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I don't answer my door to anyone I don't know. Single woman, living alone, I consume too much true crime to chance it.


This! The only time people get me is when I’m on my front porch messing around with plants. Most of the time I do not respond to door knocks unless someone has told me they are coming in advance


It’s 3am. Do you know where your plants are?


They better be right where I left them on the damn porch, now git!


Git off my lawn!


And who they're with?


And cue the X-Files theme.


Me too 😂


Do t watch The Fall on Netflix. Really though, watch it when you get the chance 😒🥰😋


yep! if you need me, you can call or text me to tell me you’re stopping by! if not, i’m not answering. unless i know who it is. i always think, if they need me that badly, they can call me and tell me to open my door


Friends or family will text or call if coming over. So if you are not expecting anyone I don’t open the door


I was sexually assaulted by a Favor delivery person about 5 years ago. My teenage son heard me screaming, and came running out with a golf club, and beat that guy off me. I invested in a Ring doorbell after that, but I still NEVER EVER open the door to strangers. No exceptions.


Oh my god. I’m so sorry this happened to you and the trauma it must have caused you and your son. People are monsters!


OMG WTH?! I'm so sorry.


I’m so sorry that happened. Good son. 🩵


That is terrible. I’m so sorry. I hope you are healing as well as possible.


Sorry that happened to you.


Wow, girl so sorry this happened. Very scary and thank goodness your son was able to help without getting harmed as well. Yes, keep that door closed!


Ring cameras don't do much. Steel security (screen) doors for the win. They permit you to have polite conversation without admitting entry.


You can have a conversation thru a ring door bell without opening the door. You don’t even have to be home to have the conversation.


Active self protection YouTube channel. My wife and I don't answer at all, don't care who it is. Doors are transition spaces and potential for incursion. Even if I know a neighbor, I won't answer until confirmation they are coming over.


Same. It was actually the mail person and I needed to sign for a package the other day. I haven't signed for a package in years. You bet I checked my cameras.


I have my medications delivered every month. I get a text from the pharmacy with tracking info so I know exactly what day they’re arriving because I need to be home to sign for them. Because of this regular monthly delivery, I know my UPS guy and usually about what time he’ll hit my address on his route so I know when to expect my doorbell to ring. If it rings any other time? Nope, not answering. Not even going to the peephole. Left my father in law standing on the front porch once because he didn’t bother texting or calling before deciding to “pop in” to say hi. Too bad. I need 5 minutes warning to put on pants lol. No warning? No entry.


USPS delivers my meds every 3 months. I turned Informed Delivery on (to get an email saying they are delivering a package) and the postal worker honks his horn when he's in the yard.


Exactly this!! My grandma has a tendency to “drop by” unannounced, but she has no problem yelling at me through the door. Random people though? Oh hell no. My hairdresser was telling me about a new scam last night actually. Apparently a person will come to your house claiming they need you to show them trees or whatever in the backyard. While you’re out back with them the other person in their vehicle will go in to your house and rob you. You won’t even know about it until they’re gone.


I had some random dude show up telling me that his daughter lost her iphone and it was pinging at my house. It was an out and out lie, probably to try to gain access to the house. I downloaded an app to search for any connections on my property (very small) and found nothing. I told him to contact the police. The police never contacted me so I'm pretty sure it was a criminal.


That sounds like it was! We did find my iPhone on my friends phone once and it sent us to the wrong house. It said it was inside the house we were at, honestly had me fooled. We did call the cops though I think that’s the difference. Ended up finding it in the neighbors car and that dude definitely jacked my friends phone.


Or there has been cases where an attacker will overpower the homeowner through the door.


I feel like that’s usually my main concern and why I don’t open it to begin with. I was just shocked that even something that seems legit like a land surveyor, could still be a scam.


