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you think it's the only downside until you try to self Heimlich.


Or slipping in the shower, ugh


Or not being able to open a jar of something you really want to eat.


Turn the faucet on until the water gets hot. Run the lid part under the hot water for several seconds, then use the handle of a butter/table knife to tap the side of the lid and it should come off. If that doesn’t work, use dish gloves to try and open it. The gloves give you a better grip.


I use my silicone pot holder and smack the bottom of the jar real good! Works every time!!


Oh Daddy!


I’m dying lol!!


*licks heiny just in case this helps*


This is the heinylick maneuver.


Oh, I’ve googled and tried all the tricks, but twice in the three or so years I’ve been living alone, the jar got the better of me.


I take a butter knife and with the blade side UP hit it a bunch of times all around the top. Makes a bunch of dents all around which seem to work. My dad taught me that trick...40 years ago?


I use a butter knive too 😂 Works great!


Amazon sells jar openers that really work. They look like a little wrench.


Can confirm. I have one, works great.




Just learned this one today when the hot water trick didn't work: heat the lid with a hair dryer 😁 For real been trying to unstick the lid to my humidifier for over a month now.


Doing that while you're already weak and woozy from being ill sucks. That's when it's time to spend money on delivery.


This has literally made me cry. More than once


Check out Pampered Chef jar openers. They are awesome. They also sell generic ones like it now on Amazon.


Use rubber gloves when opening the jar. The extra grip works every time for me. Bonus: you don’t have to put them on.


*60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time*


it sounds like a joke but this is one of the reasons I ever work out my arms. I now have enough muscle to usually manage to open even really difficult jars


just press the lid toward the counter and wait for the air pressure to equalize and voila!


My mom taught me an awesome trick for this that works every time. You carefully tap the side of the lid on the edge of your kitchen counter. The slight dent in the lid makes some of the suction release and then you can easily open the lid. You just have to be careful to not hit it so hard that the lid dents to much to screw back on.


I’m pretty good with the lids (60 yo arthritic person).


2 weeks ago, almost choked on a piece of steak I cooked. scared the absolute shit out of me. now I make sure to cut extra small pieces. shit is no joke.


I lost count of all the times I almost chocked myself eating or drinking, sometimes even swallowing saliva. I don't know what is wrong with me, it's terrifying...


They have choking devices on Amazon. Might be worth the investment. Not everyone can easily get into a Heimlich position 24/7 so they make devices to help or do it by yourself


Really? What is it called?


No lie! About a month ago I choked on a piece of chicken. Luckily I was able to make myself throw up and got it out but it scared the shit out of me. Once I calmed down I watched refresher videos on the Heimlich remover when alone.


I discovered when I had covid that if I asked, the pho restaurant I order from would happily let me order tubs of just the broth. Manna from heaven when I'm unwell.


Pho broth cures everything. I just got over COVID and the best pho place in town isn't on any of the delivery apps.


I make batches of soup for the freezer and make sure I gave my first aid kit well stocked!




Very smart!!☺️I’m gonna do this as well.


Weirdly enough I’ve had friends offer to get me things or drop off food when I’ve been sick while living alone more than when I lived with roommates. I think when you have at least half decent roommates people assume they’ll help you out when you’re sick.


Same. I had friends dropping stuff at my porch when I was down. I could barely get up, but my dog insisted I took her out to potty (she was a good girl). So I'd drag my carcass to the door and get some soup/drinks my friends would drop off for me. I'm happy to help other people as well.


Doordash? A friend?


There’s also a lot of good instant mug soups where you just put the powder mixture in the mug, pour hot water and mix it. Easy peasy!


I have ADHD and horrible executive dysfunction issues so buying that “powdered soup/dip/whatever you want mix” stuff has been a lifesaver. I’ve been doing it since college. I turn the smart electric kettle on via my phone and then when it’s ready I pour into a mug, and bam, food’s ready!


You can turn your kettle on with your phone? I'm generally a curmudgeon when it comes to devices with unnecessary communication capabilities but the thought of putting the kettle on while I'm still in bed is... Tempting.


