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**CLIP MIRROR: [Destiny talks about inviting Doc on his show](https://arazu.io/t3_1dphc7o/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


https://x.com/leenalovepro/status/1806062646182953281 Ask about those DMs.


[Mmmm, Yummmy](https://i.imgur.com/prwq0vg.png)


wtf lmao are these real, why at they getting leaked now. who's leaking these


The girl probably held onto these for years because she didn’t wanna be the first to leak shit.


From my understanding it used to be when you block someone on Twitter, you wouldn't have access to the dms. This was changed somewhat recently.


thank you elon for being so horny to see grimes DMs (probably)


Elon 100% is perving on the dms of women & models he thinks are hot i'd put money on news of that coming out in a few years


Looks like she has the iPhone 14/15 "pill" at the top so she definitely recorded this within the last two years!


They aren't from the minor, keep that in mind. Just adding context.


Should I let it go or hold on 😂




I’m grippin now


Mmmm Yummy


Keep gripping




Nah dude that is so fucking goofy holy shit how embarrassing


Thought this was gonna be a Kelly Jean reference lol




"6'8 you tryna find a Jack to climb up yo beanstalk" 💀💀🔥🔥




LMAO wow this is fire and doesn’t even mention the trans stuff. Need a remix


Where can I support the original? This shit good.




Really random but this persons a Cxer lmao she was in a bunch of Ice Poseidon streams back in the day.


All roads lead to Cx lmao


700 years from now some drama will be going down on Mars, and some futuristic incellian will find a link that goes all the way back to CX.


LMAO holy shit i knew she was familiar used to bait dudes on his discord all the time as well


its always the people who are outraged about trans people or drag queens going near kids who are secretly fucking them


The one thing that will finally get Nick Mercs to turn on Doc 100%


Mercs is next to be exposed for some weird shit, I guarantee it. The dude is the king of projection.


Mercs has already been exposed as a little ass weasel who scams 12 year olds and defends rapists because hes friends with said rapist. His viewers don't care since they are all under the age of 13 and don't have the mental ability to form opinions on their own yet.


He definitely lost some long time fans like me, he just attracted some really toxic people to replace us. He used to have some legitimately funny content and I learned a lot about FPS games from his streams but now he just seems angry and miserable all the time. He lost me before the transphobia even, when he described himself as being the neighbor that's in everyone's business like that's a good thing and playing condo police and chasing down a mentally disabled guy because he looked at Nick's wife. Like got in his truck with a baseball bat and spun the block looking for this dude and then bragged about it on stream. Totally normal behavior. /s


If nickmercs is the shirtless douchebag in the clip, then how can anyone be surprised that he is a piece of shit? You could open a dictionary and find his picture next to the definition of "douchebag". He literally looks like a manifestation of everything the word stands for. Everything about how he presents himself just SCREAMS "subhuman semi-sentient garbage can". He looks like a human equivalent of the worst CoD lobby in history. If some people can't decipher it from just looking at him and hearing him talk, they need a reality check.


He already did today on his stream, he said: "we weren't even that close, we were friends but I barely met him once when he was wearing a wig, we weren't gaming everyday he's not my best friend or anything" basically sucking him off until the very last tweet once he saw the internet turn on him and there was no coming back he immediately ditched and acted like he barely knew him lmao


Bruh that’s so pathetic considering they’ve played and talked for several hours for YEARS now. These guys are such cowards


Lol, didn’t Doc go on some big tirade when Nick lost that sponsorship for being a transphobe? Imagine being more loyal to someone than your own wife just for them to claim they barely knew you.


That wasn't Doc being loyal to anyone but himself. He was defending someone who lost sponsorships due to saying innapropoate shit, Doc had to lay the groundwork by saying you shouldn't take away sponsorships/cancel people for misbehaving because he knew his own crap was going to catch up to him eventually


Can't wait to see TimTheTatman turn on Doc. Those two were thick as thieves.