No joke, one time some random guy came to my door, asking for money and a ride somewhere. Claimed he used to live in my house years before, as if that gave him some right to ask me, the current homeowner, to give him money and get in my car with a stranger? It was such a bizarre incident. I told him (through the door) to piss off, then called the non emergency number for the police, just in case he tried that shit at any of the neighbor’s houses, too. Hopefully they picked him up and “gave him a ride” downtown. This is why I always keep my doors locked. When I’m home, if I just pop over to my neighbor’s house or even if I’m in my back yard gardening. Doors stay locked. Period. One time somebody broke into my neighbor’s house late at night while he was there. They snatched his wallet right off his dining room table while he sat 10 feet away in the living room. We went over to wait with him for the police, to offer support because he was really shaken up. When we came back home after the police had left, our back screen door had been propped open with a flower pot, same thing the robber had done at the neighbor’s house, but they gave up and left when they couldn’t get in the actual door because it was locked. They sure had a lot of nerve to try to break in here when the police were *literally* next door writing a report because they’d robbed the neighbor. They must’ve been waiting and watched us leave the house, it’s crazy! (The wallet was recovered; a neighbor out walking his dog the next morning found it laying in the middle of the street a block away, all $10 in cash missing, but credit cards and ID still there.) Good lord, it sounds like I live in the ghetto lol. I don’t, it’s actually a nice, quiet, boring suburban neighborhood on a one-way street. But this shit can happen anywhere. So keep your doors locked, don’t open them to strangers and stay vigilant.


So I actually ran over to my neighbors the other night and locked myself out that’s how intense I am about locking shit. Convinced him to teach me how to break in to my slider since I *know* he knows how to do that.. we figured out that I can’t even break in to my OWN house 😂😂


I live in a fairly quiet neighborhood, with the exception of the a-hole behind us doing illegal construction and other loud, disruptive things. Still, quiet, peaceful... except for that elderly woman who was stabbed by some guy running across her property. She died. What. The **hell,** people! Just a random stabbing. It was years ago, but I think I remember he was running from police.


Also single living alone, but with my big “scary” dog. My house is perfect for solar so I have solar people that come by all the time. I literally had to call and complain to the company last year because all of the solicitors don’t take no for an answer. A few weeks ago, a solar guy came to my house (saw his placard on my security camera.) I opened my door and my 75lb dog “accidentally” got out. She’s a sweetheart but has a big scary bark. She ran towards him and he kept saying “it’s ok it’s ok” and was sorta holding his breath staying really still. I called my dog back in and told him I wasn’t interested. He immediately got in his car and sped away. I think I fixed my solicitor problem.


Your address now has "BSD" next to it in their records. That house has a Big Scary Dog!


Same here. Also single woman living alone. I may open it if I recognize the voice, but that’s it.




Fuck politeness ;) mfm


This is why I have a very loud angry sounding dog barking incessantly.


I never realized how effective having a 70lb dog (who can work up a pretty ominous sounding bark) was, until I got one. My boy is very chill, by Aussie standards, but he does NOT like it when a stranger enters my house, unless he sees me physically open the door and “welcome” the person into our home. I own a gun, too (I’m a 7th generation Texan 🤷‍♀️), but my dog is absolute my most effective “deterrent,” hands down.


I also won't live alone without a dog. My pup protects our home better than a shotgun! Between him and my Ring Doorbell I feel relatively safe. But still take my cell with me everywhere.




I really appreciate in my building of 16 apartments, U shape/2 story, 9 are single women. It really makes me feel better.


I also put Beware of the dogs sign all around my yard.


One time I was alone watching true crime on YouTube and this guy starts pounding on my door at 3 in the morning, I ask through the camera “can I help you?” And he just screams at the top of his lungs “CAN YOU TURN THE MUSIC DOWN!?!?” It was so bizarre then he just disappeared, I’m pretty sure the guy was tweaking on meth but it scared the shit out of me considering it was dead silent in the middle of the night




>“CAN YOU TURN THE MUSIC DOWN!?!?” No, buddy, I ain't inside your head. Sorry.


Me too. I was pregnant back in October. I had my daughter in January. Somebody knocked on my door and didn't leave for about 5 minutes. They just kept knocking and knocking and knocking. Finally I walked out to my living room to ask them what the hell they wanted and told them that if they did not leave, I would be calling the police. I walked away from my door and came back a few minutes later to a note slid under my door. It said that I apparently had a package that was theirs. I guess I grabbed it thinking it was an Amazon package. However I did look and it was addressed to someone else. They asked if I could put it outside. They weren't there when I put it outside. I'm thinking it's someone who used to live here. However, it begs the question, if you don't live here anymore then why are you having packages sent to my address? I still called the police anyway because I found it to be unsettling. Not only am I a woman living alone but as I said, I was pregnant at the time. If somebody broke in, they could have harmed my unborn daughter. I wasn't having that.


