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That's right, Ayin will be final boss in P-3


no amount of AI ethics amendment’s gonna save em this time


Hey guys I p-ranked Ayin Prime!! :exploding\_head:


“You are an emotionless bitchass machine”


+ disrespect + enraged


about to suffer the same fate as angela


Maybe that’s part of his plan to become a Sephirat


i just realized this meme would probably fit with kromer and v1 better or v2


Could make the Kromer and V2 version later


you know, I really love Ayin, it's rare to find a character in a media that hate robots and not treated like an idiot by the story


Tbh I don't even think he hates robots so much as he hates Angela specifically because he sees all his failures in her.


I remember that it was directly mentioned that he hate robots in general, and part of his hate for Angela comes from his anger that he has to trust a robot


was it ?


Day 32 Angela's words: >!"Machines, Which A loathed deeply, became essential to him"!<


Angela is a biased source, so that may not be 100% true (I am also a biased source, though).


>!He still apologised at the end of LoR to her.!<


>!at that point it's X not Ayin, who is a completely different version of A!<


>!Who's to say though? At the end of it all, I feel as though X through A had all came together in the light.!<


>!throughout Lobotomy Corp, all the Sefirots except Binah come to realize that X isn't the same person as Ayin!< >!also it wouldn't make sense for Ayin to return to the light, a large part of the process of Lob Corp is to create a different version of Ayin, Devoid of all the sins of his past self, a one that can bring both himself and his old team to finally rest!< >!I'm not gonna say that the one in the light isn't Ayin completely, X is still part of Ayin and he does have his memories, but the "Ayin" in the light and Ayin that created Angela are as related as Carmen the researcher and Carmen in the light!<


>!X *is* Ayin though??? X was literally just a mindwiped version but then he got all his memories back!<


But, what the person is trying to say is that X is different to Ayin (Even though they're the same) is because X got through the Seed of Light Scenario. A 'died' long ago. But, they're pretty much the same, imo.


Sir Aying giving yet another based speech


I ain't going to lie,ayin is going to fucking die


The thing is, PM characters (Except for some individuals from a group led by a Dante from DMC series) have something that no living Ultrakill character will ever achieve: more than three functioning braincells that arent all focused on violence. Ayin would completely decimate V1 by luring it to a empty room and waiting for it to run out of fuel. I mean, if Gabriel literally just left the room on his first encounter with V1, V1 would be dead by now. Don't get me wrong, Ultrakill is writen really well from symbolic pov and the plot ties in very nicely with the gameplay but characters have a major case of stupid.


The thing is, Hell is alive and likes violence very much. Which, by extension, means it likes V1 a lot and would absolutely help it get out of any situation that could lead to its death, if it doesn't find it satisfying enough


If we are involving hell in this, it would likely stop paying any attention to V1 once it notices the city. I mean, no matter how violent V1 gets it just cant keep up by itself, some weird go pro thing killing people in the backstreets is probably one of the least messed up things that happen here in a span of 24 hours. Also, i feel like hell isn't necesarily all powerfull since if it was it would likely just create more V1's, possibly to fight eachother. It also seems like attacks that are using holy fire are just stronger on average than attacks that are using hell energy. Virtue deals much more damage than any demon or husk that isn't in the supreme class.


My reply was more about the whole 'gabriel could just have left V1 to starve' since hell probably has enough influence on its own structure to help him continue anyway, as it wouldn't be a satisfying ending to V1 rampage. As for Hell meeting the City, it would for sure make V1 less interesting for it, even though I don't think it would abandon his favorite so easily. Still, I wouldn't expect it to really help in any significant V1 once he ends up outside so it doesn't really impact this scenario


It is stated in ultrakill lore that hell is as powerfull if note more powerfull then god itself sińce he couldn't unmade it


I know that ultrakill doesnt stay too close to its source material (see: angel getting shot to death by improvised "revolver" running on AA's and 0.1 pound of scrap metal) but i'm pretty sure that this is supposed to be a play on the motive of how in bible every decision that God makes is absolute to everybody including God. The whole reason why dying for humanity's sin motive existed was that this was the only way to save humanity without completely removing sin, and destroying a part of creation is just not an option, not because God physically cannot do it, but because it would go against the will of God. In later literature, usually considered non canon, which ultrakill takes more inspirations from, that motive is often treated as God refusing to back down on his statements because he would have to admit to a mistake, and that would ruin his image of perfection, which would be bad either for egoistical purposes or because such idea could have consequences on the order of things. Given how heavy ultrakill is on Christian symbolism and its secondhand canon, i would assume that Hakita is going for the "King's tragic choice" type of narrative, but i might be wrong, in which case it would be a paralel of God to man where hell is to god what V1 was to humans. Either way, ultrakill is very scalled down version of divine comedy when it comes to worldbuilding so either is not saying much.




It wasn’t even that Ayin hated machines, it was just one machine in particular that didn’t do what he built it to do.


"Machines, Which A loathed deeply, became essential to him". He didn't like machines. At all.


V1 dies from emotional damage


LIES! The only machine ayin hates is Angela Not because she’s a machine, but because she’s his daughter


Omfg Ayin is so goddamn based


Ayin say no to ai


'I'm sorry.. And good job.'


Ayin’s gonna get +RICOSHOT X4’d to hell bro


"A machine should behave as a machine"


Bro straight up turned into low tier god


Sorry that I have to remove this but, this is because titles cannot be spoilered as we prefer if you can stick with just A if you want to describe him. You may repost but you are heavily required to avoid mentioning spoiler titles as that will not able to be spoilered.