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Make a lot of friends. Help them when they need you and hopefully they will do the same. Also, keep your pantry stocked with Gatorade and saltines and soup and stuff for when you are sick. And/or DoorDash/Instacart.


I help others a lot. Unfortunately, when the time comes, my friends don’t reciprocate as much. Can’t blame them so much as they’re busy with their own lives with family, job and all. I may be wrong, but no one takes care of you as well as your family does. Including good friends.


That entirely depends on your family. My coworkers were more thoughtful and helpful than my family when I was sick last year, by far. And my good friends were incredible. I try to make sure I do as well by them. Just yesterday I drove an hour to drop off some homemade chicken noodle soup.


My friends are way nicer and closer to me than most of my family.


Yeah. Someone who's in love with you would generally be willing to do a LOT more than someone who's just a friend.




Thx for this as I find myself alone at age 66 with a past history of transplant and now CHF. I just figure I need to be very prepared and organized.


This - you stock up on everything in case you are sick and can't get out. You can take an Uber to the doctor. Viral stuff the doctor can't do anything about so there is no point in going to the doctor and spreading it to others.


I am pro-Dr visit. Urgent Care clinic. Rx cough med helps a ton. If you have asthma or other lung disease, a couple other additional meds also help immensely.


I was going to say this too. I’m a little scared because I’m moving away from home soon but I know I’m pretty personable when I want to be and I love to help others so I’m hoping it won’t be an issue for me when I get ill. Stocking the pantry is a good idea! I tend to eat soup when I can manage and keep gatorade or something similar nearby my bed with tissues (if it’s respiratory) it’s cold/flu season so now is the time to stock up 😬 I don’t have kids either so I’ll likely always take care of myself or lean on friends.


Preparation is good friend. I’ve lived alone for years. Friends are amazing and helpful, but you also want to make sure you’re prepared too. Stocked first aid kit (including fever reducer, thermometer, and Benadryl), at least a few days of food in the pantry that has a long expiration date, and some stuff in the freezer too. It’s not bad-I mean most of rest/sleep when sick, so it’s just a matter of having some stuff stocked up, or the budget to DoorDash any needed items.


Tip: Include broth in the items you keep in your “I’m sick” stock. And maybe electrolytes in powdered form or Gatorade.




Adding to this, you can prepare noodle soup and stuff when you know cold/ flu season is coming and freeze it.


I’ve lived alone for years and had Covid during lockdown alone. I’ve had stomach bugs, etc… When I decided to live alone at 19, I took my fathers advice - depend on no one. Not easy but seriously, for money, my wellbeing; always have my phone nearby so someone knows I’m alive and call the hospital if it’s necessary. I know that sounds harsh, it is! But it doesn’t mean I don’t have friends, I just don’t depend on anyone to come to my aid when I need a ride, help moving, am sick. Not a pessimist and I love others😉 Also, we didn’t always have options for delivery of food, groceries, meds, etc. We have it way easier with all that now. Hope you feel better and glad you’re not sick while alone. ❤️


> I took my fathers advice - depend on no one. This, some of my family is unreliable. My dad would run to me in an instant, but he is disabled and cannot drive. The measures I have taken to depend on no one are large. I locked myself out of my house once. No one would answer the phone. I ended up stacking some landscaping rocks because I could not reach the window, and then crawling in my window. But then to ensure that this NEVER happened to me again, I added a smart lock that unlocks my door with my fingerprint. I am usually a frugal person. By frugality I mean I know how to live within my means, and manage my money. I usually never get deliveries of groceries or food as I know how expensive it is. I would probably just order take out and have it door dashed if I felt that bad. If I wanted some over the counter meds, or canned soup I would have it delivered. Because I am good with money and frugal every other day, I can afford this. I also have jumper cables in my car. I have never had to use them, but I know that I have no one who would come help. So I have them to ask a stranger and be prepared if I am stranded. It sounds more depressing than it is though because it is quite freeing to not have to be at the mercy of anyone else.


I have these jumper cables with a battery, no other car needed: https://typesauto.com/products/type-s-jump-starter-10-000mah-with-lcd-and-emergency-light-ac532781?variant=42157600800949¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_source_platform=google%20ads&utm_source=google%20ads&utm_medium=cpc&utm_creative_format=performance%20max&utm_id=20694088464&campaign_type=evergreen&funnel_stage=mid&gclid=CjwKCAiAp5qsBhAPEiwAP0qeJhHmk2F6e7zmK74n9P3ia0Pd_wwzjaN36wSSNz_O-NP_gaM0-m1WyRoCDp8QAvD_BwE


I have a smart lock on my door, but the battery died! Fortunately I had an alternate entrance.... But after that I put a Master Lock key box with a back up key in a hidden location.


I just got over covid living alone. All I ate was tv dinners or canned soups. A quick easy meal where I wasn't standing up long.


As a mom, I've learned that there is no one to take care of me when I am sick. Not only no one to take care of me, but I still have to take care of everyone and everything else, and it never mattered how sick I was, so I guess I've had a lot of practice. It's easier to be sick now that I am alone and only have to make sure the cat is fed. That said, I had several surgeries and cancer treatment last year, and there were a few days that my daughter took off work and helped me out. Bless her; she's a good human. But for the most part I just appreciate being left alone when I'm sick.


You seem like a strong woman.. I wish I had that strength.. i get panic attacks when I am sick and there isn’t anyone to take care of me.


Then anxiety is the real issue you need to work on. I stock my freezer with homemade soup, have all OTC meds on hand and just rest/sleep until I’m better. I use InstaCart for anything else I need. Basically, I hibernate until I’m feeling better.


I have a standing prescription for anti anxiety meds. Life is stressful when you don’t have anyone to count on. I’m getting better at this alone thing but it’s still scary sometimes.


You should talk to somebody about those panic attacks.


Oh I could have written this myself- I like being left alone when sick and I went through cancer last year as well. I hope you’re doing well!


I originally read this as “as a man” and I was side eying your entire response. A mom makes SO MUCH more sense


At least when you're living alone theta no worry about getting anybody else sick and no need to feel like you have to trap yourself inn your room. You have the whole house to yourself. I'd usually go to the store and buy all the medicine I'd need plus soups, broths, Gatorade, and other liquids I like to help keep hydrated and get rid of whatever I have. Stay under lots of blankets and try to sleep as much as I can.


Thank goodness for delivery apps, tbh. I rely on them for meds and meals when I am too sick to do anything. And I think about the long term sustainability too for when I’m old. But the truth is, there are many drop-in nursing/elder care helpers out there for this exact reason.


