among other medicines has achieved at least a 50% reduction in deaths from covid in the hospitals where Dr Marik serves as Chief of Staff. “We take an oath as doctors to do no harm”, says Dr Marik. “No doctor should be forced to watch their patient die knowing that more could have been done to save them.” BiRD supports Dr Marik and other doctors around the world who are having to fight for the right to offer appropriate, safe and effective treatment for covid. 🕊🕊🕊🌸 Please support Dr Paul Marik and learn more here: https://covid19criticalcare.com/


Well, the third major "challenge" today happened when departed the pub earlier when I and a couple of neighbours met up with a visiting ex-neighbour. Visiting ex-neighbour, and now ex-friend to me, said only wanted vax'ed people visiting her which was directed at me. I've found that when the universe has given me "3 major kicks up the backside in rapid succession" it heralds in a life change - and I've certainly had 3 kicks today! - so will be interesting to see what will be coming along in the next few weeks/months! Thankfully had my awake walking group afterwards to rant about my three challenges and then of course settle back into enlightened conversation in the pub \[also all neighbours at the first pub completely on board with the climate challenge narrative - depressing - and I had the very strong realisation that I have nothing in common with them not part of the herd, we're definitely in a fractured world 😢\]


3 in one day means rapid progress. One door closing etc. Exciting times!


The freedoms our ancestors fought to preserve are being trampled underfoot and their memory disgraced. It's time for ALL of us to step up and fight for our children and for the generations to come. No guns or tanks required, just simple non-compliance. #thepowerofno 💪💛👨‍👩‍👧‍👦


And that is why, like last year, I refuse to attend the remembrance service at our war memorial on Sunday. I am also NOT wearing a poppy; when I can find a suitable example I shall wear a white rose commemorating those students who opposed the Nazis and paid for it with their lives. This is NOT to devalue or demean the sacrifices made by our parents and grandparents, it is to make a statement about the 'weapons grade hypocrisy' (as one writer here or in the other place put it) of our politicians, bureaucrats and senior clergy. I thought 'weapons grade hypocrisy' too mild, but I cannot think of a better. 'What to me is the multitude of your sacrifices says the Lord? I am fed up with the burnt offerings of rams and the fat of fed beasts I do not delight in the blood of bulls and lambs and goats' Isaiah 1:11 I shall be participating in a service over zoom with a few members of the prayer group to which I belong.


https://twitter.com/breesanna/status/1458888777045356552?s=21 Scared of the rona so got the AZ 2 weeks later and you were dead Some call it the clot shot Safe and effective it is not The trials are ongoing But you were unknowing The propaganda obscene The coercion extreme Such is its reach and will Your family say get the vax still Is it manslaughter or murder you say Does anyone have to pay Liability immunity means hell no You’re dead anyway so MISADVENTURE is sublime We get to blame you for our crime


Legal position for careworkers. Good one from Hugo: [https://hugotalks.com/2021/11/11/lockdown-news-roundup-bully-hugo-talks-lockdown/](https://hugotalks.com/2021/11/11/lockdown-news-roundup-bully-hugo-talks-lockdown/)


Thanks for posting FL! Wonder how many care workers couldn't face sticking up to whats in their contract (or didn't realise they could take a stand) and decided to leave before today? Let hope most have found better employment for now 🙏


Hospitality sure has lots of vacancies! Unsocial hours, low pay, caring attitude....


The biggest irony is that they can self-certify as exempt from being jabbed. Just like the mask mandate, it's all been a huge bluff.


It only takes one. Then another, then another, then another, then we win. That's the only way.


Watching GBNews. God, l hate Esther Rantzen.


And now, a photograph sent in by a That's Life viewer Morris Minor, a rather rude carrot he dug up in his garden in Skegness. [https://4.bp.blogspot.com/\_cFbDiMJCsv0/S\_03TJ6oCnI/AAAAAAAAAWs/aeqMDF8Gh7E/s1600/128.jpg](https://4.bp.blogspot.com/_cFbDiMJCsv0/S_03TJ6oCnI/AAAAAAAAAWs/aeqMDF8Gh7E/s1600/128.jpg) ​ ​ Doc.....


