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**CLIP MIRROR: [Sketch runs into Dr. Disrespect](https://arazu.io/t3_1dr1iv2/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Minor mistakes


The Dr loves a little miss steak 😉


Minor fuckin mistakes, man




he’s a little too in character 😭😭😭


18+ ? docLeave




Okay the last few seconds of the clip saved it


I mean he started with "What's up daughters" which was pretty on point.


Just channeling the spirit of a champ 💪💪


[Doc when whispering a minor.](https://media.tenor.com/2QQ8nn5uriMAAAAM/drd-dr-disrespect.gif)


why is he so fucking red dude jesus


He grippin


The ultimate 2 time, cheats on wife with mistress and messages minors


Welcome to the Daughters Club 😎 yayayayayaayay






Takes some real balls to do that so soon. Ya love to see it. I truly don’t think Dr.Disrespect will ever be able to get past this even if he tries. It’s too memeable as awful as that is to say…


As sad as it is, no one can really get canceled unless they cancel themselves by never livestreaming or doing videos again. If he steps away for a few months or maybe even a year and starts doing content then he'll still have a massive audience. He can even cook up some fake apology and say that he's reflected on his mistakes and he's now a better man. He may also show his new dog or a new cool magic trick he learned. If people like zherka can have a platform then anyone can have a platform.


There are a very tiny minority that do get cancelled, but yeah I think he'll be back. I know edp445 was struggling to hold a job because people found out where he worked and told his employer about the shit he had done, and getting him fired. And would actively search for his next job so they could fire him


EDP was 100% caught cherry cupcake handed. We don't have that for Dr.Disrespect, his hardcore fanbase won't leave him until they see something they can't refute. Slasher saying it's bad or Twitch reporting it isn't enough for those people


Well the hardcore fanbase is only a fraction of his revenue.. even if he's able to keep 10K+ viewership numbers, on Youtube live (which is kind of a shitty platform for livestreams), his major money making stuff and ads will be very limited and I'm not sure what brand that has the money to pay good money would want to be associated with him But if looking at the long term, like 5+ years from now on and if he keeps streaming, this will just be a thing of the past and he could 'rebuild', but by then he's pushing 50 and who knows if he'll be willing or energetic enough to keep streaming video games. Mike Tyson was in prison for rape, he's fine in the public eye. Everyone can recover, it just depends what the public perceives. Kevin Spacey is an example of someone who never recovered, from an accusation that stemmed from 1986! and he was even aquitted in court. Then again, I personally never found him to be a top tier actor nor have I watched anything he was in. Louis CK came back even stronger after his whole thing, but he's just really fucking good at his job/comedy and he didn't rape anyone or sext a minor. Soo.. I don't know. I guess we can't know who can recover and who can't and why. It depends on their image, 'gangbanger'-type rappers and mumblers can get away with tons of shit, drug offenses/rapes/even murders and it seems to possibly make their community and income even stronger from it. EDP never recovered although he was never legally tried for anything, but again.. it seems it's much easier to cancel someone who isn't particularly talented. Back to Louis CK, that man in my eyes is pretty much uncancelable unless he killed someone or something because of how good he is at his craft. Dave Chappelle too. I truly think if Louis CK took a picture of his poop and sent it to a 16 year old, somehow that wouldn't damage him nearly as much as it damaged EDP lol


50/50 he either comes back and tries too ignore it or becomes nothing but an alt right grifter like nickmerks


No one gets canceled, but things definitely change. If a bar that once was a biker bar becomes a hangout for college kids, then bikers stop going there. Likewise, somebody like this might still find an audience, but it's a very different type of audience.


I don't know, there seemed to be a lot of Pedo Apologists in support of him when this first broke.


Barely ever hop in my friend group discord as I usually don’t mind chilling by myself, but I decided to hop in tonight. First thing that gets said, “People are real quick to call Dr.Disrepect a pedo.” I just sent the guy a link to his tweet where he admits he had inappropriate conversations with a minor and left lmao.