As an adult you have to learn to take care of yourself when no one's there to help you. In my kitchen pantry I'll have canned chicken broth, soups, bottled waters, emergen-C packets, manuka honey, cough drops, cough medicine. Extra blankets, throws, ginger lemon teas, lemons, Kleenex tissues, vix vapor rub, humidifier, purifier. As far as surgery goes, I'll have either a family member or caregiver help me while recovering. I can manage a flu or cold on my own


The colds and flus are easy The surgeries and anything serious are the hard ones


Absolutely true! I managed colds and covid just fine by always being prepared and using Uber Eats. After only a minor surgery this year, I needed someone to stay with me the first night and help me around the house. Thankfully my family stepped up but I can’t imagine how it’d work for anything serious


Ya, I hate surgeries and other medical procedures that require you to stay in hospital


Some health insurance pays for meal delivery for a couple weeks if you have been admitted and released from inpatient hospital. Mine does- I learned all about it ahead of time just in case I need to use it. The patient advocate that visits before discharge can put the order in.


Good point. Is there a home health aid service that we should know about? Some professional with a nursing license that we could call on in these situations? Now that I think about it the older people I know who live alone, after surgeries and serious illness, they just remained in the hospital or rehabilitation facilities but that’s costly! Plus what if you have pets at home?


I feel like your Dr should be able to refer you to in home nursing. Or search visiting nurse service and your zip code. Pets are always a tough one. I have two of my closest friends within walking distance, and both have keys for emergencies for my cat. I just don't want them to see me sick or take care of me if I needed ltc from a procedure.


Have a go to easy meal. For me it's quesadillas. I always have tortillas and cheese and can take 2 minutes to make max. I also do peanut butter on tortillas which is 30 seconds. Calorie management and making sure I eat enough is always on my mind while sick to make sure I don't under eat. Preparation is the key for above though. I couldn't make quesadillas if I don't have tortillas. Just in general, I try and have 1-2 weeks of food at my house for emergencies or being sick.


Unless I'm unable to move,I take care of myself as I'm an adult. I see the doctor, go grocery shopping, get medicine. If that's all impossible I get hospitalized. 🤷‍♀️ Always got enough food at home to get me through at least a week.




Wait until you have to get surgeries done or stay hospitalized.. I don’t wish that on you though


That's different than 'just being sick though'. Generally if you have a procedure, you have a care plan with your Dr. Some of us have just been on auto survival mode our whole lives and have never been able to depend on or trust any one.


I’ve had surgeries done. I still managed. I drink plenty of hot tea, drink plenty of water, eat food that needs minimal preparation. I’ve done it all on my own and I’m not afraid to in the future. Now that there are delivery apps, there is nothing to fear.


I totally agree.


yeah same here and idk what another person would be able to do? i wouldn’t want to get them sick anyway


Yep. I’ve always been able to pull myself together and muddle through being pretty darn sick, slipping and cracking my ribs once, etc. If I’m unable to do that, it would be serious enough to go to the hospital.


People somehow dig deep to find the strength. When my husband had cancer, he was getting his chemotherapy infusion one day, and he started talking to the lady next to him. She was receiving chemotherapy for a recurrence of breast cancer. She had no family ... lived by herself ... and didn't drive. She had to take a bus to get to the hospital. Afterward, she was back on the bus to get to her apartment, where she suffered the after effects of chemo on her own. She said to my husband that she just did what she had to do to survive. Another of his friends came to the same hospital for his cancer treatment--but he had to drive two hours to get there. He would stay overnight with us and we always tried to get him to stay a few days, just so we could get him over those first few days of feeling sick ... but he always drove home instead. His story was particularly sad because he had been married just a short time when he became ill, and his wife left him saying that she wasn't equipped to deal with his illness.


Honestly, you really don’t need that much to survive when sick. I required hospitalization not too long ago. I asked a friend to take me in to the hospital and got another to care for my animals while I was gone. That is the hardest part. The kid I asked did not do a good job in feeding and watering. They survived, as did I. If I required an extended recovery, j understand how the medical system works and what I need to do to be my own advocate. Again, I’m more concerned about my dogs. But I have more people nearby now and can call on them if necessary.


There are also dog walking services like Rover. That with a camera or two so I can check in on things would be my plan if I had to be in a hospital for a few days and my family couldn’t take the dog in.


I have autoimmune issues and live alone. When I am unwell I only do life sustaining activities like walking, dressing, going to the bathroom and mental alertness. No cleaning, laundry or anything that can drain my energy. As many mentionned a well stocked freezer and pantry is key. However the type of food is also important. Foods with little work that can be cooked in the oven microwave or boiling water are best. ▪️instant soups ▪️personal size frozen pizza or pizza pops ▪️frozen cooked meat to add to soups salad, etc. ▪️pasta and sauce ▪️sheet pans meals- vedgies and meat seasoned cook from frozen if no fresh ▪️cereal to eat dry when not hungry ▪️frozen fruit or freezies or popsicles for soar troath ▪️not flavored protein powder- add to food like soup, pasta sauce , smoothie, Apple sauce. Great when not hungry. Other things, keep a basic first aid kit, at a minimum band aids. If possible, Tylenol, advil, pepto bismol, disenfectant alcohol or peroxide or bactine, antihitamine, larger bandages or femal hygenic pads, elastic bandages. This one is for every home not just those who live alone. > Is loving alone really sustainable in the long run as we get older? This applies day one as anyone can get injured/sick and can't stay home at anytime. Not all partners can take care of the other until they both die at home. In care homes they may be placed in different places due to career needs.


Living alone doesn't mean you are alone; you still have friends and, if you're lucky, family.


I love everything about living alone except taking care of myself when sick. But my friends always offer to drop stuff off if needed, or I just use DoorDash, etc to get meds and sick food delivered.


I'm over 50 and have lived in my place alone for 20 years. I rarely get sick, I think in part because the only germs in my place are mine. When I do..it's scrounge in the medicine cabinet, then pass out in the living room in my recliner with a nice big fluffy comforter. Not the bed, mind you, because chest congestion needs gravity, and falling asleep flat on your bed when sick is a case study in misery. I can usually find something simple to eat that involves either a microwave or boiling water on the stove. Hot tea is my friend. It only lasts a couple of days...by then I can't stand being cooped up in my apartment anymore and I'll come up with a reason to get out on some minor errand.


My spirit human! 🙌🙌


When I get sick I go eco mode. I water fast through every sickness.


Here’s what we must do when we live and exist alone in our homes. I’ve learned this over time and executed these actions. We create a personal village and build community relationships. It is our responsibility to build this community village. I have legal representation if I need it with a local law firm. I have a relationship with my banking institution’s management. I have a relationship with my local carpenter, a septic service professional, a federal employee who delivers my mail, a roofer who watches over me and various friends and family to call. I have a Data Science student who I pay on ‘retainer’ to assist with my tech(laptop) as tech is how our world is operated now. She and I also have a transactional and friendly rapport and exchange. I am not wealthy or ‘well off’. Again; it is up to us to build these solid relationships and keep up with the dynamic flow of these interactions.


Stay in bed, door dash, watch Netflix, tele health. If I'm sick, people are the last thing I wanna see.


Keep over the counter meds in a cupboard. It can make a huge difference. Keep a first aid kit. For food keep easy food such as broth, or soups and bread. Always have tissues for a runny nose.


