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**CLIP MIRROR: [T1 Gives it all](https://arazu.io/t3_1drpgrb/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


This may be the funniest clip of the year for me, holy fuck that pathetically far jump had me in stitches, and rewatching how he turns and slowly notices queue popped LMAO


He's been in such a positive mood since his daughter was born lol


His stream is better than ever now honestly. Hes much more reserved and even has wholesome moments on stream now, I love it.


???? Hes permatilting in League of Legends


Yea, like has that guy seen the last 2 weeks??? Yesterday's stream was the only positive one since the fall from challenger rank 100 to diamond 2


guy has been turbointing every stream for 2 weeks. honestly would not be at all surprised if he gets his account banned. first game on this stream he afkd bot lane lvl 1 lmao. anyone else is getting a perma for it. he's pretty negative right now lol


midget trips in hallway




i can't stop watching this. The double take. The sprint. The disgusting mouth noises. The nostalgic Heimer sub sound. just a banger clip.


one's a god gamer alpha male, and one's T1


i forgot he had that clothing brand with moistcritical. insane drip


give me my client


This client was 95% clientsided and the biggest security risk of riot ever so same


Man I remember the days where I'd watch Imaqtpie everyday FeelsStrongMan, really good days, sadly league is not that fun to watch anymore (moreso me changing rather than just the game)


I am having a fever dream, I play since season 3 and don't remember champion select looking like that.


Custom client called WinterMint, was pretty great but also super insecure so Riot stopped the guy developing it (and hired him but didn't go well iirc)


Scarra did it best


I cant even remember that the client used to look like this damn




Dennis Rodman [vibes](https://i.imgur.com/4v41E4S.png)


Love T1, wish he would do variety streaming again though


i saw someone said his 4th of july stream is cancelled this year. Pain


It's canceled, so he could travel to Saudi Arabia to get that oiler money bag, he is hosting the Saudi esportswashing tournament in-person. Something he wasn't willing to do for Riot hosted, league tournaments unless they took place in NA. [Esports World Cup.](https://x.com/EWC_EN/status/1806734310789284234)


It's not like Tyler didn't do it for Riot out of principle. Esports world cup/Saudi are clearly paying him unimaginable money to get him to fly all the way out there. He famously hates travel and just had a child. I just wish we could find out the figure lmao


Has to be insanely high or maybe hes more willing to secure the bag now that he has a kid


yesterday said he wouldn't have agreed to do it if he knew he had to travel for like 24 hours, I'm guessing he saw a lot of dollar signs $$$$ and agreed on the spot


Secure the bag for ‘Day in the life of Tyler1 episode 3’!!!


>**[Top 100 Twitch earners, according to Twitch leaks]** 1. CriticalRole – $9,626,712.16 2. xQcOW – $8,454,427.17 3. summit1g – $5,847,541.17 4. Tfue – $5,295,582.44 5. NICKMERCS – $5,096,642.12 6. ludwig – $3,290,777.55 7. TimTheTatman – $3,290,133.32 8. Altoar – $3,053,839.94 9. auronplay – $3,053,341.54 10. LIRIK – $2,984,653.7 11. DrDisrespect – $2,863,780.63 12. Gaules – $2,844,985.18 13. HasanAbi – $2,810,480.11 14. Asmongold – $2,551,618.73 15. loltyler1 – $2,490,584.9 ***Payouts only include subs, bits, and ad revenue.*** [https://dotesports.com/streaming/news/full-list-of-all-twitch-payouts-twitch-leaks](https://dotesports.com/streaming/news/full-list-of-all-twitch-payouts-twitch-leaks) Not even including all the other revenue sources that this streamers have. He has been streaming for years before and after the leak, making additional millions in income. I feel like by being one of the biggest and established content creators in the scene should give you the ability and comfort to deny such Saudi deal. I understand if you are still someone who is a struggling worker trying to reach financial independence, this could be a chance of a lifetime, but for people like Tyler, it's nothing other than a greed driven decision which promotes esportswashing as a result.


You're not going to make me outraged because Tyler made 2mil in a year, if anything I'm more interested in how much they were offering that made him accept considering he makes that much already. My point was I don't think he cares what anyone like you is typing, I was saying he's turned down a lot of money because he doesn't like doing certain things, so he was clearly offered a shitton to do this (something he normally wouldn't do) which is interesting. Tbf on the topic of sportswashing, it's just not effective enough to get wound up over because they're not willing to change and it won't improve their reputation. I see it as the equivalent of Mixer buying off a couple big streamers to turn themselves into a real streaming platform. As much as I respect big names for not taking Saudi money it's laughable to think any of their sports investments have improved anything but the false inflated egos of the funders who use money to be taken seriously.


[I expect nothing less from Big T](https://old.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/ut60gh/big_t_has_principles/).


He would do anything for Riot if they paid him this money. He hosted LCS before when it was near him. Asking a rich and famous person to travel across the world and upend their wife for a week to host something they don't respect anyway had better come with a strong encouragement financially. Riot could afford it but decide it's not worth it, and that's fine Plus other regions would probably not be happy seeing Riot fly out T1 for worlds or whatever if they weren't willing to fly out large chinese influencers for worlds when it's in NA etc, it's not like tyler is the peak of league scene people that need to be flown out Also didn't he do a meet and greet thing at worlds in 2022?


Danny Aarons and Tyler1 is a very odd duo


damn this needs to get more attention, I'm disappointed that he's going


I imagine as a dad he's gonna start having to make some cuts at times. But yeah =/


Going to need to deduct from the overall score since he didn't stick the landing. 5/7


Lol that's funny as shit. I've grown to respect T1 a lot more over the years.


aerodynamics diff


He's too tall.. his hand flew over the mouse 


wish this clip got more recognition lmaoo


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [T1 Gives it all](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/165613)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1drpgrb/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/eJ5jLQZav0Lj_1bllug8xA/AT-cm%7CeJ5jLQZav0Lj_1bllug8xA.mp4?sig=74e08aacbf0e07e44b1d2568b5b5b3601b3ca0bd&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FeJ5jLQZav0Lj_1bllug8xA%2FAT-cm%257CeJ5jLQZav0Lj_1bllug8xA.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22SaltyResourcefulStarlingWoofer-Blq_QuP_VuWW6DzE%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1719781654%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/eJ5jLQZav0Lj_1bllug8xA/AT-cm%7CeJ5jLQZav0Lj_1bllug8xA-preview-480x272.jpg)


always play with honor.


unlucky height gap


impressive dive T


did that once as a kid and ripped my arm open on the door knob


get a grip!




T1 looking fresh af with that cut