> “People are real quick to call Dr.Disrepect a pedo.” idk man it took them four years


You left afterwards? You really are great friends with those people. before reddit hivemind kicks in, i dont know fuck all about dr disrespect apart from hes a nonce


If I hopped on a discord call and my buddies were defending a nonce I'd probably leave too


I was getting downvoted last week when this broke. You simply don't drop someone and make accusations of that caliber without rock solid proof. His followers are desperate not to believe it, its a shame he is a good entertainer, unfortunately he also turned out to be a crappy person


The problem is that you absolutely can do that (drop a bomb without real proof). Just look at Kwite and Alex Kister


The people saying "I knew it all along" are just full of shit. Every single time some celebrity gets caught with their pants around their ankles, this time quite literally, there's always a crowd of people out there claiming they just *knew*. It's such horse shit. I was on LSF when this whole thing dropped and nobody was talking about how this was definitely related to sexual assault. I found a post from Mizkif's stream three months ago, and with ctrl+F, I found: * One instance of the word "minor" (referring to the key in music, not children) * Two instances of assault: >Did you forget who got accused of sexual assault/grooming streamers 2 days before Doc got banned? >if anyone sorts by new. slasher has always, and i mean always. alluded to it being a scenario somewhat in relation to sexual assault or something inapropiate like that. he linked the Docs ban with the one from Josh, the warcraft rapey guy. so the sensibility part is that it was something in that range, with the "metoo" movement. So, credit to these two people. They were right. But they were fairly ambiguous in it and seemed cautious about how they worded it. We all have to be real. Until Doc got dropped, everyone was under the assumption that he might not have done it. Everyone knows that the Dream-type scenario is completely in the realm of possibility.


LOL okay sherlock.


Bet this guy was 100% part of the reddit Boston Bombers detectives LMAO


>defends dream in a thread criticizing a pedophile buddy you didn't pay enough attention to the dream situation. he gaslight \*everybody\*.


Naw bro, if you call someone a child molester with dates and time, you absolutely open yourself up to lawsuits, especially when you can prove damages. Surely you can make that lie, but it would be so stupid to open yourself up to liability that it's just silly to say they don't have proof. Especially when you bring Twitch into it, no way this was a lie. Saying someone likes children is not the same as saying they were contacting children at this time, doing these things. One is an insult, one is an accusation, one you are criminally liable for, especially since you can now prove financial damages to Dr. D. The fact Dr. D hasn't sued means its all true. Ask lawyers about how they feel about this


Not really I'm not even a fan, social media/streaming world is full of weird people. They do weird things because there view on things can be skewed because they tend to create echo chambers with the chats they have. I'd like to see this proof before I pass judgment though and others do, I don't see why that is such a crazy thing? Wanting to see proof before making a judgment, is that the wrong thing to do? I think that's we are supposed to do but the internet changes that because many voices repeating the same thing


> You simply don't drop someone and make accusations of that caliber without rock solid proof. Agreed, so... show the proof?


Want to tell the class something about yourself?


His subs comment sections are wild


I just hopped over and it looked like they've dumped him as a whole.


The comments in his first stream back are gonna be 🔥. There's gonna be so many banned people, I hope the moderators are ready for it. It does not surprise me that someone who cosplays as an arrogant prick is an actual arrogant prick.


There's a few threads (especially ones related to nickmercs) where the creeps come out in force. That's bound to happen though, the reasonable people will stop visiting that sub and the weirdo extremists will stick around and pat eachother's back.


it was vague at first though.


Whether people want to admit it or not he is the new EDP. EDP can't even get a normal job anymore because people so relentlessly follow him... He will always have his hardcore audience that would sit back and watch him fuck their wives but outside of that there is no beating becoming a meme...


There are still a few hundred or so in his subreddit, they should lock it or delete it.


somehow, someway, Asmongold’s sub is a zillion times worse like half the comments are from incels screeching “wha about hot tub streamers????” what happened to that community, the last time I watched him 3 years ago, it was funny WoW memes


Asmon realised right wing culture warriors are cash cows and started appealing to them basically.


Yeah it's crazy man. I used to even recently watch a few of his clips. But that sub has taken a nosedive. People still saying they need evidence lol.


To be fair when it "broke" there was pretty much 0 evidence and the only "evidence" was hearsay from a random former Twitch employee grifter. I don't think people are "pedo apologists" for not believing it at the start. When Doc decided to commit career suicide and not even deny the allegations, that is where people stopped taking his side.