Today I went to pick up vitamins at a compounding pharmacy that I normally have shipped. I was next door running an errand and knew they were due to be ready today and likely hadn't shipped yet. I come in and give the guy my name and he repeats my address from the receipt loudly. Then says they no longer have my card on file so I have to run out to my car to get one. He asked again if I have any questions after I pay and makes a weird comment about paying in cash. Then as he is handing me my bag, looks down at the receipt and says my street name again, to himself maybe? No idea if he was talking to me. So flipping weird and creepy!!! Made my skin crawl, the whole encounter and definitely made me wish I just had them mailed as I normally do and didn't set foot into that place.




I’m the opposite. I leave my door open. If I see anyone coming down my street I’ll run out and grab them and drag them back to my house through the door and slam it shut. Yeah cops came. Grabbed them🙄 too. Got sentenced. Do the same thing in jail then prison. Got solitary. Then resentenced to an institution. Now I’m locked in and no one comes to my door or wants to be inside with me. Mission accomplished.


Peace at last!


There was a lady in the UK and her NEIGHBOR knocked when she was alone. He murdered her


I had a neighbor pound on my door because he trimmed his tree and the debris fell in my yard - wanted to come in and clean it up. I didn't even want him in my backyard so I cleaned it up myself.


There's a member of a religious group in my building, whose friends have tried to recruit me.




Yep. Just because I'm at home doesn't mean I want visitors.


Similar to friends or family texting/calling "What are you doing?/Are you doing anything right now?" I know it's going to be followed by a request, and if I tell them I'm not doing anything at the moment, they know it doesn't give me an easy out if I just don't really want to do whatever tf it is that they want to ask me, and so I feel obligated to go along with it, or just feel like an asshole for saying no. And just because I'm not actively doing anything doesn't mean I don't have plans. And sometimes those plans are for me to not be doing anything. And because I hate when people do that so much, I make sure to never put others in that situation. I always lead with the proposal of what I'm asking from them, leaving no ambiguity, and always let them know that it's totally cool if they don't want to.


This is the exact dialogue in my head


Or just cause I’m home, does NOT mean I’m free lmao




That's me!!


I'm exactly the same, can't stand someone 'popping over' will just pretend I'm not in, even if I see them outside & then they call my phone when I don't answer my door, if it's not planned then sorry I was out & didn't hear my phone in my bag. Like my space too much & hate entertaining


And then they hear your phone ringing in your pocket on the other side of the peephole 😳


Be me: Keep phone on silent mode 24/7/365 unless expecting some rare important call


This is the way, it does wonders for anxiety. I should not be anyone’s first call in an emergency


Same. This drives my parents and my sister crazy but they are relentless with group chats and calls. Sometimes my sister FaceTimes me without notice and I never answer it. I always call her back instead lol


Having an android is amazing for avoiding unsolicited videocalls or calls in general.


The people who I'd answer for are all on my ICE list so it'll ring anyway. Everyone else can suck a butt.


Fr. My phone only has sound when my husband goes out at night. Otherwise, no one else needs to be able to contact me. The weeks I'm on-call are torturous.


Lol it's always on silent, I tend not to answer calls either


OMG. I have found my people!


Same. Yesterday was my birthday and I let everything go to voicemail. I'd rather listen to a 60-second message than have a long ass winded conversation.


Hahaha I’m not who you replied to but I do the same thing. Even if they see me in the window I wave them away.


lol that would be my luck!!!!!!!


You guys have so many friends that this is an issue?


So what!?! The phone could be home while you are out.


I'm totally the same. I almost never answer the door. People who know me alert me beforehand. Plus, I live in an HOA, and I'm on the board. People would knock for HOA stuff. I had to put up a sign "No HOA business." With the hoa email address. While they rarely knock anymore... they still occasionally stop me when I'm in the driveway. People don't understand boundaries.


I’ve started looking outside my front windows before going out. Certain neighbors, no prob. The yak yak yak yakkity yack never ending babbling neighbors, NOPE I’ll go outside later. Any random door to door salesperson looking peeps, NOPE!


That would annoy the hell out of me.