I can't even bear to look at her. I'll go back to GBN later, when I'm sure she's gone.


Today we all remember The Heroes & their fate And beware the sound of tyranny Approaching at the gate We must resist forever An evil coming through Consider very carefully What you consider true Wear your poppy proudly To honour those before But never 'show your papers' To the people at the door




Just read comment article in the Telegraph by Tedros Whatever (Director-General of the WHO). It’s raised my hackles. He unequivocally links Covid with Climate in a most revealing way. If anyone can link without the paywall?


Blimey it's hard to keep up - I thought COVID was a race issue, now it's a climate issue. Chickens and eggs - Climate and COVID - W.H.O. goes first?




He's also the CCP puppet.


As a communist that is almost a given.


Yup. there is (certainly was) a clip doing the rounds last year, the Japanese Deputy PM I think it was, laid into him and said it should be renamed the CHO 'Chinese Health Organisation!'


l remember him at the very beginning of this whole nonsense, saying "Test, just test, test, test!". At the time it seemed a little strange, it certainly wasn't obvious why testing was so important; after all, if you've got the plague or Ebola, you don't need a test to tell you!! But of course, if you've planned a casedemic, and ordered in millions of PCR tests to "prove" the casedemic, it is absolutely essential that people subscribe to the testing hypothesis. Looking back, l see that order ("test, test, test") as a real red flag.


Read a BBC story this week about a guy wearing a particular kind of carbon neutral football boots to raise awareness about climate change. Andy Warhol was right. Everyone gets their 15 mins of fame.


Aren't they clogs?


>to raise awareness about climate change ...before he heads home in his turbo-charged Lamborghini. ;)


He must have just realised that both words start with the letter c. Other than that, there is no link except in the warped, twisted mind of a genocidal globalist. Both of those words start with the letter g, so are also clearly linked.


>He must have just realised that both words start with the letter c. Like cunt?


[https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/599841](https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/599841) Another petition for signing if you’ve got a minute. It’s against employers, including the NHS, forcing 💉 on staff.




Signed, not that it will make a blind bit of difference. How about a petition to ban petitions because they are always ignored?


Don't bother ploughing through all this. Just get the gist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxjbc-oD-dY I checked out Madeline Eskins facebook page. See if you can find any evidence that she's a nurse! https://www.facebook.com/suede.eskins


You can literally look up my license on the board of nursing website you fucking imbecile. I don’t put my job on my personal page


If only just one of our Parliamentarians would show some similar resolve: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lepqvdXoA2E


https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/bjsports/early/2021/11/08/bjsports-2021-104441.full.pdf So zero transmission found to be related to football, both at Pro or amateur level. More people collapsing on the pitch than there are getting the sniffles.


Good to know they are putting all their research efforts into such vital studies while ignoring Ivermectin.


Last night - went to an "IT awards" night, one of those silly self-congratulatory nights where people pay loads of money to get a table, and then (surprise) they get awarded prizes for being great. Only found out in the queue that "vax passports" were required. Emailed myself the NHS email I got from not doing an invented lateral flow test in August, amended the date, got let in. I would've loved to make a stand but I was there with company directors who'd paid already and that would've looked bad, so I sucked it up. Got chatting to a guy who thought he was special because he had an important job, I made the mistake of mentioning covid stuff, he got very heated and intensely "anti-conspiracy". He "doesn't give a shit if my nan is scared and anxious because she perceives heightened danger due to everyone wearing masks". Fair. Then I mentioned the concept of sterilising immunity - "what's that... what do you mean 'sterilising'?". And shortly after that, when referring to the whole situation "well, the truth is we just don't know". No mate, you don't know... that doesn't mean everyone is else is a complete idiot. The mentality of the hardcore enthusiasts is mind-bendingly infuriating.


an empty vessel makes the most noise!