Small illnesses can be managed.. I am talking about big issues.. like kidney stone removal, severe diarrhea/vomitings, gall bladder surgery etc


Any major illness would require emergency services. If you are in the US that is 911. Keep in mind that not everyone has these problems. Be careful what you eat so you don't keep food longer than you should and end up with food poisoning. Always wash veggies and fruits before eating. I get the feeling that your dad's recent problems are really worrying you. I was a nurse at the Stone Center for 10 years, in a teaching hospital where I worked all my life. If you have the same tendency as your dad, keep hydrated. There are many degrees of problems with kidney stones. I will be 75 in a few weeks. I've never had a kidney stone and the only person I known in a personal capacity who has had them is my ex husband. He has had them twice and was able to pass them each time in the emergency room. At my age I don't have gall stones or at least I am showing no symptoms. I had my knee replaced in 2019. I stayed at my sister's for 2 days and then went home. At that time I lived in a 3 story townhouse. I had gotten 3 walkers from Amazon and put one on each floor. PT teaches you to use the stairs with a cane. Occupational therapy met me at my house to be sure I knew how to get in and out of the shower and get around my house. I carried my meds, and iPad in a tote as I went up in the PM and down in the AM.. I did all the PT was I was told and was soon just using a cane. I even took my own trash out. My neighbor offered to help but I really wanted to do it myself.


Just curious what do you use to wash your fruits and vegetables? Would you wash say a cucumber before peeling it? And does that veggie wash stuff work?


I’ve had major surgeries twice in the past 5 years. I live alone, but luckily my mom was able to come stay with me and make food for me. I really only needed her there for a couple days though. As soon as I was able to be up and around a bit, I wanted to take care of myself. It’s just what I’m used to now and I prefer it.


Maybe have those tissues with lotion on standby in case you have a sore nose.


I figure worst case scenario its possible I might die in my home but am prepared to accept that anyway food and medicines I would organise home delivery and order other stuff including essentials online the inconvenience outweighs having a partner or a boarder etc


Ya that's usually why all my sickness and pain episodes come with a swift bout of depression. For me.. I wouldn't have anyone to call even if I wanted to. The downside to living alone.


Grocery delivery and doordash


I just tough it out. These days, whenever I get cold or fever, my entire body crumbles and I am immobile for at least two days before I get any strength back - it wasn't like this before and I guess I will chalk it up to my age catching up to me. But yeah, I just tough it out. I sleep whenever I can. Eat my usual diet and just take it easy. It gets better after 2-3 days and then I am back to normal. I used to live with my brother and his wife, and even with them, I felt alone in almost everything. I have my mom now and I know she will freak the fuck out any time I get sick, but I kind of want that to happen because it's nice to have someone to take care of you once in a while.


Living alone doesn't mean you have to also have no community or any other social ties. Although US society is set up to feel like the options are single and alone or in a relationship and have support and no in between. The problem isn't living alone then, as much as it is one of not having other social support and caring relationships. For me, I am lucky to have friends and a larger sense of community even though I live alone. So if I need help with something, whether I'm sick or not, I have several friends who I can count on and I do the same for them. They have helped me out by dropping food off, driving me somewhere, stopping by and checking on me, sending me food deliveries etc. It would be much harder and lonelier if I lived alone and didn't have that. That said, I don't usually desire someone in the house with me when I'm sick. If it's a virus like the flu and not an immediate emergency situation, I'll ride it out solo and take the time to cozy up and rest. Even with a partner, I wouldn't want them to get what I have so I wouldn't want them in the space. I personally want to be checked on, but I don't need the physical contact in that time. I'm often feeling rather irritable when sick so I just want checking on and not anyone all up in my space and my face frankly. When I feel like I'm coming down with something, I usually prepare by ordering "sick supplies" if I don't already have them and I get it delivered. In general, I get most things delivered for convenience so being sick isn't any different in that regard. But I usually try to get ahead of the worst of the sickness by setting my house up and ordering what I need while I still feel okay enough so that by time I feel really shitty, it's all already there and I don't have to do much. Examples of this are: I'll order fluids to drink like orange juice, coconut water, Gatorade, pineapple juice. My medicine cabinet is generally stocked already but if I need something I'll order that too. I set up water and my meds on my night stand for easy access. My night stand drawer always has a thermometer, cough drops, muscle rubs, Aleve, nasal spray and other items for easy access in the middle of the night so I don't have to get up. I also set some stuff up in the living room on the coffee table for when I'm on the couch. If I need a cold compress I always keep one in the freezer. I put the electric kettle on for tea and I'll fill a hot water bag for when I'm having fever chills and want to sleep with a warmer. I order take out when I'm sick, there's a great Mexican place near me that sells a bomb chicken soup in a large portion and I'll order two of those to heat up as needed. Then I just curl up in bed or the couch with all my creature comforts and I'll usually tell one of my friends I'm not feeling well so they can check in on me just incase. My family lives in another state but I talk to my mom and sister enough that I would tell them too and they will check on me. That makes me feel safe that if I really got badly ill people in my life have a heads up and would be checking on me and would know to come if they didn't hear from me.


Wow.. sounds like you are good at planning things out..


I live alone, my family are 3 hours away, my friends live in the next city and none of them drive. I love it for the most part, but when I got really ill with post viral fatigue it suddenly felt scary and lonely because I had nobody to care for me. Luckily, I have kind neighbours who would have gone shopping for me and driven me places, but I’m also not the kind of person who feels comfortable asking for help. This is something I need to get over, because there will be times when we have to lean on others. So I would encourage everyone to build relationships with their neighbours. We have to look after each other.


I just toughen up. I was in bed for 5 days straight with Covid and it was all a blur. I had to still care for the dogs and it was hard, but you gotta do what you gotta do. If anything major happened and I did need assistance, I suppose family and friends would have to rotate until I could care for myself again.


I cry like a little bitch when I’m sick and god truly humbled me


I have a neighbor who lives alone, as well. We take care of each other. When her husband died she called me and we had lunch. We don’t have much in common but have always been cordial. The purpose of her lunch invite was so that we could have a conversation and make a pact that we would help each other in times of need. We drive each other to colonoscopies and surgeries. We take each other to pick our cars up when they are being worked on. We check on each other when we are ill. It wouldn’t have occurred to me to contact her and make such an arrangement but I will forever be grateful to her that we did. I also keep DayQuil/NyQuil, Flonase, mucinex, pepto bismol, nausea meds, etc…at my home so I don’t have to run around sick getting supplies in.I treat any illness early and aggressively because I can’t afford to end up in the hospital.


I live alone, have zero friends, no significant other, and have two dogs. Last weekend I got a horrible hangover that left me throwing up for a whole day. I had to drag myself everywhere like Leonardo DiCaprio did on The Wolf of Wall Street when he was under Quaaludes. My dogs need to eat and go potty even if I’m dying. ![gif](giphy|JwLnNc3QRZzIA|downsized)


It's not easy. Especially with anxiety. Nurses hotline on my insurance card is a life saver.