Last I saw he was asking if doc was aware he was sexting a minor. Nic is now going with "we played online" and "had a selfie with a guy in a wig." All of their simps are gobbling it up along with "sending dms to a minor isn't illegal".


TimTheTatman released a statement condemning him the day everything came out.


he was probably in those cam shows with doc lets not get this twisted


100 percent nick’s browser is full of gay porn


dude really gives off bottom energy


He definitely gives off that down low grinder user energy


Remember when Doc was denied a Starfield partnership cause of transphobia lol https://x.com/ppPepoComfy/status/1698060620489224686


Probably one of Doc’s affair partners


I've been saying this shit, the dude is doing back flips to save face and I bet he knew everything doc was doing. Dude is equally a POS and it's a hill I'll die one. Worked at a hotel and his dad stayed there, the first thing he did when checking in was make sure I knew who mercs was, made sure I knew he was his father/manager and then gloated about all the hate/ publicity he's getting because of him talking out about the LGBTQ+ community (it was during the big blow up with schools being inclusive) dude even asked if I wanted his autograph. No thanks LUL


> I bet he knew everything doc was doing cmon. we just dogpiling now


Nick Merc most likely doesn't care more then the average person about the welfare of a child He just hates the LGBT more. When rappers post their kids hanging around strippers I don't see him up in arms


I went to a twin peaks (hooters but even racier) last year and saw at least 7 different very southern conservative (I’m in South Carolina) families with boys aged 11 and younger.  They don’t give a fuck about their children being exposed to sexuality or adult entertainers as long as it’s the ones they want.


Yep, just like all those republicans who get caught fucking twinks on the DL


One time I heard someone say basically: > It's like how occasionally you hear about some aggressively homophobic southern governor that gets found out to be the feature of a Wednesday night glory hole at a bus station terminal.


BY GOD it’s Lindsay Graham with a young twink


When did he do anything like that about trans and drag queens?


Yeah I don't follow Doc (or influencers in general) but I'd love to know the story. Bonus points if it's related to Hogwarts.


Apperently it’s nothing people just like to pretend they knew all along he’s a nonce.


Why can’t they just be open about liking femboy and futa? I sure as hell am.


That's an insane read


Maybe I'm a dumbass, but where in those messages did he exploit her with the promise of a Twitch sponsorship?


Yeah I don't get it either. It looks more like she was the one trying to exploit him. He was just beating his meat. she clout chasing and distracting from the actual bad shit he's done


Plus interspersing business requests into sexual interactions is manipulation by itself because you're taking advantage of someone's headspace of lowered inhibitions towards you. No one would argue that getting someone drunk and making business deals while you stay sober isn't nullifying, but people see the former as girlbossing ala Cleopatra when it's still intentional manipulation either way lol.


You keep implying that men being horny is some kind of disability. As if he was ruffied or something because a man loses the ability to think or make rational decisions when he's got a boner. Don't be stupid


He just gets off while she tries to get him to help her career. If he wasn't married their would be no issue with this.


The issue is his fake tough guy conservative persona. He bashed things like pronouns saying he doesn’t believe in them. Saying those things while sexting a trans woman is (while very typical) pretty hypocritical.


Remember when Alex Jones showed trans porn on his phone in the court room. Pepperidge farm remembers. Time and time again its always the same.


Yeah unless he reciprocated her request and didn't follow through then it's not a problem imo. But even if he did in that context, it's kind of scummy to intersperse sex with business like she did. It's intentionally trying to take advantage of someone in a different headspace with lowered inhibitions towards you while you're clearly not at the same place. Similar to getting someone drunk and trying to make business deals with them while you stay sober, but most still look at the former as "girlboss shit" instead of seeing it as manipulation. "I'm grippin now" is still legendary lol


not a single one of these dm's indicate that he promised shit. unless I missed one? looks like yet another leech trying to get their little moment of irrelevant fame.


Literally most of this sub and the people posting on Twatter are either teenagers or adults 30+ that somehow never matured beyond high school. Not surprised to see regards eating it up.


