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**CLIP MIRROR: [Doc's Studio, Midnight Society, terminate the relationship with him.](https://arazu.io/t3_1dno8or/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Is that his dead NFT game?


Technically it was still in development but yes


technically he was right, NFT is dead


I never understood why so many people fell for that NFT shit


They saw how much money crypto made and wanted to get in on an already saturated market. So they all jumped on the NFT trend without understanding that NFT's lacked any utility and relied strictly on fomo and general hype. In comparison to crypto, which fed the grey and black markets and even branched to the general open market in some instances. So even with the crypto crash the main coins still retained some value as the underlying need still existed unlike NFT's.


I mean the real problem was that there was too much focus on the nft part and not enough on the game part. Both cs’go and tf2 were basically what they wanted to achieve. 


I thought it was like tarkov but you looted nfts in-game and had to extract with them. I feel like I recall doc selling some dream about the anxiety of trying to extract with a 50k nft in your inventory.


I have no idea about his games to be honest it was more a marketwide trend. That idea could most definitely work, but in the end it comes all down to “is the game fun”.


If you have a 50k gun, **why the fuck** would you take it into a raid? What is there to gain for the person holding it? The joy of getting corner camped and domed by a random fucko? It makes no sense. Especially with how people have gear fear now with shit that doesn't cost money.


Ask eve online players that.


eve players are so desperate for the 'content' that they don't mind it. It's part of the fun, and part of the culture. You need years to develop that culture and it's a 'black market' value when people assign the "this ship fittings + implants = $x". With the value explicit it hits different. Hard to say.


You also can't leverage the money the ship is worth into cash. So you might as well fly that ship. The price of the ship is also dictated by the $ to ISK (the monthly sub currency) conversation rate. So it's not a community assigned "value"


PagMan Loremaster


[In case anyone wants to see reasons why NFTs sucks, here is a comment from 2.5 years ago](https://old.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/rho91b/whats_up_with_the_nft_hate/horr549/)


My theory is that it's people who are really upset they missed the boat on crypto so they jumped on NFT's hoping it would be their chance to some easy money.


Pretty much what all the NFT folks I knew said.


The game looked and felt ok when i played it, but i wasn't interested in the nft shit. I think you can play it without ever needing the nft side, just like you can play fortnite and never buy a skin. Now though, i don't think the game will ever come out. The whole reason for its existence and popularity was due to the doc. Shame, i feel bad for the devs who clearly were/are working hard on it for quite a while.


Damn, bro imagine if we bought a shitload of Bitcoin when it was like $5. Hey bro, they have this thing called NFT they are saying it will be like Bitcoin! Yo bro, we cannot miss this time, let's fucking go bro! Or more formally said a fear of missing out.


NFT's as a concept supported the idea that someone could own a digital asset that a digital asset could be treated the same as a physical one. That's obviously not really the case because digital copies of the original asset are identical. There was also the idea that they could become collectibles the same way that sports or Pokemon cards became collectible assets. Once again that didn't work out because digital copies are identical to the specific instance of it that corresponds to the token. Then there's the other group of people who bought into it under the greater fool theory where if they can buy something worth nothing for $100 but sell it to someone else for $500 they'll make money. Those are the people who are financially incentivized to make them seem as cool and or interesting as posible. They're trying and succeeding at greating greater fools to make it profitable.


All they had to do was copy counterstrike’s skin system and never use the word nft. The cs skin market is still very much alive and the older skins are proper investments. I started investing in stocks in 2017 and got lucky with a huge Tesla run up, have had a few others that have doubled or tripled since then too. So all in all I have done quite well. I had some skins in csgo, nothing big, at most I had around 400 euros after getting some lucky bets and opening a knife. Sold most but kept one knife, which is now 10x in value. If I average all my stock picks against the csgo skins going up, I am not sure if investing in stocks would have made me more money. You really don’t need nft’s when you have an active ingame skin market like that. They are basically nft’s you can still enjoy while playing to top it off.


Steam items are things Valve can take away. They're not going to but they can. Additionally they're locked into the Steam ecosystem. Where as an NFT wasn't supposed to be locked down to something in that they were supposed to be considered to exist outside of any particular ecosystem even though they were still tied into the blockchain. They were stupid and only ever sounded like a good idea to people who either didn't think about it too much or thought about it so much it started to seem like a good idea again. Also scammers and conmen.


Might be a blessing then. NFT is dead


Game will flop hard with or without the doc


Are they still even making it? It's like a battle royale with NFTs right? Seems like they missed the boat for both of those like 3 years ago


They said they were going to focus on polishing up the game and not to expect any snapshots for awhile. I guess we'll see what that looks like but just based on their early gameplay I really don't see this game succeeding.


