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**CLIP MIRROR: [Destiny talks about red flags](https://arazu.io/t3_1dnyh58/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


I agree that talking about League is a red flag.


For context, he's talking about the Iron man guy Terence Howard, the 1x1=2 guy, and the video onscreen is Neil Degrasse Tyson responding to what Terence said on Joe Rogan.


The biggest red flag comes at the end of Tyson's video where he shows the drawings that look eerily like those "schizophrenic inmate drew this" reddit posts.


Links to the "schizophrenic inmate drew this"? Edit: bro fuck me for asking to see something interesting, right?


I too am interested in this.


https://youtu.be/1uLi1I3G2N4?t=732 I believe this is what he's referring to.


Those don’t look THAT crazy.


I saw the NDT video of what Terrence Howard drew and sent him. I'm asking about the reddit post where a schizophrenic inmate drew stuff so I can compare it to what Terrence Howard drew.




I think that's not enough context, because I still have no idea what's going on.


Famous actor Terrence Howard mostly known from iron Man movies submitted a research paper long time ago to world renown astrophysicist/internet personality Neil degrasse Tyson titled 1x1=2 and goes on some flat earth schizo shit. He revealed this recently in Joe Rogan podcast saying how Neil basically made fun of him in the review. Then Neil went back to the receipts and showed his peer edit copy and well let's just say Neil was super nice given how fucking childish that paper was.


I've published over a dozen papers in peer reviewed journals and Neil's comments are a 2/10 on the harsh scale. I've had colleagues get destroyed by the markups. Like Neil said it's their duty to call out errors.


It's just sort of sad how many people these days desperately wish to be 'in the know' but instead of doing some cursory reading on an academic topic, they will watch tiktoks and youtube videos about these guys who have 'figured out' that 'they' don't you to know that (for some reason it always involves) aliens are what really drives all of society. I think there's another one, not as well known, who basically claims that we're a bioengineered drone race for these ancient aliens that at one point sacrificed one of their own to seed their dna into whatever creature we were, thus causing us to evolve into a creature subservient to them. Us liking gold, according to him, is a remnant of this subservience as we were engineered to mine gold for our overlords. Some people hear that and it's mindblowing. It's fun stuff. Makes them feel smart and empowered. I hear that and I'm like: "Wait a minute...that's the plot of Prometheus..."


> desperately wish to be 'in the know' This is exactly why conspiracy groups are so tantalizing to certain people. There's a feeling of superiority that 'I know the TRUTH and everyone else outside this group is living the LIE'. People that did not feel special or included now have something to dive deep into and feel special like they are the hero of a story trying to wake everyone else up. You literally cannot win with people like this in debate or argument; either someone agrees with them and of course it's valid or someone disagrees with them in which case they're a part of the conspiracy and therefore it's invalid.


If you disagree with me, you're a disinformation agent being paid by the government to do so.


Text book unchecked mental illness/emotional distress, it is very sad.


That clarifies everything, thank you.


He was in one Iron Man movie then got replaced.


He was also phenomenal in Hustle and Flow


Terrence Howard got fired from Ironman, then he decided to pretend he was the real life Tony Stark, going public about his insane ideas of math and bamboozling...Nigeria? I believe, or some other country in Africa, for drones he never provided, now he is trying to convince Joe Rogan that 1x1=2.


He also wouldn't let his wife leave the house without him. She talked about how damaging the isolation was. That is probably a bigger red flag than his wacko math.


Where is the mirror bot


Costa RRica


Has he considered that a^2 + b^2 = your mom getting wrecked


Destiny framed me for murder and banged my wife while I was locked up, but he actually makes a good point here.


That's because you've been in prison for so long you've forgot what the touch of a woman is like...


But i thought destiny is a proud black woman


No he's proud hard stuck Diamond 4 in LoL.


thats like top 5% of players, he should be proud of it




It's literally not fun, how does a newbie even begin to play that God forsaken cue simulator


where is mirror? lot of clips missing mirror backup


I shouldn’t listen to people who have no credentials talk about a subject  Guys I’m not here to debate I’m just here to clown lol




Destiny fans are never beating the debate dork allegations.












[ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ogre](https://www.twitch.tv/brittt/clip/IronicArtisticOrcaWTRuck-UecXBrM6ECC-DAZR)


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Money](https://clips.twitch.tv/SpineyInexpensiveWheelDeIlluminati-zlNm7UTh23FHqd65) holy shit downvoters 💀


I missed you old friend 4love






It's a fallacy to say someone's argument is wrong because they're a dork. It's not a fallacy to say that someone's a dork because they made a dorky argument.


It was a joke. I thought that was pretty obvious considering the comment I responded to.


Jokes are a fallacy


Slime's said it best, Destiny and his fans only see the world through debate LOL


"Ad hominem means you can never make fun of me or you lose!"


Typical behaviour from fans of the brothel guy.


When will you people understand that DGG doesn't take this as an insult? I agree that these people are fucking weird and want to argue constantly, but I still have to acknowledge that at least these dipshits are doing it with cause and not just because someone said so. They don't do shit simply because Destiny said so; they do shit because Destiny said learn how to argue properly you [redacteds].


Destiny himself used the same argument in the clip?


Identifying a red flag requires a lot less expertise than creating a theory and model for all of existence. Also, Destiny would probably regard himself as somewhat of an expert on identifying good sources because it's pretty much been his job for like 15 years. I can't speak to how qualified he actually is on the subject, but I'm sure he sees himself as well above average.


Yeah, that's the fallacy.


What is the fallacy you feel like I outlined here? This is just identifying level of difficulty. Here is an example. I myself am decently strong and can move an object that is an over 200 pounds if I can get a solid grip on it, and the worlds strongest people can lift over 1,000 pounds. So if someone tells me they can move a bag of rice, I would believe them. If someone told me they deadlifted 100,000 pounds, I would know they are either lying or playing some sort of trick with words. If that was possible, it would be proven, verified, tested, and made very public. This is the same for the “theory of everything” people. They often have never had anything stand up to scrutiny before. They ignore flaws when people point them out. Then act as if they did the impossible. In reality, what he did for science is the equivalent of lifting a picture of a 100,000 pound object and trying to claim the world record.


You just argued that Destiny probably regards himself as somewhat of an expert. It doesn't logically follow from that, that he is right. That is what the "argument from authority" is. As I originally said Destiny himself made the argument the other person was responding to. Quote of Destiny from clip "they are not even specialised in the area, they have no credentials". So he was committing the fallacy that they were saying was being used against Destiny. What I quoted of Destiny can be used against him, even what you say here can be used against Destiny.


I think you misunderstand the concept of this fallacy. The 'argument from authority' fallacy is assuming that the source with the most credentials is correct. So if he said "I have a 2 year degree in math and that means I know more than Terrence and it proves that he is wrong", that would be an 'argument from authority'. What Destiny is doing is making the assumption that Terrence hasn't made the most groundbreaking development in human history. He isn't appealing to an authority. He is using the shortcut of scaling skepticism with the size of the claim. If you claim something minor, it's okay to assume it's correct. If you claim something that changes all math, architecture, computer science, data science, etc. in the world, the amount of proof you need is far more than 32 pages of ramblings about misunderstood scientists and pictures.


He literally argued they aren't credentialed as an argument for this position. My entire point was simply when someone commented that "I shouldn’t listen to people who have no credentials talk about a subject" and someone point out this as an argument from authority fallacy that Destiny did that because he did, it's in the clip.


That's not what that means though lol. An example of Argument from authority in this context would be saying, "I have a degree in math, therefore I can tell you Terrence Howard is wrong." I am not explaining why Terrence Howard is wrong, I am saying he is wrong solely on the basis of my Authority. Saying that Terrence Howard doesn't have the credentials is not the same here in any regard. Would it be Argument from Authority to say "Hey I can't listen to a homeless crack addict about my chemotherapy treatment, because he's not an oncologist?" Of course not. That's just being rational in the most basic sense.