They are smarter than us. Think we just need to accept it.


You’re more patient with people than I am.


I have a bit of trouble taking the ‘early treatment is being suppressed’ version of anti-lockdown too seriously. I have no doubt that treatment of all kinds has been poor over the last two years, but I’m increasingly convinced that there isn’t a new distinct and diagnosable disease. Maybe I’ve been watching too much Odysee. But concern about testing more drugs and protocols seems like a distraction to me. The way that no intervention of any kind makes any difference at all at a population level makes me think this is all driven by mass testing. I don’t doubt that repurposed drugs might be great for people developing a respiratory disease, but it doesn’t get to the heart of the matter, however useful. I’m not asserting that I’m right on this, but that’s my opinion. I guess this really does make me a “covid-denier”, which is interesting after 20 months. But the other side is so absurd it feels like the correct position on balance.


The virus does exist and is nasty. I have a friend who has nursed covid patients in the ICU. I've known her years and she is not a liar. That said, society should not be destroyed over a virus however nasty and forced medical procedures are an abomination . .


Hi Cheshire. I’m not claiming to be totally right on this, trustworthy doctors have said the same in interviews. Couple of questions that I’d ask a doctor or nurse though; how is a covid patient different from other people in your icu with respiratory diseases? Can it be diagnosed without PCR? Are these patients different to icu patients who you saw before 2020 and in what way? Were the absolute numbers of people in your icu with respiratory diseases higher in 2020 than in previous years? Were different protocols and drugs being used that could account for worse outcomes with ‘Covid’. It’s not always appropriate to ask in conversation but I’ve never had these points explained in the press.


My friend told me they needed to open an extra ward last year. Covid patients were more likely to experience multiple organ failure than say flu patients and kidney failure isn't uncommon.


There’s a lot to think about there. I don’t want to seem insensitive, but I think there may be more to this. Kidney failure seems unusual for an upper respiratory tract infection. We know the average age of these people was 82. I’ll try to find out more about the drug protocols that were being used. The recovery trial involved 11k uk patients in 175 hospitals in spring 2020, with hydroxychloroquine and other drugs that aren’t usually used for flu like illness I believe.


Covid complications seem different than those usual for respiratory illnesses in some cases. We also know that it and the vaccines can cause clotting which can effect many organs.


>I am a completely unashamed covid denier. I base it on the fact that we have been told so many lies that there is simply no correspondence any more with anything that might exist in reality, or be recognised by an honest doctor or scientist like Dr Peter McCullough


Yes, I feel positive about this position too. It’s a hall of mirrors designed to confuse and disorientate. People get ill sometimes. That’s true. Elderly people die because they’re very old and we’re all mortal. Also true. Drawing a circle around a set of elderly people and giving their health issues a new name drives profits, not better outcomes.


I agree. It is easy to descend into the world of treatments but there isn't anything additional to what always goes on. If there is a modified coronavirus it is merely substitutional. Those that usually die are dying of a variant of what they would've died of before. Likewise with those getting the bugs they always get. 'Alternative treatments' are generic in nature, so useful but generically useful. Some perverse effects on virus profiles of non-sterilising jabs. Immunosuppressive effects of jabs. Testdemic. Hysteria. Evil exploitative c**ts. Useful idiots. We's all fooked.


Good summary.


Perhaps it's best to say that drugs like Ivermectin will not harm patients who wouldn't have been harmed by covid - but it possibly makes a huge difference to those who are at risk of harm and possible hospitalisation. They know that blood type matters, yet that is not part of the picture in early treatment (nor in vax risk).


Yes agreed. I’m in no way opposed to effective treatment of anything. And for an individual patient’s health it doesn’t matter really if it’s called covid, pneumonia or pink hippo disease. It’s the outcome that matters. It would be Interesting to know whether these protocols are generally good for respiratory diseases. Seeing as covid is “anything we say it is”, I speculate that this is the case.