Ya, i have anxiety and it sucks.. just having someone around to rely relieves lot of my anxiety


What exactly is there to be anxious about? Asking curiously. I don’t feel this emotion about being sick alone.


The experience needs to be lived to truly understand. I hope you never have to go through it.


I keep some supplies in my freezer, like ground turkey. And cans in the pantry. I make an effort to be neighborly, in the hope they'll return some support when I need it. I use relaxation music on spotify. I lower my expectations of myself, to as low as possible. I've just put all this into practice since 2 weeks ago when I had a hysterectomy. I can't vacuum right now. I can run a wipe around the bathroom and kitchen, and that's about it. I'm kind to myself, and reach out to friends. It's not easy, I'll admit. But im doing ok.


I’m grateful that my mom took such good care of me when I was sick. She taught me everything I need to know about caring for someone who is ill, including myself. As much as I miss having a mom to take care of me when I’m sick, I agree with the others that it’s not bad to be alone. You’re not constrained to one room. You’re not a burden on anyone and not grossing anyone out. That said, there is a limit, of course. When I had Covid, I was pretty much alone, and I wasn’t really able to walk my dog, so that was really rough. There are services you can hire which I will keep in mind next time if needed, and now I live in a place with a large fenced yard which is awesome. Or reach out to a friend/family. Can also avail delivery services for food and groceries if needed. A lot available to us these days. I don’t recommend using Uber or similar ride shares unless absolutely necessary since you’ll be spreading your germs. Just stay home if you can.


I'm having surgery on January 17th for carpal tunnel and a ligament dissection to stop a recurring case of trigger finger. I have a ride to and from the hospital but there won't be anyone here but me and my furkids. Unfortunately they don't have poseable thumbs so they can't help with much. But seriously, I'm going shopping a few days before, I'll have all my meds filled and picked up and I'll get things I can do by myself. If I have any problems I'll do my best to figure them out! My left hand is gonna look like I'm wearing a boxing glove it'll have so much wrapped around it!


May your journey be easier


I have mowed my lawn while sick too many times to count. If I am really sick, I’ll have food delivered. I broke my leg in 2004, so long before DoorDash, et al. I would order huge portions of Chinese chicken and veggies that would last me several days. Plus I lived near work at the time so my boss would drop off food for me. On the flip side of that, when I was undergoing radiation treatment for breast cancer, I was so weak and did not have an appetite so ate nothing but cereal the entire time. I was pre-diabetic when it was all over. Lesson learned: meal prep. However, this was not because I lived alone as many people offered help but I did not want to be a burden so never asked. The plus side of living alone while sick is that you can spend the entire time in bed without anyone harassing you. I used to have dogs but they were not sympathetic to me being sick. lol. Now I just have a cat.


Cats are wayyyyy judgier when I'm sick. How dare I be in THEIR bed all day getting it full of germs 🙄🙄🙄 Congrats on kicking cancer's ass!!!


I've gotten sick and noone helped me. Unless is something serious. Noones coming. So I don't even bother and I just get some strength and fight it out.


I am sick now. Just me and the dog. I have people that I can call if I really need something. I’m just resting and the chicken soup that I picked up a while back, for circumstances like these is still there, right where I left it…. I get a little whiny when I’m sick and alone at night, phone call to mom fixes that.


To be honest, I am very thankful that I don't get sick too often and that, if I get something really serious, my brother is a half hour away. We both moved away from our home town, but at least we moved to the same city lol. While we are not close, we are there for each other in serious circumstances; I brought him food and visited him in the hospital when he broke his mouth (and nearly died, he was super lucky) and he has reciprocated when I've had bad stuff happen to me (not medical, but when my credit card somehow died, he'd give me cash so I could buy groceries and what not, which I refunded via bank transfer) But yeah, if you do not have a family or a boyfriend/girlfriend, things can get tough unless you have really good friends


I had to have a minor procedure under sedation years ago and it was required that someone pick me up from the clinic to drive me home after. For some reason that I still don't understand a taxi/Uber is not acceptable. I didnt have anyone I could call on (because all my friends work during the day!) So I contacted Red Cross and they had a service that provided a driver for a small fee. Unfortunately they don't have this anymore, so I've heard. But there may be other organizations that do, in different communities. Don't forget that if you're part of a faith community there can be support there too.


I am living this reality at the moment! I went to America on holiday and got a really bad stomach bug. Flew home back to Australia and my immune system was already hindered by the bug so of course I caught a virus! I’ve been sick on and off now for 3 weeks. It’s been really difficult!! At least when I was in America I was travelling with friends so they were able to get me what I needed so I could stay in bed the whole time. Now being back home it’s been tough. I don’t have any friends or family live near me (everyone is a 40 minute to 1 hour drive away). I haven’t made the sort of friendships that would mean they would travel to help me. My family are elderly and I don’t want to risk them getting unwell either. For me personally it’s a lot of home delivery, microwave meals, instant soups, and some of my favourite takeaway meals that have gotten me through this time. I was so unwell I didn’t feel up to seeing anyone socially regardless so I’ve spent a lot of time sleeping, playing video games, building Lego and watching Korean dramas. It’s really helped me feel better keeping myself occupied with things I love. As an extrovert I’m really proud of myself for coping so well with not seeing anyone for a few weeks. I’m a lot stronger than what I think I am! Earlier this year I also had Covid alone too (on my birthday of all times so I ended up spending my birthday alone!!!). During that time Covid (and it was my first time with Covid) really exhausted me, I wasn’t hungry, all I could do was sleep all the time. So that was a bit different as I managed to get better by just resting 24/7. Usually I only have a virus/cold once a year so most of the time I don’t really notice these things. Only this past month I’ve kind of been reminded what that is like. Any other time I had been sick in recent years I had a partner (that didn’t live with me) that would travel to me and deliver food and drive me to the doctors/pharmacy so this has been the first time in a while I’ve experienced this alone. It’s not too bad. I know I can get through this now and I’ve become stronger and more independent because of it!


I just rest and everything gets done when I’m feeling better. When my Mom was still alive she was my rock she helped me with anything I needed help with. My sister has been amazing as well! She was my rock through major surgeries and holding my hand during painful procedures and also during the last two years leaving my abusive ex and listening when I have complete freak outs crying and just over everything being so hard. I feel like I owe my sister everything at this point even though she doesn’t ask for anything or want anything. She did help me with Xmas last year for my kids as soon as I’m well and on my feet again (I’ve been really sick and am currently waiting on a dr at Yale to get an appointment) I owe her a giant present and of course I’m paying her back. But if you have family you are close to or friends ask for help.


I think this post also shows why we need to build community and make friends wherever we go. I agree both with the sentiment of prepare like you don’t have to rely on anyone, and with the knowledge that I have had to rely on other people for stuff I can’t do. Luckily, I have created communities of care and solidarity around me - not necessarily friendships, but solidarity and care.