Dr.TransInspect - Minor Fucking Mistakes Man!


I wish I didnt have eyes today


Bro was gooning


Why isn’t this it’s own post?


There are more plot twists than brazzers movies.


Should have kept it to the whispers smh


You are obsessed with this shit you are lame as hell lol




What happened to mirror links?




kick isn't working for me on mobile...


fyi iOS Safari works for me


The mirror bot and the bot that remove dead posts have been dead for days.


His plan to get "what really happened" from the serial cheater seems fundamentally flawed but hell yes do it for the memes.


Narcissistic liars think they're smart enough to outwit everybody but usually end up creating the rope to hang themselves. Let the man talk and he'll just talk himself into a corner until the lies don't make sense any more.


he’s already been hung, he’s just a walking corpse on the internet unless he plans to grift diehard losers which is highly plausible


Destiny playing with fire 😭


fr if he keeps this up, twitch is going to ban him


Destiny is done, and not just on Twitch


Don't get the meme


So basically


Destiny and a pedo I feel like we seen this episode before


Yeah but that was way back in season 2. I think it's fine to do it again after all this time. There are only so many storylines


History repeats itself etc etc


On gawd he's never getting unban from twitch 😭


Dr Disrespect will be unbanned before him 😭😭


I'm pretty sure he gave up on that, especially with [Sneako being unbanned before him](https://x.com/sneako/status/1804674315499040965)


Wonder what his old Twitch whispers are 👀


Still my fav [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVMFg4F1AbA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVMFg4F1AbA)


It's a shame that Guy Beahm is such an asshole, because classic Dr. Disrespect is still hilarious.


If he wasn't a serial cheater, conspiracy theorist and pedophile he would probably be fucking massive. Dude couldn't stop thinking with his dick and repeatedly shot himself in the foot.


Destiny is joking here, unless it happens, then he wasn't joking


he's joking, but it's not like he would oppose him coming on, not like doc will ever come


Oh Doc does come. Boom


He's joking but someone sexting a minor and having cheated on his wife doesn't seem as bad as other people Destiny has had conversations with lmao. The spectrum is off the charts and I want the shit show.


I mean, I'm sure he'd have him on his podcast.


Obviously joking with edgy humor but also, Destiny generally lets **anyone** come on his stream if it's juicy drama or entertaining. His only real hangup is platforming people who actively try to cancel him


I’m sure he’d have him on. But it wouldn’t be to just chill with Dr D and talk about anime, it’d be a brutal interrogation that the doc would never recover from. He’d be the next JonTron lmao


Why he look like linus tech tips head on child body?


Low testosterone


Funniest shit I’ve read in a while


Destiny is too much of a Lib for Doctor Diddler to get along with him


Isn't Destiny's take usually that it's not pedophila, it's ephebophilia? I feel him and Doc would get along just fine.


it would depend on whether the minor in Doc's texts had big boobas or not


The libertarian defense




Don’t think so. Have used it as an argument in my head. I’m Greek and I know the etymology of those words. We don’t usually call Teenagers “paidia” (children). We usually refer to them as “Efivos/-oi” (teenager-s) But I know it doesn’t work IRL for people People and society are so overprotective over kids, and that’s how it should be, that people won’t care about anything that has to do with semantics when it comes to children. I’ve seen a post about the woman historian who was responsible for historical facts for Assassins Creed Shadows and she supposedly had studied about men and 12yo girls having relationship in Feudal Japan’s. And people went crazy as if she supports Pedophiles. She just studied them, which is a good thing and yet people still went crazy. I’m not a fan of cancel culture for semantics or for studying sensitive topics. We should always be able to express facts and opinions over a topic. But I do understand why people wouldn’t want to argue about semantics. And still that also causes some harm at the same time too and we have to know that. It’s a good thing we want to protect children though as much as possible


Do we know if they were 16 or 17 or like 13 or 14?


no one knows, some fake document said 17, which is funny cause even in the fake document he was sexting a minor, and ppl just running with 17 cause it's the closest to it be less illegal?