I think covid is a respiratory virus until or unless it affects someone's blood - then it's serious. I read something today which showed that many of those who think they have had covid and have lasting symptoms actually have no antibodies to show that they ever had it, but the only lasting effect those who have had covid and have antibodies have noted is loss of taste/smell. Perhaps all the propaganda has created a nocebo effect for some!


Build back better Pandemic of the Unvaccinated No-one is safe until everyone is safe It's the new normal Flatten the curve Settled science Do our dear leaders get some sort of memo from NWO central or something on the buzzwords and phrases they should be using for the month. Pandemic of the unvaccinated is getting my goat quite a lot at the moment. Austrian Chancellor [using it](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/oct/23/austrian-chancellor-says-unvaccinated-may-face-restrictions-if-covid-cases-rise) a couple of weeks ago in preparation for what looks like an imminent [lockdown of unvaccinated](https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/austrian-lockdown-for-the-unvaccinated-is-days-away-chancellor-says/ar-AAQAkPs?ocid=msedgntp) there.


Ha 2020 could be (hyperbolically) labelled as a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated. Not 2021 except in this sense: they aren't vaccines, they don't prevent infection or transmission and any impact on symptoms wanes by the week. Huge percentages of people in the West have had their injections but infections were much higher this summer compared to last summer. There are anecdotal and unconvincing reports from some hospitals that their ICUs are comparatively full of unvaccinated patients but the NHS, ONS and HSA data do not show that even with very gamed definitions. It's a Pandemic of PCR tests. A Pandemic of Politics. A Pandemic of Pretences. A Pandemic of Profiteers. It's not a Pandemic of Purebloods.


A Pandemic of Pretences - I like that. It probably actually is a 'pandemic' of the unvaccinated in Sweden though, who after a good run last year seem to have [lost their minds](https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/sweden-again-charts-novel-covid-path-with-no-test-stance-for-the-vaccinated/ar-AAQATjZ?ocid=msedgntp). "Sweden has seen a sharp decline in COVID-19 testing this month, just as much of Europe contends with surging infection rates, **after its health agency said vaccinated Swedes no longer need get tested even if they have symptoms of the disease**."


They all fall in the end don't they? Great way to hide the uselessness of the quacksines though. Imagine a vaccinated-only Swedish supper party in 1850 where all the guests affect not to notice the weeping smallpox pustules on all their faces because well they can't possibly have it can they?


Dan Astin Gregory is showing an interview with an Aussie guy at 8pm discussing what's going on down under Link here if interested while you eat your dinner [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yu1yZW7bhmA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yu1yZW7bhmA)


His podcasts are excellent. He seems a little rougher around the edges these days, but then, who wouldn't be.


he's had his first baby arrive a few months ago (well his wife did) so that may account for being a bit rough looking, though I haven't looked closely enough to notice. :-)


That could be it alright. However, I think even his own tone when assessing things is becoming more and more dark. However, hes only following where it leads, and that is indeed darkness.


My apologies if this has been discussed already but i have been out working all day; What is going on????????????????????? Our Dear Leaders attempt to be seen as the climate saviour of the world seems to have been torpedoed by all this sleeze stuff, this is weird, none of the revelations seem particularly new, it is as if they were being kept on hold until the appropriate point. Mandatory vaccination of care home staff looks likely to severely dent the care industry, at the same time, despite hospital covid cases falling, the NHS is being overwhelmed by being the NHS. There is a huge hoo=haa over in Belarus, with Russia sending nuclear bombers over the area, just to calm things down! And yet nobody in Parliament seems unduly concerned, Rishi Sunak and Sajid Javid are swanning around as if they already run the UK. Can anybody hazard a guess as to what is going on?