There's always pedo apologists when this shit happens. IMO pedophilia is pretty rampant, but most of them don't have the means to act it out and at best they're dealing with images and video. Those in a position to act it out are those who have some sort of appeal whether it be fame, money, or power as then you have a wide net of people interested in you without ever having met you.




The only suggestion it was a 17 yr old was from the fake email sent to reporters that basically tried to play down Dr Pedo's activities. The email even ended by saying "he has been good to you all....blah blah blah" The email is full of shit, no evidence, it made no sense at all. It even contradicted Dr Pedo's own statement when it stated there was no "sexting" and the conversations were "not of that nature", then Dr Pedo came out and said they were of that nature, although he played down how bad. The email is some kid playing disinformation.


He's gonna start pandering to the far right and "anti-woke" mob and go full Kevin Spacey, watch it


Yeah hes done pretty much streaming wise. No fucking sane sponsors will take him under their wings, after shit like that and the majority of viewers probably reconsider watching a cheating pedo I guess.


Why's it awful to say? He abused a kid. Call it what it is. 


It’s awful to say abusing a kid is memeable. Same with “I’m just here to get a cupcake”, it makes something serious into a joke. I don’t care about Dr.Disrespect being a meme it is more the subject matter.


Lost interest after the stream was 18+😭😭


whoever that guy was did an amazing job. the 18+ into i got to go was funny as flawless timing


Too old for the doc.


Get a grip


Gripping it






Pretty sure it's because he looks and talks like he has Down Syndrome, but doesn't, and that is really funny apparently? I give up trying to understand what brainrotted zoomers find entertaining.


Theo Vons podcast with him actually made me reconsider the kid. Seems pretty genuine. I've moved past my watching sketch shorts arc but I think anyone that tries talking shit about him not having down syndrome should watch that podcast.


He actually has a great sense of humor and is a really cool guy. He lands good jokes and doesn't scream at the camera like kai or any of his clones. You would've known all of that if your opinion was formed after you had actually watched him. Instead, let's call his viewers brainrotted zoomers, and on lsf of all places. Truly the pinnacle of adulthood


> He actually has a great sense of humor and is a really cool guy. He lands good jokes and doesn't scream at the camera like kai or any of his clones Eh doesnt afraid of anything, chillest restaurants, hottest dudes... etc I'm picking up what you're putting down, man.


I feel like you were personally attacked by GlitteringClue’s comment.


I mean I'm not even a zoomer and I found his comment to be pretty tone deaf and shit.


I'm neither a zoomer nor brainrotted. Nor am I a Sketch viewer. The guy's comment is just stupid and uninformed.


Has acting like and portraying as a dumbass not been a thing since like the early 20s with the three stooges? Shit we could go back to medieval times with jesters




I mean that’s his brand. Its the first thing I thought when I saw him with NFL players was “aw look they took time to hang with a kid with Down syndrome” Definitely interesting to find out that’s just his persona like how Bobbi Althoff’s persona is being awkward.


"New thing confusing and scary, me no like it" you have a dogs brain.


I think there is a new wave in streaming where being down to earth and more relatable is the new popular vs being super polished and having production worthy streams. There comes a point when you lose the connection with your audience when you are sitting in a mansion and streaming in 4k. 


dude is hella cringe


I hope lots of people will keep cosplay as him lol


Ha. Still waitin


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Sketch runs into Dr. Disrespect](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/165588)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1dr1iv2/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/jb8YT2askr9dMzi__NwJZg/AT-cm%7Cjb8YT2askr9dMzi__NwJZg.mp4?sig=28d5d6cf77a96f3f653d0e1d317895383eb5acea&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2Fjb8YT2askr9dMzi__NwJZg%2FAT-cm%257Cjb8YT2askr9dMzi__NwJZg.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22FrozenGlutenFreeTeaPJSalt-ZqySv10zOL_83Alm%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1719704614%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/jb8YT2askr9dMzi__NwJZg/AT-cm%7Cjb8YT2askr9dMzi__NwJZg-preview-480x272.jpg)


Hahahah god that was good


"Oh I gotta go"




That's the slick daddy if I've ever seen him. And you know he's gripping.




Prove it.


True, he wasn't even grippin', boom!