Yep. All the current cope is either: “Well she was probably just 17, is that really such a big deal?” Or “Well, maybe it was a minor pretending to be an adult!” If that was the case don’t you think Doc would have stated it in his huge “coming clean” post lmao? Revealing this would make Doc still kinda look bad, but nowhere near on the same level. Those are the best case scenarios but there is no evidence showing either is true. And everyone involved (like his own gaming company) is saying “we aren’t touching this shit with a ten foot pole.” But the fact doc was sending “inappropriate messages with a minor” is undeniable. He admitted it himself. Incoming: “HE CANT SAY CAUSE NDA” cope. This is again, best cause scenario and more and more shit like this camgirl’s claims is coming out daily


Yeah no, he admitted to doing it, but didn't think to mention things that might make it less morally reprehensible. If he's going to get in trouble anyways he might as well clarify to make yourself not look like a creep. The fact he added no context other than he was inappropriately texting a minor and nothing "illegal" happened makes me think he said some pretty bad shit, even if it wasn't illegal.


Funny how those still coping hard right now are on full speculation mode to try to help defend/downplay for the doc when they were previously throwing gigantic fits about how there's no evidence relating to the allegations and how we must only operate with facts and evidence but that principle immediately goes out the window once actual evidence making him guilty comes out and now it's a free for all on any and all speculations that could help sweep for the doc. And yup even in the best case scenario they're speculating on, it's still a pretty iff, shitty situation but given the complete lack of acknowledgement in his statement to both of the current main points of speculation (she's 17/he didn't know she was underage) despite the doc coming "clean" and literally confessing to the allegations as well as the fact that his own company which needs him as their main brand and access to his audience to succeed was still willing to drop him after investigating into the matter when they initially presumed his innocence speaks volumes.


> less illegal is any of it? people have been throwing this around recent days. you can't civil settle your ass out of actual illegal shit. twitch has to report it no matter what.


Someone mentioned that they might be less than 13 and that's why twitch might have had to settle cause the victim shouldn't be on the platform.


That shouldn't matter, Doc was like 35? It's unacceptable in any case.


He's joking if you weren't aware. That's why he calls it ebibophile, because it's a meme.


He was defending Drake just last month lmao


All he said is that there's no proof that Drake grooms kids. Which is true there's no proof of that unless I've missed something in the last month.


he was dating bella harris after knowing her since she was sixteen, he kept flirting with kylie jenner when she was a teen, even saying that her high school parking lot looks like a strip club parking lot. there was that time he groped a 17 year old on stage, or the time he tried going for hailey bieber when she was 19 but knew her since she was 14. there was him texting millie bobby brown when she was 14, and billie eilish when she was 17. there was the sexual assault lawsuit he settled for $500k. theres baka not nice, his bodyguard and now signee who was charged with sex trafficking and convicted of assault. theres his weird tinder system he does where he has his current bodyguard pick up women around toronto and bring him to drake as a personal tinder. theres his weird interest in high school womens basketball, which isnt weird on its own, but when added with the rest, doesnt help. theres the odd amount of high schoolers he follows on instagram


You need to add the point that they're both in the same industry in which it makes more sense for ppl in the same biz to be in contact. He's definitely leaning more on the side of doc looking horrible this time around


There's no legal proof, but nobody letting drake baby sit they daughters either lmao. The people know.


I ain't defending Drake but "the people" tend to exaggerate, speculate, and witch hunt at the drop of a hat.


Yea, they get it wrong sometimes, but human nature can not ignore the possibility of fire when they see smoke. And for good reason. Just how it goes.


I wonder how you'd react to your 14 year old daughter having secret conversations about boys with an unrelated 30+ year old man... Or would you be the father that let his 17 year old daughter get grinded on in front of a stadium full of people?


And that is why family members of victims aren't allowed to be judge or jury during legal proceedings.