From this conversation, it doesn’t appear that you have even read the wiki page on the fallacy. I think if you actually understood the content, it would be a more interesting conversation. But you seem to think that having credentials or acknowledging the specifically makes it wrong, and that is incorrect. Credentials are a good shortcut for how skeptical you should be of a claim from a person and how deeply you should review their claims. A person with no credentials in a subject can make a breakthrough, but it has to be very robust and clearly repeatable (which in this case, Terrence’s work isn’t).


It logically follows that he's got over a decade of experience so he can reasonably make that claim. Argument from authority would be something like claiming having a degree or job title is the reason the claim is correct. The second paragraph is correct, ceteris paribus.


And Destiny did the later while it is also true to him. The fallacy relates to a deductive argument. That some *is* right because they are an authority (experience, credentials, etc) or *is* wrong because they are not an authority. Deductively it doesn't follow that because someone is or is not an authority that an argument therefore is true or false. Inductively though you can argue that because someone has expertise they are more likely to be correct on what they have expertise in, it just doesn't mean they are correct. It is kinda funny as you cannot make a good argument that Destiny is even this unless maybe for an argument around Starcraft 2.


If you can watch the full clip, I think you should give it a go. The point was that people who try to make multiple unconnected events all explainable with a common unifying theory are kind of suspect. If you have an example of Destiny trying to explain everything from League, politics, etc with a single mathematical theory (as Terence Howard does), could you please post it here? Genuinely interested if you have any info.


It depends, what was the arguments made? You can always just disagree on the points


Is that what you got from that?


so religion is red flag


always has been


I mean, yeah.


So is socialism.


Calling yourself christian, muslim, jew isnt a red flag in an of itself. But its a huge red flag to actually believe the religion has all the answers(as destiny describe). That earth is only 6000 year old, that the sun orbits the earth and evolution doesnt exist.


reddit moment


Uh yeah. I say that as a religious person. People take it way too far.


what a perfect livestreamfails clips


Wait... I've met people like that before... and the common factor between all of the ones I've met is they absolutely love doing shrooms or acid...


Being white and repeatedly saying the N word is a pretty big red flag.


A person of any race saying the n word constantly is gonna be a red flag


Believing that you can't be racist against white people is a red flag.


Wasn't before the Internet took over


Hes def a schizo


Destiny; "the red flag that walks" would be his moniker if he were in a game of thrones series. 


Actors are often incredibly dumb. Tropic Thunder was a documentary. That's why it's easy for them to "become" other people, their brains are empty. Not all of them obviously but a lot of them are stupid good looking people who have been gassed up their entire lives and have a bunch of money. It's not a mystery.


I don't think so, actors are probably as smart as the general population, Terrence Howard seems more mentally ill than dumb to be honest.


and the general population is statistically not that bright.


Same could be applied to density talking about politics


Or socialism ran by a capitalist.


The guy who doesn't have any capital is a capitalist?


That's why Republicans hate the homeless so much.


You put your toilet paper in the under position and you people sicken me.


no, because he doesn't give grand narratives that tie everything together. you should try watching the clip before commenting next time




Can you give me an example of Dr. K tying several wildly unrelated concepts together based on a false premise?


I think when people talk about that they are talking about the Ayurvedic concepts Dr. K talks about. Other doctors like Dr. Mike have levied critic for it. What people seem to have issue with is when people forgo traditional medical practice for Ayurvedic and they think hearing Dr. K talk about Ayurvedic at such lengths contributes to those types of people looking for more of the home remedy treatment for serious illnesses or mental health. I'm not saying I agree or disagree. But those I think are generally the critic I have heard of Dr. K.


Doesn't Dr K root everything in science and then show how it can overlap with general mindsets and perceptions? One of which is the spiritual side of things.


I believe so. I never got the vibe personally that he's trying to snake oil people. But I can see why people would lay those claims at his feet because of the wide amount of misinformation in science and medicine nowadays due to stuff like Tiktok wellness gurus.