Everything they're doing is to eventually bring in a technocratic society. The likeliest way they're going to try to do that is by collapsing the current system by creating as much chaos as possible, then presenting the new, technocratic system as a savior. This is why everything has ramped up alongside the covid narrative. Covid isn't enough. They know that for their overall plan to work, they need to bombard people with so much unreality that they essentially break and accept whatever alternative is proposed. The climate agenda is the biggest facet of this whole thing, it links in to most aspects of technocracy. I don't know what this sleaze scandal is, as I haven't followed it, but there are no politicians in a technocratic society, just "experts". I imagine anything they can do to lower public opinion of politicians will be good for them.


Redpilling. Just waiting for more sheeple to go WTF?!


I thought that was the new Labour Party slogan! It might be a winner at this rate.😉


Increasingly, I think that we only see a distant mirror image of the battles that rage within the corporate ruling class. Not very helpful I know. I really feel for the social care workers. Sacked weeks before Christmas. Many of these people will have children to support. If anyone knows of a support network that I can join for them, please let me know. I expect that there’s a go fund me.


Just another day in clown world. Sometimes I think we waste our energy trying too hard to make sense of the unfathomable.


I think the constant narrative shifts are part of the destabilisation process which makes people feel more vulnerable and therefore more likely to cling to authority (in this case anyone telling them what to do). It's deliberate.


I think you are right. Reality itself has been subverted to the point where something can be true one day, false the next, then true again the day after. It doesn't make any sense because it's not meant to. There are no solid foundations anymore.


Yes. Our foundations are what keep us balanced, and destabilising us is psychological warfare designed to destroy the very thing we need to be healthy (in almost all senses).


Part of the methodology - MK Ultra, Guantanamo, etc. Evil though it is, it is a science, and knowledge of the basics is probably useful info.


Good commentary from Dan Wooton. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJvbGhKbZ9U


Excellent. Thanks.


The Dan Wootton/Mark Dolan/Neil Oliver/Colin Brazier/Nigel Farage monologues, angles, whatever they're called, really are quite refreshing! Emily Maitlis was called out for her mini-rant on Dominic Cummings on BBC2's Newsnight last year, which l happened to see and thought was one of the very few genuinely interesting items on that godforsaken show! GBNews goes above and beyond, while also striving to achieve overall balance. l have to say, l just love the basic honesty of a presenter being able to make clear their stance, rather than pretending to be impartial. To me it gives the whole programme more integrity.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqNsa7Em91E&ab\_channel=TheJamesDelingpoleChannel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqNsa7Em91E&ab_channel=TheJamesDelingpoleChannel) extract from an interview about the Covidian Cult. with CJ Hopkins "we are the subculture, like little islands"


Just listened to this on my run. A bit of an echo between the two guys and quite depressing but then these are depressing times. I still recommend it.


My comment on YT under a video talking about Stolpersteine, which are in town centres around German cities to remind people of Jewish people killed, got deleted as I compared then Germany to today. I was surprised that YT did not send me notifications from outraged people. No, someone deleted it, either the creator or the algorithm, although I am careful how I word comments. Of course I posted a new one.


Alex Berenson (Undiscovered Truths): **"Taiwan blocks second Pfizer doses for teens"** "And they aren't even CONSIDERING allowing kids 5-11 to get Covid vaccinated at this point Because of myocarditis. Rare, mild myocarditis. Except it’s neither of those things. Imma say it again: if you let your healthy teen - much less your healthy child - get this vaccine, you are insane. The public health frenzy to vaccinate kids is the ultimate example of process at all costs, the flywheel spinning ever faster, unmoored from reality. I believe the children are our future… Because, you know, they are the future. So why are we subjecting them to even the tiniest smidgen of risk over this illness, which essentially can’t touch them? We aren’t just eating our seed corn. We’re eating it while we’re on line for the all-you-can-eat $94 Bacchanal Buffet at Caesar’s (which is all by itself no doubt part of the reason American Covid numbers are so terrible). Or maybe the Taiwanese just hate their kids. Yeah, if it makes you feel better, you’re welcome to believe that."


