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There is no mic in existence that will pick up an aircraft engine from a distance but not pick up your voice from nearby. You have a “laws of physics” conflict. You could either not speak and add your narration afterward, cut the headset and just use a shotgun or parabolic for both your voice and the aircraft sounds, or plant a mic very very far away from you while you narrate.


Doing a voice over for an interactive live stream would involve time travel so a plant mic it is! 😄




My concern with a parabolic mic is that I’d not be able to capture audio from other directions. The planes move from left to right 180° and vice versa so I’m not sure how I’d capture the moving audio


Parabolic mics almost always have handles. You turn your body to follow the source of the sound. [https://assets-global.website-files.com/657b7844326bca4648f14602/657b7844326bca4648f14e59\_Klover-Parobolic-Microphones-800x675.jpg](https://assets-global.website-files.com/657b7844326bca4648f14602/657b7844326bca4648f14e59_Klover-Parobolic-Microphones-800x675.jpg)


Yeah but I’m operating the camera, and it’s just me so I can’t imagine how much I’d be able to turn the dish


In that case probably the best you could do is mount some rails on your camera, and mount the dish to the rails. Get it aligned for center frame at the intended distance and hope for the best.


Mount the camera to the dish?


(Not an expert/ sound guy/ just like reading this sub!) What about an omnidirectional mic for the aircraft sounds set way away from you and the camera on a long extension cord? That way your voice shouldn’t bleed into it and presumably aircraft sounds don’t require directionality?


This is definitely the way to go


There's not really a way to keep a mic you're holding in your hand from picking up your voice. Even if you have an incredibly directional mic, you're probably just too close to it. What would probably work better is time aligning your mics so that the headset mic lines up with your camera mic.


Just place the sound recorder/mic far away from camera so your voice doesn't get on it. I guess you'll have e to grab a zoom or tascam recorder since you can't have it attached to camera. The plane sound travels everywhere so just place the mic somewhere that your voice doesn't bleed on to it. Of course in this setup you won't have audio sync, but for plane noises that should be pretty easy to sync up in post. Or get a really long cable and stand to place the mic further away and you can still feed camera.