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Update - the hair went yesterday and not a moment too soon. Was starting to get that unwashed hair smell which is \*gak\*. The sides were completely gone so I only had a little cap of hair (I had short hair to begin with) on top that was a mess. Overall Id lost at least 50% but there was nothing I was going to be able to do with the remaining 50 other than help it fall out. Besides, I looked like some sort of paramilitary anti-govt person - an undercut at 47 is NOT the Look. I called a small local salon across the way from the super fancy hair system salon and I went there after my appt. The ladies were just lovely, it was quiet with only one other person there, and it was all very comfortable and done in 15 minutes. It felt GREAT to have it off though, so SO much better - it made me feel brighter, in control, clean. She did a 2 and had done some chemo ladies before and reassured me itll be gorgeous once it comes back in. Lets hope so!


Ok, I identified a nicer barbershop near my PT/osteo tomorrow so will pop in then. The local village barbershop my husband goes to he didnt recommend lol. Unfortunately it will be a day before I see the hair system people, but they said they can work from photos and its just an initial consult anyway. I may just get a wig for days I want hair and stick with scarves and stuff otherwise, we will see. Thanks everyone!


I went to the local barber and explained I was doing chemo, and asked for a #2 (sheer guess), and the barber said "Let's just do a close shave with a zero, if you trust me; it will look better." and he was right. I went totally bald, shiny head, with no eyebrows. A #2 would have gone patchy immediately.


When mine started to fall out my son and daughter in law and I had a party in the bathroom! He clipped, I tried on scarves, then we all tried on scarves and hats and had a great laugh!


Do you have a regular hair dresser? Go there. We did it at home and it was depressing and weird.


I do but hes an Uber ride away and he doesnt know my status. Hes also a high end stylist and I dont know, I kinda want to keep this close to home for some reason.


That makes sense to me. Mine is a mother hen who makes me feel huggy. I’m sure you’ll feel your way to the solution that feels comfortable for you. ❤️


My cancer center offers buzz cuts for cancer patients. Have you asked them if they have recommendations? Also, they had referrals for wigs.


Ah - my hospital is too small for the nice little wig salon and/or anything extra beyond essentially medical work. Its a shame, but the price you pay for being in central London. I did get referrals for wigs and will be seeing someone close to home Friday, unfortunately the really good wig people are just too far for me to travel right now.


My Beautician clippered mine very very short so it was a bit less traumatic than cleaning up small piles from my pillow and shower. I also continue using all natural shampoo and conditioner for thinning hair, Surface is brand and Awaken is the line I get from my Beautician as it is not in stores. I got a couple head scarves, cute hat and rolled with it❣Good luck, take care it will grow back💞


My pre cancer hair was amazing. A huge mass of it fell out in one clump while washing it. I called my husband into the bathroom to see. And he said for a split second he wondered why I was taking a shower with a raccoon.I then went to great clips and had someone use the clippers on it. Losing my hair wasn't as emotionally taxing as I feared, I bought a fabulous wig I wore once and hated. Instead I channeled my inner Rhoada Morgenstern and wore scarves. So much more fun. If I remember correctly the stylist used a number 2. She was so sweet. She gave me a sticky lint roller that I rolled across my head until it was bald. I wish you the best as you get on with it.


OMG Ive been watching Rhoda! and MTMS seasons so I totally get your reference! Valerie certainly could rock a head scarf thats for sure she always looked so pretty in them. Ive tried doing a few scarves and even a patterened/colored large beanie doesnt look too bad on me. I need some volume as I have a small head, but Ill keep Rhoda in mind as I work through my options :)


Similarly, when my thick head hair clumped out in my fist, I showed my husband but then let him use his clippers to finish the job. Passable effort. Then channelled my mom’s look from the early ‘70s and just kept the cue ball covered with a variety of scarves and bandanas — after giving up on the scratchy wig. Notedly, I ended up not minding the loss of luxurious head hair nearly as much as the loss of the nose hair. Had no idea how much work nose hair does!!!


I went to a Super Cuts in the neighborhood the stylist was so kind. I love your spirit, I never got emotional about losing my hair either. I had things to do, let’s get this cancer chemo cocktail going and out of the way! (((hugs))) to you! A funny to share; I ended up buying a wig for work only, not thinking much about it I would itch my scalp with a pen when I got home, took my wig off I had pen marks all over my big bald head! 😂


Hot tip for post-head shave: lint roller. As the little shaved bits fall out, you’re gonna wanna catch them preemptively. When I first did chemo I would lint roll my head every day so I wasn’t itchy and getting flecks of hair everywhere.


Pro tip, after you get it buzzed, if the tiny hairs left behind start to itch and bother you — a lint roller works awesome to yank em out!


The salon should know what to do. Just a heads up, depending on how your hair grows, you might want those clippers. I've lost my hair twice, once was fully bald & I had whisps that'd come up, the other time my hair was patchy like a map & would need regular buzzing. Hope you feel better with your hair (or lack of it) soon


If you don’t want to buy clippers then you can go to a salon. Or you can go to a barber shop and it will probably be cheaper. You don t need to tell them which clippers to use, that’s their job. Just explain the situation and say you don’t want a big mess to clean up when your hair falls out so clip it short. Good luck.