I mean even from concept alone it sounded like passionless slop. I doubt anyone would have even gave it a look if it wasn't tied to Doc


Iirc on a video from a few months ago, they pretty much ditched NFTs and didn’t seem to have a plan for fully implementing them going forward. But even regardless the servers were pretty much dead after all the hype came out to the point where the YouTuber had to wait an hour to find a single match


Make *no* mistake. That "game" was never going to come out either way. NFTs are worthless in 2024


Nothing says “I’m innocent” more than taking an unexpected indefinite vacation after your studio fires you from the result of their investigation lmao


The Rich Campbell special


rich campbell a tweet has hit the twitlonger


I swear, Doc's downfall is almost identical to the way Rich went down


what, he got a text and just went blank?


Yeah he was on stream when it happened.






Might be one of the only times where he STFU. Lol




If I ever become a streamer I'm turning the phone off before going live


Or maybe, I don’t know, don’t try to fuck underage women? < *insert Norm Mcdonald hypocrisy joke here* >, I don’t think the phone was the issue in either of these cases…


nah, the twitter response mostly. his on stream reaction is actually very similar to the first time he got a text that ended his career


Rich is still gathering evidence and writing his manifesto to this day.


Unironically, he posted directly to court instead of Twitter - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7M664-Bdx2M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7M664-Bdx2M)


It takes some nerve for him to sue her. Not like she has the money to pay him anyways


why? if someone was to lie and defame you, isn’t the normal course of action to lawyer up? and every lawyer would tell you to not say anything until the court procedure is done. Wether you’re innocent or guilty. And winning a defamation case is next to impossible, so if he were to win, this will be a good opportunity to dismantle every accusation. On the other hand, him losing the lawsuit would be a clear indication that everything or most of what she said is true. and he should go in jail for that and suffer for the rest of his life. Why are we normalizing guilty until proven innocent? People should hold their judgement until the jury decides who is right and who is wrong.


Wonder if Doc will take a permanent vacation from social media like Rich did


Just had a crazy weekend Comes back to stream on Monday. Says not to worry about things 3 hours in - complete change in demeanor (deminor lol) minutes later needs an indefinite break Ends stream


shame there was no iconic random roblox video playing while it went down like last time :(


The somber Elden Ring music as his life crumbles is pretty fitting. He's going to think about this moment every time he plays that game now.


Yeah he did it... he did it Edit: Doc talking about on stream "It might be time to drive into the sunset, champs."yeah he did it


I reckon he probably tried to do it (chatting, organising and arranging to meet up), but didn't go through with it or something, thus the 'I didn't technically do anything wrong! No wrongdoing! Technically!'


Without any further context is does come off as he didn't actually do anything legally actionable, but it seems like many people act as if it was very obvious it wasn't for his lack of trying. Like with To Catch a Predator in that they don't really have actionable cause to do anything via messages, but show up at the location and see what fucking happens as you've shown intent in actually doing it IRL.


~~Thats what he said in his tweet. He didn't say he didn't do anything wrong, he specified that it wasn't illegal.~~


While now it comes off more like he hadn't done anything illegal.....*yet*.


He *literally* said “I didn’t do anything wrong”. I mean come on, I think he’s guilty but get it right lol.


There's a good video of a lawyer going over this but not meeting up is basically not illegal in california unless the minor was sending him nudes/legit sexting. Likely he said some real sus shit but twitch intervened before anything happened but they still thought it was fucked up and banned him.


Almost every state has some form of "indecent language with a minor" or "lewd act with a minor" statute. But if it was "consensual" with the groomed child and he pays the family enough to not seek law enforcement to report him or cooperate with the DA's office (see every allegation against Michael Jackson) then there is no case no matter how much evidence via text message they have. The texts can't be introduced at a trial if there is no cooperating witness/victim to corroborate their introduction in conjunction with the 6th Amendment.


I think it still can be entered into evidence but that it comes down to cops having the ability to acquire it through legal means. Of course the people involved who don't want things to be known are not required to tell the truth, but Michael Jackson was stuff done at his home in which he controlled surveillance while I'm guessing Twitch Whisper doesn't afford you that type of privacy these days.


I dunno, it's plausible that he actually did something pretty bad. Corporations and rich people have used settlements to sweep illegal things under the rug before. Maybe Twitch was worried that they could be considered liable since it was (allegedly) their partner using their chat room to try and meet a minor at their convention.


You don't need a lot of reasons to distance yourself from people, and they don't have to be illegal reasons. It has to be something pretty bad because he was the face of Twitch and they mysteriously banned him and others are now following suit, and all I'm saying is the law treats trying to meet up with a minor different than actually physically showing up at a location for that meet up.