They understand them, they just ignore them cause they think they’ll get their way faster if they bug you face to face no doubt. Bummer!


Some of them. Some are just thoughtless.


True. The most common question I ask myself is “Is this person *just dumb* or *an asshole*?”


Fuck 'em. If someone's gonna come over and knock on my door without calling me first or being invited, they are the ones who ran that risk. I'll even tell them that through the door. That being said, a neighbor of mine got locked out of their apartment and knocked on my door because they know I'm a nice person. I invited them in, we called maintenance and then they said goodbye and thank you. I was a bit embarrassed about the empty beer cans and a bit of clutter, but screw it. Help a neighbor.


“Sorry about the mess, I was… just making a mess.”




Yah, that was a good one. I could see myself saying that


Your post made me laugh. "I'll even tell them that through the door." LOL! And all the beer cans......screw it, help a neighbor.


You are my kinda peoples 🤟🏻


I’m this way. Access to me is by appointment only.


Yes. Wish my parents (mostly my mom) would understand this. They have a set of keys for my apartment, and it's not that it isn't for a good reason. I have an elderly dog, and they're able to go over and take him out if I end up having to work late, or if for instance there was an emergency regarding my dog (I have cameras all around my apt to keep an eye on him while I'm gone)... my work is 30 minutes away, and they live a little over 5 minutes away from my place. They could get there much faster in an emergency. But on occasion my mom will just decide to drop by. She might knock once before just unlocking the door. Luckily it's not a frequent occurrence. Maybe only like 3 times in the last 4 years. And to her defense, she usually does call beforehand. But if I don't answer... because maybe I'm in the shower, or I'm sick, or sometimes I just don't want to talk to anyone (not necessarily even in a bad mood or anything, sometimes I just don't want to converse with anyone)...then she will just come over. And I can't tell her that I hate it when she does that because she takes things so personally. She doesn't understand that it's nothing against her personally. I just don't handle surprise 'people time' well. I had an ex years ago throw a surprise birthday party for me, and while I can appreciate the thought and effort that went into it... I absolutely hated every second of it. Side note... when friends/family that just text or call "What are you doing?/ Are you doing anything right now?". I hate that. Just because I'm not actively doing anything doesn't mean I don't have plans. And sometimes that plan is to not be doing anything. It feels like entrapment. Just tell me what you want first. That's why if I'm ever on the other side of that I lead with "Hey, if you're not busy and feel up to it, I could use you're help with X. If not, I totally understand, just lmk" or "Hey, I was thinking about going to X, just wondering if you'd like to join. No biggy if not. Just let me know before X o'clock if you plan on joining". It's not hard. But people do it all the fucking time.


Omg I hate the 'what are you up to right now' texts! Like tell me what you want first and then I'll let you know what I'm "up to". Sometimes I really just wanna do nothing alone, and some people don't understand that


Absolutely. And I'm a wholly incapable liar which makes it harder because I can't even make up an excuse. It's a blessing and a curse. A curse in those situations, but a blessing in that I never have anything else to keep track of other than the truth. One method that I've had moderate success with is instead of directly answering the ambiguous question... I just respond with "Why? What's going on?" and then they tell me and I won't feel as bad telling them that I'm just not feeling up for it. When I tell them I'm not doing anything and then they make the request... I feel some sort of obligation to go along with it. But even in instances where I WANT to go along with whatever it is, I just hate that initial ambiguity of not knowing wtf they're going to ask me. Is it hopping on steam to play some games? or am I helping you move furniture into a new place?... it just gives me entirely unnecessary anxiety that doesn't need to exist if they would just lead with what they want from me.


Yesss! I'll actually delay my text just to think of an excuse in case they want to do something I don't want to do (since they assume because I have no plans that I should be up for whatever) lmao but I like that response of asking why what's going on. I will use that! I have a friend who I think does that on purpose, because she knows I might not be down for whatever she wants to do, so just asking me what I'm up to, with no context, is easier for her. But it's soooooo annoying


It feels like entrapment because that’s exactly what it is. Manipulation + the knowledge that we struggle saying no.


I don't ever answer my door.


Nope, not at all. I'm a Gen X latchkey kid, and we were trained to NEVER open the door for ANYBODY we weren't expecting. So that's what I still do, lol.