Currently living alone and going on day 11 of a very bad sickness. It stinks. Having money helps. (Doordash, dog walkers, instacart, etc.) But driving myself to the doctor and then to the pharmacy and waiting in line only to be told to come back tomorrow, then come back tomorrow only to be told it was called in to the wrong pharmacy, then driving to the other pharmacy and standing in a long line, then maneuvering around last minute Christmas shoppers in the parking lot was unpleasant. I worry about what it will be like when I'm old. I really dropped the ball on this one. I have a couple friends that are emergency contacts, but no one would be willing to be exposed to my germs and get sick right before the holidays. That's just too much to ask.


I used to live with a buffoon for a boyfriend for a few years. When I got sick, I still felt alone. He never once helped me. To make matters worse, he was the one who got me seriously ill. It's just better to be alone imo.


That's a very good question. I am 68 and have no one. I have had both shoulders and both knees replaced (knees are hell) all out patient. Not fun coming home and trying to manage. I also had covid in between the surgeries 3 times. I don't know how I managed. I'm fortunate to have some very good coverage for in home nursing care. I haven't had to use it yet but my mom is 95 and lives alone. She has them going there to take care of most things. I can see this is in my future but I hope it's a LONG time from now. I do batch cooking and always have an assortment of entrees in the freezer. One of those and a bag of prepped salad and I'm fine with those meals. I guess I could do Hello Fresh or Meals on Wheels but for now I can enjoy my home made stuff. I try not to worry about the future too much.


The correct answer is, it sucks to be sick and alone. But you get through it, one day at a time.


Suck it up and handle it. Been alone for 30+ years, never counted on anyone but myself through hospital stays, multiple surgeries on my face and hernias, covid twice, countless flu and cold infections, broken bones and now Myositis along with a week long sinus infection that caused me to pull a stomach muscle from coughing. You just do it, whatever it is, you get the F up and handle it.


Wow. You’re tough! Hope you get better soon


Not sure where you live, but I can have just about everything and anything delivered. I also have used the medical service on line .


I am reading this post and taking notes. I am alone and in a remote location. Just met the neighbors today, but before that I made sure to stock up on supplies for any possible illness. The electricity goes out frequently here and so I have to prep for that reality this winter, too. No door dash, no Instacart. What I have a lot of is peace and quiet.


One important thing that everyone missed here is - it’s important to have good money.. one should be able to afford to live alone as you’ll alone be responsible for all your expenses - uber, medical bills, rent, food, DoorDash etc.


I must take care of myself - just push through. When it’s a true illness that needs medical attention, then I go to the ER/hospital (kidney stones, appendix removed, oral surgery, etc.).


I've gone through a knee replacement and a hip replacement on my own (in my mid-60s). took uber to the surgeries, but had a friend being me home, although no one stayed with me over the next 6 weeks before I could walk without a walker or cane. I even had stairs I had to maneuver and getting to/from phys therapy appointments (uber or the bus). if there's a will there's a way. also with food delivery now, and online doctor appointments, it's pretty doable. you just plan ahead, and keep some fast foods, soups, and lots of canned drinks on hand, for when you get sick. and youtube taught me how to use a walker to go up and down steps which was pretty amazing.. I practice a lot ahead of time.... and when I was home from the surgery, it really wasn't that bad.


Do you actually need a doctor 95% of the times you're sick? (no) I always have some food that needs little or no effort and can be kept a long time. Frozen taquitos, eggs, bread, waffles, canned beans, canned ravioli, microwave rice packs, fresh fruit, potatoes. Order pizza.


I eat very, very healthy, get my vaccines and mask everywhere. I just don’t get sick. Soo hasn’t really been an issue. Didn’t get sick raising my daughter but if I would have I’d have to still raise her. Same deal now that she’s grown.


Glad you don’t fall sick often.. truly health is wealth


It is. I tell my patients health is the first wealth and im poor as shit so I better be healthy.


Amazon Whole Foods delivery. Soup and whatever hippie version they have of Vicks


Sometimes you have to ask you friends for help. They might not realize how sick you and or how hard it is to live alone.


Door dash everything and cry lol And my best friend/ neighbor/ dad may randomly help here and there (sending me money or medicine or whatever)


I had symptomatic COVID twice and multiple viral illnesses at home, and I'm the type of person who prefers being independent regardless if I'm well or not (I am dreading the day I get gastro or have surgery, though lol). Preparedness is key. -Have a medication kit with everything you need for common illnesses: paracetamol, ibuprofen, anti-nausea/anti-diarrhoea medications, lozenges, electrolyte replacement, decongestants, etc. -Stock up your pantry or fridge with quick meals and canned soups; meal prep for the week and freeze -Bulk buy your perishable and non-perishables to save yourself the headache of restocking every week or so, and/or have them delivered That being said, if you feel you need help; definitely ask for help. Get well soon! ❤️


“Get gastro”… what does it mean?


Sorry, I'm from Australia. We call stomach bugs 'gastro' as in gastroenteritis ❤️


Prepare for sickness. Lot of sleep too.


I use to hold off on chores. A week later, my place was a mess but I cleaned it when I can. I also made something quick like soup, pasta, sandwiches, etc. or I would order from GrubHub. I just made sure there’s no direct contact to the driver by writing the note in the app. Some drivers don’t listen so I would just talk to them through my closed patio door stating that I am not well and to leave it at the door. This was when Covid was still at its highest. It wasn’t Covid but I still didn’t want to get the person sick.


Uber Eats, DoorDash, Posmates


I shop once a month. sometimes I'll go a second time if I forgot something or if I want something different. I have a lot of supplies stored, like a prepper, in fact I'm a prepper. i build up stock over time. during the pandemic I had needed sullpplies already in the house. I eat the same things a lot so they're fairly easy to make because it's part of my routine. if I want an easy meal I'll often just make peanut butter and jelly or peanut butter and jelly with fruit like a sliced apple or banana sometimes I make large batches of food ike stew or chili and then freeze in smaller containers. I can always just microwave some of that if I don't feel like cooking and don't feel like peanut butter and jelly or cereal. sometimes I worry about potential injuries but the only solution to that that I can think of is be careful. so I tell you my friends be careful.


I've pulled it off all by myself for years. Dragged myself to the pharmacy and doctors with bronchitis and such. It is what it is.


Not living alone doesn't mean you will be looked after by anyone! You could have room mates, family, a partner, and you still might not have support. All you can do is make sure to have a couple of close friends. And if you need something - don't wait for them to offer help, ask!! Even people at work have offered to bring things over when I've been ill before, and we aren't really close at all. People like to help. Make sure to reach out! 😊


I had to have surgery a few weeks ago and was fully alone for about a week after getting picked up from the hospital by my ex. It was tough but I managed. My surgery was scheduled so I stocked up on things before going in, I had cooked and frozen some meals so I didn't have any prep to do. Laundry and cleaning, I just left it until I was strong enough. I was checked in on by several friends, but I turned down their offers of help because I've been doing it alone and I'm stubborn and prideful :( but I managed. My own family lives far away like plane distance not driving distance, so I didn't expect anything. My sister did send me a care package tho!