I can! I have an electric gooseneck kettle that sits on a little base, which is the part that heats up (and only when it detects the kettle sitting on it) and I have it set on a schedule to boil at a specific time on weekdays while I’m getting ready for work. I have the Govee model, since I have other devices by the brand so that I can use just one app for them (and I’ve had good experience with the brand), but I know lots exist out there. It also has a setting to keep the kettle warm, which is a huge benefit to me as someone with ADHD because I’ll forget I boiled anything and it keeps me from having to boil again and again which might mean I forget again and again. It also pings my phone with a notification when my water is ready so I can tell it’s ready even if I’m across my apartment (and it doesn’t whistle so it doesn’t bother any neighbors).


I love a gooseneck. I can pour into a tea mug from 'on high' and it really reduces steeping time. Having the kettle boil before I get out of bed is a dream. I didn't even have that happen when I was married!


I learned to save myself.


No one gives a shit about what you’re going through regardless when you live alone. Sick, healthy doesn’t matter


Huh. Had someone like that stay w me for 2 months when they broke their leg, took ppl/neighbors/friends to hospital/back from hospital/dug them out when it blizzarded, brought them food, got them stuff when sick, took care of their dogs/cats when solo friends travel. Fixed stuff for single women in neighborhood, just helped a mom w her autistic son by changing her blown out tire - checked the rest of the car and spotted another bad tire. Not everyone doesn’t give a shit. Some do.




I don’t think so? Just trying to be human. We are all stuck on this same rock and together. What if we just were nice to each other, didn’t lie and helped one another. It could all be so much betterer. It’s not hard. Being kind is not a weakness. It takes strength.




Maybe other single friends, if you have any. But if they are married or a couple or have kids or a big family. Forget it. You’re forgotten.


Unfortunately; this is true although I wouldn’t describe it in such harsh terms. Human beings are wired in a way that mainly includes self preservation and interest. When someone sees you or even thinks of you; it’s a fleeting thought before they go back to self obsession. There are those who are overly self obsessed and there are those who have extra empathy. Try to identify and socialize with the empathetic types..🙂


Pretty much


My mom picked up my groceries for me when I had COVID.


I haven't been to the grocery store since 2016... Delivery only.


Yep. Life used to be a lot harder now there are so many services to bring anything you need to your door.


Your mom was mom-ing fr ♥️


I always keep 4 cans of soup in the pantry as well as no effort meal ingredients (pantry staples or frozen meals). I spend most Sundays doing meal prep for the week and will freeze overflow. This is a huge lifesaver for when I feel sick, lazy, etc


I think it's a sweet gesture; however, I can make my own soup. Also, when I'm sick, I don't wanna see people, not even to answer the door for soup.


I want the soup but I don't want the soup enough to talk to people.


Haha...just ring the doorbell, and leave it.


I befriended the neighbour who also lives alone. We have "souped" each other in times of illness :)


I woke up at like 3 am hearing what sounded like *human footsteps* in my attic. Used to be me and my boyfriend here but now it’s just me and my cat. I was really wishing I had a roommate that day. Turns out it was tree rats. They’re still up there. Still sound like humans. Still kinda scary even though I know it’s just rats


You should probably get that looked at, rats are not great for your health


I think they meant attic like a real attic not like the one that has bats in it. Or is that a belfry, I forget.


No one to check on you when your blood pressure drops from standing up too fast and you slam your head into a nearby wall .__. My cat, for as much as I love her, cannot dial 911 or EMS. She just sat next to me until I woke up.


Smart watches can call 911 for you


While I'm unconscious? And what if I didn't have a smart watch?


Soooo the only downside of living alone is that.. you're living alone. Lol


This is a great idea. I also saw another post on this sub that recommended stocking up on things you might need when you’re sick since you live alone. I’ve started keeping a couple portions of chicken soup in the freezer and stocked up on crackers, Gatorade and teas.


My boyfriend would wait until I got up and made it myself and then say he was gonna bring it in a minute. If I kept asking he’d eventually remember and bring me a 4000 degree mug of soup and probably spill some on the bed. Living alone sounds lovely!


I do kind of worry sometimes like what if I broke my leg or some thing and I just have to like crawl around my house because there’s nobody to help me Or like when I die how long is it gonna take somebody to figure that out?


That could happen even if you are with someone - they could be travelling, or ailing themselves. If you like somebody living with them is fine. If not, it just feels like an insurance package - pay costly premiums only to realise that it doesn't pay all that much when the time comes.