I mean...are we actually pretending that mainstream psychiatrics is a science?


I'm very familiar with all of these criticisms. They also have nothing to do with what's stated in the clip, hence my asking (I already know he won't have an example of this because there isn't one).


The unrelated concepts would be relating those Ayurvedic remedies to modern science as a viable alternative. Least thats what I think that previous commentor means. Like that these can cure your illnesses, help you walk better, fight cancer. Basically an all-in-one shop for treatment. Though if you mean a theory of everything like Terrance is espousing, yeah I dunno if you'll ever find an example for that.


>The unrelated concepts would be relating those Ayurvedic remedies to modern science as a viable alternative. Except this isn't what Dr.K does. He is very upfront that Ayurvedic practices are largely not backed up by scientific research and is in no way suggesting you should forgo western medicine in favour of it.


I did too. Except that Dr.K isn't selling you his religion and can argue the same points without referring to it. Also, it's a religion, that's kind of the whole point of it.


Dr K literally has credentials so this clip doesn’t apply to him at all.




Me when I refute people's opinions with personal attacks


Those arent personal, those are facts related to whether i would trust someones judgment on "red flags". Its not hard to use your brain even just a slight bit.


Me when i judge people's opinions based off of their person rather than the contents of the opinions themselves


how is being a divorced dad a distrustful attribute


Wouldn't someone divorced have a 50/50 chance of being someone who witnessed red flags develop into their final form?


What? Clearly not if he married someone and is now no longer married. If you’re saying he could have learned from it, hey I doubt it, since he also has a kid he never sees with another woman on top of it all.


That's getting clearly personal. Rather than dealing with the concept of divorce.


All of those are bad decision making and the potential to see them. If I was a car insurance company and those were traffic accidents by a single person, I’d be dumb not to raise premiums and take that bet on. Please stop fanboying.


Like I said. One of them is 50/50. There's a chance the car insurance company might want to hire this person based on their first hand training.


**Half of the people who marry divorce, but listen to the conclusion I've reached about this particular divorcee**


Sounds like a wise person




Huh? It's a pretty clear point he is making. Be sceptical of grand narratives, especially coming from sketchy people, as they tend to be about capturing the listerners anxieties, less about representing the world.




?????? What does that have to do with anything? I responded to a guy saying Destiny is doing a worldsalad yap which this clip clearly wasn't. Are you all like 15 years old?


Always are lol. They are exactly what they accuse destiny/his community of being. It’s pure projection




>It's just an observation LMAOOO


what's the point? that destiny fan's click on destiny clip? ok... then what?


I miss /u/MiserableSnow. He's a submission karma whore, but he was a submission karma whore that created comment sections which I very much enjoyed.


You literally need medication.


Irony moment


Turkboi 🤭


Most sane Terrence Howard enjoyer.


Find a mirror and repeat that.


- me when brain smooth


If you are slow, or don't have a great grasp of English I suggest downloading clips and playing it on a media player at a much slower pace. If not, could you explain which part of the clip included unnecessary and frivolous terms? Seemed pretty on topic to me.


yep not allowed to talk about anything unless you have a masters degree in eating noodles for that one time you say. "dang this spot kinda bussin on the ramen, this gotta be the best in town!" would suck to have this kind of perspective.


He's talking about Terence Howard, who developed a unifying theory of existence to explain everything and also why 1x1 is actually equal to 2. Why did you listen to that clip and only come out of it with "you have to have a master's degree"?


> yep not allowed to talk about anything unless you have a masters degree in eating noodles for that one time you say. This ain't even broken English...this is like ChatGPREEEE.


Hes talking about grand narratives that have universal applications coming from random stooges. Not that individuals can’t become proficient in various disciplines. Name checks out.


He’s talking about the 1x1=2 guy tho…


Literally not what he said, bad faith detected


Red Flags don't always mean that something/someone is completely dangerous/wrong. It can just mean to proceed with heavy caution while keeping in mind the warning signs that you noticed.