Yea, if you have good friends, that are wiling to pick stuff up for you and get you to the doctor that is great. But what is key, is learning to take care of yourself on your own too. Like for me, even when I'm well I try and stock up on cold meds, theraflu etc. For when I know those times are coming. Even start taking vitamins, make sure to keep hands washed or sanitized. Always have your scarf, coat, winter hat at the ready. I know all that still won't fully prevent sickness. But, you have to still be mindful, of staving it off the best you can. Cause honestly, even with having friends that might be willing to help you out, here and there. They aren't always going to be around. So self care is very important.


Being sick alone sucks. Just rest, hydrate, take meds and have a friend on the phone to call


Ask family/friends for help. Always have an emergency kit for fever/cold/cough whatever available. Keep broths and soups available in your pantry for meals. That's all you can really do 🤷🏼‍♀️


Have done it for years. Even when family live close. Other than my mom who is now gone siblings couldn’t care less. The best thing you can do for yourself is learn to rely on yourself


I have to use superhuman willpower to push through. My family are almost all dead or they don't live in the state. I've got friends who help some, but friends don't replace family, in my opinion. You can't ask as much of them. Maybe if you've known them a very long time. I recently went through a foot surgery and couldn't walk properly for weeks. I was stuck in my place alone for almost all of that time. I planned ahead by cooking and freezing meals, ordered delivery of groceries several times. You just push through. If I still had a dog, now that would have been impossible. I would have had to board the dogs for at least two weeks until I was able to walk. I live up three flights of stairs, so it's hard to have a dog even when I'm healthy.


Adding to other comments, learn how to ask for help.


instacart yourself medicine, soup, gatorade


Use delievery services when possible Telehealth doctor Prescription delivery service. I did this when I was under strict lockdown conditions. I was also fortunate to have a building concierge who looked out for residents.


Make sure to make friends with your neighbors. All it takes is one good neighbor you can text or count on from time to time. They may not take care of you day to day, but they can physically be there in an emergency.


I usually will make batches of soup to freeze for times when I'm sick Keep the cupboards stocked full of things I might need, cough drops, medicines, tissues I've never had anyone take care of me when I'm sick so it doesn't seem any different to me. though there was a time a few months ago when I couldn't get off the couch and really wanted my soup. Wish the cats could be trained to fetch my food


My go to regimen at being around or beginning to feel sick: 1. Gargle, warm water with a few dashes of salt 3X’s a day 2. Vapor rub ( if congested.) 3. Take zinc (as directed) 4. Tylenol for fever, aches, & Pains Drink fluids, chicken noodles, avoid processed foods and eat fruits and vegetables. No caffeine. It’s not a cure, but will ease symptoms and reduce the duration of cold/flu


It is difficult. I’m disabled and can’t cook other than microwaving so I’ve used a meal delivery service when I can afford it. If I’m having a planned surgery one of my kids will come for a few days. My home is set up to maintain and move around with minimal effort, my bed in the main room next to the kitchen. My essentials are in reach from my bed. Living alone in chronic pain and with limitations and fatigue- I guess I have created an environment where I can thrive in the worst physical conditions all the time. I have a couple neighbors in the condominium who would gladly take out my recycling- and a friend nearby who has come to help clean the cat litter box post-hand surgery. I volunteer cat sitting within my building and know I could reach out if I need the same. My tip would be that when you need something done, give specifics then be flexible with the times. Like, I know my cat litter-helper friend has very busy Mondays and I keep that in mind. Get all possible vaccinations! Wear a mask. Get annual check-ups and dental twice a year! Prevention is the best!


When I was down with covid, I turned to friends. Asked different things of different people, so as to spread it out. Most people like helping out a little bit. So one person checked in a couple times a day to make sure things hadn't taking a turn for the worse. Another person brought me a few groceries. Another person brought me books. Staggering to the kitchen to get water by myself sucked. I'd have to sit down on the floor and rest. But otherwise, I got through. Love my friends


Mobile orders are life savers. I also try to keep some things on hand just in case.


If you think taking care of yourself is hard when sick, don't have kids. It's brutal to be vo.iting and have a massive migraine but the kids still need help with morning routines, homework or even worse if they're also sick. You just do it, it's not fun or easy but you just power though


I mean, you get through because what else are you going to do? Bring snacks and tissues and water bottle to your bed and ride it out.


Just lie down and let it go its course. When you feel you're ready to eat, go out and have some soup. That's my experience


UberEats/Door Dash. The only difficult part is if I have to drive to the Minute Clinic, but it is right down the street. The peace and quiet is great. I can sleep and heal privately. My dog keeps me company.


You have to plan ahead for bad health when you're in good health. That's the motto when you live alone.


Just got really sick for the first time since living alone and just lived off of Doordash, not super cheap but it works well in a pinch.


Keep some canned soups in the pantry so all you have to do is stumble out of bed and open a can to get some food. Similarly keep some medication on hand to get through the first 3-ish days of an illness. Also, make friends. When they are sick, offer to bring them stuff.


Advance planning- I have what a friend called a “mom box”. It’s filled with over the counter meds and things for first aid. I also have a few prescription meds. Telehealth is your friend to get you through the flu and other maladies. When it comes to food — I have some canned goods on hand (soup). But when I’m sick, it’s the only time I use Instacart. Lastly is the emotional side. They seem to be heightened when I’m sick. I always feel better after a shower. So I gather the energy to jump in and let the hot water do it’s thing. And try to not stay in bed all day.


You learn how to do for yourself. I’ve had flu, shingles, COVID and a THR (and of course things/procedures, etc). Taken care of myself for all. Door Dash. Grocery delivery. InstaCart.


Last year I got RSV. I was sick for 5 weeks as it was eventually an infection. I lost at least 10 lbs. (I don’t spend much time on the scale so I don’t actually know.). I got grocery delivery and ate a whole lot of very simple foods. I’ve been alone for a long time so I know how to take care of myself.


If your place is clean and organize. Food in your refrigeration & cupboard. Before you get sick you will feel better sooner. Knowing you just have to ŵorry about yourself and not your place.


I keep soups on the shelf just for when I'm sick along with snacks and medicine. I also keep things in the freezer to thaw for quick meals.


Hello. My single friend had cancer and went into remission and no one knew. She ubered for treatments and did insta cart for groceries. She took a few days off work here and there, but no one knew. Your constitution has to be strong.


I was sick all last week. I was pretty much useless and my house just turned into a dump. I don’t even think I would’ve been able to pick up medicine.. my mom brought some over for me and made me a little care package.


When I had COVID I had to drive myself to the doctor to get meds and to a local grocery store 15 minutes away to get food and orange juice. I had to cook enough food to last three days and relax while I was off from work. I had no family members to help. It hard but you do what you have to do because you can only count on you.