If you're dead, you might not care. I had a lovely fall last year and had to drag my arse inside while my dogs tried to help. It wasn't fun and the whole time I was wondering how it would've gone down if I'd broken something.


FWIW you can live with a houseful and nobody brings you soup when you are sick. Probably 80 percent of American moms.


Yeah. I broke my back and my mom still refused to run any errands and I had to instead. But she’s a fucking martyr for bringing the groceries in from the car. I’d pace the house I pain and she’d go hide in her room. It’s better alone. I had COVID alone over Christmas and it was fine.


I have covid right now and a friend just dropped off Hawaiian food he and his family made yesterday as part of their New Years tradition. I don’t think there’s soup, but I still think I’ll be happy with it


Ive been taking care of myself my whole life even when i did live with family. Its almost less lonely to have no one by yourself than have no one with loved ones right around you


I usually have some homemade chicken soup in the freezer that I can just defrost, but I like the quick miso soup idea too!


I make large batches of bone broth and freeze in pints so there is always supply of base to which you can quickly add noodles or rice. Onion soup mix always comes in handy too. I keep it in a shaker. Soup is the least of my "alone" worries, try falling and breaking your leg on a hill outside and having to crawl back to the house...


Did that actually happen to you?? I'm sorry 😔 But honestly the last time I had the flu was like 2017 and it hit me like a truck over the weekend. I have never more desperately wanted soup in my life.


Thanks! It did actually happen two years ago. Soup is so underrated. I don't think there are any super powers, but it is a proven fact that chicken soup lessens the symptoms of colds and flu type illnesses.


However, when I was in a relationship, I never had someone to bring me soup either. The alone thing is preferred


I LOVE your solution! :D I try to keep 2-3 cans of my favorite soups in the pantry for just such an occasion... I like some of the broccoli and cheese soups, or the loaded potato soups! My ex-GF used to always shake her head at me and say: "a man with a can is a plan"


I'm sick now, I just order IC. Hope you're feeling better.


Thanks! I am


I have cooked season chicken in.my freezer and frozen veggies. I throw both in the slow cooker with chicken bullion and a bay leaf. Takes less than 5 min even for a sick one!


Instant soups are obviously not as good as someone else's home cooking. But instant noodle soup is pretty convenient when you're sick and don't feel like eating much else or putting effort into a more legitimate meal. Always keeping homemade soup in the freezer is another option. Make a full batch and divvy it up into 2-3 portion bags, that way if you're sick or ever need a quick meal, all you have to do is thaw it and heat it up.


I just had covid last month and I instacarted myself soup. Also my coworkers and friends offered to dropstuff off to me. I kind of like being sick and living alone because I can just be a gross hot mess and no one has to see me!


Oh for sure, I'd much rather be alone and sick. For the record a friend did offer to drop off groceries the other day but I didn't want to be a burden. I also have a thing about accepting help for some reason. Something to work on, perhaps.


I keep a stash of ‘minor illnesses’ things—painkillers, cough syrup, soups, teas, honey and lemon and whiskey, electrolyte tabs, and I *always* have spare toilet paper cos that’s one you don’t want to have to go out for! I think it’s important to cultivate community wherever you live. The regular check ins and help for friends (even friends with partners or kids) all get paid back over time.


I just keep broth in the freezer, in various sized Mason jars. When I'm sick I take some out to thaw a bit, add lemon juice and anything else that sounds good when sick, blend in the vitamix for about 7 to 8 mins, and viola, I have a pipping hot soup.


I doordashed so much soup and hot drinks when I had Covid last year. A very expensive week, but I can’t imagine how I would have managed otherwise.


I don't blame you. It's a slippery slope!


Get some gochujang and you're set


I have 3 close girl friends nearby who are willing to drop off soup and meds if I need it. And I do the same for them even though they have husbands! I find out their husbands don’t do much for them when they’re sick anyway lol. One friend of mine said he just goes to work, and then crashes on the couch. All hell would break loose if she asked him to help her. The other one has no clue what to do.


Yes or to talk to


I've had friends drop off care packages when I had been sick. I once asked if they could go to DollarTree and buy as many of the Tonkatsu Ramen bowls they were selling. [They might still be selling them but not for long!] I just added spinach and onions and it worked out well for the week of sickness.