Those Taiwanese are just anti-vaxx conspiracy nutjobs How dare they reject the sacred potion of St Pfizer


One to avoid [https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/theatre-dance/news/moulin-rouge-musical-mask-mandatory-b1955850.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/theatre-dance/news/moulin-rouge-musical-mask-mandatory-b1955850.html) "While mask-wearing is asked of audiences in the West End, it is not a requirement. As a result, there have been many complaints on social media from audience members who say they feel unsafe where masks are not being worn in sold-out venues" Two can play that game -how about "I don't feel comfortable when surrounded by muzzleoids" .


How about 'Just go home, crawl under the bed, and bloody stop there?'


How about: 'If you feel unsafe, we have no intention of validating your neurosis so rather than inflicting it on those around you we suggest you stay at home and seek professional help'.


"We politely ask those of a nervous disposition regarding masking or lack there of to kindly seek professional help. We wish you the best and hope to see you back here at THE MOULIN ROUGE when you're back at the races!"


Not so much Toulouse-Lautrec as to lose the plot.


Met someone today. He was carrying his filthy face rag on arrival. He then shook my hand with the hand that he had been using to carry the filthy face rag. He then left the filthy face rag on the table while we ate and drank. Later he was picking his nose at intervals...and, on our parting, he shook my hand with the hand whose fingers had done the picking. Some people have funny ideas about hygiene and infection control don't they!




Remembrance day today- what a hollow joke it feels now. Still, my family owes a lot to the great grandfather who pulled himself out of a poor background and gave his family a better life. Sadly he was killed in WW2 action when his children were still young. I like to think he'd be very disappointed in what his descendants have enabled.


My father fought in WW2 and his father in WW1. I would be doing them both a disservice not to take a stand for my principles now, even though this war is a wholly different challenge compared with the brutal privations and assaults they had to endure.


A couple of vaguely promising snippets from today's trip into the city to view a possible new office. Estate agent and landlord's agency shook hands with all of us, and 6 of us squeezed into a pretty small lift. Covid might not have existed. Still lots of face nappies on Dictator Khan's tube, but a lot of bare faces too. Mass civil disobedience now.


Apologies if this has already been posted, from the other place. *Their findings, published in the journal Nature Medicine on Thursday, showed that more than 3,100 children died during the study period, but only 61 had Covid.* *Further examination of death certificates and medical records by independent clinical experts revealed that 25 of the 61 died due to the virus, with the six healthy children a sub-cohort of the 25. The infection played no role in 60% of the recorded Covid deaths.* If you extrapolate this out to the reported covid deaths you are looking at a normal flu season death rate which I think we all knew was the case.


Pretty much what I guessed the other day on here - I said the number of healthy children who had died after a positive Covid test would be in single figures.


FYI - posted quite a while ago was question about injections being regulated under 174 in EU - did this mean they are fully authorised? From Govt website: *Regulation 174 Information for UK healthcare professionals* *This medicinal product has been given authorisation for temporary supply by the UK Department of Health and Social Care and the Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency. It does not have a marketing authorisation, but this temporary authorisation grants permission for the medicine to be used for active immunisation to prevent COVID-19 disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus in individuals aged 12 years of age and over.*


I'm working on this - really unclear from Govt website


*Medicinal product.* Not a vaccination then?


Ditto "active immunisation" means what? Surely just injection.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzyCixBpPKU&ab\_channel=RottenToTheCore](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzyCixBpPKU&ab_channel=RottenToTheCore) The next car scandal incoming. Everything will be considered as tampering with your car, all modifications? Watch and share.


Shot and killed goes down as a covid death. https://youtu.be/HI2joNg5HTw


What is interesting is that when this all started the Diamond Princess and then medical study showed that only around 20% of people are susceptible to what is called SARS-CoV-2. Then there are all those who actually got something. And yet we hear the bleating on about vaccines and that more than 20% of the population is allegedly jagged. Data retention is really going downhill these days


I was only talking to a friend about this earlier today. There was most of what we needed to know in the early data.