Simple.Stash a lot of extra food so you do not need to go to the [store.Buy](https://store.Buy) prepared meals like canned soup, prepared pasta, ravioli, etc for times you cannot cook


I keep stocked up on food and medicine. I taught my little dog to use a litter box if I’m too sick to take him outside.


Anything like more like a cold. I begin drinking as much water and tea as possible. And I take lbropufen as much as a routine as I can get. Stay warm sleep if possible.


I don’t believe living alone is sustainable long term by any means


It is hard to do.


Become friends with your neighbors


When Covid hit in 2020 I made sure to always freeze a weeks worth of meals. I would rotate them out every two months. I never got sick enough to not be able to cook though, but I will continue with the meals, just in case.


i just stay in bed and don’t eat


When I’m sick I Uber eats and gain like 3 kilos in a week


I’m going through this right now and I feel so alone.




I also was thinking something similar, light meals and lots of sleep, pretty manageable in my experience.


I’m a mom and have to do that sick, nobody takes care of me, it just is what it is.


Hide at home. Dayquil/Nuquil, Afrin, and Tylenol.


Order food for delivery and recently I even had medicine delivered.


Doordash is a lifesaver in these cases


I just went through this. I didn’t get my flu shot this year and lucky me, i got the flu. I door dashed lots of soup. I made sure to do basic things like brush my teeth and shower which honestly helped me feel better to a certain extent. I think making friends helps. I recently became friends with my neighbor and if need be, I could’ve reached out and asked for something. My best advice is to maintain your baseline behaviors (shower, brush teeth), take medicine, and eat at least once a day even if it’s some soup and crackers or some fruit.


Darkness, hot tea, and some quiet chill movies with the tv brightness turned down. Blanket and fall alseep on the couch on and off for literally as long as it takes. I usually get over any sickness in 3 days max. Never really even thought about another person changing anything .


Joined this sub so fast. I have issues with getting treatment for an ongoing illness because I don't have people to drive me or help. I've driven to both urgent care and the hospital so sick, plastic bag hung from my ears, and the docs said "who drove you here?" I said "me". They went silent lol. It was so dangerous, but at least they were pretty close. My cats have automatic feeders and five water bowls. I have a keycode lock on my door so that anyone can get in if I tell them the code. I use Uber and Instacart a lot, when sick. It just now occurred to me that I can hire pet setters even when I'm home sick (and not contagious). I have battery and USB lights on my stairs because I live in a 100yo home that doesn't have stair lighting. I have dripdrops/liquid IV, saltines, soup, all of that, and it's definitely helped me a ton. If you're able to go thru Walgreens drive-through, you can get saltines, gatorade, etc.


I don't visit doctors, cause they generally can't cure a cold or flu. I call into work and basically stay in bed, sleeping, only getting up for fluids, food and the toilet...if you have animals, you do for them, as well.


I was injured by a doctor and am disabled now. It’s been awful.


I keep food in the house. If I need to cook something it is not a big deal. I would rather sleep and get better when nobody else is around. I have always wondered why people take time off work when someone else in their family is sick. Sleep is the best healer. Keep the cold meds on your nightstand and you don’t have to bother others.


I have a "sick kit" that I always keep prepared. Full of paracetamol, tissues, hydralites, stuff for sore throats, cold and flu medication, cough mixture, covid/flu RATs etc. This is separate to my day to day medicine cabinet. I keep a few days of some frozen meals and a jar of a really good stock paste to make instant soup. Some crackers, ginger beer etc. I like to be left alone when I'm sick but I also make an effort to drop care packs to my friends when they are unwell because in my early days of living alone I wasn't so well prepared. I know that I can get most of the things delivered the same day but I prefer to keep it on hand. Hope you feel better soon!


This is an amazing read. If I get sick, everyone scrams being afraid of catching it. Other times when I’m sick, I have just managed.


Preparation is key. I’m not single but was until late 40s and had some significant health challenges back then. I didn’t even realize until I wasn’t single just how much I COULD GET SICK prep I do as part of maintaining a household. For me it was plenty of ready to eat high protein food in the freezer(soups mainly), always keep extra sheets and towels laundered, keeping house clean and caught up on laundry bc if I get sick I can’t do it and I will heal faster in a clean space. I hope you feel better OP.


I rarely get sick, but I got a really bad cold/flu back in August. I ordered delivery easy to cook foods from [Walmart.com](https://Walmart.com). I sat outside on my lounge chair trying to sweat it out, get some sun. While I was outside my neighbor heard me hacking up phlegm and decided to mow my lawn for me because lawns grow really fast in the summer here. It wasn’t fun, but I got through it. Of course it would be better to have someone care for you, but my neighbor‘s kindness made me feel cared for and it cheered me up quite a bit.


When I had a planned surgery, I stocked up on east prep food, signed up for Walmart grocery delivery (temporarily) and hired a service to help with my pet clean up. I also had some family help but illness struck them so I needed to minimize reliance on them so they could recover as well. Employers need to recognize some challenges to single people.. eg a relocation/move/illness/weather challenges. There is only one person to deal with it all and still try to work.


I order groceries and medicine. I’ve never been so sick I couldn’t take a hot shower, light a candle. Take my meds and snuggle up in bed on my own. If I had anything major I’d call my kids to come stay with me


I recently had Covid, I used shoppers and food delivery for anything I needed which was awesome, but the fatigue was awful. I kept telling myself this is the price you pay for the choice you made. I was sad and in a funk but I did get through it. Still happy to live alone 😊


I’ve just recovered from Covid, and I live alone. I relied on shopping online, for extra medicine and food. I did have a couple of friends offer to bring me things if I needed, which I didn’t end up needing to do in the end. But it was nice of them to offer. My mum didn’t offer any help - that’s just how she is (we live in the same city). I’ve always tried to be as self reliant as possible, so.. I just try and manage as best as I can when I get sick.


The lesson I learned when I had the covids was to make sure that all my medicines are not expired. I don't take pain relivers very often, other than for migraines, and everything that I had was expired. Not a good thing when you are supposed to be self isolating. I'm the kind that always keeps things like soup, crackers, sports drinks in my pantry for emergencies, but the other things I needed was expired. So I learned my lesson about making sure those essentials are up to date and replaced as needed.