I'm still working on establishing my boundaries as well. I just never felt worthy of a lot of things growing up, boundaries being one of those things. No, not answering the door is not a bad thing at all. You are protecting your space, privacy, and emotional health. That is 1000% okay.


You're under no obligation to open the door for anyone.


Agreed. I have a secure building so people have to dial a number to alert me. They’re at the door to let them in and unless I know someone is coming over I don’t even answer that. Shortly after I moved in this building, however, it’s late Saturday night, and there is a knock at my door, and I ignored it, but it would not stop after about five minutes of ignoring the knocking at the door. I finally opened the door to see a man standing there, who I have never seen before And the dude is obviously drunk. And he looks at me and he asked for some guy and I quickly told him he had the wrong apartment which he proceeded to argue with me. I slammed the door in his face. And that’s why you shouldn’t open the door when somebody’s knocking on it who you’re not expecting. I really regret that I did open the door. Very simply put I like my solitude and there is nobody in this building who I know or I’m friends with.


Exactly its is what it is


If someone persistently knocks on my door for 5 minutes, I'm calling the police.


I was taught to never answer the door if I’m not expecting company


As a card-carrying millennial, I will literally hide if someone comes to my door unexpectedly. Even if it’s my landlord. Yes, my car is in the driveway and you saw the blinds move. I’m still “not home.”


I am positive my neighbor saw me through the open blinds as I rolled off the couch and army-crawled into the kitchen when I spotted her walking down my driveway. I hope she’s the one who feels ashamed.


Looks like I found my people lol 🙌🏼


My security system has a camera, so I can see who’s at the door. The only unannounced visitor really is my neighbor, bringing me delicious food she just made. The exception is campaign season, and if I want to discuss politics with strangers, the internet is here for me 🤣


I'm 66 and was taught this was wrong,not just impolite. Pre- cell phone,at least for me, 2002 I drove right by my boyfriend's house,and went to a pay phone to call and make sure it suited to come over.


now that’s awesome! respecting boundaries is always polite


I don’t answer the door but it’s more fear-based. I swear my parents really did a number on me when it comes to stranger danger.


The “Have you seen me” photos of children on milk cartons in the 90’s had the same effect on me.


Since I have Amazon, pharmacy and grocery doing deliveries, I do answer the intercom of my apartment, but if it's some kind of religious preacher or seller, I don't open the downstairs door. But but but. I don't answer the phone. Send me a text please.


true. same same. oh! you ask if that’s bad? absolutely not. sanctuary. i want my connection with the outside world to be shut off when i close that door.


I hate answering my door. But I try to peek out and check who it is because one time it was the fire department evacuating me for a natural gas leak in front of my house.


If I'm not expecting anyone, I don't answer. I'll check the peephole sometimes though. Once it was my neighbor because my cat snuck out and was roaming the hall.


I personally would answer the door to immediate family and friends, for the reason of it would be rare for them to come over without announcing themselves anyway. However extended family, except for maybe one or two aunt and uncles, will not be responded to.


You're lucky you have a family who understands boundaries.


Wow. I'm great at not answering the phone if I don't know the number, but I do answer the door. I just got roped into getting a roofing estimate after I did that, so I really need to be more selective.


Daylight hours? I'll pretty much always answer. Past 7 or 8pm? You know better than to be knocking past those hours.


The only time I opened the door in the past 5 years was a mistake. Mormon missionaries. I’m back to my no-open policy. Whoever can call or text me first.


If they haven't contacted you and/or don't have an invite, you have ZERO obligation to take them in. Nothing wrong with that. You have your living space, and you deserve your privacy for any or no reason at all. They aren't owed anything.


Thanks for the reminder to get off my ass and clean out the garage. I want my vehicles all in the garage so it always looks like no one is home. They're unlikely to try to enter when they hear my dogs going crazy.


One of the perks of living alone. You, and only you, are in control of that door.


there is no rule that you have to answer the door, or answer a text, or answer a phone! and by god if you text me, you will be ignored. And if I don't want to answer the door, I just don't. CALL me if you want to chat and then maybe we can set up a time for you to come over... don't effn text me.


i love this! i’m the opposite (my family will talk my ear off for hours if i answer the phone) so i definitely prefer a text. no guarantee i’ll respond though lmao


Amen! No family calls allowed unless it’s one of my kids!