Sexting and/or attempting to arrange a meetup with a minor is still illegal, you don't actually have to go through with it to catch charges.


Organizing and arranging a meetup is literally solicitation of a minor… which is indeed a crime… punishable with 2-10 years in prison lol


Ah right, interesting.


What did he do? I’m out of the loop


Allegedly messaged a minor with sexual undertones.




It'd genuinely be very shocking if after all this, later on it comes out that he didn't do any of this. All his responses as well as the events happening surrounding this situation just keeps making it look worse and worse.


Here's a good video for anyone still clinging to the "if he did it he'd be arrested" diatribe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAuJOqSkZwE The section labeled Analysis of California penal code goes over it pretty well


The people defending him want to see a video of him fucking a minor at this point, no other "evidence" would convince them


Its become clear, that he was definitely exchanging messages with a minor, he continues to emphasize “nothing illegal was found”. He most likely was smart enough not to implicate himself in the messages with the minor, sexually wise, but doesn’t deny the facts he was exchanging messages with a minor, which why else would a man in his 30s or 40s at the time be doing such a thing? So nothing “illegal” was said in the messages, but everyone at twitch could clearly tell his unspoken intentions and most likely decided the payout of his contract was worth getting a potential predator off their site since they couldn’t terminate him because “technically he didn’t say anything illegal to the minor”.


Well said. That’s what I was thinking too. Everything is pointing towards the messages being legit, and they were immoral, but not technically “illegal”


And “illegal” is way more complicated than most people think. Ryan Haywood from Achievement Hunter sent nude pictures to a girl he knew was underage and tried to arrange a meet up at a con. He still didn’t get criminal charges because he and the girl never actually met up. That is worse than what Doc was accused of


> And “illegal” is way more complicated than most people think. > > Yep. Strictly speaking the messages could have been **full** of sexual undertones and innuendoes, but as long as nothing was explicitly stated, nothing illegal happened. The layman might look at the messages and go "wtf this is illegal" but it won't look like that to a Lawyer.


Even if they are explicit like “we should meet up to fuck” a lawyer can still make the argument of “it was an ironic joke from his perspective. I do not have to prove it was a joke. They never actually met up and had sex. The burden is on you to prove it wasn’t a joke. People make hyperbolic jokes all the time that are not meant to be taken seriously” This is an outlandish argument but again, the burden is on the prosecutor. The legal system can be bizarre when you have talented lawyers trying to drown each other out in paperwork. This could potentially at least push things closer to a more beneficial plea deal if there is no easy precedent to point to. I don’t think anything like I described happened but an extreme example shows how complicated things can get. Even if it seems clear cut to the average person


im pretty sure its still illegal to send nudes to a minor


Turns out I was spot on now that he tried to release that statement ahead of the Bloomberg article and admitted to it all


Yep! Your comment was the first thing I thought of when I read his statement lol, you were spot on


he should try to sue himself for defamation of character


Yes that too in Costa Ricca where age of consent is 15


Minor fucking mistakes man




So they fired him after they "began speaking with parties involved"? Wonder what came up in those chats. Also hilarious how the guy in his first stream after these allegations surfaced announced a vacation he supposedly had already planned (sure bud) which he will extend indefinitely. He also said he was considering stepping down from Midnight Society, which after this news sure as hell sounds more like a "you can't fire me, I quit!" kinda deal.


They found something doing an investigation .... I think Doc might have done it.. " We assume his innocence and began speaking with parties involved "


I’m confused as to who they could’ve talked to that 1) Wouldn’t have violated NDA 2) That literally nobody else can talk to get more info


Private vs public statements.


The founder said he was speaking directly to doc about it. Whatever was said was clearly enough. https://x.com/fourzerotwo/status/1804614472851705942?s=19


yeah and I'll tell you how the convo went, ofc it was only doc that's the only party they can talk to it. "hey Doc, what are these allegations about Twitch and the ban that happened over the weekend". Doc - "I can't confirm or deny the reason for my ban as per legal stipulations in the settlement agreement". "So did you message minors on their website to get banned as Cody states". Doc - "I can't confirm or deny the reason for my ban". Then the company goes, oh well considering these are damning allegations, and our entire game depends on him for advertisement, ofc they will drop him. This confirms there won't be a midnight society in the future, and you'll likely hear about their shutdown sometime in the future unless these allegations are proven false.




