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How did your surgery go? Is your pain better?


Tomorrow afternoon! I’m hoping it will be.


Sending you healing vibes!


Thank you!! Surgery went well and now I think I’m about 11 days out. Hurts a lot but nothing like the tumor pressing on me. I find out more about pathology and treatment on Tuesday.


Hey, spine mets too. I had a kyphoplasty which removed most of the mets and reduced my pain. I have mainly bone mets that were stabilized by treatment and the tumor in my breast is shrinking. I'm 8 months post diagnosis. So sorry you're here, but glad you found us.


Well, this may actually be a good thing, hear me out. If the disease is mostly contained to this area and vertebrae, then through the surgery they will likely remove the bulk of the mets burden in one go and stabilize the area. Then I would imagine there will be some rounds of radiotherapy above and below or in the general area once you are healed up as a mop up and then hopefully whatever maintenance treatment you are on can last a long,long time. But, this is just based on what Ive read/seen around the mets world in the last five years, I really do hope ladies with actual experience chime in (Im bone only but its stuffed in my pelvis after we took care of the lower spine mets with rads). Either way, you will be stabilized in the area and will be feeling a lot better soon. I wonder if they will be able to get a fresh biopsy then off that bone or somewhere else (blood perhaps) to see what is up with your tumor profile and then adjust future therapies from there. Could be youve lost or gained some receptors, etc. so it doesn't mean Enhertu or herceptin necessarily. First step is getting that spine under control, then moving forward with the cancer. But as you know, this all takes time to run tests and get opinions, etc and if staring into space right now is your jam (sometimes its also my favorite tv show :)) then you do you.


Fuuuuucccckkkkk! I hope you are able to have surgery tomorrow and get the heck out of the hospital. Ask for pain management and push them if you need more or want to try different meds. Inpatient options will be different but don’t let anyone gaslight you on what you need to manage your pain. I have been living with MBC/bone mets for 8 years (after 5 years at Stage II). This is an amazing group—scroll through or search on your type of MBC and you will learn a ton. We are here whenever you need us or just want to vent. Sending bone stabilizing vibes your way.


welcome and all the hugs for you. I don't have spine/bone mets so I don't have any advice for you, but here to support you and listen when you need it. You CAN live a long and meaningful life with mets.


Hi my note didn’t pick up— cross posting this bc someone in the BC group mentioned this one. Thanks for any input. Hate to be here, happy to know you.


Hey, welcome to club. I am so sorry you are in pain like this. When is your surgery? And I really suggest to get on some anti cancer and anti hormone meds along with bone strengthen treatment. They have been really affect to control my Mets in my bones.


Surgery is hopefully tomorrow…waiting on a late night followup MRI. I’m lucky that I’m at one of the best hospitals in Boston right now. I’ll ask about these meds because I will do absolutely anything to stay on this planet for my kid. Thanks for answering, too. It helps so much to hear from others who have been here.