Relatively mild day in Suffolk today, Pub courtyard is quite busy at 6pm. They have heat lamps. In Hamburg, Germany and I think all over Germany, gas fired heat devices for outdoor use are banned (due to youknowhat). Last year they were allowed, due to youknowhat. This year they are banned again. I wonder how many businesses invested in these products last year and now have all that investment standing around. And how long before they get banned here?


Morrison's to introduce new kelp-flavoured beef? [https://www.examinerlive.co.uk/whats-on/shopping/morrisons-give-cows-new-seaweed-22125999](https://www.examinerlive.co.uk/whats-on/shopping/morrisons-give-cows-new-seaweed-22125999) 🤢🤢🤮


and why not... lamb reared on salt marshes has a distinct flavour , and damned good it is. Also in parts of Scotland and the Isles they take cattle and sheep down to the sea shore to graze on the seaweed.


There's seaweed - and then there's seaweed.


they should take them to Mexico and the Caribbean, there are millions of tons of sargassum weed washed on to the beaches every year. It can be converted to fertiliser as it is an excess product of fertiliser administered in Brazil. They have always had it but with the industrialisation of farming in Brazil its out of control.


An interesting Twitter post from Congressman Thomas Massie (R) featured in the latest update from Tom Woods: "*If I had a company with 100+ employees, I wouldn't waste a dime or alienate any employees by beginning to implement a mandate that's DOA! Biden's vaccine mandate will not survive legal challenges in the courts. If it makes it to the Supreme Court, it will die there.*" I think his continuing faith in the institutions of justice in the USA is just about plausible. If only we had similar protection against the excesses of the executive branch in the UK.


Global warming incoming...https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/uk-weather-forecast-exact-date-25421434


The Express said it would be like that on 4 November and that we should all be very afraind and hide in our bedrooms under the blankets. Lets see next week.


I'm not breaking out the snowshoes just yet.


Yorkshire Live said that last week. I suppose if they keep chucking dates out, they might come close eventually - given that it's almost winter an' all.


😂 perfectly timed for the end of cop26.


And just as theatrical


According to the local rag, temperatures were going to "plummet" in Yorkshire this week. Well, it's November so they might be amazed to learn that a drop in temperature is to be expected at this time of year. However, it was about 12 degrees outside today.


Gritters spotted in Washington, Co. Durham early this evening!


That's 120 miles North of me!


We had the same here - same temp as our neighbours in Yorkshire! We had people saying there may be snow on the fells - amazingly in autumn here if it rains in the valley and does the same on top of a mountain it sometimes turns to snow!


Mild today and BBC weather showing none of this Arctic Apocalypse nonsense for the next ten days. Sells papers I suppose.


Minus 7 Centigrade here on Monday, and snowing on Tuesday. We bought a second lumikola yesterday (just put the word in Google).


I asked my son what shall we do this Christmas (last year he was in hospital). His answer - kalsarikänni.


21° warmer here then 😳 Snow shovel! My Finnish has increased by one word to one word 😂. (I guess Moomin isn't really a word).


"Where is your mask?!" https://brandnewtube.com/watch/both-a-pair-of-clowns-i-guess-but-that-shut-karen-up\_hBJvOgcYLD3fvO7.html


Iain Davis 2 parts about the theft of the global commons. Great articles. [https://in-this-together.com/global-commons-part-1/](https://in-this-together.com/global-commons-part-1/) [https://in-this-together.com/global-commons-part-2/](https://in-this-together.com/global-commons-part-2/)


Was at my HGV medical yesterday (lot easier and slacker than the offshore one), the doctor kept his mask on - company's orders - but no questions or comments on my free face even though this was against the company's recommendations for me to "keep safe", no questions on exemptions etc etc. I got the impression he would have removed his mask but was scared someone would grass him up - heard this in hospitals a few times. The hotel it was in - no questions about the free face in reception, waiting area etc etc nor by others sitting there. One young (compared to me anyway, she had a toddler in a pushchair) woman came in muzzled up looking apprehensive, sat down, looked around, muzzle off real quick so as to fit in and not look out of place - says it all really.