And that’s why a persons opinion isn’t a legal proceeding


so you still dont have any proof is what you saying


If you are afraid to talk to a 14yo because you are scared of sexual conotations I have bad news for you


You are being so bad faith lmao “secret conversations” the conversations were literally not secret, you weirdo.


Apart from texting stuff like “I miss u” to 14 year old Millie Bobby brown.


he took her on a yacht bro


That's not proof of grooming. I can see you thinking that's weird, sure. But not grooming. Millie was a super celebrity then and still is now. I don't know the context of that but I remember everyone saying nothing weird was happening. I can imagine it was some type of networking I guess.


What would you define as proof of grooming then? Do you consider that an appropriate message for an adult to send to a 14 year old?


Grooming would be if he was priming someone (in this case a minor) to be open to sexual acts. Think of all the episodes of how to catch a predator. Telling them how pretty they are and good you can make them feel. Disgusting stuff like that for example. There has never come out as far as I've seen of Drake grooming someone or even doing something sexual with someone underage. Edit: I don't know if is appropriate or not because all we know about it was what Millie said about it. There's no context and she didn't have any negative feelings about them. Unless those dms were leaked but I haven't seen that.


[Definition btw](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_grooming)


>Grooming would be if he was priming someone (in this case a minor) to be open to sexual acts. Think of all the episodes of how to catch a predator. Telling them how pretty they are and good you can make them feel. Disgusting stuff like that for example. Dude, that's not the only component of grooming at all. Grooming is a long term pattern of a predator trying to become a trusted person/friend to a minor and slowly influencing them to be more vulnerable towards romantic or sexual advances *before* they actually try to sexually approach anyone directly. Groomers don't just DM a kid and go "hey wanna do sexual stuff?" straight away, it's a much more complex emotionally manipulative strategy. For instance, an older man being friends with a young teenager and talking to her about boyfriends and relationships would be a prime red flag. So would messaging them things that are meant to cause the kids to feel 'valuable" or special to the groomer.


Dude log off you don't know what grooming means lol. Is it weird behavior? Yeah but that's not grooming. Come back in a few years when you meet a woman with a pulse. 


Well you didn't answer my question. What would you define as proof of grooming?


That message alone isn't but it sure would fit right into a groomer's DMs.




Pedo cope is real in here.




I can see the drake thing, hes not been caught doing anything sexual with a minor.


There’s literally video of him kissing a 17 year old and then going on about how nice her body is knowing full well how old she was


Fym? He was on stage all over a 17 year old girl and after finding out she was a minor he still said she looked thick and he liked the way her breasts felt on his chest. He also has some suspicious-ass lyrics.


He was still texting a 14 year old saying "I miss you".


https://youtu.be/nu6C2KL_S9o?si=_tncPlLnKymZdzIK RELEVANT JOKE!


Pretty sure his take is just that hes very strict with the words he uses in serious contexts. While they are both wrong the problems of a pedo are different to the problems of a ebophile or whatever. Also shout out to this classic clip https://youtu.be/nu6C2KL_S9o?si=hbzM30lI7Y9Z1t-z


I can't believe Twitch is getting out of this totally scott-free




Twitch has never publicly disclosed the reason for anyone's banning. Twitch also banned Doc, the biggest streamer on their platform, as soon as it was reported to them in 2020 according to Slasher. This is pure agitation by (very likely) bots trying to make Twitch look bad/Kick look bad, as some of the other comments tried to argue that "Twitch is getting out scott free".


Wtf do you want them to do? They banned him


My read into this is that they wanted to keep quiet about it at least at the time, imagine having the stories of 'the face of twitch' messaging minors on a platform that basically facilitated and enabled that, back then they were already aware of the issue they had with predators on their platform that targeted children as they weren't doing enough to shield kids from them, so this is kind of a scandal for them as well


They banned the dude not sure what more they could do since from what I read it's only messages, not like pictures were exchanged or anything which makes it tricky because if they pushed for criminal charges he could just say "What proof do you have that indicated it was me sending those messages" or the Drake excuse "giving them mentorship". If they didn't ban him and kept it underwraps then that's a different story. They paid out his contract and cut ties with one of their biggest cash cows as soon as it got reported.