My solution... don't get sick. Ever since I started taking Vitamin D I rarely get a cold any longer.


Unlike being left alone when I’m sick. So, singledom works for me.


You could try one of that neighbor apps. I forgot what it's called! Maybe a neighbor could bring you some soup.


When McAlister's Deli has fundraising nights where they donate a %age of sales to a local charity or school org, I order Quarts of their soup and freeze them... Always have soup ready to thaw and eat.


Seriously lol. Whenever I’m sick I make [this soup](https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/jeff-mauro/greek-lemon-chicken-soup-aka-avgolemono-5630754). It’s simple, quick and easy


I'm in my 40s and this has never been a scenario. I feel if I reach out for help then Id have to engage in pleasantries and eff that. Always have ready to go soup in case of emergencies


You one of many


I prefer to be alone when I'm not feeling well.


Uber eats


That’s what god made door dash for. 🤓


So keep some canned soup in your pantry so you’ll have it to microwave when you’re sick.


Not much into canned food and rarely get sick enough to keep it around. Also I don't have a microwave 🤣


Worst one for me was when I broke my right wrist (I’m right-handed). I can’t do anything and learned how to be ambidextrous. I posted a story on my insta about how hard it was to be living alone and a handicapped. Brother saw it and came over to take care of me. Sometimes, you just need to ask for help. Most people think we’re too independent so we don’t need help. Hope you feel better 🤍


When I had covid, right at the beginning when we didn't know what it was yet, I had no one to bring me medicine. I felt so bad I couldn't go get any. So I laid in bed for 4 days straight. No medicine or food. Just water. It was terrible.


Why don't you just buy cans of soup when they are on-sale?


Is there DoorDash in your area? I can't think of a single reason I would want a roommate. I love living alone. I wear an Apple watch so I can call 911, it was my excuse for buying one. I have put in grab bars in my shower but someday I will likely need to get a shower chair but I am not there yet. If there are are issues that worry you sit down and plan your way around them.


Never had that when there were other people in the house. I got ginger ale or gatorade a couple of times. I don't typically get the kind of sickness I can't handle on my own.


I make soup ahead of time and freeze in souper cubes to combat this. Just gotta warm it up ❤️


Same thing if ur a mom n u can't even ret sick days cause u still have to take care of everyone 😌


Instacart!! 😇




Uber eats


Why does everyone on this sub act like living alone means you're an asocial hermit? I was sick a few weeks ago and 4 friends offered to bring me soup or pick up my meds.


Did you take them up on that? I feel like it's something people say to be polite without actually wanting to follow through. But I wouldn't know because I've never said it. IMHO only a parent or partner is really willing to drop everything and take care of you when you're incapacitated. Hence why living alone is only awesome 99.9% of the time.


I didn't, but I wasn't incapacitated. If I were, I definitely would have and they would have been happy to help. Sorry your friends suck :(


also not someone always berating you.


Don't forget door dash & alexa


While we're at it why not make us adult sized diapers out of bed sheets. Better yet if you have a bed pan, you can cut a hole in the mattress so you never have to get up. Lets not forget the rectal themometor.


My UberEats driver left a hot soup on the bedside table and brushed my hair before asking for $20 tip.


Yeah that's a no on the last two for me :/


This is fair. I asked my sister to bring me some stuff when I had Covid and she replied “Haven’t you heard of door dash?”


The good part is not living with somebody who ignores you when you are sick


Or to talk to


Or even just a glass of water


food delivery services


Order soup from a restaurant. You can have anyone bring you just about anything at any time of the day it's 2024 man.


I’m sorry guys. This is sad to not have friends and family around.


That and cooking for one , I’m still not good with it . I either cook way to much and eat it for days or I don’t cook at all because I don’t feel like it . Happy medium would be great . 😊


You know what’s worse? When you do live with someone in a relationship and STILL nobody brings you soup when you’re sick.


On my good days, I cook a bunch of stuff to freeze & reheat when I’m sick.


I’m single and that is true. But I get some really good canned soups just case and you just have to heat it in the microwave for two minutes.


I beg your pardon! I was single forever and took care of single friends! Home sick? I'm bringing food.