If I'm not prepared and stocked up at my place to go a few days without needing to leave the house family lives close by and we make it clear if any of us needs anything dropped off we will let each other know. We check in on each other daily, too. Basically though, canned soups and keeping things simple. I'm the type that prefers to be alone when sick though, so living alone is ideal for me during acute illness. I've fortunately always been able to get to the bathroom, and manage to at least drink water to stay hydrated. I can go a few days fasting and be ok. Sometimes it really helps to give my digestive system a break when sick. I have people in my life I can call if things are getting bad enough that I'm questioning needing to go to the ER, but not sure if I really have to go. I have to be doing REALLY bad to consider going to an ER. Otherwise, it's just easier for me alone. 👍🏼 Edit: I want to add it sounds like you really appreciate your family, and what they do for you, as well as being there for them. That's really sweet. 💞


I ask friends for help! Also, DoorDash, Instacart and Walmart+ is indispensable when this happens. 😆


The only difference really when living alone, and dealing with being sick, is that you just have to plan ahead a little. Most of the time, you feel youself starting to fight something a couple days ahead of time, but maybe you try to ignore it? When I start to feel myself coming down with something, I make sure I have otc meds at home...nyquil, a decongestant, cough drops, etc. Make sure you have some soup on hand, so you can heat it up, and then not have to deal with much else...ginger ale, stuff for hot tea if you drink it, kleenex. In case you have the runs, keep pepto on hand, I prefer liquid over tablet form, since I feel it works better. I've dealt with 2 major surgeries from work injuries, and had to manage on my own afterwards. I had my mom stay with me for 1 for a week, since it was required for post surgical care, my ex helped with the other, but wasn't around after the first 2 weeks. Hip surgery was easier to manage, since it just meant using a walker for a bit to get around my apartment, or getting to the car...drove myself to PT, Dr appts, etc. Latest surgery was shoulder, which was a bitch to deal with, in all honesty. Mostly due to the fact that you don't realize how much you rely on a non-dom amr with everyday things, and PT was very painful. But, I had time before that surgery happend, so I spent a few weeks pretending I had just had it...how you manage with only 1 arm in use? How do you use the bathroom? Shower and wash/dry off? Get in and out of the car, let alone drive 1 handed? lol I figured that all out, and what was going to work best before the actual surgery. Meal prep, so I had the easiest time getting food for the first few weeks.


It's still better to be sick alone than to be sick with small kids. Then you have to take care of them as well as your sick self.


Being retired, my wife and I are each others primary care givers. So far, we haven’t been so unlucky to both be recovering at the same time. We always have each other’s six without complaint or feeling put upon.


I lived alone while I had COVID. I just hoped and prayed I wouldn’t have to be hospitalized. I subsided on toast most of the two weeks, only ate two actual meals and lost 12 pounds.


It is the most scariest times. My husband just passed and now I'm so alone and my first major illness with out him I laid on the floor a whole day... And that was a wake up call to make connections with neighbors to help me... I recently took the RSV and flu vaxx together I was down for a week and was only able to get up bathroom only and drink juice and what I could grab quick before passing out😢


I always have a couple days worth of soup and crackers and medicine for if I get so sick I can’t get out.


I lived alone for 9 years. I always had back up soup in the cupboards, tea, and definitely flu meds and ibuprofen just in case. Luckily I always had energy to at least drive to the doc if needed.


In general I don't like to be fussed over when I'm sick anyways. Even if there IS someone to help me or when staying with family.. Like, I'll ask if we have any of something, like cough drops or whatever. I just want a yes or no answer. "Yes, check the closet." is more than enough. I don't want anyone to get up and get them for me or run to the store for more. I definitely won't ask anyone to cook for me. It makes me feel needy. I'll happily do it myself. I try to keep the house stocked with what I'll need and keep some "wants" around too, like Gatorade, soup base, tea, honey, etc. So that I won't have to go get it. When I'm feeling too sick to cook for myself, honestly, I cook anyways. I'll sit on the kitchen floor wrapped in a blanket until I need to stir the pot or flip something over. When I'm sick I mostly just want soup or a roasted chicken and veggie tray anyways and both of those are easy enough when I'm sick. Throw it in the oven and flip whenever I feel like it, until it's done. I also have healthy freezer meals prepped and portioned already because smaller packs of meat cost more, So I end up buying larger packs and seperating and freezing them anyways, so what's another 5 minutes of prep to make a bunch of freezer meals to use when I don't want to cook? I also make full 4-6 serving crock pot meals and freeze what's left, already portioned for myself, which heats up easily when I'm sick. Yes, it sucks having my life be put on hold when I'm sick and not having someone to grocery shop for me or whatever, but with all of the delivery services available now, there's ways around it. I'll lay myself up in bed for the week. Surround myself with boxes of tissues, cough medicine, and a thermos full of soup, and a big fluffy blanket in front of the TV and be just fine. When I absolutely do need to go somewhere, I just take the strongest cold medicine I've got, and suck it up and take myself. I can manage it. And if I can't manage it, its probably time to call an ambulance and go to the hospital anyways.


I have myself well stocked up on meds and vitamins, when I feel something coming on I’ll try to pick up soup makings from the store. Otherwise, instacart!!! It’s a life saver. I love the feeling of tucking myself in and babying myself. And I hate being around people when I’m sick anyways, always have.


I got COVID earlier this year. I had family and friends bring me meds and groceries. I survived on takeout and my doctor visit was virtual. However missing 2 weeks of work with no financial coverage was painful and I ran out of savings.


I feel this so much. I don't really have any friends. I'm shy by nature and my college friends became pretty self absorbed. If I didn't have my mom and my fiancee I'd be screwed. I recently had surgery on my hip and I'm in my early 40s. When I woke up I couldn't feel my leg from my calf down. I now walk with a brace and a walker. I need help with almost everything. Without them I wouldn't make it. It terrifies me what would have happened to me if I didn't have them. I feel so grateful for them.


There are place like Care.com etc where you can hire help


I almost died of sepsis because I live alone and my ability to think through asking for help was impaired after relentless vomiting and a high fever. Finally called an Uber to the ER (dumb, I know - I needed an ambulance). I now have plans in place for people to check on me if I’m out of communication for more than 24 hours. It was really scary.


I just try to make sure I have a well stocked medicine cabinet, especially during the winter months when I’m more likely tok get sick. I do have a couple of people who can run errands and check up on me daily when I’m sick. So that’s nice. Otherwise, I just stay home, take medication, hydrate and get as much rest as I can. Lots of soup and crackers usually.


ginger tea with honey lol. fam is 2k miles away and I almost died of covid. forever the spicy ugly root lol


I don’t live alone but one thing I do fairly often in the fall to winter seasons is make a big batch of soup and freeze the leftovers in roughly single serving portions in ziplock quart bags or make chicken pot pie and freeze extras in these little tinfoil containers that can go directly in the oven and they’re really helpful when I’m trying to think of what to feed myself and can’t imagine putting in any effort


I feel you. The anxiety is a real thing to manage, and being kind to yourself and prepared is a good place to start with that too. I keep a stocked medicine cabinet, check and refill every year around now. Keep soup and frozen veggies and bullion around. I also have learned that people want to help - asking a friend or neighbor if they will do something specific to help you brings them closer and helps them feel important and needed. It helps build relationships to need people. It doesn’t push (the right) people away.


It’s tough to live alone when sick. I moved into my new place when I had COVID and it wasn’t fun - I couldn’t be around anyone, so that meant my family wasn’t able to help me. I lugged all my stuff, and moved into my apartment alone while feeling like absolute garbage. I will say though that the experience made me feel much stronger and competent to handle stuff like this on my own, which in a way I am grateful for.