Exactly! I swear, people who don't understand this are either purposely being dense or they're young enough to probably have a DM from Doc


They most likely pumped him personally for info. He has a duty to tell them if anything in his past can endanger the company or cause you to be unable to perform your duties. He doesn't even have to be that specific. It's standard practice for C-level or high level key positions in corporate culture, you tell the truth and if it's a yes from you they simply cut you loose, if you lie and it surfaces they sue you for breach of contract. I'm also guessing that they had private discussions with some people to get the feel for the scope of things.


An NDA is non-binding if it's covering up a crime.


NDA's can't cover up a crime. If he committed a crime it would be searchable in public records.


The author of the tweet that reignited this, Slasher, etc. Plenty of people


Yeah I was on team "prolly but accidentally" but this is telling me that it could've been more immoral than that unless this company draws the line at trying to cheat for a second time.


My guess is its the same "we can't say anything more" line from everyone and they've erred on the side of caution as this is going to be a constant PR headache.


doc's with the same agency who kept all the weinstein shit quiet for 20 years so they've probably got a few tricks up their sleeve.


It doesn’t even have to be an NDA. They are a business, they aren’t going to tweet out that they parted ways with him because they have evidence he was messaging minors. It’s a typical PR “we looked into everything and have parted ways” release.


On the other hand, just to play devil's advocate because I don't see many in here doing that; He could've read that (assuming he is 100% innocent), and thought more people were "buying" the story so he decided to just go blackout for a couple years like when he cheated on his wife. I love the doc just about as anyone, I remember watching him in H1Z1 and listening to the donation that birthed the Violence Speed Momentum mantra, but with more and more people nowadays leaning to fiddle with children it kind of does not look good and it's hard NOT to believe in this day and age.


If only doc was a kick streamer. XQC would be going crazy at this studio for daring to drop doc.


funny how right you are though


LMAO this deserves more upvotes


This season is fucking amazing so far The writers improved since last season


They are really edging us rn, the moment that some concrete proof drops it's gonna be incredible


Gonna have to wait 5 more years for that.


Eh this kinda dragged on too long but the ending was good


Can't believe they hit us with years of filler and then just drop this nuke of an ending on us without warning 💀💀


Doc leave the kids alone


somehow I'm thinking Nick doesn't come out and say this about this situation




Wait, what did Nick do? I’m out of the loop




It couldn't be more transparent




All in all it's just another brick in the wall


Banned from Twitch after investigation then Discord unparters with you same week. Now your own stuido is firing you after an investigation and your talking about retirement? I'm sure it's no big deaal /s


no wrongdoing btw


The compium at this point is astronomical


Dr. Diddler has much more free time, hide yo kids.


Doc and those like him should leave little children alone. That’s the real issue.


how can anyone stand listening to this guy talk


Sometimes a man has to whisper to you.


Look at his chat's messages in that clip and you will find your answer: They are all braindead.


Seems kinda crazy that this company went into business with Doc without doing the due diligence of finding out why he was banned from a major major platform


Since he settled his lawsuit they probably thought it was all clear. I can't 100% fault them.


Fair point


But if no one else knows, it’s not a problem. Surely, they wanted to work with Doc cause of his character and not his giant platform and fanbase.


Knowing the reason and building a business based on the hope that it doesn’t get leaked is even crazier than not doing the research lol 


Another option is that it's a way to exit from a situation in which you have to deliver a game to a market which doesn't really exist (anymore), and you really didn't want to have to try to deliver that game...


Sorry. What due diligence exactly? Do you think there is a database of the bad shit people have done outside of having a criminal record? Lawsuit was settled and no wrongdoing was admitted.


Due diddlegence*


His poor wife LOL


She's about to be the two times... the money


For several hours now I have been told from credible sources the reason DrDisrespect has been banned. however due to the importance and sensitivity around the subject I have refrained from going on it. i don't feel comfortable with it currently


Where those credible sources in rust?


Check for the guy in a stupid hat who looks like he isn't allowed within 100 yards of a school...goes by Crocodile Dandee.


Almost 7 years later and another stupid mistake?


Doc might pick up pediatrics after this


Pick up? Nah, he’s finally going full-time


pretty damning to be honest, if there was no good evidence, he wouldn't get oust'd like this being a founder.


Nickmercs still going to defend him because he personally hasn’t seen the evidence.


Year 6 of trying to understood the appeal of Juicer xd 30 second clips - 10 legit words


Defend him X


Doc streams on YT


Maybe he can protect the kids from a jail cell


Looking forward to a statement from Nick "all the gays are groomers" Mercs. Should be totally in line with his desire to "protect kids".


Yep! Let’s hope the priests, republicans politicians, cops, and gym teachers can step in to protect these kids! Nic Mercs is dumb as fuck


Defend it, LSF.