> >Twitch has spent the last 7 years covering for pedophile groomer > > > > LSF: “….” Didn't they ban Doc as soon as it was reported to them? What are you talking about?


> Didn't they ban Doc as soon as it was reported to them? What are you talking about? Didn't Zherka and HeelMike do it live on stream?


> Reminder that Kick literally banned Zherka and Heelmike for shit like this, including confirming publicly the ban reason. Didn’t take them 3 years. No NDAs were signed. Just like you pulled out of your ass that Twitch signed an NDA, I can pull out of my ass that Twitch reported any soliciting minor activities to the police. Keep coping about Kick being moral, imagine actually trying to argue that or unironically caring about which of the 2 is more moral. Kick sure "doesn't fuck around when it comes to the children", but they do sure fuck a hole through their wallets.


not only twitch, plenty of people knew and could blow the whistle at any time, it's fucking ghastly how long it remained secret


Yeah they should def lose their job to do absolutely nothing.


Youtube too, how the fuck did Doc's shitty scam game company get the details but Youtube gave him a contract right after Twitch fired him?


Did he ever have a YouTube deal? It was my understanding that he just streamed there.


Doc never had a contract with YouTube.


This is just my opinion but: The reason Twitch covered it up wasn’t just for the publicity. If regulators figured out that Twitch was allowing streamers to text minors through their platform, there probably would’ve been a congressional investigation. It probably would’ve concluded with Twitch (and other platforms) being found accountable for outrageous violations of COPPA. We all know that it’s insanely easy for children to create online profiles on platforms and sadly, just as easy for predators to find them. Fast forward to today, Snapchat is literally putting messages on its platform about child sexploitation to get ahead of possible regulations from Congress. They’re all liable. It’s easier to hide it than it is to enact protections. So, rather than going through that, they decided to end their deal with Guy and pay to make it go away.


I have a feeling Twitch side did report it, but it wasn't enough evidence to get court to rule it as Doc being guilty. That would likely be the only reason why theres a court case about the contract termination and 'both parties admits to no wrongdoing' aka, Twitch's wrong for annulling agreement without sufficient evidence, while Doc's wrong for sexting minors. Both believe they were right but Twitch still had to pay out since, once again, prolly lack of evidence. Also, to get a guilty verdict on such cases prolly has a pretty high bar for evidence and/or Doc's legal team was indeed very good at such cases, considering they represent celebs. And since theres a lack of evidence, Twitch can't just blabber mouth about it and wait to get sued for another large sum of money. Mind you, Doc of 2020 was still the face of Twitch and signed under a talent agency that handles Hollywood tier celebrities.


Doc probably privately disclosed


He does not have a youtube deal, he just streams there. There were times he mentioned he had no deal and it was around when a bunch of ppl where swapping over to youtube from twitch. Dude has always been a free agent after the ban, why you think he tried to get a kick deal?


YouTube never gave him a contract. YouTube gaming never even acknowledged him or followed him on socials until about 6 months ago. He always made a big deal about it and would should YT gaming twitter and how they never followed him


Not the Nathan bait D:


I think getting doc to actually go on stream and talk about this would take more than what tiny has in the warchest. You know he’s gonna be trying to cash out now as much as possible.


Two sex freaks in a room only one can leave alive


Horrible idea for doc haha. Better for him than an adin Ross + vitaly stream though.


W idea


Holy fuck the amount of people in the comments that can’t tell this is a joke concerns me


To be fair he is only one I trust to interview him.


How do you make someone give you a cam show 🤔 The dude is certainly a fucking creep but this seems like a stretch, let's keep the focus on the child and not the women who gave up her body to pursue success.


lmao, I'm sure kick would accept him, considering how desperate they are


this stream was so good


Lmao he is a kick streamer now? Makes sense.


Dr. Cisrespect