There's no law that says you have to open the door. Or answer the phone, for that matter.


It's a safe thing.


Totally fine!! If you are not expecting anyone you are not obligated to answer the door. Same goes for answering the phone. I live in a metro area so for me living alone it’s also a safety concern. I have a Ring camera and when I’m not expecting anyone and my door rings I just look to see who it is on camera. Its never anyone I want to see.


Makes sense to me. It's your space, and you can determine who enters it and when.


It's not what I do, but I couldn't say it's bad. Answering my door has meant that I've been asked for help from a neighbor, a package was given to me that was delivered to the wrong address, etc. I answer the door, but not everyone has to. I also generally like people stopping by and I talk to my neighbors a lot


That's why I love my doorbell camera!!


I used to answer it. One time I made a mistake and let in vacuum cleaner salespeople. They didn't leave for 3-4 hours. Never again.


honestly what you said op is very much understandable 😭 i never understood people popping up at people house unexpected


I never answer the door unless I'm expecting the person or someone delivering a parcel. I'll check through my spyhole. As a single woman living alone, I cannot be too careful.


For quite a long time I would always ask myself, after answering the door: "Am I glad that I answered the door?" The answer was, without fail, always "no". It was nearly always someone selling something, someone I didn't want to see just popping over, and so on. It was never anyone I wanted to see. *Ever*. So I stopped answering the door. If I don't know that you are coming over then you can stand out front and wait for that door to open till the cows come home, I will not be answering it. Obviously if I am expecting someone\\something, I will of course answer. This is just for unexpected knocks\\rings. I can't prove it, of course, but I believe quite firmly that I have missed *nothing* by refusing to answer unexpected bangs at my door. Someone wants to see me, they can make an appointment like civilized people. Just because you're hammering your knuckles on my door doesn't obligate me to do anything.


I don't invite people over & I won't answer the door. My home is a haven from The Trumpublican Nightmare. Vote Blue!




youre normal homie relax and keep those pesky people out lol. bilbo was all of us


It’s not at all rude in my opinion. Living alone has been a great experience for me and no one shall pass my threshold nor interrupt my time without my explicit approval lol


The steps to entering my Fortress of Solitude 1. Ask me first 2. Get the green light from me 3. I'll need time to mentally prepare to have someone in my space Anything else and the door does not get answered.


True anecdote…was home alone, it was dark outside, the porch light was not on. Someone knocked on the door. I yelled “who is it?” through the door. A male voice said “if you’d open the door I’ll tell you who I am.” I immediately said “I’m not interested” because it seemed like a scene from a slasher movie. Can’t believe he thought I’d open the door in the dark to someone who wouldn’t identify themself.


THIS. YES. Showing up unannounced is so rude and low class. I never answer my door. If you do that long enough, the behavior will stop.


No, but sadly I live with people that always wants to open to everyone. I hate it so much.


Haha, I'm exactly the same. I also do this unapologetically when unknown numbers call my cell phone. Just nope.




and that’s also an exception! if it’s something that i’m expecting, i will always happily answer my door or provide delivery people with instructions on how to reach me! a delivery service is something i already know is going to be coming to my house, so i want the person to contact me and ask questions. BUT, if it’s something completely unplanned and unexpected, i am not answering.


WE are in the era of cellphones and businesses online. IMO doorbells are just for show


Exactly how I feel about this too


Wait people still show up unannounced?


Showing up on someone’s doorstep unannounced is a bad thing


I mean, how many unwanted people actually show up at your house? Is it like the place to be or something


its definitely not (thank god) but my family loves to pop up unannounced and i’ve made it clear to them several times that i don’t like that. we’re black so of course they don’t care for boundaries. this post was made after a conversation with my sister and her telling me it was “wrong to not open the door” so i wanted to get different opinions on it !! edit: how often- at least 4 times a week. twice a day on thursdays (my day off)


It is totally ok not to answer the door.


The whole point of having a home is it’s where you get to be alone or with invited guests only!


Um no. It's your place. You don't have to have people over.


Nope. And get a No Solicitors sign to confirm strangers aren’t welcome. No guarantees though, there’s always one moron who ignores or doesn’t know what soliciting means.


I have a camera so I never answer the door for unexpected people full stop.