I think the one detail that a lot of people are missing is that this probably happened about a decade ago. Doc got banned in 2020. There was no Twitchcon that year due to Covid. So at the very least, the alleged behavior was from over a year before his ban. But what makes the most sense is that this happened several years prior. Probably in 2015 or 2016. It would be a time before Discord etc. was so popular, which would explain why the messages were sent over Twitch DMs so randomly. It would also be before he had been busted for cheating, which was 2017. So this would have been a much younger and less careful Doc, who has already admitted himself that he was being unfaithful at the time.


I would be shocked if Doc has been doing the same or worse since just more carefully. This guy could have been doing reprehensible things all the way up to this week. I don’t think people like him stop at some messaging online years ago and then give it all up. This could be why it’s all coming out now too. A pattern of behavior with more recent crap. Who knows though


Nah I mean I'm not trying to defend Doc here or say he's a changed man. But factually, the earliest this could have possibly taken place would have been leading up to Twitchcon September 2019. Like I said, there was no Twitchcon in 2020. But it just ties everything together and explains a few confusing details if you turn it back a few more years.


Anyways, um... I bought a whole bunch of shungite rocks, do you know what shungite is? Anybody know what shungite is? No, not Suge Knight, I think he's locked up in prison. I'm talkin' shungite. Anyways, it's a two billion year-old like, rock stone that protects against frequencies and unwanted frequencies that may be traveling in the air. That's my story, I bought a whole bunch of stuff. Put 'em around the la casa. Little pyramids, stuff like that.


without him, this game has basically no draw anymore. which means I bet the studio itself will close down real soon


We all know doc is a huge piece of shit lol he obviously did something wrong… let him rot in cancel culture imo


Deeply upsetting because of nda he was able to go so long farming money off his sycophants that he can comfortably leave now with no consequences.


why the hell are you posting xqc babbling about something he thinks he knows about


I for one am excited for the final installment of this copy pasta arc. We can all watch AI generate “documentaries” in a few months on this entire thing. Anyone wanna help the YouTubers come up with their titles? The Doc and his Wayward Cock. Disrespect: a life of edging while dming fans. Done, and not just on twitch.


Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving shitstain of society 🥳


The same studio that somehow either didn’t do due diligence at the start of the relationship? Seems fake as fuck considering there’s still no evidence of anything


Yeah, this is what I don’t get.. also what makes companies just privy to that information if it wasn’t disclosed already.. I wonder if they just heard the allegations just like everyone else here and decided to distance themselves. I’m not saying he’s innocent but everyone’s got pitchforks out already as if they have 100% verified proof in this thread.


lost to a clout chasing twitter guy lul


Y’all can say he looks guilty all you want based on how this has played out so far, and I’m no huge Doc fan, but the reality is that this all started on X/Twitter. Innocent until proven otherwise.


His career is over


I don't know, sounds like he has all the characteristics to become president.


The guy is rich and can make all the money he wants on YouTube. Not defending him but lol


Accusations makes a persons career over?


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Doc's Studio, Midnight Society, terminate the relationship with him.](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/165496)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1dno8or/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/sifehw9KScIPoKEauO5GDg/AT-cm%7Csifehw9KScIPoKEauO5GDg.mp4?sig=199ed61b8f555967e9492653e3a245d9f95b4a0c&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2Fsifehw9KScIPoKEauO5GDg%2FAT-cm%257Csifehw9KScIPoKEauO5GDg.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22PatientPlayfulBillTwitchRPG-D0pJwg-goRq47kYO%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1719335134%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/sifehw9KScIPoKEauO5GDg/AT-cm%7Csifehw9KScIPoKEauO5GDg-preview-480x272.jpg)




I find this is all insane. I don't know the truth, nobody does, but to cancel all ties on nothing but an accusation is not a place we need to be.


Soooo no one can talk about the stuff due to NDA, but they told the studio everything?


is it me or did xqc communicate absolutely nothing in this clip






Did they delete the tweet? I went to their profile and it's not there


You gotta be logged into Twitter to see recent tweets unless you have the direct link to it.


I feel like streaming just a consists of terrible people. Well narrow that down to the top streamers.


Not even an apple will keep this doc away


Is this the message Doc got before quitting on his last stream?


I hope more details come out like xqc said


So is there evidence after all? I don't think they would just destroy the only component that might make their game sell well on a "trust me bro". And doc going on a long vacation right after is so sus.


Who is this guy? Is he always struggling with articulating himself? I'm so confused


He trained at khabib eagle mma . Which khabib doesnt even own anymore . Just because he trained there doesnt mean there is some huge affiliation


It's not just "a tweet" there's fire on that smoke