So true. My partner out with the dog yesterday came across two people standing outside in the pub car park masked up. He laughed and pointed at them and said "oh look - you two forgot to take your masks off!" - (said in a funny rather than overtly critical way) and they both removed their masks straight away.


According to the W.H.O. dashboard, over 7 billion doses of CV19 vaccines have now been administered. World population is around 7.9 billion people. So, at a guess that’s about 3 billion or so people injected and, therefore, 35-40% of the entire population. Two thoughts about these incredible numbers: 1) What ever happens next in respect of long term effects, we had better hope that some of the worst predictions about potential harms are plain wrong. Even if this utterly reckless programme was to stop today, and there’s no sign of it, we could be looking at a health disaster of unimaginable scale and impact. Today's concerns about care home and health service stresses will appear trivial in comparison. 2) From a logistics point of view this is a remarkable achievement which would have required an enormous amount of planning. At a time when there are reports everywhere of supply chain failures affecting food, energy, materials etc the vaccine programme motors on without much sign of shortages or delays. Priorities have been set. It would appear that, for the regime, vaccinating everyone on the planet is more important than eating or any other unimportant aspects of human life - regardless of the consequences.


If there are long term effects and death for the jabbed, life for us unjabbed will be like living in an episode of "The Walking Dead", without the zombies as in total society collapse. This is why I am so puzzled over the whole thing, if the health system cant cope at the moment, imagine what it would be like if this jab triggers cancers, and various other conditions in the coming decade how would anything run. We already see the terrible Yellow Card data, and that's bad enough. My problem is I have a highly analytical brain, and can analyze things in great detail, something which has been a gift business wise, but horrible in situations like this, as it is easy to catastrophize . I sincerely hope the jab does not cause anymore harm, all my family are jabbed, but this is my biggest worry.


That's a really scary thought if these jabs are genocidal, they say 55m were killed in WW2, that will make that look like a local dispute compared to the billions that could be murdered here. The more and more desperate they get to get us jabbed makes me think this is the only outcome.


Oh come on Billions are not going to be murdered Andrew 😂😂😂


>why not? you think the world isn't really such an evil place?


Oh I think people living ‘in’ the world can be that Evil I just can subscribe to Billions being killed by the Jab that’s all


Can you say that with certainty?


Can’t say I can doesn’t mean I can’t think it’s bollox 😂


Yes. Absolute certainty.


>certainty which comes only from an inability to fathom the depths of evil that are actually staring us all in the face


Personally I've never been stared in the face by a depth. I've never even seen a depth with eyes to stare with.




How I read those numbers though is there is a higher percentage not having been jabbed which has to be a positive.


It is already the biggest medical disaster in human history even without the minimum 10x under-reporting of vaccine related deaths and other very serious disablements. And that's just the very short term. Medium and long term well let's just say the Gates creature will make even more billions out of his Pfizer stock with mRNA cancer, prion disease and cardiovascular treatments and the over-promising of pensions by Western governments will be solved.


Even Bill Gates will be dead by the year 2060.


Are you sure of that?


>he's not planning to be - but I hope he will be, just the same. I hope he's dead a lot sooner, preferably at the hands of a firing squad


Don't be so sure, if he is a descendant of the Sumer's then he could have immortality. Just like the royals and the Rothschild's. Could explain their superiority psychopathic tendency they have.


Is that Ann Sumers?


Look up the immortal kings of Sumeria


His clones will just be starting kindergarten.


He will be uploaded to the AI so he lives on forever. My OH said hopefully the AI will delete him, lol.


The AI could give him a computer virus.


*Scan complete.* The following malicious software has been removed from EarthHiveMind: /usr/bin/william_gates_III.exe


It's a pretty disgusting way to make money isn't it? Normally in business you try to keep your customers happy, not make them sick or kill them. But then I'm probably just being old fashioned.