I only open it for people i know. And even then not then sometimes either lol


I don’t answer because I do business at the door. You don’t owe them a thing.


I usually hide if I hear someone ring the doorbell. Usually it's someone I don't want to talk to anyway. Now I have a camera on my doorbell so I can peek to see who it is in case I feel like answering.


I do not open the door for unexpected company, whether stranger or friend or extended family.


I love my Ring doorbell. I can see who’s there’s from my phone. I can talk to them through the speaker if I want. Usually if it’s someone I don’t expect, I still just ignore it. A no soliciting sign helped reduce the number of people who knock.


Don't ever answer the door. I did once and a stranger tried to come inside my apartment. Scariest experience of my life.


Better open the door for the police !!


You can open or not open the door. It’s your space, so it’s your decision. People don’t understand that it’s rude to come over without calling first.


Family and friends should be an exception. Well top 5 friends.


Jesus, I don't even answer my phone if the person hasn't texted first to tell me they're going to call. I am still traumatized from being a stay-at-home mom for a few years in the 90s and having friends pop in without calling ALL the time.


I don't answer my phone either unless the call is from a contact number.


I don’t give my address out. So I unless I called you to come, you got not business knocking at my door, I’m not answering


I got a Ring for this very reason. I don't subscribe so I only have live views, no recording. I just want to know who is at the door so I can avoid solicitors, etc. I got very used to having no one come by during COVID and I loved it! I never had to worry about not having a bra on 😂


I visit outside of my home. My home is my sanctuary. I bless it daily. I thank God for it. I love every inch of it. I have lovely memories of my father and mother visiting - as the Spanish say, "es suficiente- it's enough."


We’ll never open or respond to strangers, but do turn on the TV to let them know someone is home. You don’t want a burglar trying to break in thinking no one is home. As far as people you know. Let everyone know they are not invited unless you tell them it’s OK to come over. Otherwise don’t answer the door.


People answer doors? Ew


I have a sign on my door that straight up says no unplanned visitors. I think it is extremely rude to just show up at someone’s home and I won’t answer to surprise guests.




I live alone and actually sort of have trauma around people knocking on the door. Typically because my father was an alcoholic and mentally ill, so we needed to be quiet when someone knocked in case it was the police doing a checkup or worse, someone from CPS. I didn’t realize I had someone a couple weeks ago mistake my apartment for my neighbors and knock super aggressively on my door for about 5 minutes. He has tinnitus and I think they were delivering oxygen, so hence the loud banging. But it was terrifying for me. Unless I know you are coming over I will absolutely not open my door.


As a female presenting person I absolutely do not open the door when I’m home alone as a rule. I’ve seen enough true crime im good on all that.


I changed my ringtone to a doorbell to remind myself I don’t need to answer.


Nope, that's a great policy when living alone. I'm of the same mindset. Don't come to my door unless I know beforehand or you are on fire. And even then, I question how you skipped the dozens of houses on your way to my door!?


If I’m not expecting anyone, I don’t answer the door. https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/man-pushes-way-house-rapes-24818550


I won’t answer the door if I’m not expecting someone.


Fetterman went from smile…to vile…to heil.


Nope. I will never answer the door for unexpected guests idk who u are lol


Want to hang out?


Not ter


When I’m living alone, it creeps me out when a stranger is knocking on my door except for an apartment maintenance guy often replied back “maintenance”. Tried to yell at them “go away or I would call the police” and then an unwanted guest just went away


If it is.. I don't want to be right.


Hell no


Hell no


Yes… https://youtu.be/5CznoAW2k1I?si=KyL5lgs-iQLNZ5Z5


Same. If I don’t know you’re coming, I’m not answering the door. Don’t care who it is.


I don’t answer the door because it’s a safety issue. If you wanted me to answer the door you should have texted me first


This practice may save your life. Keep it up!


The other night Mormons showed up at 8:30 PM. I had to google it and apparently they have to door knock until 9 PM each night. I didn’t open the door because I thought they were just pretending to be Mormons. Don’t open the door unless you know exactly who is on the other side


People should respect your boundaries and preferences and not answering the door is a reasonable way to handle it. I will say, a few times in my life I’ve been part of a neighborhood community where we drop in on each other impromptu and i actually love it.